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Scattering of a TE incident wave from a perfectly conducting one-dimensional random rough surface is studied with the banded matrix iterative approach/canonical grid (BMIA/CAG) method. The BMIA/CAG is an improvement over the previous BMIA. The key idea of BMIA/CAG is that outside the near-field interaction, the rest of the interactions can be translated to a canonical grid by Taylor series expansion. The use of a flat surface as a canonical grid for a rough surface facilitates the use of the fast Fourier transform for nonnear field interaction. The method can be used for Monte-Carlo simulations of random rough surface problems with a large surface length including all the coherent wave interactions within the entire surface. We illustrate results up to a surface length of 2500 wavelengths with 25000 surface unknowns. The method is also applied to study scattering from random rough surfaces at near-grazing incidence. The numerical examples illustrate the importance of using a large surface length for some backscattering problems  相似文献   

The difference field radar cross section (d-RCS) has been defined to analyze the scattering from the target above a rough surface, which takes account of scattering from the target and multiinteractions of the target and underlying rough surface. The d-RCS removes the effect of the finite illuminated surface length under the tapered wave incidence. In this paper, the electric field integral equations (EFIEs) of the difference-induced current J/sub sd/ on the rough surface and the induced current J/sub o/ on the target are derived. A small section of rough surface toward the target in the specular direction is taken to speed up computation of the scattering contribution E/sub s0/ from the moderate rough surface to the target. Then, an iterative approach is developed to solve the EFIEs of the induced currents, directly, and yields the bistatic d-RCS. A finite rough surface length for numerical iteration is taken, corresponding to the dependence on the maximum scattering angle. Using the Monte Carlo method to generate rough surface, the bistatic d-RCS of the target, e.g., a cylinder or a square column, above a Pierson-Morkowitz rough surface is numerically simulated. The induced currents on the target and the d-RCS are discussed, and compared with the case of the target in free-space.  相似文献   

大尺度电磁散射与逆散射一直是科学研究和工程应用的热点和难点,亟待发展将电磁模型与数据挖掘有机融合的高性能求解方法,针对此,提出了一种针对大尺度电磁散射与逆散射问题的深度学习模型.该模型不仅继承了深度神经网络结构简单、运算速度快等优点,而且还能高精度地解决大尺度电磁散射与逆散射问题.实验结果表明:文中提出的深度学习方法可为解决现有大尺度电磁测算融合和电磁逆散射的计算成本昂贵的难题提供新思路、开辟新方向.  相似文献   

Tsang  L. Chan  C.H. Pak  K. 《Electronics letters》1993,29(13):1153-1154
The exact solution of scattering by a two-dimensional random rough surface (three-dimensional scattering problem) with moderate RMS height and slopes is calculated using a new numerical method called the sparse-matrix flat-surface iterative approach. Comparison is also made with the second-order Kirchhoff approximation.<>  相似文献   

A new approach to the analysis of rough surface scattering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel approach to the problem of scattering by a randomly rough surface is developed based on combining normalization and the method of smoothing. Previous uses of smoothing have been forced to assume small surface heights in order to guarantee the dominance of the scattered field by its average or specular part. The term that causes the average scattered field to be so sensitive to the height is identified, and is normalized out of the basic integral equation. Smoothing is then applied to the normalized integral equation with a subsequent reintroduction of the normalizing factor after smoothing. The results are shown to extend beyond existing approximations, and they contain none of the divergent integral behavior that has recently been observed with a pure second order iterative approximation. An examination of the conditions under which the technique provides very accurate results shows that it is essentially an extension of the so-called composite surface scattering model  相似文献   

Simulations of electromagnetic waves scattering from two-dimensional perfectly conducting random rough surfaces are performed using the method of moment (MoM) and the electric field integral equation (EFIE). Using wavelets as basis and testing functions, the resulting moment matrix is generally sparse after applying a threshold truncation. This property makes wavelets particularly useful in simulating large-scale problems, in which reducing memory storage requirement and CPU time are crucial. In this paper, scattering from Gaussian conducting rough surfaces of a few hundred square wavelengths are studied numerically using Haar wavelets. A matrix sparsity less than 10% is achieved for a range of root mean square (RMS) height at eight sampling points per linear wavelength. Parallelization of the code is also performed. Simulation results of the bistatic scattering coefficients are presented for different surface RMS heights up to 1 wavelength. Comparisons with sparse-matrix/canonical-grid approach (SM/CG) and triangular discretized (RWG basis) results are made as well. Depolarization effects are examined for both TE and TM incident waves. The relative merits of the SM/CG method and the present method are discussed  相似文献   

