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Because safer sex behaviors require planning and forethought and their primary motivations lie in the future, the hypothesis that behaviors that might reduce exposure to HIV would positively correlate with future time orientation, whereas risky behaviors would correlate with present time orientation, was tested in a survey of 188 heterosexual college students. As expected, those high in future time orientation were less likely to be sexually experienced and had fewer sexual partners. In contrast, present time orientation positively related to those measures. Those high in future orientation were more likely to use alternate methods of reducing exposure to HIV (e.g., inquiring about partner's sexual history, delaying or abstaining from sex). Time perspective also interacted with both gender and fear of AIDS. The responses of women and individuals low in fear were more related to time orientation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For more than a decade, support groups have been proposed as a key intervention for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWAs). Despite this fact, there are still only a few articles that evaluate and compare outcomes of support groups so as to provide a scientific base for their usefulness and effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to critically review selected published literature on support groups and to assess gaps in research. In general, the reviewed literature evaluated support groups as an effective intervention, which is evident for this widespread support. However, because diverse populations of PLWAs have specific needs, the group and intervention should be designed to meet those needs. Specific recommendations for further research about support groups for PLWAs are offered.  相似文献   

Suicide and depression among college students: A decade later.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Are suicidal thoughts and depression increasing or decreasing among college students? What life circumstances are the most critical to explore with depressed or suicidal college students? This article focuses on the rate of self-assessed depression and suicide among college students and examines contributing factors and help-seeking behavior. Results of the study indicated that 53% of the sample stated that they experienced depression since beginning college, with 9% reporting that they had considered committing suicide since beginning college. Suggestions for college mental health practitioners related to programming, prevention, and psychoeducation are described. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 38-year-old male with bilateral pseudo-internuclear ophthalmoplegia (-INO) in myasthenia that could have been misdiagnosed as INO in multiple sclerosis is reported. He experienced fluctuating symptoms including double vision, imbalance, and tinnitus. His eye movements simulated bilateral INO, with a downshoot in abduction. After thymectomy, his eye movements became normal. From our case and a review of the literature, we propose that ptosis, downshoot, and fatigability are likely to be signs of pseudo-INO in myasthenia, whereas an impaired vertical smooth pursuit is unlikely. Dissociated nystagmus and monocular overshoot might be the results of central compensation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Identify several HIV risk behaviors among adolescent students. METHODS: The sample (n = 3,648) was selected using a two-staged stratified cluster sampling design, and weighted to represent all junior high and high school students. RESULTS: About 28.8% of the students reported ever having sexual activity. Less than half of the sexually active (44.5%) used condoms during their last sexual activity; 27.6% used them always. Only 54.7% knew correctly > 75% of the HIV knowledge questions. A HIV risk scale was constructed using five risk factors. About 15.9% of the students did not have any risk factor, 36.2% had one, 47.9% had two or more. Males and high school students had significantly more risk factors. Half of the students will abstain from having sex next year because they don't want to get HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to implement effective HIV prevention programs for adolescents in order to change their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

From 1991 to the present, the AIDS Task Force in a private religious university has established a broad-based, multidisciplinary, multifaceted program aimed at reducing sexual risk taking as well as related behaviors. This has been accomplished at no cost to the university. The task force has focused on facilitating linkages among interested groups within the university and on maintaining quality programming. Success is indicated by increased openness to dialogue about sexual issues, as well as increased participation in AIDS education activities.  相似文献   

