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Involving many people in decision making does not guarantee success. In practice, there are always individuals who try to exert pressure in order to persuade others who could easily be influenced. In these situations, classical group decision making models fail. Thus, there is still the necessity of developing tools to help users reach collective decisions as if they participated in a real face to face meeting. In such a way, a proper negotiation process can lead to successful solutions. Therefore, we propose a new consensus model to deal with the psychology of negotiation by using the power of a fuzzy ontology as weapon of influence in order to improve group decision scenarios making them more precise and realistic. In addition, the use of a fuzzy ontology gives us the possibility to take into account large sets of alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an adaptive consensus support model for group decision making systems based on intervals of linguistic 2-tuples. The proposed method has the following advantages: (1) the evaluating values can either be represented by linguistic terms or intervals of linguistic terms, (2) if the required consensus degree is too high, then the proposed adaptive consensus support model can modify experts’ preferences to improve convergence toward a higher consensus degree or a sufficient agreement for group decision making and (3) the proposed method is an interactive method, where each expert can modify the adjustments made by the system during the consensus reaching process if he/she does not agree with the adjustments made by the system. The proposed adaptive consensus support model can overcome the drawback of Mata et al.’s method (2009). It provides us with a useful way for adaptive consensus support for group decision making based on intervals of linguistic 2-tuples.  相似文献   

This study put forwards a novel consensus framework to manage the consensus and weights (i.e., weights of the experts and attributes) in iterative multiple-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem. In this consensus framework, an optimization-based consensus model is devised to support the process of preferences-modifying, which seeks to minimize the adjustment amounts (in the sense of Manhattan distance) between the original and adjusted preferences. Then, the other two optimization-based consensus models are constructed to support the weights-updating, in which the consensus level among experts can be further improved. A numerical example is provided to show the application of the proposed consensus framework, and a detailed comparison analysis is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed consensus framework.  相似文献   

Jiuping Xu  Zhibin Wu 《Knowledge》2011,24(8):1196-1202
In multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM), it is preferable that the set of experts reach a high degree of consensus amongst their opinions before applying a selection process. In this paper, we present a discrete model to support the consensus reaching process for MAGDM problems. Firstly, a consensus scheme for a set of arguments is provided, where the basic idea is to tighten the range of opinions amongst experts. Based on the well-defined scheme, a convergent algorithm is presented to autocratically guide experts to reach a predefined consensus level. In the selection process, the maximizing deviation method is applied to determine the attribute weights. Then, the choice of the best alternative(s) from the group decision matrix is obtained by the simple additive weighting method. Finally, one example is presented to show the application and effectiveness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

Consensus reaching processes are applied in group decision making problems to reach a mutual agreement among a group of decision makers before making a common decision. Different consensus models have been developed to facilitate consensus reaching processes. However, new trends bring diverse challenges in group decision making, such as the modelling of different types of information and of large groups of decision makers, together with their attitude to achieve agreements. These challenges require the capacity to deal with heterogenous frameworks, and the automation of consensus reaching processes by means of consensus support systems. In this paper, we propose a consensus model in which decision makers can express their opinions by using different types of information, capable of dealing with large groups of decision makers. The model incorporates the management of the group’s attitude towards consensus by means of an extension of OWA aggregation operators aimed to optimize the overall consensus process. Eventually, a novel Web-based consensus support system that automates the proposed consensus model is presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optimal consensus model to derive weights for linguistic preference relations (LPRs). Two indexes, an individual‐to‐group consensus index (ICI) and a collective consensus index (CCI), are introduced. An iterative algorithm is presented to describe the consensus reaching process. By changing the weights and modifying a pair of individuals' comparison judgments—which have largest deviation value to the group judgments—the consensus reaching process can terminate, while both ICI and CCI are controlled with predefined thresholds. The algorithm aims to preserve the decision makers’ original information as much as possible. The model and algorithm are then extended to handle the uncertain additive LPRs. Finally, two examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This article proposes a bidirectional feedback mechanism for consensus in group decision making (GDM) driven by the behavior of decision makers (DMs), which is discriminated with a flexible harmony degree as one of three possible states: (1) ‘tolerance behavior’; (2) ‘rationalist behavior’; and (3) ‘conflict behavior’. The first two states are possible to be resolved in the consensus reaching process with one round of feedback recommendations to the discordant DMs. However, in the conflict state, which implies the lack of harmony between the group aim of ‘consensus’ and the individual benefit, it is unreasonable to be resolved with only discordant DMs’ feedback recommendations, and concordant DMs are also expected to make concessions at some degree. To address this not so unusual research problem, a theoretical bidirectional feedback mechanism framework for consensus is developed. Firstly, a maximum consensus driven feedback model is proposed to resolve ‘conflict behavior’ between the concordant and discordant DMs. Secondly, a maximum harmony driven feedback model is activated to support the discordant DMs to reach the threshold values of group consensus. A numerical example is provided to illustrate and verify the proposed mechanism usefulness and how it compares against other existent feedback mechanisms in terms of the extent up to which DMs’ preferences are changed for reaching consensus.  相似文献   

