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Experimental studies have investigated effects of low oral doses of amphetamine and methamphetamine on psychomotor functions, while less work has been done on effects of high doses taken by abusers in real-life settings. There are indications that intake of high doses may impair traffic related skills, and that abuse of amphetamines may cause hypersomnolence at the end-of-binge. The present study aimed at investigating the concentration-effect relationship between blood amphetamines concentrations and impairment in a population of real-life users. Eight hundred and seventy-eight cases with amphetamine or methamphetamine as the only drugs present in the blood samples were selected from the impaired driver registry at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health. In each case the police physician had concluded on whether the driver was impaired or not. 27% of the drivers were judged as not impaired, while 73% were judged as impaired. There was a positive relationship between blood amphetamines concentrations and impairment. The relationship reached a ceiling at blood amphetamines concentrations of 0.27-0.53 mg/l. Younger drivers were more often judged impaired than older drivers at similar concentrations. Despite the performance enhancing qualities of amphetamines demonstrated in some low dose laboratory experiments; this study revealed a positive relationship between blood amphetamines concentration and traffic related impairment.  相似文献   


This paper presents measurement results of the world wide first successful certification the electrical properties of a wind turbine, solely based upon measurements obtained at a system test bench with HiL-System and grid emulator. For all certification relevant tests the results are compared to field measurements. The impact of the real-time models in the HiL-System as well as the converter-based grid emulator are discussed in this paper. For full converter wind turbine, different requirements for the model depth could be determined depending on the tests. Nevertheless, higher-quality models that reflect the plant behaviour better are recommended to reduce uncertainties within the certification process. This paper also shows that especially for grid failure events grid emulators require real-time impedance control, in order to emulate grid failures properly. Based on these findings, recommendations for the requirements on test bench components are formulated in this paper, in order to contribute to new certification guidelines. Overall, we conclude that based on the experiences made at two different system test benches, the vast majority of certification measurements can be carried out without limitation at such system test benches.


A procedure based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is described for determination of amphetamine, methamphetamine, and methylendioxy derivatives in meconium, using 3,4-methylendioxypropylamphetamine as internal standard. The analytes were initially extracted from the matrix by 17 mM methanolic HCl. Subsequently, a solid-phase extraction with Bondelut Certify columns was applied. Chromatography was performed on a C(18) reversed-phase column using a linear gradient of 10 mM ammonium bicarbonate, pH 9.0-methanol as a mobile phase. Analytes were determined in LC-MS single ion monitoring mode with an atmospheric pressure ionization-electrospray interface. The method was validated in the range 0.005-1.00 microg/g using 1 g of meconium per assay. Mean recoveries ranged between 61.1 and 87.2% for different analytes. The quantification limits were 0.005 microg/g meconium for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymethamphetamine and 0.004 microg/g meconium for 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine, and N-methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine. The method was applied to analysis of meconium in newborns to assess eventual fetal exposure to amphetamine derivatives.  相似文献   

A technique to control the mesoporous structure and crystallites present in turbostratic carbon (Ts-carbon) derived from Fe- and Ni-doped phenolic resin is described. To eliminate the effect of heat treatment temperature, all of the Fe- and Ni-doped phenolic resins are carbonized at a fixed temperature of 1000 °C. The catalyst content in the obtained Ts-carbon varies from 0.001 to 5 mmol/g. Mesopores and turbostratic crystallites are formed in the Ts-carbon samples, and these increase in size as the catalyst content and its particle size increases. The turbostratic crystallites assemble to form carbon aggregates with a cup-stacked, thin tube-like, or coil-like structure. The mesopore surface area increases proportionally with the amount of turbostratic crystallites rather than the type of carbon aggregate. It is proposed that the mesopore is surrounded by turbostratic crystallites. Altering the size of the turbostratic crystallites in Ts-carbon has revealed an effective method for controlling the size and volume of its mesopores.  相似文献   

为获得发酵特征满足肉类发酵剂要求同时具有抗氧化能力的潜力乳酸菌,从采集于四川省眉山等5市的7个传统腌腊肉样品中筛选乳酸菌,经16S r DNA鉴定,挑选出8株(L1-L8)乳酸菌,对其主要发酵特征和抗氧化能力进行评估。结果表明:有6株菌的主要发酵特征满足肉类发酵剂要求,即具有蛋白酶活性,不产NH3、生物胺、H2S和CO2,能够耐受6%Na Cl和150 mg/kg Na NO2,并能够在10~30℃生长;该6株菌的细胞悬浮液和无细胞提取液均具有清除羟自由基和DPPH自由基的能力,尤以L6的菌体作用最强,清除率分别达52.48%和24.16%;该6株菌细胞悬浮液和无细胞提取液均具有较强还原能力,而L2、L3、L4和L5则具有较强的抑制脂质过氧化能力,以L5最高,可达63.36%。综合来看,筛选菌株中L4既满足肉类发酵剂的要求,又具有较强抗氧化能力,有望开发成具有抗氧化能力的肉类发酵剂。  相似文献   

