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Nitrogen use and losses in agriculture in subtropical Australia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review examines the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on sugar-cane, summer and winter grain crops, cotton, tropical fruit crops and pastoral areas in the four subtropical zones in eastern Australia. The pathways for N loss from the various crops grown in these zones are also examined and estimates of N loss given.Sugar-cane is the most important crop grown in the subtropical humid northern and southern zones, using 77% of all N fertilizer applied in 1988–89. Urea is the most widely used form of N fertilizer with about 50% of the applied N often lost via ammonia volatilization, denitrification and leaching. Losses of N via ammonia volatilization can be reduced by either irrigating after application, applying urea in subsurface bands or delaying application until after canopy development. Denitrification losses of 20% of applied N have been measured on clay soils in sugar- cane areas while leaching losses may occur by movement of solutes down preferential pathways (e.g. soil fauna, root channels and structural weaknesses in the soil profile). Tropical fruit crops also make a significant contribution to the economy of the humid northern and southern zones. The livestock industry is well established in the subtropical northern zones, with beef and dairy production relying on leguminous as well as N fertilized pastures. Urea is again the most widely used form of N and is susceptible to large losses via ammonia volatilization. Over a 12 month period, losses of between 9% and 42% of the N applied were recorded from a subtropical pasture.Wheat is the major winter crop of the sub-humid northern and southern zones with grain sorghum the main summer crop. Urea is the principal form of N fertilizer applied to both crops and is essential for increasing or maintaining economic yields from both regions. This decrease in soil fertility in grain producing areas is due mainly to a decrease in the amount of soil organic matter available for mineralization. Cotton is another major crop of both areas and relies heavily on N fertilizer application. Nitrogen fertilizer losses have been recorded from all cropping areas, although nitrification inhibitors such as wax coated calcium carbide and 2-ethynylpyridine have reduced denitrification losses from soils growing wheat and cotton respectively.Subtropical agriculture relies heavily on N fertilizer, principally urea, to maintain and increase crop yields. Losses of N from soils sown to crops and from native and sown pasture occur although management practices are being developed to help minimize this loss.  相似文献   

提高硫基复合肥生产中氮的利用率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合生产实践,从工艺操作条件(中和度、干燥温度、混酸密度、返料倍数)、产品氮含量、控制法、原料配方(硫酸、磷酸用量,氨与尿素用量比例)、磷酸杂质、产品水分控制法、装置稳定运行等方面分析其对高浓度硫基复合肥氮利用率的影响,提出提高氮利用率的一些做法和控制要求。  相似文献   

Nitrogen transformations in wetland rice ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
In Asia, rice production has increased an average 2.7% annually - due to greater fertilizer use and crop intensification together with varietal improvement and investment in irrigation facilities. Nitrogen efficiency in tropical rice is low.15N recovery rarely exceeds 30–40% in wetland rice production systems. Ammonia (NH3) volatilization and denitrification are recognized as major nitrogen loss mechanisms in such systems. Information on the relative importance of the two loss processes is available for few sites in Asia. The greatest losses of N are reported to occur when the fertilizer treatment leads to a high concentration of ammoniacal N in the floodwater. Results from the studies using micrometereological technique suggest that ammonia volatilization may be the most important loss process in wetland rice ecosystems. Directly measuring denitrification in the field proved more difficult than measuring NH3 volatilization due to difficulty in distinguishing the main end product of denitrification (N2) against a large background of atmospheric N2. However, the directly measured (N2 + N2O) -15N flux for rice in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines rice fields was less than 1% of the applied N. Green manure incorporation in wetland rice fields reduced N losses from mineral N source due to resulting lower floodwater pH and lower partial pressure of NH3 (pNH3) than that of urea applied alone. At present, the integrated use of green manure and mineral N is receiving much attention in the hope of meeting farmers' desire to reduce cost of production as well as ecological considerations such as increased methane production which contribute to global climate change. Other promising alternative practices for increasing fertilizer N efficiency include improved timing and application methods, particularly through better incorporation of basal N fertilizer without standing water, deep placement, and use of coated fertilizers.  相似文献   

