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In this paper, we show how to use the conformal geometric algebra (CGA) as a framework to model the different catadioptric systems using the unified model (UM). This framework is well suited since it can not only represent points, lines and planes, but also point pairs, circles and spheres (geometric objects needed in the UM). We define our model using the great expressive capabilities of the CGA in a more general and simpler way, which allows an easier implementation in more complex applications. On the other hand, we also show how to recover the projective invariants from a catadioptric image using the inverse projection of the UM. Finally, we present applications in navigation and object recognition. Carlos Alberto López-Franco is a doctoral student at CINVESTAV, GEOVIS Laboratory, Unidad Guadalajara, México. He received in 2003 the M.S. degree in Computer Science from CINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara. His scientific interests are in the fields of computer vision, robotics and the applications of geometric algebra for mobile robots. Eduardo Jose Bayro-Corrochano gained his Ph.D. in Cognitive Computer Science in 1993 from the University of Wales at Cardiff. From 1995 to 1999 he has been Researcher and Lecturer at the Institute for Computer Science, Christian Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany, working on applications of geometric Clifford algebra to cognitive systems. At present is a full professor at CINVESTAV Unidad Guadalajara, México, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His current research interest focuses on geometric methods for artificial perception and action systems. It includes geometric neural networks, visually guided robotics, color image processing, Lie bivector algebras for early vision and robot maneuvering. He developed the quaternion wavelet transform for quaternion multi-resolution analysis using the phase concept. He is associate editor of Robotics and Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems and member of the editorial board of Journal of Pattern Recognition, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Iberoamerican Journal of Computer and Systems and Journal Of Theoretical And Numerical Approximation. He is editor and author of the following books: Geometric Computing for Perception Action Systems, E. Bayro-Corrochano, Springer Verlag, 2001; Geometric Algebra with Applications in Science and Engineering, E. Bayro-Corrochano and G. Sobczyk (Eds.), Birkahauser 2001; Handbook of Geometric Computing for Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neurocomputing and Robotics, E. Bayro-Corrochano, Springer Verlag, 2005. He has published over 120 refereed journal, book chapters and conference papers.  相似文献   

汤一平  姜荣剑  林璐璐 《计算机科学》2015,42(3):284-288, 315
针对现有的移动机器人视觉系统计算资源消耗大、实时性能欠佳、检测范围受限等问题,提出一种基于主动式全景视觉传感器(AODVS)的移动机器人障碍物检测方法。首先,将单视点的全方位视觉传感器(ODVS)和由配置在1个平面上的4个红色线激光组合而成的面激光发生器进行集成,通过主动全景视觉对移动机器人周边障碍物进行检测;其次,移动机器人中的全景智能感知模块根据面激光发生器投射到周边障碍物上的激光信息,通过视觉处理方法解析出移动机器人周边障碍物的距离和方位等信息;最后,基于上述信息采用一种全方位避障策略,实现移动机器人的快速避障。实验结果表明,基于AODVS的障碍物检测方法能在实现快速高效避障的同时,降低对移动机器人的计算资源的要求。  相似文献   

Monocular Vision for Mobile Robot Localization and Autonomous Navigation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a new real-time localization system for a mobile robot. We show that autonomous navigation is possible in outdoor situation with the use of a single camera and natural landmarks. To do that, we use a three step approach. In a learning step, the robot is manually guided on a path and a video sequence is recorded with a front looking camera. Then a structure from motion algorithm is used to build a 3D map from this learning sequence. Finally in the navigation step, the robot uses this map to compute its localization in real-time and it follows the learning path or a slightly different path if desired. The vision algorithms used for map building and localization are first detailed. Then a large part of the paper is dedicated to the experimental evaluation of the accuracy and robustness of our algorithms based on experimental data collected during two years in various environments.  相似文献   

Using Real-Time Stereo Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
This paper describes a working vision-based mobile robot that navigates and autonomously explores its environment while building occupancy grid maps of the environment. We present a method for reducing stereo vision disparity images to two-dimensional map information. Stereo vision has several attributes that set it apart from other sensors more commonly used for occupancy grid mapping. We discuss these attributes, the errors that some of them create, and how to overcome them. We reduce errors by segmenting disparity images based on continuous disparity surfaces to reject spikes caused by stereo mismatches. Stereo vision processing and map updates are done at 5 Hz and the robot moves at speeds of 300 cm/s.  相似文献   

