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利用四球摩擦磨损试验机考察了噻吩及实验室合成的2-烷基硫甲基噻吩对菜籽油摩擦学性能的影响,用X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察分析了磨损表面的形貌和元素存在状态。用差示扫描量热法(DSC)评价了合成添加剂对菜籽油氧化稳定性的影响,结果表明:2-烷基硫甲基噻吩系列化合物大大提高了菜籽油的承载能力,但加剧了钢-钢摩擦副的磨损。含上述添加剂的菜籽油在摩擦副表面发生摩擦化学反应,生成菜籽油和添加剂共同作用所产生的边界润滑膜,从而改变了菜籽油的润滑性能,2-烷基硫甲基噻吩可明显改善菜籽油的抗氧化性能。 相似文献
合成了一种新型含硫氮硼酸酯润滑油添加剂,利用四球摩擦磨损试验机考察了其在菜子油中的摩擦学性能,并用x射线光电子能谱仪分析了磨斑表面的元素化学状态。结果表明:含硫氮硼酸酯可显著改善菜子油的减摩抗磨性能和承载能力;含上述添加剂的菜子油在摩擦过程中发生了摩擦化学反应,生成了含菜子油甘油酯、有机硫化物、硫酸亚铁、三氧化二硼等组成的边界润滑膜,从而改善了菜子油的摩擦学性能。 相似文献
表面修饰Ag2S纳米微粒的热稳定性能及摩擦学行为研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
采用有机化合物表面修饰法在溶液中原位合成了DDP(二烷氧基二硫代磷酸吡啶法)修饰的Ag2S纳米微粒,该纳米核的粒径小,具有与块体Ag2S相同的晶体结构,表面修饰层的存在能够有效抑制Ag2S纳米核的氧化且使其在有机介质和液体石蜡油中具有良好的分散性,采用多种手段分析表征了DDP修饰Ag2S纳米微粒的结构、热稳定性能和摩擦学性能。结果表明,经表面修饰的Ag2S纳米微粒具有较好的减摩抗磨性能,可显著提高基础油的失效负荷,是一种新型的润滑油抗磨添加剂。 相似文献
TPP在绿色润滑油基础油中摩擦行为的仿真研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用BP神经网络建立了磷酸三苯酯(TPP)在菜籽油中的摩擦行为模型,通过模型检测,目标输出与模型输出的曲线成对角线,具有较高的精度。并采用模型对TPP在菜籽油的摩擦行为进行了仿真分析,TPP的添加质量分数为1.0%时,减磨性最好;TPP在菜籽油中的抗磨性在大负荷(600N以上)下,随着摩擦时间的增加下降较快。 相似文献
Vegetable oil has several characteristics that provide advantages for use as lubricant. This includes a high viscosity index, high flash point, high biodegradability, and friction and wear reduction properties. However, vegetable oil has some disadvantages such as low oxidation stability and low thermal stability. The transesterification process of palm oil using trimethylolpropane (TMP) alcohol has been proven to reduce the oxidation stability of vegetable oil. However, little research has been carried out on the effect of TMP ester as a lubricant in term of friction and wear. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of temperature on the tribological properties of TMP ester using a four-ball machine. The load and speed of the sample were set at 40 kg and 1,200 rpm, respectively. Temperature was varied between 50 and 100°C. It was found that TMP ester improved the friction properties by around 15–20%. At low temperature, TMP esters have a higher coefficient of friction (COF) compared to paraffin oil. However, as the temperature increased higher than 80°C, paraffin oil had a highere COF value. This is because at high temperature, the lubricant filmed formed by fatty acids tends to be less stable and breaks down more easily. 相似文献
以菜子油为原料,甲醇为酯交换剂,并以S粉和P2O5作为改性剂,合成了一种带有极压元素硫和磷的多羟基脂肪酸(酯)极压润滑剂,在制备成2%(质量分数)左右的乳化液后,经摩擦学性能考察,结果表明:该润滑液的最大无咬卡载荷(PB)为1260N,表面磨斑直径(WSD)和摩擦因数(μ)的最佳值分别为0.33mm和0.039,达到并超过了资料报导的目前以油为润滑介质的国内同类产品的性能指标。 相似文献
The new generation of vegetable oil hydraulic fluids has a price advantage and provides field longevity comparable to synthetic esters at moderate temperature. This article investigates the oxidation stability and tribological behavior of fully formulated vegetable oil hydraulic fluids. Differences in origin (canola, soybean, and sunflower oil) and the degree of unsaturation are studied. Modified ASTM D943 (Dry TOST) was found reliable to evaluate the impact on oxidative stability of various additive packages in vegetable oils. Tribological testing utilized laboratory hydraulic pumps such as the Vickers V 104C, Vickers 20VQ, and Vickers PFB-5 under a variety of temperatures, pressures, pump outputs, and speeds. The conditions of aging fluids were monitored by evaluation of TAN, viscosity, wear rate, and depletion of antioxidants. Voltammetric technique was applied to determine the concentration of antioxidant in systems. Based on analysis of antioxidant consumption, the main degenerative process in vegetable oils under demanding pump operations is similar to pyrolytic degradation, rather than oxidation. By selecting the appropriate synergistic additive packages, a remarkable pump longevity can be obtained for each vegetable base stock studied. 相似文献
