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The Cu2O particles or clusters dispersed mesoporous SiO2 composite films were prepared by a new method: First the matrix SiO2 films were prepared by sol-gel process combined with the dip-coating technique, and then they were soaked in Cu(NO3)2 solutions followed by γ-ray irradiation at room temperature and in ambient pressure. Thus prepared Cu2O/SiO2 composite films were examined by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy. Compared with the pure Cu2O nanoparticles, an obvious blue shift existed in the obtained Cu2O/SiO2 composite films.  相似文献   

Small Ag particles or clusters dispersed mesoporous SiO2 composite films were prepared by a new method: First the matrix SiO2 films were prepared by sol-gel process combined with the dip-coating technique, then they were soaked in AgNO3 solutions followed by irradiation of γ-ray at room temperature and in ambient pressure. The structures of these films were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), and optical absorption spectroscopy. It has been shown that the Ag particles grown within the porous SiO2 films are very small, and they are isolated and dispersed from each other with very narrow size distributions. With increasing the soaking concentration and an additional annealing, an opposite peakshift effect of the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was observed in the optical absorption measurements.  相似文献   

Optical properties of Zn-doped CuInS2 thin films grown by double source thermal evaporation method have been studied. The amount of the Zn source was determined to be 0%-4% molecular weight compared with CuInS2 source. After that, samples were annealed in vacuum at the temperature of 450 °C in quartz tube. The optical constants of the deposited films were obtained from the analysis of the experimental recorded transmission and reflexion spectral data over the wavelength range 300-1800 nm. It is observed that there is an increase in optical band gap with increasing Zn % molecular weight. It has been found that the refractive index and extinction coefficient are dependent on Zn incorporation. The complex dielectric constants of Zn-doped CuInS2 films have been calculated in the investigated wavelength range. It was found that the refractive index dispersion data obeyed the single oscillator of the Wemple-DiDomenico model, from which the dispersion parameters and the high-frequency dielectric constant were determined. The electric free carrier susceptibility and the carrier concentration on the effective mass ratio were estimated according to the model of Spitzer and Fan.  相似文献   

Indium tin oxide (ITO) thin films were deposited on quartz substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering and annealed in N2 and air. The normal incidence transmittance of the films was measured by a spectrophotometer. The electrical parameters such as carrier concentration, mobility and resistivity were investigated by van der Pauw method. An optical model has been proposed to simulate the optical constants and thicknesses of the films from transmittance data, which combines the Forouhi-Bloomer model and modified Drude model. The relaxation energy in the Drude term is taken as energy-dependent for a better fitting in the visible spectral range. The simulated transmittance is in good agreement with the measured spectrum in the whole measurement wavelength range. The electrical parameters obtained from the optical simulation are well consistent with those measured electrically by van der Pauw method. The experimental results also indicate that the different post-deposition annealing treatments yield the distinct optical and electrical properties of ITO films.  相似文献   

HfO2 thin films with columnar microstructure were deposited directly on ZnS substrates by electron beam evaporation process. SiO2 thin films, deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering, were used as buffer layers, HfO2 thin films of granular microstructure were obtained on SiO2 interlayer by this process. X-ray diffraction patterns demonstrate that the as-deposited HfO2 films are in an amorphous-like state with small amount of crystalline phase while the HfO2 films annealed at 450 °C in O2 for 30 min and in Ar for 150 min underwent a phase transformation from amorphous-like to monoclinic phase. Antireflection effect in certain infrared wave band, such as 3–6 μm, 4–12 μm, 4–8 μm and 3–10 μm, can be observed, which was dependent on the thickness of thin films. The cross-sectional images of HfO2 films, obtained by field emission scanning electron microscopy, revealed that there was no distinct morphological change upon annealing.  相似文献   