Decision situations in which several individual are involved are known as group decision‐making (GDM) problems. In such problems, each member of the group, recognizing the existence of a common problem, tries to come to a collective decision. A high level of consensus among experts is needed before reaching a solution. It is customary to construct consensus measures by using similarity functions to quantify the closeness of experts preferences. The use of a metric that describes the distance between experts preferences allows the definition of similarity functions. Different distance functions have been proposed in order to implement consensus measures. This paper examines how the use of different aggregation operators affects the level of consensus achieved by experts through different distance functions, once the number of experts has been established in the GDM problem. In this situation, the experimental study performed establishes that the speed of the consensus process is significantly affected by the use of diverse aggregation operators and distance functions. Several decision support rules that can be useful in controlling the convergence speed of the consensus process are also derived.  相似文献   

Wu  Peng  Wu  Qun  Zhou  Ligang  Chen  Huayou  Zhou  Han 《Neural computing & applications》2019,31(2):377-394

Natural linguistic terms can preferably express the opinions of decision makers in complicated decision environment. Group decision making with multiplicative trapezoidal fuzzy preference relations transforming from natural linguistic terms attracts the attention of researchers for its important research significant. The developed approach is based on consensus improving process by using a new similarity measure and a trapezoidal fuzzy power ordered weighted geometric averaging (TFPOWGA) operator. In order to introduce this approach, firstly, trapezoidal fuzzy power geometric averaging operator and TFPOWGA operator are presented to aggregate trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TFNs). Secondly, a new similarity measure for TFNs is introduced by combining centroids and areas of TFNs. We further propose a new consensus improving algorithm that consists of consensus measure and a dynamic feedback mechanism containing a multi-objective optimization model and some indirect rules. And then a selection stage is described to rank the alternatives. At last, an example is implemented to demonstrate effectiveness of the approach.


In group decision making (GDM) with multiplicative preference relations (also known as pairwise comparison matrices in the Analytical Hierarchy Process), to come to a meaningful and reliable solution, it is preferable to consider individual consistency and group consensus in the decision process. This paper provides a decision support model to aid the group consensus process while keeping an acceptable individual consistency for each decision maker. The concept of an individual consistency index and a group consensus index is introduced based on the Hadamard product of two matrices. Two algorithms are presented in the designed support model. The first algorithm is utilized to convert an unacceptable preference relation to an acceptable one. The second algorithm is designed to assist the group in achieving a predefined consensus level. The main characteristics of our model are that: (1) it is independent of the prioritization method used in the consensus process; (2) it ensures that each individual multiplicative preference relation is of acceptable consistency when the predefined consensus level is achieved. Finally, some numerical examples are given to verify the effectiveness of our model.  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a flexible consensus scheme for group decision making, which allows one to obtain a consistent collective opinion, from information provided by each expert in terms of multigranular fuzzy estimates. It is based on a linguistic hierarchical model with multigranular sets of linguistic terms, and the choice of the most suitable set is a prerogative of each expert. From the human viewpoint, using such model is advantageous, since it permits each expert to utilize linguistic terms that reflect more adequately the level of uncertainty intrinsic to his evaluation. From the operational viewpoint, the advantage of using such model lies in the fact that it allows one to express the linguistic information in a unique domain, without losses of information, during the discussion process.The proposed consensus scheme supposes that the moderator can interfere in the discussion process in different ways. The intervention can be a request to any expert to update his opinion or can be the adjustment of the weight of each expert’s opinion. An optimal adjustment can be achieved through the execution of an optimization procedure that searches for the weights that maximize a corresponding soft consensus index.In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the presented consensus scheme, a technique for multicriteria analysis, based on fuzzy preference relation modeling, is utilized for solving a hypothetical enterprise strategy planning problem, generated with the use of the Balanced Scorecard methodology.  相似文献   

