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陈超  吕震宙 《工程力学》2016,33(2):25-33
为合理度量随机输入变量分布参数的模糊性对输出性能统计特征的影响,提出了模糊分布参数的全局灵敏度效应指标,并研究了指标的高效求解方法。首先,分析了不确定性从模糊分布参数至模型输出响应统计特征的传递机理,以输出性能期望响应为例,利用输出均值的无条件隶属函数与给定模糊分布参数取值条件下的隶属函数的平均差异来度量模糊分布参数的影响,建立了模糊分布参数的全局灵敏度效应指标。其次,为减少所提指标的计算成本、提高计算效率,采用了扩展蒙特卡罗模拟法(EMCS)来估算输入变量分布参数与模型输出响应统计特征的函数关系。最后通过对算例的计算,验证该文所提方法的准确性和高效性。  相似文献   

基于刚度和模态灵敏度分析的轿车车身轻量化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某轿车白车身为例,建立有限元模型,以车身结构的刚度和模态有限元计算为基础,经灵敏度分析方法确定优化设计变量,以车身结构质量的最小化为目标,在保证车身刚度和模态性能的前提下,优化车身零件的厚度,从而实现车身结构的轻量化,车身减轻的重量为原来的3.6%,车身结构的刚度和主要模态频率也都获得不同程度的提高。  相似文献   




目的 解决固定条盒自动装填设备的复杂机械设计中,多人协同设计的作业效率问题。方法 采用基于模糊设计结构矩阵(FDSM)的任务规划方法进行任务规划,根据机械设计关联尺度将整体设计任务进行分解,将各设计任务间的耦合关系度量化并构建模糊设计结构矩阵,经过行列变换和分区算法解耦,得出规划后的协同设计任务顺序和分配。结果 通过G–value值验证,优化前后矩阵紧密性程度降低了24.95%了,有效降低了多人协同的相互制约。结论 基于模糊设计结构矩阵(FDSM)的任务规划方法能有效提高固定条盒自动装填设备多人协同设计的工作效率。  相似文献   

程蕾  吕震宙  李璐祎 《工程力学》2013,30(10):272-276,281
基于失效概率偏导数的局部灵敏度与矩独立的全局灵敏度定义了一种新的混合灵敏度指标,该灵敏度指标不仅继承了传统的矩独立灵敏度的优点,而且反映了矩独立灵敏度和基于方差的灵敏度之间的内在联系。针对该矩独立的混合灵敏度指标计算量大的问题,该文首先将其转化为基于方差的混合灵敏度指标,然后利用能够高效计算条件矩的态相关参数(SDP)法进行求解。为了进一步提高计算效率,该文建立了基于重要抽样和截断重要抽样的SDP方法。算例结果验证了该文所提指标的合理性及所提方法的准确性。方法方法  相似文献   

以控制力矩陀螺等为代表的航天器执行机构能产生微扰振,后者直接影响光学荷载的成像精度和航天器关键部件的寿命,从而降低航天器的核心性能。一体式隔振超结构展现出了优异的隔振性能,但是由制造误差带来的几何不确定性会影响其隔振频带和隔振效果。该研究提出一种基于全局灵敏度的高效不确定性分析方法,能够在隔振超结构设计过程中准确地量化由制造误差带来的隔振性能偏差。首先,将高阶的稀疏点区间切比雪夫多项式展开与基于方差的Sobol’灵敏度指数相结合得到一种高效的全局灵敏度分析方法。该方法与传统蒙特卡洛灵敏度分析方法相比计算效率提高了三个数量级。其次,通过忽略全局灵敏度指数较小的区间变量,大大减少了由复杂单元组成的超结构不确定性分析的工作量。最后,进行了不确定性灵敏度分析方法的试验验证。结果表明,所提出的基于全局灵敏度的不确定性分析方法可为隔振超结构的设计与制造提供高效指导。  相似文献   

针对上一代自动抹灰机“头重脚轻”的问题,基于轻量化设计的理念,设计了一种基于钢丝绳传动的自动抹灰机。该装置主要分为横纵移模块、小车模块和喷涂模块,通过一根封闭的钢丝绳的传动快速高效地完成整个墙面的抹灰工作。对自动抹灰机中的主要承载件——钢丝绳进行了受力分析和计算,计算结果表明,所选择的6*7+IWS钢丝绳符合工况要求。对自动抹灰机的作业成本进行分析并与人工抹灰成本进行比较,表明自动抹灰机作业成本较低,具有良好的市场前景。轻量化的自动抹灰机工作性能好,工作效率高,环保性强,在现代建筑施工中具有很高的应用和推广价值。  相似文献   