Hafnia films prepared onto silicon wafers at three substrate temperatures of 40, 160 and 280 °C are optically characterized utilizing the multi-sample method. The characterization uses the combination of variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry within the spectral region 1.24-6.5 eV (190-1000 nm). The structural model of the HfO2 films includes boundary nanometric roughness, thickness non-uniformity and refractive index profile. Spectral dependences of the film optical constants are expressed using a recently developed parametrized joint density of states model describing the dielectric response of both interband transitions and excitations of localized states below the band gap. It is shown that the observed weak absorption below the band gap does not correspond to the Urbach tail.  相似文献   

Present work is focused on obtaining and characterization of sol-gel thin films belonging to SiO2-P2O5-Er2O3 (I) and SiO2-P2O5-Pr2O3 (II) systems. The films have been obtained by spin coating technique for three rotation speeds: 2000, 3500 and 5000 rpm. The deposition of the films was performed at different periods of time, i.e. 24 h, 96 h, 120 h, 144 h and 168 h after instant preparation of the precursor sols. FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and Raman characterization aimed at investigating the structural changes that occurred in silicophosphate network in dependence on the spin rate of the substrate as well as on the time period elapsed since the sol preparation till the deposition day. FTIR spectra recorded in the 400-4000 cm−1 range revealed Si-O-Si, P-O-P and Si-O-P vibration modes and optical phonons specific for OH units. Raman spectra collected in the 100-4000 cm−1 range put in evidence stretching, bending and mixed vibration modes specific for silicophosphate network as well as rare-earth ion peaks specific to certain electronic transitions. Morphological investigation made by AFM (atomic force microscopy) on Er and Pr-doped silicophosphate sol-gel films evidenced specific features depending on the parameters mentioned above and SEM (scanning electron microscopy) analysis revealed micron sphere structural units, exfoliation of the films and micro cracks.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient of composite films consisting of niobia (Nb2O5) and silica (SiO2) mixtures is studied for photon energies around the band gap. The films were deposited by co-evaporation and their composition was varied by changing the ratio of deposition rates of the two materials. Both, as-deposited and thermally annealed films were characterized by different techniques: the absorption coefficient was determined by spectrophotometric measurements and the structural properties were investigated using infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The correlation between the variations of absorption properties and film composition and structure is established. The absorption coefficients determined experimentally are compared with the results derived from effective medium theories in order to evaluate the suitability of these theories for the studied composites.  相似文献   

PbSe films have been deposited on glass and quartz substrates at room temperature by thermal evaporation technique. X-ray diffraction patterns of the obtained films showed that they have polycrystalline texture and exhibit cubic FCC structure. The optical constants, the refractive index n and absorption index k were calculated in the spectral range of 400-4000 nm from transmittance and reflectance data using Murmann’s exact equations. Both n and k are practically independent on the film thickness in the range 28 nm to 210 nm. From the analysis of absorption index data, an indirect allowed energy gap of 0.16 eV and direct allowed energy gap of 0.277 eV were obtained. Other direct allowed optical transitions were obtained with energy gap of 0.49 eV and may be due to the splitting of valence band at the Γ point due to the effect of spin-orbit interaction.  相似文献   

HfO2/SiO2 and Al2O3/SiO2 multilayers to be employed as high reflectance end mirrors in Cerium-doped fluoride solid-state lasers were produced by radio frequency sputtering. The components were designed to have high transmittance at the pumping wavelength and high reflectance in a wavelength band corresponding to the active medium emission. A photoacoustic beam deflection technique and inspection of the irradiated area under a microscope were used to measure the laser induced damage threshold of the mirrors at the pumping wavelength. These coatings were tested in a laser cavity.  相似文献   

Titanium oxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited onto glass substrates by means of spray pyrolysis method using methanolic titanyl acetyl acetonate as precursor solution. The thin films were deposited at three different temperatures namely 350, 400 and 450 °C. As-deposited thin films were amorphous having 100–300 nm thickness. The thin films were subsequently annealed at 500 °C in air for 2 h. Structural, optical and electrical properties of TiO2 thin films have been studied. Polycrystalline thin films with rutile crystal structure, as evidenced from X-ray diffraction pattern, were obtained with major reflexion along (1 1 0). Surface morphology and growth stages based on atomic force microscopy measurements are discussed. Electrical properties have been studied by means of electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power measurements. Optical study shows that TiO2 possesses direct optical transition with band gap of 3.4 eV.  相似文献   