逯贵祯  林金才  周平 《通信学报》2003,24(1):111-116
本文利用数值方法研究分形随机粗糙表面的电磁散射问题。 应用矩量法研究分形随机粗糙表面的电磁散射可以使我们获得较为精确的数值结果。但是,对于表面散射,应用矩量法时,表面未知变量的数目非常大,即使对于一维表面也需要几千个未知变量。当我们求解矩阵方程时,计算机对求解的问题有几个限制,一个是内存的限制,一个是速度的限制。为了克服内存的限制,发展了许多迭代数值算法。本文发展了一种新的数值迭代方法.利用这一方法,我们对分形随机粗糙表面的电磁散射问题进行了研究, 并与矩阵反演方法进行了比较.所得结果表明,这种新的迭代法具有很好的收敛性。  相似文献   

A calculation of back scattering from a rough surface using Huygen's principle is carried out along the lines introduced by Davies. Davies original equation is extended to include a contribution from the component of the surface normal which is parallel to the average surface. The effect of this component is to multiply the usual expression for incoherent backscatter by a factor of1/ cos^{4} PsiwherePsiis the angle between the radar line of sight and the normal to the average surface.  相似文献   

Further developments in the application of the stochastic Fourier transform approach (SFTA) to random surface scattering are presented. It is first shown that the infinite dimensional integral equation for the stochastic Fourier transform of the surface current can be reduced to the three dimensions associated with the random surface height and slopes. A three-dimensional integral equation of the second kind is developed for the average scattered field in stochastic Fourier transform space using conditional probability density functions. Various techniques for determining the transformed current (and, subsequently, the incoherent scattered power) from the average scattered field in stochastic Fourier transform space are developed and studied from the point of view of computational suitability. The case of vanishingly small surface correlation length is reexamined and the SFTA is found to provide erroneous results for the average scattered field due to the basic failure of the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) in this limit.  相似文献   

Scattering from dielectric one-dimensional (1-D) random rough surfaces at near grazing incidence is studied for both TE and TM cases. To obtain accurate results at incidence angles of 80°-85°, we use long surface lengths of up to 1000 wavelengths. Numerical results are illustrated for dielectric surfaces corresponding to soil surfaces with various moisture contents. Results indicate that TM backscattering is much larger than that of TE backscattering. The ratio of TM to TE backscattering increases as a function of soil moisture and can be used as an indicator of soil moisture in remote sensing applications. However, the ratio of TM to TE backscattering is much lower than that predicted by the small perturbation method. To facilitate computation of scattering by such long surfaces, the previously developed banded-matrix iteration approach/canonical grid method (BMIA/CG) has been extended to dielectric surfaces. The numerical algorithm consists of translating the nonnear-field interaction to a flat surface and the interaction subsequently calculated by fast Fourier transform (FFT)  相似文献   

A new method to include stochastic rough surface scattering into deterministic ray-optical wave propagation modeling is derived. It can be utilized in conjunction with the concept of ray launching. Similar to the Kirchoff formulations, the approach is based on a tangential plane approximation, i.e., it is applicable to surfaces with gentle undulations, whose horizontal dimensions are large compared to the incident wavelength. However, in contrast to the Kirchoff models, which are only valid for either slightly rough or very rough surfaces, the proposed stochastic scattering approach includes both the coherent and incoherent components at the same time. The purely deterministic ray-based modeling is expanded by a "stochastic" component, allowing, for the first time, to account for nondeterministic scattering in ray-optical wave propagation modeling.  相似文献   

研究了小波变换在指数粗糙表面电磁散射中的应用.在用矩量法研究电磁散射问题时,基函数的选择是一个非常重要的步骤.不同的基函数对问题的求解规模影响很大.利用小波变换中二尺度方程关系,通过对大尺度基函数和小波基函数求解相应的矩阵方程,然后由小尺度基函数与大尺度基函数以及小波基函数的关系,求出对应于小尺度基函数的矩量法解.该方法的优点是减少了矩阵方程求解的规模.  相似文献   