This article presents some systematic sorting and ordering of approaches dealing with fuzzy aggregation and fuzzy averaging from different authors. The aggregation of fuzzy information from a group of experts for developing collective opinion or verdict is the important question in the expert systems theory and practice. This is to obtain a more comprehensive and realistic solution to the given decision problem. This note tries to outline an overall formal umbrella to various methods to aggregate several fuzzy sets, which describe the individual points of view of experts, or results of judgements from the various characteristics.  相似文献   

The consensus reaching process (CRP) is a critical part of group decision making (GDM). In order to explore the evolution of consensus, a new CRP tool is proposed based on consensus evolution networks (CENs). The CENs are built based on the consensus degrees among decision makers (DMs) and allow us to manage the consensus thresholds and its evolution. A new consensus index is introduced based on the structured and numerical aspects of the CENs. The new consensus index can not only deeply analyze the constitution of consensus, but also determine the weights of DMs. According to the clustering coefficient, the sensitive consensus threshold is identified and the sensitive consensus evolution network (SCEN) is built. Based on the complementary SCEN, a pairwise feedback adjustment method is proposed to improve consensus. Besides, the sparsity of the CENs can act as a reference to determine the agreed consensus thresholds, which is considered an important issue in traditional models. A numerical example is used to verify the usefulness of the proposed CRP tool. The numerical results show that the evolution of consensus can be clearly found based on CENs and the pairwise method can improve consensus in only four rounds.  相似文献   

Xu (2013) proposed a nonlinear programming model to derive an exact formula to determine the experts’ relative importance weights for the group decision making (GDM) with interval preference orderings. However, in this study, we show that the exact formula to determine the weight vector which always equals to w = (1/m, 1/m,  , 1/m)T (m is the number of experts). In this paper, we propose a distance-based aggregation approach to assess the relative importance weights for GDM with interval preference orderings. Relevant theorems are offered to support the proposed approach. After that, by using the weighted arithmetic averaging operator, we obtain the aggregated virtual interval preference orderings. We propose a possibility degree formula to compare two virtual interval preference orderings, then rank and select the alternatives. The proposed method is tested by two numerical examples. Comparative analysis are provided to show the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

As an extension of fuzzy set, a Pythagorean fuzzy set has recently been developed to model imprecise and ambiguous information in practical group decision‐making problems. The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel aggregation method for the Pythagorean fuzzy set and analyze possibilities for its application in solving multiple attribute decision‐making problems. More specifically, a new Pythagorean fuzzy aggregation operator called the Pythagorean fuzzy induced ordered weighted averaging‐weighted average (PFIOWAWA) operator is developed. This operator inherits main characteristics of both ordered weighted average operator and induced ordered weighted average to aggregate the Pythagorean fuzzy information. Some of main properties and particular cases of the PFIOWAWA operator are studied. A method based on the proposed operator for multiple attribute group decision making is developed. Finally, we present a numerical example of selection of research and development projects to illustrate applicability of the new approach in a multiple attribute group decision‐making problem.  相似文献   