Thermochromic VO2 thin films presenting a phase change at Tc = 68 °C and having variable thickness were deposited on silicon substrates (Si-001) by radio-frequency sputtering. These thin films were obtained from optimized reduction of low cost V2O5 targets. Depending on deposition conditions, a non-thermochromic metastable VO2 phase might also be obtained. The thermochromic thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, ellipsometry techniques, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and optical emissivity analyses. In the wavelength range 0.3 to 25 μm, the optical transmittance of the thermochromic films exhibited a large variation between 25 and 100 °C due to the phase transition at Tc: the contrast in transmittance (difference between the transmittance values to 25 °C and 100 °C) first increased with film thickness, then reached a maximum value. A model taking into account the optical properties of both types of VO2 film fully justified such a maximum value. The n and k optical indexes were calculated from transmittance and reflectance spectra. A significant contrast in emissivity due to the phase transition was also observed between 25 and 100 °C.  相似文献   

TeO2 thin films were deposited on quartz substrates by rf reactive sputtering technique from a Te metal target. The obtained samples were annealed in an argon atmosphere at 450 °C for different annealing times up to 90 min. X-ray diffraction studies revealed that the as-grown samples were amorphous and there was no appreciable change in structure for a short annealing time. Thin films became polycrystalline with the tetragonal (α-phase) structure of tellurium dioxide crystal with the increase of the thermal annealing time. The refractive index and optical energy gap of the films were calculated by modelling transmittance spectra. The optical energy gap decreased continuously from 3.83 eV to 3.71 eV with increasing thermal annealing time.  相似文献   

Gex Sb40−x Se60 (x = 0, 2.42 and 23.41 at.%) thin chalcogenide films were deposited on glass and quartz substrates by the conventional thermal evaporation technique at 300 K. The chemical composition of the bulk material and as-deposited films were determined by energy dispersive analysis X-ray spectrometry (EDAX). X-ray diffraction pattern (XRD) of Gex Sb40−x Se60 (x = 0, 2.42 and 23.41 at.%) thin films indicates that they have amorphous structure. The optical transmission and reflection spectra were measured in the range of 500 to 2500 nm. The optical absorption coefficient spectra were studied for deposited samples. It is observed that the optical absorption edge shift to higher energy range, as the germanium content, x, increases in the film. The type of electronic transition, responsible for the optical properties, is indirect allowed transition. It is found that the optical band gap increases as the Ge content increases.The average coordination number (Nc) in Gex Sb40−x Se60 films increases, but the number of chalcogenide atoms remains constant. The number of Ge - Se bonds and the average bond energy of the system increase with the increase of the average coordination number. The optical band gap, Eg, increases with the increase of the average coordination number, (Nc). Also the energy gap, E04, is discussed in terms of its relation to the chemical composition. The dispersion of the refractive index (n) is discussed in terms of the Single Oscillator Model (SOM) (Wimple - Didomenico model). The single oscillator energy (E0), the dispersion energy (Ed) and the optical dielectric constant (?) are also estimated.  相似文献   

Pulsed laser deposited nanocrystalline V2O5 thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and optical spectroscopy. The films were deposited on amorphous glass substrates, keeping the O2 partial pressure at 13.33 Pa and the substrate temperature at 220 °C. The characteristics of the films were changed by varying the laser fluence and repetition rate. XRD revealed that films are nanocrystalline with an orthorhombic structure. XPS shows the sub-stoichiometry of the films, that generally relies on the fact that during the formation process of V2O5 films, lower valence oxides are also created. From the HRTEM images, we observed the size evolution and distribution characteristics of the clusters in the function of the laser fluence. From the spectral transmittance we determined the absorption edge using the Tauc plot. Calculation of the Bohr radius for V2O5 is also reported.  相似文献   