An exact series solution for the oblique scattering by a pair of infinitely long parallel edges of perfectly conducting half planes is formulated for a TM plane wave using the mode-matching technique (MMT). The scattered and guided fields are represented in terms of an infinite series of radial waveguide modes. By applying the appropriate boundary conditions, the coefficients of the scattered field are obtained. The diffraction coefficient of double edges is subsequently derived from the scattered field  相似文献   

Predictions of an exact numerical model for scattering from a surface randomly rough in two directions are compared with experimental data. The numerical model is based on Monte Carlo simulation using an iterative version of the method of moments known as the sparse-matrix flat-surface iterative approach (SMFSIA). Experimental data is obtained from millimeter wave laboratory experiments in which the bistatic scattering patterns of fabricated surfaces with known statistical parameters were measured. The surfaces studied have both a Gaussian height distribution and correlation function, so that their statistics are characterized by an RMS height and correlation length. An RMS height of 1 wavelength and correlation lengths ranging from 1.41-3 wavelengths are investigated, and the phenomenon of backscattering enhancement is observed both in the numerical predictions and experimental data. A comparison of the absolute value of the bistatic scattering coefficient as normalized by the incident power shows the theory and experiment to be in good agreement  相似文献   

由逆傅立叶变换导出时域物理光学(TD-PO)表达式,给出了TD-PO方法计算时内存估计的具体形式、时间离散的采样原则及入射波消隐的判断方法.计算了金属球、板、锥球的瞬态散射和RCS,计算结果与其他方法结果吻合很好.数值结果表明TD-PO方法计算速度快、所需内存少,是分析电大目标宽频带特性的高效方法.  相似文献   

The field strength level of received signal and its statistical distributions are important in the study of signal propagation and scattering for wireless communication and remote sensing. In this paper, the scattering by random rough surface is analyzed by solving the solution of Maxwell equation. The method of moments is used to discretize the integral equation into the matrix equation. The sparse-matrix canonical grid method, which is a fast matrix solver, is applied in the analysis. Conjugate gradient (CG) method is adopted to solve the solution of matrix equation. With the solution of Maxwell equations, the magnitude of the scattered field is then used to predict the field statistics. Both time harmonic scattering and ultrawide-band (UWB) scattering are considered. For the time domain response, the electromagnetic scattered field in the vicinity of center of rough surfaces is first calculated in the frequency domain. Then the time domain signal is obtained by mean of the Fourier transform. The fading statistics are compared with that of the Rayleigh and Nakagami distributions. Results reveal that UWB signal exhibits less fading than the narrow band signal.  相似文献   

Electromagnetic wave scattering by a tape helix of infinite extent is studied by using Floquet wave expansions for the guided modes and scattered fields. The solution reduces to earlier results as a special limiting case for normal incidence on a sheath helix. The current induced on an infinite helix computed by the presented technique bears close resemblance to the current induced on a long but finite helix as computed by Galerkin's method. The spatial frequency spectrum of the induced current is plotted to show the dominance of the spatial harmonics that are phase matched with the guided modes of the helix. Azimuthal patterns of the scattered field are included to illustrate that interference increases as the diameter of the helix is increased.  相似文献   

In this paper, a preliminary study is carried out to demonstrate the application of wavelets for improving the computation time and reducing computational memory required for evaluating the statistics of the scattered field from rough surfaces using the method of moments (MoM) in conjunction with a Monte Carlo simulation. In specific, Haar and the first order B-spline wavelet basis functions are applied to the MoM formulation of one-dimensional rough surfaces in order to compare the computation time and sparsity for wavelets in the same family but of higher order. Since the scattering coefficient (the second moment of the backscatter field per unit area) is a gentle function of the surface parameters and the radar attributes, it is demonstrated that a relatively high thresholding level can be applied to the impedance matrix, which leads to a sparser impedance matrix and faster computation time. It is also shown that applying a high threshold level the coefficients of the high-order wavelets would increase out of proportion, however, the effect of these current components averages out when computing the scattering coefficients. The resulting sparse impedance matrices are solved efficiently using fast search routines such as the conjugate gradient method. A systematic study is carried out to investigate the effect of different threshold levels on the accuracy versus computing speed criterion. The computed scattering coefficients are compared to previous results computed using a conventional pulse basis function as well as the existing theoretical solutions for rough surfaces. It is shown that wavelet basis functions provide substantial reductions in both memory requirements and computation time  相似文献   

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