Broadcast wet-seeding is gradually replacing transplanting in irrigated rice systems of Southeast Asia. Previous studies reported higher fertilizer-N use efficiency for broadcast-seeded than transplanted rice despite similar grain yields in treatments that received N fertilizer. To re-examine this issue, we compared crop performance and the recovery efficiency (r, N uptake per unit N applied), agronomic efficiency (a, grain yield per unit N applied), and partial factor productivity from applied N (PFP, grain yield per unit N applied) in broadcast-seeded and transplanted rice across a wide range of N fertilizer rates at research stations and in farmers' fields. Rice crop established by broadcasting had more rapid leaf area development, dry matter accumulation, and N uptake than transplanting during vegetative growth stages, but slower growth rates and N uptake after panicle initiation, particularly during the grain filling period. Without applied N, grain yield and N accumulation at maturity were significantly lower in broadcast-seeded than transplanted rice, whereas yields and N uptake were comparable for both planting methods with equivalent rates of applied N. Although both r and a were higher for broadcast-seeded than transplanted rice, this advantage was an artifact of lower yields and reduced N uptake by broadcasting without applied N rather than improved performance with applied N. In contrast, PFP values were similar for broadcast-seeded and transplanted rice at comparable fertilizer-N rates and in the absence of lodging. We conclude that the PFP from applied N provides a more relevant measure of N use efficiency of different crop establishment methods, and that the system-level N use efficiency of broadcast-seeded rice was not greater than that of transplanted rice.  相似文献   

Ammonia volatilization, denitrification loss and total nitrogen (N) loss (unaccounted-for N) have been investigated from N fertilizer applied to a calcareous sandy loam fluvo-aquic soil at Fengqiu in the North China Plain. Ammonia volatilization was measured by the micrometeorological mass balance method, denitrification by the acetylene inhibition – soil core incubation technique, and total N loss by 15N-balance technique. Ammonia loss was an important pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to rice (30–39% of the applied N) and maize (11–48%), but less so for wheat (1–20%). The amounts of unaccounted-for fertilizer N were in the order of rice > maize > wheat. Deep placement greatly reduced ammonia volatilization and total N loss. Temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation (particular for rice), and source of N fertilizer also affect extent and pattern of ammonia loss. Denitrification (its major gas products are N2 and N2O) usually was not a significant pathway of N loss from N fertilizer applied to maize and wheat. The amount of N2O emission (N2O is an intermediate product from both nitrification and denitrification) was comparable to denitrification loss for maize and wheat, and it was not significant in the economy of fertilizer N in agronomical terms, but it is of great concern for the environment.  相似文献   

Research on corn and winter wheat has shown that a critical N concentration in the grain exists above which a yield response to N fertilizer is unlikely. This indicator can be used for post-harvest evaluation of N sufficiency and for mapping N availability in the field, which may be helpful for making future N fertilizer decisions. The purpose of this study was to determine if a critical N concentration in the seed exists for cotton. The study was conducted in the Georgia Coastal Plain during 1998, 1999, and 2001, using a different variety of cotton in each year. In 1998, 12 N fertilizer rates ranging from 38 to 203 kg ha–1 were applied to Delta Pineland 90 at three locations within one field that differed in soil organic matter and clay concentration, and in 1999 and 2001, 6 N fertilizer rates ranging from 22 to 179 kg ha–1 were applied to Stoneville 474 and Delta Pineland 458 in a different field. At all locations, the N concentration in the cottonseed increased linearly with increasing N fertilizer rates. Maximum yields were obtained at less than maximum seed N concentration. Lower seed N concentrations indicated some degree of N deficiency. Based on these results, it appears that a critical N concentration of 35 g kg–1 exists for cottonseeds, above which no yield response to N fertilizer is likely. Information on the spatial distribution of cottonseed N concentrations could therefore help to evaluate the adequacy of N fertilization for cotton, thereby providing a basis for adjustment of N fertilization rates in future crops.  相似文献   