TiO2/MgF2 bi-layers were prepared by sol-gel processing in both stacking sequences. Films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, UV-vis spectrometry, and ellipsometric porosimetry. The results obtained by the different methods are compared. The validity and limitations of the respective techniques are discussed with special focus on film porosity and the interface between the TiO2 and MgF2 material.  相似文献   

为获取具优良加工性能和降解胆固醇功能的乳酸菌,从四川稻城两类传统干酪(牦牛奶饼、酥油奶饼)中分离筛选得到7株乳酸菌,经16S rRNA序列鉴定有5株为植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)。对其进行耐酸、耐胆盐、表面疏水性及自聚合能力、抑菌和降胆固醇检测,结果表明,7株菌均具一定的耐酸和耐胆盐能力,在pH 3.5和0.1%胆盐浓度条件下可生长;菌株N-4疏水性达29.57%,N-8自聚能力达66.09%;菌株N-8对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌圈分别为11.17 mm和15.00 mm,抑菌能力均强于其他菌株;菌株N-1可降解培养基中的胆固醇,降解率达31.77%,有望利用其发酵生产具降胆固醇能力的新型功能性乳制品。综上,从传统干酪中分离筛选的乳酸菌具有潜在的益生功能,可应用于功能性乳制品开发。  相似文献   

Amphetamine, methamphetamine, and their methylenedioxy derivatives have been identified and measured in a human urine matrix using solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) in combination with electrospray ionization (ESI) and mass spectrometric detection (MS). Limits of detection in human urine between 200 pg/mL and 7.5 ng/mL have been achieved. The use of a simple extraction method, SPME, combined with the high sensitivity and selectivity of ESI-FAIMS-MS eliminates the need for chromatographic separation and allows for very rapid sample processing.  相似文献   

Surface characterization and catalysis can significantly benefit from the application of generalized two-dimensional (2D) correlation analysis. This two-dimensional approach allows a better resolution of overlapping peaks, can reveal new features not readily observable in the raw spectra, gives clear evidence for spectral intensities that change as an effect of a perturbation applied to the system, and allows the establishment of time sequences for the changes occurring in different spectral features of interest for determining reaction intermediates and/or mechanisms. The interpretation of the synchronous and asynchronous plots was observed to lead to erroneous time sequences when spectral features change in a non-monotonic way, such as a biphasic or oscillatory behavior, under the influence of a perturbation. We propose a new approach to the 2D correlation analysis to avoid misinterpretation of the results calculated in the asynchronous plot. Progressive correlation analysis (ProCorA) calculates the synchronous plot from the first two spectra of the data matrix and one spectrum is added at every step of the analysis. The sequence of changes can be set up from the progressive evolution of peaks in both the synchronous and asynchronous plots.  相似文献   

Fukugawa  Nobuya 《Scientometrics》2019,120(3):1475-1498
Scientometrics - The public sector is an important source of agricultural research as many of the producers are individual farmers who cannot bear the cost of research and development. Public...  相似文献   

One-dimensional proton NMR spectra of complex solutions provide rich molecular information, but limited chemical shift dispersion creates peak overlap that often leads to difficulty in peak identification and analyte quantification. Modern high-field NMR spectrometers provide high digital resolution with improved peak dispersion. We took advantage of these spectral qualities and developed a quantification method based on linear least-squares fitting using singular value decomposition (SVD). The linear least-squares fitting of a mixture spectrum was performed on the basis of reference spectra from individual small-molecule analytes. Each spectrum contained an internal quantitative reference (e.g., DSS-d6 or other suitable small molecules) by which the intensity of the spectrum was scaled. Normalization of the spectrum facilitated quantification based on peak intensity using linear least-squares fitting analysis. This methodology provided quantification of individual analytes as well as chemical identification. The analysis of small-molecule analytes over a wide concentration range indicated the accuracy and reproducibility of the SVD-based quantification. To account for the contribution from residual protein, lipid or polysaccharide in solution, a reference spectrum showing the macromolecules or aggregates was obtained using a diffusion-edited 1D proton NMR analysis. We demonstrated this approach with a mixture of small-molecule analytes in the presence of macromolecules (e.g., protein). The results suggested that this approach should be applicable to the quantification and identification of small-molecule analytes in complex biological samples.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Belgian Road Safety Institute organised the third national roadside survey to estimate the proportion of drink drivers and their profile. The objective of this initiative is to gather data as a basis to formulate theory- and research-based recommendations to policymakers with the intention of decreasing the number of alcohol related accidents and victims on Belgian roads. Almost all Belgian police forces agreed to participate in a stratified two-stage cluster sample. First stage of the survey consisted of randomly selecting road sites (m = 449) in each region using a Geographical Information System (Arcview). Second stage of the survey consisted of randomly stopping drivers of personal cars (n = 12,891) during October and November 2003. All stopped drivers were asked by the police to perform an alcohol breath test. In addition, the police invited all sampled drivers to participate in a short questionnaire with individual variables (gender, age, etc.). Questionnaires with aggregated variables for road sites (traffic flow, intensity of stopping drivers, etc.) were also completed. The percentage of drivers who were found to have a blood alcohol concentration at or above the legal limit of 0.5 g/l during weekend nights (7.68%) is significantly higher than all other time spans. These percentages for the remaining time spans do not differ significantly (weekdays: 1.76%; weekday nights: 2.99%; weekend days: 2.98%). A multilevel logistic model for Belgium was successfully fitted.  相似文献   

