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This paper deals with a comparative analysis of two different packaging and transport scenarios, which exemplifies the implications of choosing between single‐use and reusable packaging. In particular, transport of a batch of chemicals by means of disposable fibre drums versus reusable steel drums is investigated from a life cycle perspective, and the associated environmental impact in terms of global warming potential, acidification potential, gross energy requirement and solid waste generation is assessed. Results prove beyond reasonable doubt that even in the case of durable packaging containers requiring the use of comparatively energy‐intensive materials for their production, the reuse scenario is characterized by lower environmental impact indicators across the board, and as such is the most advisable and environmentally sound option. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

罐装薯片包装的生命周期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对罐装薯片包装进行了生命周期评价,包括从原材料的获取、生产加工,工厂、消费者的运输,到包装容器的使用、二次回收使用,废弃物处理等包装的生命周期环节,对其能量消耗、环境影响等进行了评价。分析结果表明:纸铝塑复合包装的环境负荷主要体现在原材料的获取阶段,集中在燃料能源的消耗,其中纸材料加工的环境负荷要大于塑料与铝;填埋、焚烧、再利用这3种处置方式对环境的影响主要集中在化石燃料的消耗、土地占用和无机物对人体的损害上。因此,在维持现有结构的情况下,实行材料减量化和容器轻量化是提高包装环保适性最直接、有效的途径。  相似文献   

目的解决目前绿色包装研究领域对绿色包装生态发展模式研究尚不充分,缺乏经过企业实践检验的绿色包装发展模式研究的现实问题。方法以浙江大胜达包装股份有限公司为例,在企业中进行绿色包装管理创新并进行总结提炼。结果构建了由"2个体系"和"4个关键环节"构成的基于产品全生命周期的纸包装绿色发展模式的整体架构,并在企业中进行了绿色包装管理创新实践。实施后企业年利润总额较实施前增长14.8%,万元产值综合能耗下降11.8%,废水排放量和固废排放量较实施前分别减少17.41%和24.11%,对环境生态和人体健康有害的氨、四氯乙烯的排放量则较项目开始之初分别减少了17.73%和25%。结论提出了基于产品全生命周期的纸包装企业绿色生态发展模式,实施绿色包装管理创新之后,企业的经济效益和环境效益明显得到了大幅提升。  相似文献   

柯胜海 《包装学报》2013,5(1):79-82
根据个体生理、心理、行为及文化程度的差异,包装容器造型舒适度设计可分为三个层次,即生理层次、行为层次和精神层次。生理层次主要体现在包装容器的比例、色彩、质感、尺寸、轻重、肌理、形制等指标中,行为层次主要体现在包装开启装置设计和包装提携与持握的结构设计中,精神层次则主要体现在容器造型与容器装潢设计两个方面。在进行包装容器造型舒适度设计时,需首先考虑在一定程度上满足人的某种生理或行为习惯需求,在此基础上,充分考虑用户的生活方式与思维惯性等因素,以使用户在使用包装容器的过程中获得高层次的精神享受。  相似文献   

基于LCA的月饼包装评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郎芳  马晓茜  赵增立  李海滨 《包装工程》2006,27(1):109-111,114
为了定量地比较不同月饼包装方式的污染物排放量,现随机抽取3种月饼包装形式--过度包装、普通包装和散装,采用生命周期分析方法,对包装产品的整个生命周期,即从原材料的提取到最终处理的全过程,进行了编目分析计算和量化比较.结果表明,市场上常见的月饼豪华包装能耗差不多是普通包装的6倍,是散装的356倍;排放SOx的量分别是普通包装和散装的9倍和158倍.可见过度包装不仅造成资源浪费,而且污染环境,应该提倡简易的普通包装和散装.  相似文献   

Potential environmental impacts associated with aerobic in-vessel composting and bioreactor landfilling were assessed using life cycle inventory (LCI) tool. LCI models for solid waste management (SWM) were also developed and used to compare environmental burdens of alternative SWM scenarios. Results from the LCI models showed that the estimated energy recovery from bioreactor landfilling was about 9.6 megajoules (MJ) per kilogram (kg) of waste. Air emissions from in-vessel composting contributed to a global warming potential (GWP) of 0.86 kg of CO2-equivalent per kg of waste, compared to 1.54 kg of CO2-equivalent from bioreactor landfill. Waterborne emissions contributing to aquatic toxicity is less coming from in-vessel composting than from bioreactor landfilling. However, emissions to air and water that contribute to human toxicity are greater for the composting option than for the landfill option. Full costs for in-vessel composting is about 6 times greater than for the landfilling alternative. Integration of individually collected commingled recyclables, yard wastes, and residual wastes with windrow composting and bioreactor landfilling produces airborne and waterborne emissions with the least environmental effects among the alternatives considered. It also yields greater energy savings due to the conversion of the landfill gas (LFG) to electrical energy than the option that diverts yard waste, food waste and soiled paper for aerobic in-vessel composting. However, this scenario costs 68% more than that where the commingled collection of wastes is integrated with in-vessel composting and conventional landfilling, owing to increased collection costs.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the carbon footprint associated with canned tuna meat with a focus on packaging systems used to provide one single‐serve meal. The manufacturing process of retort pouches and cups produced 60% and 70% less greenhouse gas emissions, respectively, than that of metal cans. However, the overall carbon footprint of canned tuna in retort cups was 10% and 22% less than when packaged in metal cans and retort pouches, respectively. Packaging and its associated processing constituted significant fractions of the product's carbon footprint, ranging from 20% to 40%. Hotspots in the life cycle assessment of canned tuna are packaging production and disposal and product sterilization. The improvement of retort operation in terms of capacity and energy utilization and the efficiency of post‐consumption packaging material recovery are the key factors responsible for the reduction of a product's carbon footprint. These issues present a challenge to both the food industry and the local authorities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