The southeast US produces a tremendous number of broiler chickens (Gallus gallus), which in turn produce massive quantities of litter (manure and bedding materials). In the Southeast, litter is most often disposed of via land application to pastures, however, the ultimate fate of much of the applied nitrogen (N) is not known. We have constructed N budgets for three sites across the southeastern U.S. in an effort to determine how much of the applied N is useful for plant production and how much is left to be absorbed by the environment. Study sites were located in the Coastal Plain (Alabama), Piedmont (Georgia), and Cumberland Plateau (Tennessee) Major Land Resource Areas (MLRA) of the southeastern US. Litter was applied in the Spring of two consecutive years at a rate to supply 70 kg of available N ha–1. The total amount of N applied ranged from 103 to 252 kg N ha–1 depending on site and year. Nitrogen fluxes monitored in this study were broiler litter N, ammonia (NH3) volatilization, denitrification, plant uptake, and leaching. Plant uptake represented the largest flux of applied N, averaging 43% of applied N. Losses due to NH3 volatilization and denitrification combined were only 6% of applied N on average. Loss of N due to NO3-N leaching appeared to be significant only at the Coastal Plain site where NO3-N concentrations in the groundwater peaked at 38 mg N l–1. We believe the majority of excess N shown in these budgets is likely accounted for by leaching losses and soil accumulation. Regardless of these assumptions and low gaseous losses, it is apparent that on average, 57% of applied N is destined for a fate other than plant uptake. The results of this study indicate that land-application of broiler litter at currently recommended rates has the potential for negative impacts on the environment of the southeastern U.S. in the long-term.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization is a key input in increasing rice production in East, South, and Southeast Asia. The introduction of high-yielding varieties has greatly increased the prospect of increasing yields, but this goal will not be reached without great increases in the use and efficiency of N on rice. Nitrogen enters a unique environment in flooded soils, in which losses of fertilizer N and mechanisms of losses vary greatly from those in upland situations. Whereas upland crops frequently use 40–60% of the applied N, flooded rice crops typically use only 20–40%. There is a great potential for increasing the efficiency of N uptake on this very responsive crop to help alleviate food deficits in the developing world.This article reviews current use of N fertilizers (particularly urea) on rice, the problems associated with rice fertilization, and recent research results that aid understanding of problems associated with N fertilization of rice and possible avenues to increase the efficiency of N use by rice.  相似文献   

采用超大区田间试验,以不施氮、传统氯素管理方式和优化氮素管理方式为对照,研究冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥(包裹肥料)对产量、土壤无机氮和氮肥利用效率的影响,并对冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥效果进行评价,结果表明:与传统氮素管理方式相比,优化氮素管理方式和包裹肥料处理在分别节省了78%和67%的氮肥的条件下,获得了和传统氮素管理方式相似的冬小麦子粒产量;采用氮素优化管理模式和施用包裹肥料显著降低了土壤无机氮残留和氮素表观损失,从而显著提高了氮肥利用率;与优化氮素管理方式相比,施用包裹肥料可一次性基施,省时省力,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

平衡施肥理论与肥料高效利用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合施肥实践阐述了平衡施肥原理中静态的横向平衡和动态的纵向平衡概念,并提出具有纵向平衡特点的速度复合型控释肥,其养分释放速度能与作物的养分需求基本一致,可显著提高肥料利用率和作物产量。  相似文献   