The increasing use of laparoscopic surgery in children is associated with the enlargement of the spectrum of indications to appendicectomy, extramucosal pylorotomy and cure of oesophageal reflux. It is also linked with new problems, mainly due to physiologic modifications elicited by pneumoperitoneum and patient's posture. Although sufficient data are not yet available, the respiratory and cardiovascular modifications are probably similar to those occurring in adults, at least in children more than 4-month-old, as long as the intra-abdominal pressure remains under 15 mmHg. The use of higher intra-abdominal pressures has not been reported in children. In this case, the cardiovascular changes consist mainly in an increase in arterial pressure. In some children, non specific decreases in heart rate and in blood pressure can be observed. The latter can be elicited by a surgical complication, hypovolaemia, head-elevated position or deep anaesthesia. In the newborn and infant under 6 months, intra-abdominal pressures of 15 mmHg or more carry a risk of low cardiac output due to a decrease in contractility and compliance of the left ventricle. In this group of age it is therefore recommended to establish a pressure not higher than 6 mmHg. Moreover, in these very young children, the risk for reopening of the right-left shunts can result in heart insufficiency and systemic gas embolism. Peroperative respiratory changes include an increase in PetCO2 and more rarely a decrease in SaO2. The interpretation of the former depends on the site of gas sampling in the anaesthetic system. It is easily controlled by an increased minute ventilation. Various causes, such as bronchial intubation, inhalation of gastric contents or gas embolism, can decrease SaO2. Contra-indications for laparoscopic surgery include hypovolaemia, heart diseases, increased intracranial pressure and alveolar distension. Therefore newborns are patients at high risk in so far as their foramen ovale or their ductus arteriosus is patent, the pulmonary arterial resistances remain increased and a bronchodysplasia is existing. In some cases a special disease is often associated. As an example recurrent bronchitis or asthma is associated with an oesophageal reflux and a sickle-cell disease in patients with cholelithiasis. These patients require special pre-, per- and postoperative care for prevention of complications. Anaesthesia for laparoscopic surgery does not require a major extension of the usual security regulations. Special attention must be paid to arterial pressure. Therefore end-expiratory concentration of the halogenated anaesthetic agent should not be kept higher than 1.5 times the MAC related to the age during maintenance of anaesthesia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Reviews research by Canadian psychologists on college and university teaching in 1970–1980. One group of studies investigated the effectiveness of various instructional innovations, ranging from the learning cell to educational TV. A 2nd body of research focused on the evaluation of effective teaching, especially the reliability and validity of teacher rating forms. A 3rd research approach examined the characteristics of learners, teachers, and courses, including such factors as the background and attitudes of both faculty and students, student achievement, personality and cognitive variables among learners, the training of teachers, and the content and structure of courses. Three general questions are discussed in the light of the available research evidence: whether Canadian research on college teaching can be considered unique, whether it is significant, and whether it has affected psychological theory or teaching practice. (French abstract) (70 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a study assessing the acceptability of a computer HIV risk assessment instrument administered to not-in-treatment drug users. The study asked three questions related to acceptability: (1) are drug users comfortable responding to HIV risk questions using the computer assessment; (2) do drug users feel that they possess the requisite skill to respond to questions using a computer; and (3) do drug users believe that the responses they provide using the computer assessment will remain private and confidential. This study differs from other assessments of the acceptability of computer assisted data collection in that the population of interest has only limited education and interaction with computers. Furthermore, the study was implemented under field conditions. To conduct the study, an existing HIV risk assessment instrument was adapted for use with the computer. Only slight modifications were made to the content of the instrument. To facilitate data collection with this population, audio enhancement and touch screen were used. Three scales measuring comfort, skill and perceived privacy were developed. Results of analysis showed that drug users are comfortable responding to an HIV risk assessment using computer assisted interviewing. Drug users also perceived that they possessed the requisite skill to successfully complete the interview. And, study participants reported that they believed that their responses using the computer interview would remain private and confidential. Only minor differences in scale scores based on sociodemographic characteristics were found among study participants. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the knowledge and attitudes of medical students to HIV/AIDS and whether attitudes correlate with knowledge and clinical experience. To determine if students felt adequately prepared to deal with medical and psychological aspects of HIV/AIDS. SUBJECTS AND METHODS--The subjects consisted of 190 London and 99 Cambridge medical students at the end of their genitourinary medicine attachment, plus 230 Cambridge medical students at the end of their second pre-clinical year. Between March 1991 and February 1992 all were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire, covering factual knowledge and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS. MAIN RESULTS--Cambridge genitourinary medicine students, despite spending less time studying HIV infection than their London counterparts gave more correct answers to the factual questions, although this difference did not reach significance (52.4% vs. 47.5%, p = 0.14). One third of students believed that many health care workers were at high risk of acquiring HIV at work and one fifth thought doctors should have the right to refuse to treat people with HIV. Fourteen percent of Cambridge genitourinary medicine students indicated that most British people with HIV have only themselves to blame, by comparison with 4% of London students (p = 0.003). Thirty-nine per cent of Cambridge genitourinary medicine students expressed reluctance to care for someone with AIDS by comparison with 10% of London students (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS--It is important that medical educators convey accurate information about HIV, including the actual risks posed by occupational exposure and try to ensure that medical students spend sufficient time seeing patients with HIV/AIDS during their training.  相似文献   

Older Americans, 50 years of age and older, account for 10% of the 400,000 reported cases of AIDS nationwide (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1994). the integrated literature review format in this article examines the published literature on HIV/AIDS in older adults. Most articles are case studies and reports, with only 17% having a research basis. The information reviewed indicates that older adults have different risk factors than younger populations for contracting HIV disease and a different pattern of disease progression. These differences create a need for knowledge of HIV infection and AIDS and its parameters in aging populations so nurses may provide both timely and appropriate care.  相似文献   

College students from 2 Minnesota universities were surveyed about their gambling involvement. Gambling was reported to be a common experience, with 87% having participated at least once in the previous year. Most students reported gambling at fairly infrequent levels, and few identified financial, social, or personal consequences as a result of gambling. The odds of being identified as a probable pathological gambler was high for men, those indicating a positive parental history for gambling problems, regular (weekly plus) users of illicit drugs, and those with poor grades. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