In the agricultural sector, labour shortage, and increase in wages resulting from out-migration, and the necessity to employ sustainable intensification practices to minimise the use of inputs such as water, fertilizer, and energy, calls for investment in the mechanisation of small-scale farms in South Asia (SA). Therefore, this study investigates the mechanisation process undertaken in SA with a special reference to India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, where agriculture, an important source of rural livelihoods, is adversely affected by out-migration and the depletion of natural resources. This study finds that tractors (74%), pumps (72%), threshers (65%), harvesters (23%), and power tillers (16%) are the predominantly used farm machinery in SA. Farm mechanisation is most widespread in India, followed by Nepal and Bangladesh, though the types of machinery used vary across them. Multivariate probit model shows that male headship, access to credit and extension services, economic status, and training positively influence farm mechanisation. Hence, along with enhanced provision for credit and training, an agricultural policy that aims to improve access to farm machinery should target marginalised and poor farmers to sustain agricultural production and ensure food security.  相似文献   

Marine derived gelatin is not known to associate with any communicable diseases to mammals and could be a reasonable substitute for gelatin derived from either bovine or porcine sources. The low melting point of marine gelatin (8°C) also offers greater formulation flexibility than mammalian derived gelatins. However, the sub-optimal physical properties of marine gelatin generally limit the interest to further develop it for biomedical applications. This study aimed at investigating the feasibility of using oxidized alginate (Oalg) as a high activity macromolecular crosslinker of marine gelatin to formulate in situ gelable hydrogels with the goal of enhancing the latter’s physical properties. The performance of Oalg/marine gelatin hydrogel was compared to Oalg/porcine gelatin hydrogel; in general, the physicomechanical properties of both hydrogels were comparable, with the hydrogels containing porcine gelatin exhibiting moderately higher mechanical strengths with shorter gelation times, smaller size pores, and higher swelling ratios. On the contrary, the biological performances of the two hydrogels were significantly difference. Cells cultured in the marine gelatin derived hydrogel grew significantly faster, with greater than 60% more cells by 7 days and they exhibited more spread-out conformations as compared those cultured in the porcine derived hydrogel. Production of ECM by cells cultured in the Oalg/marine gelatin hydrogel was up to 2.4 times greater than that of in the Oalg/porcine gelatin hydrogel. The biodegradation rate of the hydrogel formulated from marine gelatin was greater than its counterpart prepared from porcine gelatin. These differences have important implications in the biomedical applications of the two hydrogels. Huijuan Liao and Hanwei Zhang are the first authors.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》1999,30(1):75-83
A technique utilizing the indenting capabilities of the atomic force microscope is used to evaluate local changes in the response of polymer composite systems near the fiber–matrix interface. Room temperature and elevated temperature indentation response is measured for several model composite systems. Results of indentation studies are compared to finite element model predictions to understand the influence of interphase properties on the measured responses. For sized fiber systems, unexpected property variations are observed, leading to the discovery of a possible interphase formation mechanism in these systems.  相似文献   

Mechanism design, an important tool in microeconomics, has found widespread applications in modelling and solving decentralized design problems in many branches of engineering, notably computer science, electronic commerce, and network economics. Mechanism design is concerned with settings where a social planner faces the problem of aggregating the announced preferences of multiple agents into a collective decision when the agents exhibit strategic behaviour. The objective of this paper is to provide a tutorial introduction to the foundations and key results in mechanism design theory. The paper is in two parts. Part 1 focuses on basic concepts and classical results which form the foundation of mechanism design theory. Part 2 presents key advanced concepts and deeper results in mechanism design.  相似文献   

In this paper, debonding phenomena between carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips and masonry support were investigated on the basis of single-lap shear tests, considering different dimensions of the bond length. To capture the post-peak response of the CFRP–masonry joint, the slip between the support and the reinforcement strip was controlled using a clip gauge positioned at the end of the reinforcement. The tests were simulated by means of a finite element model able to capture the post-peak snap-back behavior due to the failure process. The numerical model is based on zero-thickness interface elements and on a proper non-linear cohesive law. The comparison between experimental and numerical results was performed in terms of overall response, measured by both the machine stroke and the clip gauge positioned at the free end of the reinforcement. The cases of effective bond length greater and lesser than the minimum anchorage length, suggested by the CNR Italian recommendation, were considered.  相似文献   

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