Field experiments with silage maize during eight years on a sandy soil in The Netherlands, showed that dicyandiamide (DCD) addition to autumn-applied cattle slurry retarded nitrification, thus reducing nitrate losses during winter. Spring-applied slurry without DCD, however, was on average associated with even lower losses and higher maize dry matter yields.Economically optimum supplies of mineral N in the upper 0.6 m soil layer in spring (EOSMN), amounted to 130–220 kg ha–1. Year to year variation of EOSMN could not be attributed to crop demand only. According to balance sheet calculations on control plots, apparent N mineralization between years varied from 0.36 to 0.94 kg ha–1 d–1. On average, forty percent of the soil mineral N (SMN) supply in spring, was lost during the growing season. Hence, the amounts of residual soil mineral N (RSMN) were lower than expected. Multiple regression with SMN in spring, N crop uptake and cumulative rainfall as explanatory variables, could account for 79 percent of the variation in RSMN.Postponement of slurry applications to spring and limiting N inputs to economically optimum rates, were insufficient measures to keep the nitrate concentration in groundwater below the EC level for drinking water.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted at Kadawa, northern Nigeria, during 1975–77 to study the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer use under maize (Zea mays L.)—wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation; the study also examined the impact of continuous N use on some soil properties. Grain and straw dry matter yields, grain N content, crop N uptake and whole plant N concentration of wheat at different growth stages increased significantly with increasing levels of N application. Per cent increases in mean grain yield of N treated plots over control were 77, 131 and 141 for maize and 195, 308 and 326 for wheat at 60, 120 and 180 kg N per ha levels, respectively. The calculated N rates for maximum yield were 177.5 and 164.0 kg N per ha for maize and wheat, respectively. Short-term beneficial effect of dung on maize yield was ascribed to its additional N supply. Urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) were equally good for both maize and wheat; full and split N application gave no significant difference in yield. The values for mean fertilizer N recovery over all the crops were 64, 58 and 44% respectively, at 60, 120 and 180 kg N per ha levels.Nitrogen application at the highest rate (180 kg per ha) reduced the soil pH significantly in the top 40 cm of the soil profile. The magnitude of soil acidification at levels of N below 120 kg per ha was not appreciable in this study. High N application also depleted the soil of its cations at differential rates. Other factors such as N source, time of N application and addition of dung along with N fertilizer did not have much influence on the rate of short-term soil acidification due to N fertilizer use.  相似文献   

Although efficient use of N remains a critical constraint to productivity in irrigated lowland rice, a comprehensive database does not exist for the efficiency of on-farm management of N and other nutrients. In 1994, IRRI initiated its Mega Project on Reversing Trends of Declining Productivity in Intensive Irrigated Rice Systems in selected rice production domains of five tropical Asian nations to improve on-farm fertilizer-use efficiency and to monitor long-term productivity trends as related to fertilizers and other inputs. Data are reported here for the first crop cycle, the 1994–95 dry season. The indigenous soil N supply (INS) was estimated by aboveground crop N uptake and grain yield (GY) in plots without applied N established in farmers' fields under otherwise favorable growth conditions. The fertilizer N rate each farmer applied to his/her field surrounding these plots was recorded; GY was also measured in that area. In each domain, GY in unfertilized plots varied considerably among farms, as the range between maximum and minimum values within each domain was at least 2.8 t ha-1, thus of comparable magnitude to mean GY for these plots. Fertilizer N rates varied from 36–246 kg ha-1 across all domains, but their lack of relationship to INS contributed to relatively low fertilizer N efficiency and high variability in efficiency among farms. Mean agronomic efficiency (GY/applied N rate) for each domain was only 6–15 kg grain kg-1 N, while values for individual farmers ranged from 0 to 59 kg grain kg-1 N. Initial data on P and K fertilizer management also suggest highly variable applications at suboptimal efficiency. These results indicate the potential for greater fertilizer efficiency from improved congruence between the indigenous soil supply and applied fertilizer, and emphasize the need for field-specific nutrient management. Although agronomic efficiency and partial factor productivity (GY/applied N rate) can each be used to describe the efficiency of fertilizer applications, a complete analysis of nutrient management should include both terms, grain yield, fertilizer rates, and native soil fertility.  相似文献   