吴鹏 《自动化博览》2006,23(Z1):34-35
1引言机器人的视觉导引控制是利用CCD摄像机采集路面上的图象信息,由机器人的处理器识别出路径来控制机器人的运行方向。按处理器的不同来分类,机器人视觉系统有3种:DSPs,PC机和特定用途集成电路ASICs。其中,PC机处理数据的速度很快,但是体积大、重量重、功耗大。ASICs解决了体积、重量和功耗的问题,但它缺乏运行各种图像处理算法的灵活性。DSPs平台具有小型化、重量轻和处理灵活的特点。为此,本文研制了一种基于DSPs的机器人视觉导航系统方案。该系统具有以下特点:高速的数据采集和处理,能处理中、小图像以及功耗低。2系统硬件系…  相似文献   

Combining Stereo Vision and Inertial Navigation System for a Quad-Rotor UAV   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the development of a quad-rotor robotic platform equipped with a visual and inertial motion estimation system. Our objective consists of developing a UAV capable of autonomously perform take-off, positioning, navigation and landing in unknown environments. In order to provide accurate estimates of the UAV position and velocity, stereo visual odometry and inertial measurements are fused using a Kalman Filter. Real-time experiments consisting on motion detection and autonomous positioning demonstrate the performance of the robotic platform.  相似文献   

The possibility of fusion of navigation data obtained by two separate navigation systems (strap‐down inertial one and dynamic vision based one) is considered in this paper. The attention is primarily focused on principles of validation of separate estimates before their use in a combined algorithm. The inertial navigation system (INS) based on sensors of medium level quality has been analyzed on one side, while a visual navigation method is based on the analysis of a sequence of images of ground landmarks produced by an on‐board TV camera. The accuracy of INS estimations is being improved continuously by optimal estimation of a flying object's angular orientation while the visual navigation system offers discrete corrections during the intervals of presence of landmarks inside the camera's field of view. The concept is illustrated by dynamic simulation of a realistic flight scenario. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

视觉导航作为一种重要的机器人导航方式正日益受到人们的关注,为了解决目前采用视觉导航存在的算法设计复杂、导航性能差等问题,提出一种新的室内移动机器人视觉导航系统设计方案。首先阐述了该导航新方法的设计思想,然后介绍了采用该方法的导航系统的整体结构设计。利用放置在室内固定位置的摄像机采集室内环境的视频图像,设计了实时图像分析算法实现障碍物躲避、机器人位置跟踪等功能,为机器人的行走提供导航依据,同时通过无线通信的方式发送控制指令,实现对室内移动机器人的行走过程导航控制。  相似文献   

基于立体视觉的移动机器人导航算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
移动机器人立体视觉系统不仅提供三维地形图用于障碍规避和路径规划,其结果还可以用于视觉导航。以移动机器人立体视觉系统为基础,研究了基于前后两个位置上立体图对的视觉测量算法用于移动机器人的连续导航,讨论了影响导航精度的因素和改进方法;研究了基于局部和全局三维地形图的地形匹配算法用于定期校正位置误差,算法实现简便,定位精度取决于地形图精度。实验结果证明了两种方法的有效性,可以兼顾近距离和中远距离导航任务。  相似文献   

基于视觉/惯导的无人机组合导航算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前视觉惯性组合导航系统多采用优化紧/松耦合以及滤波紧/松耦合算法,应用误差状态卡尔曼滤波能够将较低频率的视觉位姿信息提升到与惯性信息同步的频率;提出一种基于自适应卡尔曼滤波的视觉惯导组合导航算法,首先考虑到系统建模与传感器测量误差,采用自适应渐消卡尔曼滤波进行导航解算,通过实时计算遗忘因子,以调节历史数据的权重,可抑制建模误差,提高组合导航系统性能,然后针对视觉SLAM解算过程造成的视觉位姿信息滞后于惯导信息的问题,提出一种延时补偿方法;仿真实验表明,采用延时补偿的自适应渐消卡尔曼滤波算法能够有效抑制建模误差,并降低视觉位姿信息滞后带来的影响,提高无人机组合导航的解算精度,姿态、速度、位置解算精度分别达到5°、0.5m/s、0.4m以内。  相似文献   

陈祥 《计算机仿真》2012,(6):163-167
研究了自主导航机器人中如何有效提高室内房门检测定位的问题。针对导航中非视觉传感器通过探测距离来判断门的位置,而关闭状态的门和周边的墙几乎处于同一平面无法定位,导致检测不准。可根据室内房门的形状特点,提出了一种计算机视觉的自主导航机器人门检测算法,能在单目视觉下进行图像采集,并根据房门的高度、宽度比以及门的形状特征,进而实现图像中门的检测。由于在检测门特征过程中使用了改进了的直线检测算法,因此具有检测速度快、效率高的特点。实验结果表明,与传统非视觉距离探测方法相比,改进方案不仅适用于单一背景下开状态的门检测,更对关闭状态门的检测具有有效性,完成导航平均处理时间约为2.2s,速度较高,对于家庭智能服务机器人的自主导航具有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于立体视觉的移动机器人导航方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
段华  赵东标 《控制与决策》2006,21(6):709-713
提出一种新颖、有效的移动机器人导航方法.首先利用归一化RGB值的特性和几何封闭性提取出道路区域和可疑障碍物区域;然后利用重投影以及灰度相似性剔除路面水迹及裂痕;接着对障碍物区域进行局部视差连续性约束下的相似性匹配,并构造障碍物的最大包围盒;最后对连续二帧图像进行色调均值和方差的匹配以估计障碍物的相对速度,利用不同的策略进行避障.道路区域和障碍物区域的提取实验以及避障的仿真实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