“零废弃”包装理论研究   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
施爱芹  俞洁 《包装工程》2013,34(11):126-130
对绿色包装 4R 原则进行了深入和细化,针对废弃型易耗包装的主流现状,强调 REUSE 是减少包装固体废弃物、资源充分利用的重要方法。 通过理论分析、比较和对现象的归纳研究法,提出了应注重从源头进行废弃物减量化设计,尽可能延长包装产品生命周期,多样化设计可重复使用的耐用“零废弃冶包装,并指出了其应用发展面临的问题、相关总体原则和具体设计思路。  相似文献   

This study aims at providing a relatively straightforward methodology to serve as a decision‐making tool when more than one packaging solution could be available to a user. It involves a life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis and comparison of three currently available 3.79 l (1 gallon) packaging systems for liquid milk. Two of the primary container types studied use reusable plastic crates (RPCs) for stacking and shipping, while the third type is a heavier duty container that does not require secondary shipping containers. The three primary containers studied are identified as original, cube and stackable throughout this paper. The study shows that the use of RPCs for controlled environment distribution reduces the material requirements of the primary containers and therefore reduces the overall CO2 emissions. It was also found that though the transportation‐related emissions varied between the packaging systems for the two end‐of‐life scenarios considered, it had the lowest overall effect on the CO2 emissions and use of energy. The study concludes that transportation weight limits must be considered as a limiting factor in package design for liquid products, as trailers ‘weigh out’ before they ‘cube out.’ As related to the LCI impacts, this study found that the original and cube container‐based packaging systems have better overall per functional unit performance in comparison with the stackable design. It was also noted that scorecards based on the Wal‐Mart format do not accurately define the environmental impacts posed by packaging systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的 探究响应物联化、共享化时代趋势的可循环再利用快递包装。方法 通过对现有快递行业包装方式和缓冲材料的比较,对国内外快递包装行业现存的问题及解决方案进行分析,结合物联化时代背景下快递产业的硬件设施(如提货柜等)要求,找到快递包装循环利用和包装耗材减量化的切入点。结果 快递包装的可循环和减量化设计需要结合外部环境和包装本身(包括外部包装盒和内部缓冲材料),将其作为整体来进行考量。结论 该设计方案利用缓冲材料自身结构对被寄物做缓冲保护,减少了不必要的包装材料浪费,随取随用,实现了快递包装的标准化和包装耗材的减量化。  相似文献   

目的 脉冲强光作为一种非热加工技术由于其高效、安全环保且能较大程度上保持食品的营养与风味,旨在探究其在低温酸奶灌装设备杀菌中的效果.方法 研究脉冲强光对低温酸奶灌装设备中不同包装容器的不同位置处的黑曲霉灭菌效果的影响.结果 实验结果表明,随着照度剂量的增加,脉冲强光对黑曲霉的杀灭效果显著增加.同一剂量的脉冲强光对不同形式的包装杀菌效果有显著的差异,塑瓶包装上的黑曲霉更难杀灭.包装容器上不同位置的杀菌效果有明显差异,其中塑杯包装的杯面底面、盖膜内面以及塑瓶包装的瓶盖侧面、底面和瓶坯口内外侧面均有较好的杀菌效果,但瓶盖螺纹处杀菌效果较差.在实际生产过程中,螺纹处的细菌较难杀灭,容易产生杀菌死角,具有一定的风险.结论 与紫外线杀菌相比,脉冲强光具有较好的杀菌效果,且穿透能力相对较强,在灌装设备中将具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