W.T. Tang  Z.G. Hu  J. Sun  J.D. Wu 《Thin solid films》2010,518(19):5442-5446
A plasma assisted reactive pulsed laser deposition process was demonstrated for low-temperature deposition of thin hafnia (HfO2) and zirconia (ZrO2) films from metallic hafnium or zirconium with assistance of an oxygen plasma generated by electron cyclotron resonance microwave discharge. The structure and the interface of the deposited films on silicon were characterized by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, which reveals the monoclinic phases of HfO2 and ZrO2 in the films with no interfacial SiOx layer between the oxide film and the Si substrate. The optical properties of the deposited films were investigated by measuring the refractive indexes and extinction coefficients with the aid of spectroscopic ellipsometry technique. The films deposited on fused silica plates show excellent transparency from the ultraviolet to near infrared with sharp ultraviolet absorption edges corresponding to direct band gap.  相似文献   

Present paper looks into the possibilities and limitations of near ultraviolet-visible range spectroscopic ellipsometry in investigating HfO2 thin films (thickness < 7 nm). The “high k” dielectric films were produced by Atomic Layer Deposition—ALD, sputtering, and Metalo-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition—MOCVD, on silicon and on silicon/silicon dioxide structures. Using a simple optical model (Cauchy dispersion, with an Urbach absorption tail), suitable for the optical range investigated, we extract the thickness of the layers and their optical constants. Results related to the optical properties show the important impact made by the initial surface and the growth/deposition procedure. It is also shown that for the case of ALD HfO2 films grown on RTO oxides a significant increase in the absorption coefficient is recorded in the 4.7-5.15 eV range; this can be linked with the formation of defects related to oxygen vacancies. Subsequent anneal cycles performed in oxygen reveal that changes do occur both at the transition layer level, and in the structure of the HfO2 film, for which an increase in the absorption is recorded.  相似文献   

使用射频磁控溅射和化学溶液法制备了SiO2/聚酰亚胺(PI)/SiO2绝缘膜。分别使用X射线衍射、扫描电镜对薄膜结构和薄膜表面形貌进行了表征;利用超高阻微电流测试仪测试了SiO2/PI/SiO2复合绝缘膜漏电流和电压击穿特性;采用SiO2/PI/SiO2作为绝缘膜,制作了后栅型场致发射器件,使用场发射测试系统测试了器件的开启电压、发射电流以及发光亮度。结果表明:SiO2/PI/SiO2复合绝缘膜具有高的击穿电压和低的漏电流密度,后栅器件中栅极对阴极表面的电场强度调控作用明显,阳极电压为750V时,栅极开启电压为91 V,阳极电流可达384μA,栅极漏电流仅为59μA,器件最高亮度可达600 cd/m2。  相似文献   

We synthesized polycrystalline Bi2 + xTe3 − x (− 0.2< x <0.2) thin films by electrodeposition in acidic medium. Since Bi2Te3-like structure may be uniaxially anisotropic due to its rhombohedral crystallographic system, we investigated their optical behavior using ex and in situ Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry in the wavelength range of 470 to 830 nm (1.5-2.6 eV). We found that room-temperature electroplated polycrystalline appears optically isotropic and that no depolarization effect occurs from the first steps of growth until several micrometers thick films. Additional ex situ measurements permit to obtain their optical constants from far-ultraviolet to near-infrared (190-2100 nm).  相似文献   

Amorphous thin films of glassy alloys of Se75S25 − xCdx (x = 2, 4 and 6) were prepared by thermal evaporation onto chemically cleaned glass substrates. Optical absorption and reflection measurements were carried out on as-deposited and laser-irradiated thin films in the wavelength region of 500-1000 nm. Analysis of the optical absorption data shows that the rule of no-direct transitions predominates. The laser-irradiated Se75S25 − xCdx films showed an increase in the optical band gap and absorption coefficient with increasing the time of laser-irradiation. The results are interpreted in terms of the change in concentration of localized states due to the shift in Fermi level. The value of refractive index increases decreases with increasing photon energy and also by increasing the time of laser-irradiation. With the large absorption coefficient and change in the optical band gap and refractive index by the influence of laser-irradiation, these materials may be suitable for optical disc application.  相似文献   

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