College students' alcohol consumption has received considerable attention in the scientific literature and the media for its impact on students and the college community. Misuse of alcohol can lead to a wide range of consequences, the most severe being alcohol abuse, dependence, and death. Researchers have struggled to develop effective methods to assess problems related to alcohol, and the literature on college drinking lacks a strong theoretical framework for such assessment. The authors contend that measures of alcohol-related problems for college students should assess specific dimensions pertaining to 3 main domains: alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence, and what the authors define as risky drinking. The authors examined how existing measures fit into this model. In a comprehensive review of the college literature, the authors identified 9 measures (and their revised versions) assessing alcohol-related problems. Their analysis revealed that most measures do not assess comprehensively the domains outlined, and instead provide only partial assessments of the potential consequences of drinking for college students. The authors include directions for future research so that measurement of drinking consequences for college students can be refined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested a restraint-based model that binge drinking is a function of being tempted to drink alcohol while also being concerned about avoiding excessive alcohol intake. Underage (18-to 20-year-olds, 204 men and 225 women) college student drinkers completed measures that assessed the attraction to alcohol (e.g., temptation to drink, alcohol expectancies), concern about regulating alcohol intake (e.g., restriction of alcohol intake, reasons for limiting drinking), and alcohol-related outcomes (binge drinking, alcohol problems). In separate hierarchical multiple regressions, the attraction to alcohol accounted for significant amounts of additional variance in each of the alcohol outcomes. Concern about regulating alcohol intake accounted for additional variance, above that explained by attraction to alcohol. The results suggest that interventions for underage binge drinking should include training in the skills for regulating alcohol intake. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research used the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills (IMB) model of AIDS risk behavior change (J. D. Fisher & W. A. Fisher, see record 1992-28622-001) to reduce AIDS risk behavior in a college student population. College students received an IMB model-based intervention that addressed AIDS risk reduction information, motivation, and behavioral skills deficits that had been empirically identified in this population, or were assigned to a no-treatment control condition. At a 1-month follow-up, results confirmed that the intervention resulted in increases in AIDS risk reduction information, motivation, and behavioral skills, as well as significant increases in condom accessibility, safer sex negotiations, and condom use during sexual intercourse. At a long-term follow-up, the intervention again resulted in significant increases in AIDS preventive behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews Canadian research on individual psychotherapy outcome, differential treatment efficacy, interpersonal skills, in-therapy performance, and cognitive behavioral approaches. Developments in family therapy and program development and evaluation are also discussed. The progression from a simple outcome research design to a new type of research closer to the level of clinical practice is highlighted. New approaches go beyond the study of static person–situation interactions to produce a process research that investigates the dynamic, cognitive, and affective performances of clients in specific in-therapy situations. (French abstract) (3 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of sex differences in physical aggression to heterosexual partners and in its physical consequences are reported. Women were slightly more likely (d?=?–.05) than men to use one or more acts of physical aggression and to use such acts more frequently. Men were more likely (d?=?.15) to inflict an injury, and overall, 62% of those injured by a partner were women. The findings partially support previous claims that different methods of measurement produce conflicting results, but there was also evidence that the sample was an important moderator of effect size. Continuous models showed that younger aged dating samples and a lower proportion of physically aggressive males predicted effect sizes in the female direction. Analyses were limited by the available database, which is biased toward young dating samples in the United States. Wider variations are discussed in terms of two conflicting norms about physical aggression to partners that operate to different degrees in different cultures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The characteristics of two cases of histoplasmosis in AIDS patients in our institution are presented together with a review of the 11 cases published in Spain since 1988 in addition to the current knowledge on histoplasmosis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV). In all except 2 of the 13 patients there was epidemiologic history of a stay in a country in which histoplasmosis is endemic. The 12 cases described in which this information is available had CD4 counts under 100/microL. The clinical manifestations of presentation were fever (92.3%) associated or not with other unspecific symptoms (asthenia, anorexia, cough, diarrhea) with a subacute course of two or three months. Physical examination demonstrated hepatosplenomegaly in 76.9% of the cases and 61.5% of the patients presented cutaneous lesions. Thoracic radiography was abnormal in 55% (61.5% had respiratory symptoms). Diagnosis was achieved by isolation of the fungus in the cutaneous biopsies in all the patients with dermatologic involvement and in 7 cases identification was performed in the bone marrow. In all the cases induction treatment was with anphotericin B and in those who reached the maintenance phase itraconazol was used in 7 cases and ketoconazol in one case. None of the patients treated with itraconazol, including the two in our center, presented recurrence at the time of completion of follow up. In conclusion, histoplasmosis is frequently presented as a prolonged febrile syndrome with unspecific characteristics, thus emphasizing the importance of including travel history to other countries in the anamnesis. The increase in journeys to endemic countries and immigration from these areas had led to an increase in the number of cases of histoplasmosis in patients with HIV infection in Spain.  相似文献   

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