基于模态误差函数灵敏度分析的损伤识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用非完整的模态响应信息进行损伤识别,通常归结为一个基于模态参数匹配的优化问题,较多的待识别参数将导致优化反问题计算规模过大以及识别结果非唯一性等问题。本文提出了基于误差函数灵敏度分析的新的参数更新策略。该方法将少数优势单元参数的提取与单元参数参考值的改进结合起来,实现逐次扩增的参数分组过程,每一步所采用的优化反问题中,只求解较小规模的优化问题。基于所建立的参数识别方法,数值仿真结果显示所采用的模型更新方法可以有效处理稀疏的有噪音测试数据,具有较稳健的识别性能。  相似文献   

在控制锻件几何形状的前提下 ,采用有限元灵敏度分析方法 ,对预锻模具形状进行优化设计 .针对下模速度为零时 ,速度灵敏度边界条件为零 ,其形状在优化迭代过程中得不到优化的情况 ,对速度灵敏度边界条件提出改进措施 ,使上下模具形状同时能够得到优化 .最后给出了优化设计实例 ,验证该方法的可靠性 .  相似文献   

随着我国出行工具的发展,车的内饰也进入到了新的发展层面。就目前汽车行业的发展来看,车身的安全性能逐渐提高,其重量也在不断加大。这就对车的内饰件提出了新的要求,那就是内饰件需要采取安全性能高且质量较小的材料,也就是对轻量化的材料使用。尤其对商用车来说,其安全性、舒适性以及节能性都应该是技术提升的重点。本文就通过对商用车的内饰件材料的研究,对轻量化设计的方案和意义进行总结。  相似文献   

A performance‐based design sensitivity analysis procedure for inelastic steel moment frameworks under equivalent static earthquake loading is presented in this paper. Analytical formulations defining the sensitivity of displacements to modifications in member sizes are derived based on a load‐control pushover analysis procedure. Material non‐linearity under bending moment is alone accounted. Although the formulations were derived based on continuous design variables, they are readily extended to the case of discrete design variables. A 3‐storey moment frame example illustrates the applicability and accuracy of the developed methodology. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A continuum‐based shape and configuration design sensitivity analysis (DSA) method for a finite deformation elastoplastic shell structure has been developed. Shell elastoplasticity is treated using the projection method that performs the return mapping on the subspace defined by the zero‐normal stress condition. An incrementally objective integration scheme is used in the context of finite deformation shell analysis, wherein the stress objectivity is preserved for finite rotation increments. The material derivative concept is used to develop a continuum‐based shape and configuration DSA method. Significant computational efficiency is obtained by solving the design sensitivity equation without iteration at each converged load step using the same consistent tangent stiffness matrix. Numerical implementation of the proposed shape and configuration DSA is carried out using the meshfree method. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated using numerical examples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article describes a new approach to design the cross-section layer orientations of composite laminated beam structures. The beams are modelled with realistic cross-sectional geometry and material properties instead of a simplified model. The VABS (the variational asymptotic beam section analysis) methodology is used to compute the cross-sectional model for a generalized Timoshenko model, which was embedded in the finite element solver FEAP. Optimal design is performed with respect to the layers’ orientation. The design sensitivity analysis is analytically formulated and implemented. The direct differentiation method is used to evaluate the response sensitivities with respect to the design variables. Thus, the design sensitivities of the Timoshenko stiffness computed by VABS methodology are imbedded into the modified VABS program and linked to the beam finite element solver. The modified method of feasible directions and sequential quadratic programming algorithms are used to seek the optimal continuous solution of a set of numerical examples. The buckling load associated with the twist–bend instability of cantilever composite beams, which may have several cross-section geometries, is improved in the optimization procedure.  相似文献   