N2O, NO and NO2 fluxes from an Andosol soil in Japan after fertilization were measured 6 times per day for 10 months from June 1997 to April 1998 with a fully automated flux monitoring system in lysimeters. Three nitrogen chemical fertilizers were applied to the soil–calcium nitrate (NI), controlled-release urea (CU), and controlled-release calcium nitrate (CN), and also no nitrogen fertilizer (NN). The total amount of nitrogen applied was 15 g N m–2 in the first and the second cultivation period of Chinese vegetable. In the first measuremnt period of 89 days, the total N2O emissions from NI, CN, CU, and NN were 18.4, 16.3, 48.7, and 9.60 mgN m–2, respectively. The total NO emissions from NI, CN, CU, and NN were 48.4, 33.7, 149, and 13.7 mgN m–2, respectively. In the second measurement period of 53 days, the total N2O emissions from NI, CN, and CU were 9.66, 7.23, and 20.6 mgN m–2, respectively. The total NO emissions from NI, CN, and CU were 24.7, 2.60 and 34.2 mgN m–2, respectively. The total N2O emission from CU was significantly higher than CN. In the third cultivation period, all plots were applied with 10 g N m–2 of ammonium phosphate (AP) and winter barley was cultivated. In the third measurement period of 155 days, the total N2O and NO emissions were 9.02 mgN m–2 and 10.2 mgN m–2, respectively. N2O and NO peaks were observed just after the fertilization for 30 days and 15 days, respectively. N2O, NO and NO2 fluxes for the year were estimated to be 38.6 81.5, 48.2 181, and –24.8 to –39.3 mgN m–2, respectively. NO2 was absorbed in all the plots, and a negative correlation was found between NO2 flux and the NO2 concentration just after the chamber closed. NO was absorbed in the winter period, and a negative correlation was found between NO flux and the NO concentration just after the chamber closed. A diurnal pattern was observed in N2O and NO fluxes in the summer, similar to air and soil temperature. We could find a negative relationship between flux ratio of NO-N to N2O-N and water-filled pore space (WFPS), and a positive relationship between NO-N and N2O-N fluxes and temperature. Q10 values were 3.1 for N2O and 8.7 for NO between 530 °C.  相似文献   

为解决中国人多地少所带来巨大的粮食生产压力,近20年来,中国的氮肥消耗大幅度增加。2000年,中国氮肥消耗已占世界总氮肥消耗量的30%,氮肥用量超过225kg/hm2,在个别地区超过500kg/hm2,氮肥利用率仅为30%~40%,远低于发达国家70%~80%的水平,导致了环境污染。德国也曾经历为加速农业生产而大量使用氮肥,并带来环境污染这一发展阶段。20世纪80年代,德国开始制定一系列法规和政策减少氮肥使用,在氮肥消耗量下降的情况下,不但残留氮污染环境的问题得到有效遏制和缓解,而且粮食单产还继续保持增长势头。借鉴德国的发展经验,中国有必要制订相关法规和政策,通过大力提高氮肥利用率,以避免氮肥的过度使用。  相似文献   

With a view to evaluate the effect of different chemical additives on the efficacy of urea, a green house study was conducted with wet season rice (Oryza sativa L.) as test crop. The results showed that compaction of phosphogypsum (PG), diammonium phosphate (DAP), ZnSO4, NH4Cl or KCl with urea increased the rice yield and N use efficiency as compared to that obtained with straight urea. A significant positive correlation between potential N loss (measured by soluble N in floodwater) and NH3 volatilization (measured by forced air draft system) was observed. The results clearly indicate that N use efficiency can be increased through suitable modification of urea by compacting it with acid and non-acid producing fertilizers such as NH4Cl, KCl, ZnSO4 and DAP or industrial byproduct like phosphogypsum.  相似文献   

Emissions of nitrogen compounds (NO, NH3, N2O and N2) from heavily fertilized (280 kg(N) ha-1) and irrigated maize fields were studied over an annual cultivation cycle in southwestern France. NO and N2O emissions were measured by chamber techniques throughout the year. During fertilization and maize growth periods, chamber measurements were intensified and complemented by flux-gradient micrometeorological measurements of NOx and NH3. The two methods used, Bowen ratio and a simplified aerodynamical techniques, agree quite well and quantify NOx and NH3 flux variations during the period of intense emission which followed fertilizer application. Over a yearly cycle, nitrogen loss in the form of NH3, NO and N2O were calculated using micrometeorological flux measurements and emission algorithms calibrated with field data (chambers). The soil denitrification potential represented by the ratio N2O/(N2O+N2) was measured in the laboratory to calculate potential total gaseous nitrogen loss. Taking into account all uncertainties, the total N loss into the atmosphere represents 30 to 110 kg(N) ha-1 with about less than 1% as NH3, 40% as NO, 14% as N2O and 46% as N2. This is in agreement with the agronomic nitrogen budget based on the N fertilizer input and soil furniture and, on the N-output by crops and crop residues, which displays a net imbalance of 50 to 100 kg(N) ha-1.  相似文献   