拥有自主导航能力的移动机器人在救灾、家政等人类生活中使用得愈加广泛.单目视觉导航算法作为机器人视觉导航中的一种,具有成本低、距离不受限的优势,但仍存在尺度不确定性和初始化问题.该综述根据对移动机器人的运动性质研究,主要从障碍检测、空间定位、路径规划三个方面对单目视觉导航技术进行了模块化分析,并以单目视觉导航算法的关键技...  相似文献   

This paper describes ongoing research on vision based mobile robot navigation for wheel chairs. After a guided tour through a natural environment while taking images at regular time intervals, natural landmarks are extracted to automatically build a topological map. Later on this map can be used for place recognition and navigation. We use visual servoing on the landmarks to steer the robot. In this paper, we investigate ways to improve the performance by incorporating inertial sensors. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Information visualisation often requires good navigation aids on large trees, which represent the underlying abstract information. Using trees for information visualisation requires novel user interface techniques, visual clues, and navigational aids. This paper describes a visual clue: using the so-called Strahler numbers, a map is provided that indicates which parts of the tree are interesting. A second idea is that of "folding" away subtrees that are too "different" in some sense, thereby reducing the visual complexity of the tree. Examples are given demonstrating these techniques, and what the further challenges in this area are.  相似文献   

Integration of Control Theory and Genetic Programming paradigm toward development a family of controllers is addressed in this paper. These controllers are applied for autonomous navigation with collision avoidance and bounded velocity of an omnidirectional mobile robot. We introduce the concepts of natural and adaptive behaviors to relate each control objective with a desired behavior for the mobile robot. Natural behaviors lead the system to fulfill a task inherently. In this work, the motion of the mobile robot to achieve desired position, ensured by applying a Control-Theory-based controller, defines the natural behavior. The adaptive behavior, learned through Genetic-Programming, fits the robot motion in order to avoid collision with an obstacle while fulfilling velocity constraints. Hence, the behavior of the mobile robot is the addition of the natural and the adaptive behaviors. Our proposed methodology achieves the discovery of 9402 behaviors without collisions where asymptotic convergence to desired goal position is demonstrated by Lyapunov stability theory. Effectiveness of proposed framework is illustrated through a comparison between experiments and numerical simulations for a real mobile robot.  相似文献   

仿生机器人在定姿过程中受到空间扰动因素的影响容易产生控制误差,需要对机器人进行精确标定,提高仿生机器人的定位控制精度,因此提出一种基于双目视觉导航的仿生机器人鲁棒控制算法。利用光学CCD双目视觉动态跟踪系统进行仿生机器人的末端位姿参量测量,建立被控对象的运动学模型;以机器人的转动关节的6自由度参量为控制约束参量,建立机器人的分层子维空间运动规划模型;采用双目视觉跟踪方法实现仿生机器人的位姿自适应修正,实现鲁棒性控制。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行仿生机器人控制的姿态定位时对机器人末端位姿参量的拟合误差较低,动态跟踪性能较好。  相似文献   

移动机器人视觉导航控制研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
该文研究了移动机器人视觉导航的控制问题。针对导航中的图像畸变以及视野有限易造成导航线丢失等问题,提出了一种简单的单目视觉目标定位算法和一种新的控制策略。在导航时,首先利用定位算法精确地获取地面目标的深度信息,然后控制机器人沿一系列切线方向平滑接近导航线(或目标),并根据实施控制的时间间隔控制速度,以保证机器人视野中导航线(或目标)不丢失。实际的应用证明了该定位算法和策略的有效性。  相似文献   

In the recent past, mobile robots with high mobility have been developed actively. We have already proposed a holonomic and omnidirectional mobile robot using two active dual-wheel caster assemblies and also derived the kinematic models for the assembly and the mobile robot. This paper presents dynamic analysis and control for the mobile robot. The dynamic model has been derived based on the forces acting on the steering axis. Then a model-based resolved acceleration controller is constructed. The validity of the model and the effectiveness of the control system are confirmed by experiments using a prototype robot as well as simulations.  相似文献   

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