In this study, a post optimization technique for a correction of inaccurate optimum obtained using first‐order reliability method (FORM) is proposed for accurate reliability‐based design optimization (RBDO). In the proposed method, RBDO using FORM is first performed, and then the proposed second‐order reliability method (SORM) is performed at the optimum obtained using FORM for more accurate reliability assessment and its sensitivity analysis. In the proposed SORM, the Hessian of a performance function is approximated by reusing derivatives information accumulated during previous RBDO iterations using FORM, indicating that additional functional evaluations are not required in the proposed SORM. The proposed SORM calculates a probability of failure and its first‐order and second‐order stochastic sensitivity by applying the importance sampling to a complete second‐order Taylor series of the performance function. The proposed post optimization constructs a second‐order Taylor expansion of the probability of failure using results of the proposed SORM. Because the constructed Taylor expansion is based on the reliability method more accurate than FORM, the corrected optimum using this Taylor expansion can satisfy the target reliability more accurately. In this way, the proposed method simultaneously achieves both efficiency of FORM and accuracy of SORM. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optimization has been successfully applied to systems with a single discipline. Since many disciplines are involved in a coupled fashion in modern engineering, multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) technology has been developed. MDO algorithms are designed to solve the coupled aspects generated from the interdisciplinary relationship. In a general MDO algorithm, a large design problem is decomposed into smaller ones which can be easily solved. Although various methods have been proposed for MDO, research is still in the early stage. This study proposes a new MDO method which is named MDO based on independent subspaces (MDOIS). Many real engineering problems consist of physically separate components and they can be independently designed. The inter‐relationship occurs through coupled physics. MDOIS is developed for such problems. In MDOIS, a large system is decomposed into small subsystems. The coupled aspects are solved via system analysis which solves the coupled physics. The algorithm is mathematically validated by showing that the solution satisfies the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A unified design sensitivity analysis method for a meshfree shell structure with respect to size, shape, and configuration design variables is presented in this paper. A shear deformable shell formulation is characterized by a CAD connection, thickness degeneration, meshfree discretization, and nodal integration. Because of a strong connection to the CAD tool, the design variable is selected from the CAD parameters, and a consistent design velocity field is then computed by perturbing the surface geometric matrix. The material derivative concept is utilized in order to obtain a design sensitivity equation in the parametric domain. Numerical examples show the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed design sensitivity analysis method compared to the analytical solution and the finite difference solution. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comprehensive solution for bus frame design is proposed to bridge multi-material topology optimization and cross-sectional size optimization. Three types of variables (material, topology and size) and two types of constraints (static stiffness and frequencies) are considered to promote this practical design. For multi-material topology optimization, an ordered solid isotropic material with penalization interpolation is used to transform the multi-material selection problem into a pure topology optimization problem, without introducing new design variables. Then, based on the previously optimal topology result, cross-sectional sizes of the bus frame are optimized to further seek the least mass. Sequential linear programming is preferred to solve the two structural optimization problems. Finally, an engineering example verifies the effectiveness of the presented method, which bridges the gap between topology optimization and size optimization, and achieves a more lightweight bus frame than traditional single-material topology optimization.  相似文献   

为了获取准确的复合材料细观模型,提出了一种复合材料组分参数识别方法。在细观单向碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)有限元模型基础上,构造静态位移场对复合材料组分弹性参数的灵敏度矩阵,以测量位移和有限元计算位移差的二范数为目标函数,针对待识别参数量纲差异较大的问题,利用相对灵敏度提高材料组分弹性参数识别的精度和效率。以纤维均匀分布的复合材料平面模型和纤维随机分布的复合材料实体模型为研究对象,验证所提出组分参数识别方法的有效性和准确性。此外,研究了测点数目及测量误差对识别结果的影响。结果表明:本文提出的复合材料组分参数识别方法在测点数目变化和测量误差影响下仍然稳定。  相似文献   

Z. Li  L. B. Duan  T. Chen  W. Yao 《工程优选》2019,51(8):1393-1411
Design optimization plays an important role in electric vehicle (EV) design. However, fluctuations in design variables and noise factors during the forming process affect the stability of optimization results. This study uses six-sigma robust design optimization to explore the lightweight design and crashworthiness of EVs with uncertainty. A full-scale finite element model of an EV is established. Then, multi-objective design optimization is performed by integrating optimal Latin hypercube sampling, radial basis functions and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II to achieve minimum peak acceleration and mass. Finally, six-sigma robust optimization designs are applied to improve the reliability and sigma level. Robust optimization using adaptive importance sampling is shown to be more efficient than that using Monte Carlo sampling. Moreover, deformation of the battery compartment and peak acceleration of the B-pillar are greatly decreased. The EV’s safety performance is improved and the lightweight effect is remarkable, validating the strong engineering practicability of the method.  相似文献   

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