N-use efficiency in flooded tropical rice is usually low. Fertilizer N losses result mainly from losses of volatile NH3 after broadcast application of urea into floodwater between transplanting and early tillering which is a common practice of farmers. Losses appear predominantly during the first week after urea application. With broadcast and incorporation of N into soil at transplanting losses may be reduced but are still substantial. Deep placement of urea supergranules (USG) has not been adopted by farmers because it is very laborious. A new application technique, namely injection of dissolved urea into the upper soil layer, was developed by which fertilizer N losses were effectively minimized while at the same time allowing flexible timing of application independent of crop stage and water management. It provides N-use efficiency equal to that achieved by USG point placement but is less labor-intensive.  相似文献   

A 3-year multi-site study was carried out on rainfed Vertisols under Mediterranean conditions in southern Europe to determine the influence of the N fertilizer rate on soil nitrates, N uptake and N use efficiency in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. Durum Desf.) in rotation with sunflower (Heliathus annuus L.). Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 0, 100, 150 and 200 kg N ha−1 applied in equal proportions at sowing, tillering and stem elongation. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block with a split plot arrangement and four replications. Nitrogen harvest index (NHI), N uptake/grain yield (NUp/GY), N use efficiency (NUE), N utilization efficiency (NUtE), N uptake efficiency (NUpE) and N apparent recovery fraction (NRF) were calculated. Differences were observed in N use efficiency between the two modern bread wheat and durum wheat cultivars studied. In comparison to durum, bread wheat displayed greater N accumulation capacity and a more efficient use of N for grain production. While under N-limiting conditions, the behavior was similar for both wheat types. No difference was noted between wheat types with regard to changes in soil residual levels over the study period at the various sites. The 100-kg ha−1 N fertilizer rate kept soil nitrates stable at a moderate level in plots where both wheat types were sown.  相似文献   

Cropping systems and fertilizer management strategies that effectively use applied nitrogen (N) are important in reducing costs of N inputs. We examined the effect of time of N application on dry matter (DM) and grain yield (GY), N accumulation, the N budget in crop from soil, fertilizer and atmosphere, and the fertilizer N use efficiency (estimated by the conventional difference method, and the direct 15N recovery by the crops), in a sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping system on an Alfisol (Ferric Luvisols (FAO); or Udic Rhodustalf (USDA) in India. Fertilizer N was applied at planting (basal) and at 40 days after sowing (delayed). Nitrogen was applied only to the sorghum rows in the intercropping treatment. Nitrogen derived from air (Ndfa) was estimated by the15 N natural abundance method, and N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) was estimated by the 15N isotope dilution method. Delaying N fertilization till 40 days after sowing (DAS), rather than applying at sowing increased DM and GY of the sorghum, but not of pigeonpea. Delaying N fertilization to sorghum for 40 days significantly (p<0.001) increased 15N recovery in shoot from 15 to 32% in sole crop, and from 10 to 32% in intercrop. Similarly, there was a significant (p<0.001) increase in N recovery (by the difference method) from 43 to 59% in sole crop and from 28 to 71 % in intercrop sorghum. Fertilizer N recovery by sole crop pigeonpea (14%) was higher than intercrop pigeonpea (2–4%). Pigeonpea fixed between 120–170 kg ha-1 of atmospheric N throughout the cropping season. Although there was a marked difference in nitrate-N (N03-N) concentrations between basal and delayed treatments at planting, no difference was observed in N03-N concentrations in soil solution between the treatments at 40 DAS. Our data on N accumulation by plants showed that the rate of N depletion or disappearance from the soil solution was 2–3 times faster than N accumulation by plants, suggesting that an appreciable amount of N03-N would disappear from soil solution in the top soil without being utilized by crops during the initial growth stage. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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