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A sharp-interface level-set (LS) method is presented for computing particle motion in an evaporating microdroplet. The LS formulation for incompressible two-phase flow is extended to include the effects of evaporation, mass transfer, heat transfer, and dynamic contact angles. A numerical technique for the conservation of particle concentration is incorporated into the LS method, and calculation procedures are also developed and tested for reducing the numerical errors caused in the computation of interface curvature and liquid–gas velocity jump. The improved LS method is applied to the simulation of particle distribution in microdroplet evaporation on a solid surface.  相似文献   

基于瞬态气液相控制方程,建立了超临界工况下二甲醚(DME)蒸发的数学模型,并进行了数值求解。详细考虑了高压下的非理想气体效应、液滴表面热动力相平衡、环境气体的可溶性、流体热物性的高压修正以及Soret和Dufour耦合效应等。计算结果表明,高压下气体溶解显著增强,相变焓明显偏离蒸发潜热,d~2律已不能准确描述液滴蒸发现象,液滴表面温度一直处于上升状态,甚至可以达到临界点;而且,随着压力的上升,耦合效应对蒸发的影响逐渐增强。  相似文献   

An axisymmetric Dual-Grid Level-Set Method (DGLSM) is proposed for transient simulation of two-fluid electrohydrodynamic flow. Level-set and electric field equations are solved on a uniform grid which is twice that for Navier-Stokes equations, for accurate computation of interface and forces due to surface tension and electric field. Code validation and performance study is done for two problems: coalescence and electric field-induced deformation of drops (both fluids leaky and perfect dielectrics). The DGLSM gives results of almost the same accuracy as a fine-grid-based traditional level-set method (LSM) in a computational time slightly more than that for a coarse-grid-based LSM.  相似文献   

基于格子玻尔兹曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann Method, LBM)对固着在加热基板上的液滴铺展及蒸发过程进行模拟,主要研究重力场、基板润湿性以及初始环境温度对液滴铺展及蒸发过程的影响。通过预测蒸发过程中液滴与基板的接触直径变化和液滴剩余质量变化,分析液滴形状及体积变化。研究结果发现,液滴形貌及蒸发过程受重力影响较大,重力作用下液滴铺展现象明显且蒸发加快。基板的接触角越小,液滴铺展现象越明显,其接触直径越大,蒸发越快。当环境温度与基板温度相差较大时,液滴内部出现涡流,强化换热使蒸发过程加快。  相似文献   

大曲率弯管内颗粒运动的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以商业软件FLUENT为平台,利用UDF将DEM程序编译进FLUENT,从而实现了DEM与CFD的耦合。利用这一方法研究了大曲率弯管内的气力输送过程中颗粒运动过程。结果表明:磨损点存在于弯管外侧内壁和内侧内壁,在弯管内侧内壁会同时产生冲击磨损与摩擦磨损。  相似文献   

超临界环境下燃料液滴蒸发过程的计算研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了研究燃料液滴在超临界环境下蒸发的计算模型,并对液滴的蒸发过程进行了编程计算.模型基于气液两相的守恒方程,并详细考虑了液滴表面的气液相平衡.模型采用了Peng-Robinson(PR)状态方程.计算结果表明:超临界压力下,液滴周围气体在液相中的溶解很明显.燃料液滴只有在强超临界环境中蒸发时,液滴表面才能发生由亚临界状态到超临界状态的迁移;而在弱超临界环境中蒸发时,液滴表面不会发生迁移.随着环境压力的升高,液滴寿命先是下降然后升高;而当环境温度升高时,液滴寿命不断下降.  相似文献   

为达到新型燃料发动机高效工作的目的,基于质量、动量、能量方程,对单个乙醇液滴在高温氮气环境下的运动和蒸发过程建立数学模型,通过与实验数据对比,验证了模型的有效性。分析了不同环境压力下,液滴温度、速度、尺寸与时间和贯穿距离的关系。结果表明:环境压力越高,瞬态和平衡蒸发阶段时间越长,温度越高;液滴运动速度下降越快,贯穿距离越短;蒸发速度越慢,液滴寿命越长。在液滴速度连续变化的距离内,液滴温度逐渐上升,而尺寸略有膨胀。随环境压力升高,瞬态阶段的膨胀越显著。  相似文献   