A new approach for linguistic group decision making by using probabilistic information and induced aggregation operators is presented. It is based on the induced linguistic probabilistic ordered weighted average (ILPOWA). It is an aggregation operator that uses probabilities and OWA operators in the same formulation considering the degree of importance that each concept has in the formulation. It uses complex attitudinal characters that can be assessed by using order inducing variables. Furthermore, it deals with an uncertain environment where the information cannot be studied in a numerical scale but it is possible to use linguistic variables. Several extensions to this approach are presented by using moving averages and Bonferroni means. The applicability of this approach is also studied with a focus on multi-criteria group decision making by using multi-person aggregation operators in order to deal with the opinion of several experts in the analysis. An illustrative example regarding importation strategies in the administration of a country is developed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a generalized power average (GPA) operator and its weighted form, which are on the basis of the power average (PA) operator and the generalized mean, and develop a generalized power ordered weighted average (GPOWA) operator based on the power ordered weighted average (POWA) operator. Then, we extend these operators to uncertain environments and present an uncertain generalized power average (UGPA) operator and its weighted form, and an uncertain generalized power ordered weighted average (UGPOWA) operator to aggregate the input arguments taking the form of interval of numerical values. We also extend the GPA operator and the GPOWA operator to intuitionistic fuzzy environment, and obtain the generalized intuitionistic fuzzy power averaging (GIFPA) operator and the generalized intuitionistic fuzzy power ordered weighted averaging (GIFPOWA) operator. Moreover, some properties of these operators are studied. We also present new approaches on the basis of the proposed operators in an example of strategic decision making.  相似文献   

Large-scale group decision-making problems based on social network analysis and minimum cost consensus models (MCCMs) have recently attracted considerable attention. However, few studies have combined them to form a complete decision-making system. Accordingly, we define the satisfaction index to optimize the classical MCCM by considering the effect of the group on individuals. Similarly, we define the consistency index to optimize the consensus reaching process (CRP). Regarding the evolution of the consensus network, the Louvain algorithm is used to divide the entire group into several subgroups to ensure that each subgroup is independent but has strong cohesion. By constructing the MCCM based on the satisfaction index and the optimized consensus-reaching process, the group opinions in each subgroup are ranked to obtain the final ranking of alternatives. Finally, to verify the validity of CRP and the practical value of the proposed model, we conduct consensus network evolution and decision-making analysis in the case of a negotiation between the government and polluting companies to achieve uniform pollution emissions. Sensitivity analysis is performed to demonstrate the stability of the subgroup weights. Furthermore, a comparative analysis using existing models verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

For a multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problem, the so-called consensus reaching process is used to achieve an agreement among experts and finally make a common decision. Unfortunately, so far the consensus models for MAGDM haven’t been completely studied, especially for MAGDM under uncertain linguistic environment. The disadvantages of most existing consensus models could be summarized into 3 aspects. (1) In most existing consensus models, all the experts’ opinions are weighted equally important, and/or all the experts’ weights are treated statically. (2) Most of the interactive consensus methods are lack of effective feedback mechanism, while the automatic ones also have some defects, such as the lack of pertinence in adjustment process and the inability to reflect the subjective opinions of experts. (3) Also the comparison methods for uncertain linguistic variables therein are far from perfect, which require either complicated computing process or may cause non-distinguishable cases. In order to solve the above problems and obtain final decision results more efficiently, an interactive method with adaptive experts’ weights and explicit guidance rules for MAGDM under uncertain linguistic environment is developed. Our contributions can be summarized as follows. (1) Based on the definitions of closeness and consensus indices, a non-linear programming model is constructed to dynamically adjust the experts’ weights by maximizing the group consensus. (2) A targeted feedback mechanism including identification rules and recommendation rules is designed to guide the experts to modify their opinions more precisely and effectively. (3) A more appropriate method for comparing uncertain linguistic variables named dominance index is proposed, which can simplify the calculation process significantly. Finally, an illustrative example proves that the proposed consensus method is feasible and effective, and a detailed comparison and analysis highlights the advantages and characteristics of this method.  相似文献   

We propose a new consensus model for group decision making (GDM) problems, using an interval type-2 fuzzy environment. In our model, experts are asked to express their preferences using linguistic terms characterized by interval type-2 fuzzy sets (IT2 FSs), because these can provide decision makers with greater freedom to express the vagueness in real-life situations. Consensus and proximity measures based on the arithmetic operations of IT2 FSs are used simultaneously to guide the decision-making process. The majority of previous studies have taken into account only the importance of the experts in the aggregation process, which may give unreasonable results. Thus, we propose a new feedback mechanism that generates different advice strategies for experts according to their levels of importance. In general, experts with a lower level of importance require a larger number of suggestions to change their initial preferences. Finally, we investigate a numerical example and execute comparable models and ours, to demonstrate the performance of our proposed model. The results indicate that the proposed model provides greater insight into the GDM process.  相似文献   

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