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For hyperelastic shells with finite rotations and large strains a p‐finite element formulation is presented accommodating general kinematic assumptions, interpolation polynomials and particularly general three‐dimensional hyperelastic constitutive laws. This goal is achieved by hierarchical, high‐order shell models. The tangent stiffness matrices for the hierarchical shell models are derived by computer algebra. Both non‐hierarchical, nodal as well as hierarchical element shape functions are admissible. Numerical experiments show the high‐order formulation to be less prone to locking effects. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implementation and analysis of the anisotropic version of the Gurson‐Tvergaard‐Needleman (GTN) isotropic damage criterion are performed on the basis of Hill's quadratic anisotropic yield theory with the definition of an effective anisotropic coefficient to represent the elastic‐plastic behavior of ductile metals. This study aims to analyze the extension of the GTN model suitable for anisotropic porous metals and to investigate the GTN model extension. An anisotropic damage model is implemented using the user material subroutine in ABAQUS/standard finite element code. The implementation is verified and applied to simulate a uniaxial tensile test on a commercially produced aluminum sheet material for three‐dimensional and plane stress test cases. Spherical and ellipsoidal micro voids are considered in the matrix material, and their effects on the uniaxial stress‐strain response of the material are analyzed. Hill's quadratic anisotropic yield theory predicts substantially large damage evolution and a low stress‐strain curve compared with those predicted by the isotropic model. An approximate model for anisotropic materials is proposed to avoid increased damage evolution. In this approximate model, Hill's anisotropic constants are replaced with an effective anisotropy coefficient. All model‐generated stress‐strain predictions are compared with the experimental stress‐strain curve of AA6016‐T4 alloy.  相似文献   

The objective of this contribution is to model ductile damage phenomena under consideration of large inelastic strains, to couple the corresponding constitutive law with a multi‐layer shell kinematics and to give finally an adequate finite element formulation. An elastic–plastic constitutive law is formulated by using a spatial hyperelasto‐plastic formulation based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient. To include isotropic ductile damage the continuum damage model of Rousselier is modified so as to consider large strains and additionally extended by various void nucleation and macro‐crack criteria. In order to achieve numerical efficiency, elastic strains are supposed to be sufficiently small providing a numerical effective integration based on the backward Euler rule. Finite element formulation is enriched by means of the enhanced strain concept. Thus the well‐known deficiencies due to incompressible deformations and the inclusion of transverse strains are avoided. Several examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the algorithms developed concerning large inelastic strains of shells and ductile damage phenomena. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a finite element model for the inverse design of pieces with large displacements in the elastic range. The problem consists in determining the initial shape of the piece, such that it attains the designed shape under the effect of service loads. The model is particularly focused on the design of parts with a markedly anisotropic behavior, like laminated turbine blades. Although the formulation expresses equilibrium on the distorted configuration, it uses a standard constitutive equations library that is expressed as usual for measures attached to the undistorted configuration. In this way, the modifications to a standard finite elements code are limited to the routines for the computation of the finite element internal forces and tangent matrix. Two examples are given, the first one for validation purposes, while the second is an application which has industrial interest for the design of turbine blades. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implicit time integration algorithm derived by Simo for his large‐deformation elasto‐plastic constitutive model is generalized, for the case of isotropy and associative flow rule, towards viscoplastic material behaviour and consistently differentiated with respect to its input parameters. Combining it with the general formulation of design sensitivity analysis (DSA) for non‐linear finite element transient equilibrium problem, we come at a numerically efficient, closed‐form finite element formulation of DSA for large deformation elasto‐plastic and elasto‐viscoplastic problems, with various types of design variables (material constants, shape parameters). The paper handles several specific issues, like the use of a non‐algorithmic coefficient matrix or sensitivity discontinuities at points of instantaneous structural stiffness change. Computational examples demonstrate abilities of the formulation and quality of results. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computational homogenization scheme that is of particular interest for problems formulated in curvilinear coordinates. The main goal of this contribution is to generalize the computational homogenization scheme to a formulation of micro–macro transitions in curvilinear convective coordinates, where different physical spaces are considered at the homogenized macro‐continuum and at the locally attached representative micro‐structures. The deformation and the coordinate system of the micro‐structure are assumed to be coupled with the local deformation and the local coordinate system at a corresponding point of the macro‐continuum. For the consistent formulation of micro–macro transitions, the operations scale‐up and scale‐down are introduced, considering the rotated representation of tensor variables at the different physical reference frames of micro‐ and macro‐structure. The second goal of this paper is to use objective strain measures like the Green–Lagrange strain tensor for the solution of boundary value problems on the micro‐ and macro‐scale by providing the required transformations for the work‐conjugate stress, strain and tangent tensors into variables admissible for the considered micro–macro transitions and satisfying the averaging theorem. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper is concerned with an efficient framework for a nonlinear finite element procedure for the rate‐independent finite strain analysis of solids undergoing large elastic‐isochoric plastic deformations. The formulation relies on the introduction of a mixed‐variant metric deformation tensor which will be multiplicatively decomposed into a plastic and an elastic part. This leads to the definition of an appropriate logarithmic strain measure which can be additively decomposed into the exact isochoric (deviatoric) and volumetric (spheric) strain measures. This fact may be seen as the basic idea in the formulation of appropriate mixed finite elements which guarantee the accurate computation of isochoric strains. The mixed‐variant logarithmic elastic strain tensor provides a basis for the definition of a local isotropic hyperelastic stress response whereas the plastic material behavior is assumed to be governed by a generalized J2 yield criterion and rate‐independent isochoric plastic strain rates are computed using an associated flow rule. On the numerical side, the computation of the logarithmic strain tensors is based on higher‐order Padé approximations. To be able to take into account the plastic incompressibility constraint a modified mixed variational principle is considered which leads to a quasi‐displacement finite element procedure. Finally, the numerical solution of finite strain elastic‐plastic problems is presented to demonstrate the efficiency and the accuracy of the algorithm. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Higher utilization of structural materials leads to a need for accurate numerical tools for reliable predictions of structural response. In some instances, both material and geometrical non‐linearities are allowed for, typically in assessments of structural collapse or residual strength in damaged conditions. The present study addresses the performance of surface‐cracked inelastic shells with out‐of‐plane displacements not negligible compared to shell thickness. This situation leads to non‐linear membrane force effects in the shell. Hence, a cracked part of the shell will be subjected to a non‐proportional history of bending moment and membrane force. An important point in the discretization of the problem is whether a two‐dimensional model describes the structural performance sufficiently, or a three‐dimensional model is required. Herein, the two‐dimensional modelling is performed by means of a Mindlin shell finite element. The cracked parts are accounted for by means of inelastic line spring elements. The three‐dimensional models employ eight‐noded solid elements. These models also account for ductile crack growth due to void coalescence by means of a modified Gurson–Tvergaard constitutive model, hence providing detailed solutions that the two‐dimensional simulations can be tested against. Using this, the accuracy of the two‐dimensional approach is checked thoroughly. The analyses show that the two‐dimensional modelling is sufficient as long as the cracks do not grow. Hence, using fracture initiation as a capacity criterion, shell elements and line springs provide acceptable predictions. If significant ductile tearing occurs before final failure, the line spring ligaments have to be updated due to crack growth.  相似文献   