Thermal behavior of a liquid drop moving in an incompressible fluid of infinite extent is investigated numerically. Dynamical equations describing the temporal evolution of the flow and temperature fields of dispersed and continuous phases are solved by a hybrid spectral scheme in conjunction with the influence matrix technique to resolve the lack of vorticity boundary conditions. Both Chebyshev and Legendre polynomials are employed to expand the flow variables and temperature in the radial and angular directions, respectively. With the aid of the Galerkin and collocation methods, together with the first-order backward Euler time differencing, the governing partial differential equations reduce to a nonlinear system of algebraic equations. Numerical results reveal a discrepancy between quasi-steady and fully transient analyses at high Peclet numbers.  相似文献   

In this work, a hypothesis is proposed for two-phase flow simulation: The number of grid points required for the grid-independent solution of the flow field is lesser than that required to capture the grid-independent interface. Based on this, a dual-grid level-set(LS) method (DGLSM) is proposed, where the LS and energy equations are solved on a uniform grid which is twice finer than the continuity and momentum equations. This novel grid arrangement is aimed at improving interface resolution with only a slight increase in computational time. Qualitative and quantitative results of the DGLSM are compared against analytical, experimental, and numerical results on three stringent test problems: dam break, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, and film boiling. The results show that the DGLSM is accurate and robust, even for surface tension-dominant flows. Moreover, the hypothesis is corroborated by showing that the DGLSM is nearly as accurate as the completely refined traditional LS method at substantially less computational expense.  相似文献   

建立水平驻波声场中直链颗粒团聚体的动力学模型,利用数值模拟方法研究单分散颗粒凝并生成的直链颗粒团聚体的运动特性.结果表明:直链颗粒团聚体除发生周期性往复振动外,还在一定角度范围内来回转动,其振动不受所含原始颗粒个数的影响,转动频率随原始颗粒个数的增加而增大,与等体积球形颗粒差别显著;团聚体的平动不受初始夹角θ0的影响,而其转动范围由θ0决定,当0θ0π/2时,团聚体的转动范围为[-θ0,θ0];在团聚体初始位置由速度波节向波腹移动的过程中,其平动位移振幅和转动频率均增大;随着原始颗粒粒径的增大,团聚体平动位移振幅和转动频率均减小.  相似文献   

状态方程对高温高压条件下燃料液滴蒸发计算的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以实际气体状态方程为基础,建立了单个液滴的高压蒸发模型和数值计算方法,并对庚烷液滴在氮气中的蒸发过程进行了模拟计算.重点研究了RK、SRK、PR三种状态方程对高温高压条件下燃料液滴蒸发计算的影响.结果表明,PR方程在气液相平衡、热物性参数以及液滴直径变化历程的计算上都与试验数据有很好的一致性;SRK方程在气液相平衡、二元混合物临界点以及庚烷相变焓的计算上与PR方程的计算结果十分接近,但在热物性参数和液滴蒸发寿命的计算上相比于PR方程的计算结果偏小;RK方程的计算结果与SRK方程和PR方程相比均存在较大偏差.因此,对于建立单个液滴高压蒸发模型而言,PR方程的精度最高,SRK方程次之,RK方程的精度最差.  相似文献   

In this paper, the collapse of a void bubble filled with vapor content is numerically investigated using a novel moving particle semi-implicit with meshless advection by flow-directional local grid (MPS-MAFL) method. The interfacial velocity, collapse time, bubble shape variation, peak pressure, rebound bubble radius, and other interesting parameters were obtained and are discussed profoundly. The vapor bubble undergoes several cycles of oscillation with reduced amplitude during the whole collapse process, which is similar to cavitation bubble collapse. The computational results show that the bubble collapse time is linearly proportional to the initial bubble size, which agrees with the Rayleigh equation. The minimum rebound bubble radius ratio is less affected by initial bubble size for a large bubble. Comparison work was also conducted against experimental data by Board and Kimpton. The comparison revealed that the MPS method supplied with an adiabatic compression assumption for vapor content is more suitable to evaluate the collapse behaviors of a low-pressure vapor bubble. This work is helpful for further application of the moving particle semi-implicit with meshless advection using flow-directional local grid (MPS-MAFL) method to solving complicated bubble dynamics.  相似文献   