王姿怡  义艺  孙锲 《包装工程》2019,40(3):143-148
目的 研究我国快递包装材料带来的环境污染、资源浪费以及其隐形能耗问题,并结合当前的法律法规体系提出对策。方法 通过数据收集和实地调研,对快递包装材料进行生命周期评价;基于文献综述和市场调研,梳理关于快递包装的现行法律法规政策。结果 2017年3种快递包装材料(瓦楞纸箱、塑料袋和胶带)的全球变暖潜力相当于燃煤发电系统生产1.58×1010 kW?h电力的排放量,占2017年全国总发电量的0.24%,相当于当年生物质发电量的20%。全球变暖潜力再加上快递包装材料生命周期中的能源消耗,占2017年全国总发电量的1.12%,相当于生物质发电量的92%。在快递包装材料的生命周期中,生产和使用阶段消耗了接近79%的能量。结论 根据当前快递包装产业的法律法规体系研究,我国快递包装产业管理系统尚不完善,基于生命周期评价的数据分析,快递包装材料的能耗和环境污染问题急需得到重视。  相似文献   

李铁  李光 《包装工程》2022,43(3):161-168
目的探讨包装容器的扫频特性以及随机激励下的频域和时域特征,讨论不同内容物对包装容器振动特性的影响。方法针对液体、固体不同内容物对包装容器进行扫频和随机振动试验,以振动强度,内容物体积为变量对比分析不同容器加速度响应,频域分布特点和响应能量。结果在扫频试验中,内容物为固体时,共振频率集中在50 Hz附近;内容物为液体时,当其体积占包装容器总容积体积的比值为50%、80%时,容器一阶共振频率在20 Hz附近。在随机试验中,内容物为液体时包装容器响应加速度功率谱密度分布较固体时分散,加速度响应能量整体较固体大,在内容物占包装总容积体积的比值为50%时响应能量最大,激励强度增加对内容物为液体的包装容器响应影响明显,正态分布能很好地描述了包装容器的随机振动响应时域分布;内容物为液体时加速度响应分布与高斯分布偏离明显。结论内容物不同会造成包装容器共振频率、响应加速度、功率谱密度分布等的显著差异。  相似文献   

Mayonnaise in two different packages was compared for its susceptibility to vibration-induced breakdown. The researchers investigated the effect of truck vibration on emulsion stability and compared two different package systems. The containers were 32 oz glass and 32 oz polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Mayonnaise was conditioned at three different temperatures (40°, 72° and 100 °F), for three time periods (21, 26 and 36 days), and vibrated at normal and worst-case transportation g levels. Emulsion stability was quantified by specific gravity, percentage of surface oil, and qualitatively rated by a visual pass/fail test. The specific gravity measure positively correlated to surface oiling. Glass containers showed a higher rate of emulsion failure at the worst-case vibration levels. No consistent difference in emulsion breakdown was found between plastic and glass at the normal transportation g levels.  相似文献   

任姝珩  张媛  朱磊  刘笑  江东何 《包装工程》2023,44(13):245-252
目的 针对目前循环箱碳足迹的计算缺乏统一标准且相关研究较少,使循环箱的环保价值存疑的问题,本文对循环包装箱的碳足迹进行研究,旨在建立一种适用于循环包装的基于生命周期评价(LCA)方法的碳排放计算模型。方法 基于全生命周期评价方法,参考国内A循环包装企业B2B应用场景,采用eFootprint软件及数据库量化分析。由于聚丙烯材料具有可循环利用的特点,在快递循环包装中广泛应用,本文以聚丙烯材料的循环箱为例进行碳足迹的研究。以1 m2的循环快递包装箱为功能单位,采用“从摇篮到坟墓”的方法对其生产、运营、回收等过程的物耗、能耗及环境排放进行环境影响量化比较。结果 研究评价分析了各个单元过程中对全球变暖潜值这一环境指标的贡献值。结果显示,循环包装箱碳排放贡献主要来源于4个方面:循环使用过程运输排放,约占总排放的57.95%;其次为原材料聚丙烯,约占总排放的24.25%;电力排放包括生产、清洗2个阶段的电力,占总排放的11.71%;报废后垃圾焚烧处理过程排放,占总排放的5.33%。使用近50次的二氧化碳当量为9.854 1 kg/m2。结论 循环包装单次使用排放低于相同面积单位5层瓦楞纸箱的碳排放,说明在理想条件下循环包装具有较高的环保价值。  相似文献   

The key point within the scope of this research project was to find out whether there was a risk of creating an explosive atmosphere by permeation of flammable liquid compounds during transport of dangerous goods in freight containers under normal conditions of carriage. Therefore, all aspects that had an influence on the formation of such an atmosphere had to be considered. The most important influencing factors were permeation, air change in the freight container and ambient temperature. The first step was to investigate the permeation with different packaging materials, charge and temperatures. Furthermore, the air change rates of different freight containers were measured. A few climate tests with containers on ships, e.g. to Singapore, were performed to assess normal conditions of carriage. Another important point was measuring the solvent (toluene) concentration in the gas phase in a freight container loaded with plastic intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) filled with toluene. To confirm that the measured values were in the right range, the toluene concentration in the gas phase in a container was calculated with different packaging materials, air change rates and temperatures. The results of the measurements and calculations have shown that safety layers in the packaging wall, e.g. the copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol (EVOH) and polyamide, can reduce the rate of permeation by more than a decimal power, but the lower explosive limit of toluene is easily reached within a few hours at 40°C charge temperature if there is no barrier. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