This article investigates the tribological behavior of nanoparticles (NPs) of titanium dioxide anatase TiO2 (A), graphene, and TiO2 (A) + graphene added to the pure base oil group ΙΙ (PBO-GΙΙ). The morphology of these two nanostructures of TiO2 (A) and graphene was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Oleic acid (OA) was blended as a surfactant into the formulation to help stabilize the NPs in the lubricant oil. A four-ball test rig was used to determine the tribological performance of six different samples, and an image acquisition system was used to examine and measure the wear scar diameter of the stationary balls. Field emission–scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) was used to examine the wear morphology. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), element mapping, and Raman spectroscopy were employed to confirm the presence of (TiO2 (A) + graphene) and the formation of a tribolayer/film on the mating surfaces. Moreover, a 3D optical surface texture analyzer was utilized to investigate the scar topography and tribological performance. The experiments proved that adding (0.4?wt% TiO2 (A) + 0.2?wt% graphene) to the PBO-GΙΙ optimized its tribological behavior. These excellent results can be attributed to the dual additive effect and the formation of a tribofilm of NPs during sliding motion. Furthermore, the average reductions in the coefficient of friction (COF), wear scar diameter (WSD), and specific wear rate (SWR) were 38.83, 36.78, and 15.78%, respectively, for (0.4?wt% TiO2 (A) + 0.2?wt% graphene) nanolubricant compared to plain PBO-GΙΙ lubricant. 相似文献
含酯基苯并噻唑衍生物在菜籽油中的摩擦学性能及作用机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
合成了2种无灰无磷环境友好抗磨添加剂(含酯基苯并噻唑衍生物MBTA和MBTT),利用红外光谱和元素分析对其分子结构进行了表征.使用四球机考察了2种添加剂在菜籽油中的极压、抗磨和减摩性能,结果表明,2种苯并噻唑衍生物在适当范围内改善了菜籽油的抗磨性能,且添加剂MBTA的抗磨性能优于添加剂MBTT;2种添加剂仅仅在低载荷下有一定的减摩作用,添加剂MBTA和MBTT分别将菜籽油的最大无卡咬负荷提高了75.5% 和66.7%.使用XPS分析了添加剂MBTA在钢球磨斑表面的摩擦膜化学组成,发现添加剂MBTA在摩擦过程中活性硫元素与金属表面发生了摩擦化学反应,其生成的摩擦膜主要由FeS和/或FeS2组成. 相似文献
利用四球磨损试验机考察了以氯化石蜡作为菜子油极压添加剂时的摩擦学性能,通过测定在不同氯化石蜡含量下的最大无卡咬负荷(PR)和不同条件下的磨斑直径,分析和研究了载荷、摩擦时间、添加剂含量对菜子油摩擦学性能的影响。试验结果表明:以氯化石蜡作为添加剂时能改善菜子油的承载能力和耐磨性能,但在高载荷时对提高承载能力的效果不明显,试验还表明氯化石蜡的使用并非含量越高越好。 相似文献
在M - 2 0 0型磨损试验机上进行了金属间化合物MoSi2 / 4 5 # 钢的摩擦磨损试验 ,考察了载荷和润滑状态对MoSi2 材料摩擦磨损性能的影响 ,采用扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)和微探针观察了其磨损形貌 ,并分析了其磨损机理。结果表明 :油润滑明显改善了MoSi2 材料的摩擦学性能。MoSi2 材料的磨损机理在低载荷 (5 0~ 80N)下主要表现为疲劳磨损和磨粒磨损 ,高载荷 (12 0N以上 )下以氧化磨损为主。载荷为 15 0N时 ,MoSi2 材料具有较好的综合摩擦磨损性能 ,摩擦系数和磨损率分别为 0 1和 0 0 0 9g·km-1。 相似文献
含硫极压抗磨添加剂在菜籽油中的摩擦学性能研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
利用四球磨损试验机考察了以硫化异丁烯和硫化棉籽油作为菜籽油极压抗磨添加剂时的摩擦学性能,通过测定2种添加剂在不同含量下的最大无卡咬负荷(pB)和不同条件下的磨斑直径(WSD),分析和研究了载荷、摩擦时间、添加剂含量对菜籽油摩擦学性能的影响。试验结果表明:硫化异丁烯可以明显提高菜籽油的承载能力和抗磨性能,硫化棉籽油对提高菜籽油的承载能力和抗磨性能效果不明显,硫化异丁烯在菜籽油中的承载能力和抗磨性能明显优于硫化棉籽油。试验还表明添加剂的含量并非越高越好,否则WSD值将增大。 相似文献
二硫代磷酸硫化氧钼与常用内燃机油添加剂的复配特性研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
在四球机上研究了二(2-乙基己基)二硫代磷酸硫化氧钼与常用内燃机油添加剂的复配特性。结果表明,这些添加剂彼此复配时均有一 加量范围,方可对摩擦磨损产生增效作用,因而实际使用时必须慎重选择。 相似文献
用四球试验机评价了二烷基二硫代氨基甲酸稀土(La和ce)和环烷酸稀土(La和Ce)在加氢基础油中的摩擦学特性.结果表明,有机稀土添加剂具有优良的抗磨和减摩性能及高的承载能力,与其他添加剂复配具有良好的协同效应.基于AES分析探讨了有机稀土添加剂的作用机制,发现有机稀土化合物在摩擦副表面形成复杂的化学反应膜,呈现出优良的摩擦学特性. 相似文献