A numerical method for computing the motion of bubbles undergoing liquid?vapor phase change is presented. The method is based on a level set technique for capturing the phase interface, which is modified to include the effect of phase change at the interface as well as to achieve mass conservation during the whole calculation procedure. The modified level set method is applied for numerical simulation of bubble rise and growth in a stationary liquid. The numerical results are found to compare well with the data reported in the literature and the analytical solutions.  相似文献   

水平热壁上泄漏燃料蒸发与着火的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了成流泄漏燃料在热壁上的蒸发与着火模型,分析了泄漏燃料在热壁上的沸腾模式,得到了蒸气离开液面时初始条件的计算方法.采用大涡模拟计算了不同热壁温度时,热壁上方空气的温度分布,并以正十六烷为例计算分析了蒸气在热壁上方发生着火的条件,得到了泄漏燃油在热壁上发生着火的时间与着火点高度.  相似文献   

液滴蒸发实验装置相似性设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马力  仇性启  王健 《工业加热》2012,41(4):36-39
分析急冷器的操作工况,根据关键相似准数相等的原理建立了实验模型.推导出了实验所需要的操作参数的计算公式,并计算得出实验模型的关键尺寸及流速和温度等操作参数.在此基础上设计了实验装置,并详细介绍了实验装置各系统的设计原理和操作方法.  相似文献   

以一台存在结渣的国产300MW机组的1025t/h锅炉为对象,采用数值模拟对其中硫铁矿和煤粉及其飞灰颗粒的运动进行数值计算,通过对两者在炉内的运动和水冷壁附近颗粒浓度的比较,探讨结渣产生的机理和原因,并对与结渣有关的含硫量、FeS2密度、硫铁矿颗粒尺寸分布、缩小切圆直径的影响进行了数值研究。  相似文献   

利用界面追踪法对三组分不混溶流体的开尔文-亥姆霍兹不稳定性(Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, KHI)进行直接数值模拟。并针对中间流体层密度及黏度、重力、表面张力及剪切力对KHI的影响进行了着重探讨。研究结果表明,理查德森数增大不仅能够抑制界面的演化,同时还会限制界面的退化。除此之外,卷起高度和KHI的增长速率与弗劳德数之间呈正相关关系。表面张力能够抑制KHI向内发展,随着表面张力系数的增大,KHI向内的发展会逐渐变慢。但当波数较小时,表面张力对KHI向上发展的影响很小,且当界面的波数大于4时不会触发KHI的典型形式。剪切力越大,界面卷起高度和增长速率越大。  相似文献   

采用欧拉气相方程和拉格朗日液滴方程,同时耦合化学反应,对喷雾流动、蒸发、燃烧进行模拟,分析了喷雾液滴的分布、液滴贯穿距离、索特平均直径、放热率等。通过与试验结果的对比表明:计算能很好地预测蒸发和非蒸发喷雾的油滴贯穿距离以及燃料蒸气的贯穿距离;高温高压下喷雾的自燃着火,燃烧迅速扩散。对计算结果的分析表明:高温高压下容易产生二次破裂;在火焰前锋附近,局部放热量大,产生了预混燃烧,而喷雾液核区域的燃油燃烧是由湍流扩散控制的。  相似文献   

孙民  陈石 《内燃机学报》1991,9(1):35-40
本文利用模拟在过热状态下的燃油中气泡生成理论与传统的燃油喷雾贯穿距离计算相结合,对闪急沸腾喷雾的贯穿距离和锥角进行了数值计算,以期为进一步研究闪急沸腾喷雾提供帮助。  相似文献   

应用一个准维多区模型对柴油机喷雾的蒸发、混合和燃烧进行了数值模拟,提出了求解燃油蒸发过程的油滴直径瞬时变化的简单代数方程,考虑了碰壁对喷雾射流贯穿的影响。并对一台直喷式柴油机的燃烧过程进行了计算,计算结果与试验值符合较好。  相似文献   

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