春秋战国时期陶质包装容器功能考释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
邓昶 《包装学报》2013,5(4):68-72
春秋战国时期的陶质包装品有罐、壶、瓮、陶盒等不同类型和形制,这些包装容器的包装归属性基本上可以确定为食品包装与酒水包装,其中极具特色的就是包山楚墓出土的陶罐包装,其包装专属性特征极为明确,堪称最早的陶质食品罐头包装。然而,伴随着漆器的兴起和东汉晚期瓷器的烧制成功,陶质包装容器的包装功能逐渐退化,并最终被淘汰。  相似文献   

Today's demanding distribution challenges require engineers to choose from various types of materials, design and construction methods, to develop containers that can deliver goods with minimal damage. The challenge is even greater when packing and shipping goods which are perishable and sensitive to both physical and climatic changes in environment. In recent years the type of packaging material used to design and construct containers has undergone more scrutiny than ever, due to environmental challenges. This study focuses on two types of containers that have been designed and are being used to pack and ship fresh fruits and vegetables. The study compares the re‐usable plastic containers to single‐use display‐ready paper corrugated trays. Results show that, based on the scope of this study and comparing 10 different produce items, such as apples, carrots, grapes, oranges, onions, tomatoes, strawberries, etc., the re‐usable plastic containers require 39% less total energy, produce 95% less total solid waste and generate 29% less total greenhouse gas emissions. This study focused on the North American market. Major European nations have been using a large number of re‐usable plastic containers for these types of fresh produce for the past three decades. This study was initiated by the Franklin Associates, an independent consulting firm for allowing an in‐depth review of all data and results from a two year study titled: Life Cycle Inventory of Reusable Plastic Containers and Display‐Ready Corrugated Containers Used for Fresh Produce Applications. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于生命周期评价(LCA)方法,采用eFootprint软件,对比聚对苯二甲酸-己二酸丁二醇酯(PBAT)包装袋、PBAT/淀粉(质量分数为75%的PBAT与质量分数为25%的淀粉共混)包装袋生产过程产生的环境负荷,定量分析PBAT基包装袋的环境影响.结果显示,PBAT/淀粉包装袋在CO2排放和初级能源消耗(PED)两个指标上改进空间较大,分别较PBAT包装袋可减少14.53%和6.44%的环境贡献量.PBAT基包装袋对初级能源消耗(PED)、CO2排放、水资源消耗(IWU)的影响较大,每生产1 t PBAT包装袋的指标数值分别为9.47E+4 MJ、4.18E+3 kg、4.52E+3 kg,每生产1 t PBAT/淀粉包装袋的指标数值分别为8.86E+4 MJ、3.81E+3 kg、5.04E+3 kg.PBAT包装袋ECER-135综合指标值为1.36E-8,PBAT/淀粉包装袋ECER-135综合指标值为1.25E-8,这表明使用淀粉改性后,PBAT基包装袋的环境负荷降低了8.1%.PBAT基包装袋造成的环境负荷主要来源于颗粒生产阶段,在颗粒生产阶段的综合指标中,其SO2指标占据环境负荷的首位,其次是PED指标,因此,应关注其碳排放、SO2、PED、NOx及COD指标值.  相似文献   

This paper examines the environmental impacts of food waste and the influence that packaging alternatives can have on causing food waste. This paper presents the results of three life cycle assessment case studies on packed food products. The life cycle assessments were conducted for ham, dark bread and Soygurt drink (fermented soy‐based drink). In each case study, the environmental impacts of the products were assessed with different assumptions about the packaging sizes and alternative materials. The studies especially considered the environmental impacts resulting from food waste generated by consumers as a function of the variable packaging options. The food waste of other parts of the production chain of the studied products was also taken into account. A consumer survey was carried out to estimate the amounts of product waste generated in Finnish households connected to the three investigated products. The environmental impacts of the food products, household food waste and packaging were modelled by scenarios with varying rates of household food waste and different waste management options. The results indicated that the significance of the production and post‐consumer life of packaging was relatively low for climate change, eutrophication and acidification, in comparison with the production chain of the ham, dark bread and Soygurt. According to the results, packaging solutions that minimize the waste generation in households as well as in distribution and retail will lead to the lowest environmental impacts of the entire product‐packaging chain. Therefore, it is important to design packages that protect the food properly and allow the consumer to use the product fully. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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