This work outlines a theoretical and computational framework of gradient plasticity based on a rigorous exploitation of mixed variational principles. In contrast to classical local approaches to plasticity based on locally evolving internal variables, order parameter fields are taken into account governed by additional balance‐type PDEs including micro‐structural boundary conditions. This incorporates non‐local plastic effects based on length scales, which reflect properties of the material micro‐structure. We develop a unified variational framework based on mixed saddle point principles for the evolution problem of gradient plasticity, which is outlined for the simple model problem of von Mises plasticity with gradient‐extended hardening/softening response. The mixed variational structure includes the hardening/softening variable itself as well as its dual driving force. The numerical implementation exploits the underlying variational structure, yielding a canonical symmetric structure of the monolithic problem. It results in a novel finite element (FE) design of the coupled problem incorporating a long‐range hardening/softening parameter and its dual driving force. This allows a straightforward local definition of plastic loading‐unloading driven by the long‐range fields, providing very robust FE implementations of gradient plasticity. This includes a rational method for the definition of elastic‐plastic‐boundaries in gradient plasticity along with a post‐processor that defines the plastic variables in the elastic range. We discuss alternative mixed FE designs of the coupled problem, including a local‐global solution strategy of short‐range and long‐range fields. This includes several new aspects, such as extended Q1P0‐type and Mini‐type finite elements for gradient plasticity. All methods are derived in a rigorous format from variational principles. Numerical benchmarks address advantages and disadvantages of alternative FE designs, and provide a guide for the evaluation of simple and robust schemes for variational gradient plasticity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to the very non‐linear behaviour of thin shells under collapse, numerical simulations are subject to challenges. Shell finite elements are attractive in these simulations. Rotational degrees of freedom do, however, complicate the solution. In the present study a co‐rotated formulation is employed. The deformation of the shell is decomposed in to a contribution from large rigid body rotation and a strain producing term. A triangular assumed strain shell finite element is used. Hence, a high performance elastic element is combined with the co‐rotated formulation. In the co‐rotated co‐ordinate system the plasticity is accounted for by a simplifyed Ilyushin stress resultant yield surface. The stress update is determined from the backward Euler difference, and a consistent geometrical and material tangent stiffness is derived. Comparison with other published analysis results show that the present formulation gives acceptable accuracy. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

拉索穹顶结构几何大变形混合有限元静力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用有限元法,结合拉索穹顶结构特征,采用可以直接考虑索元垂度影响的两节点索单元与两节点直杆单元相结合的有限元模型,基于修正的拉格朗日描述方法和虚功原理建立了拉索穹顶结构几何大变形分析的混合有限元静力平衡方程,并利用荷载增量法与Newton-Raphson法相结合的混合增量求解技术编制了计算程序,进行了实例计算。结果表明:本文方法简便、实用、精度高,能充分反应拉索穹顶结构的特点,可供设计参考和采用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a non‐linear finite element analysis for the elasto‐plastic behaviour of thick/thin shells and plates with large rotations and damage effects. The refined shell theory given by Voyiadjis and Woelke (Int. J. Solids Struct. 2004; 41 :3747–3769) provides a set of shell constitutive equations. Numerical implementation of the shell theory leading to the development of the C0 quadrilateral shell element (Woelke and Voyiadjis, Shell element based on the refined theory for thick spherical shells. 2006, submitted) is used here as an effective tool for a linear elastic analysis of shells. The large rotation elasto‐plastic model for shells presented by Voyiadjis and Woelke (General non‐linear finite element analysis of thick plates and shells. 2006, submitted) is enhanced here to account for the damage effects due to microvoids, formulated within the framework of a micromechanical damage model. The evolution equation of the scalar porosity parameter as given by Duszek‐Perzyna and Perzyna (Material Instabilities: Theory and Applications, ASME Congress, Chicago, AMD‐Vol. 183/MD‐50, 9–11 November 1994; 59–85) is reduced here to describe the most relevant damage effects for isotropic plates and shells, i.e. the growth of voids as a function of the plastic flow. The anisotropic damage effects, the influence of the microcracks and elastic damage are not considered in this paper. The damage modelled through the evolution of porosity is incorporated directly into the yield function, giving a generalized and convenient loading surface expressed in terms of stress resultants and stress couples. A plastic node method (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1982; 34 :1089–1104) is used to derive the large rotation, elasto‐plastic‐damage tangent stiffness matrix. Some of the important features of this paper are that the elastic stiffness matrix is derived explicitly, with all the integrals calculated analytically (Woelke and Voyiadjis, Shell element based on the refined theory for thick spherical shells. 2006, submitted). In addition, a non‐layered model is adopted in which integration through the thickness is not necessary. Consequently, the elasto‐plastic‐damage stiffness matrix is also given explicitly and numerical integration is not performed. This makes this model consistent mathematically, accurate for a variety of applications and very inexpensive from the point of view of computer power and time. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element analysis of the response of concrete structures to impact events such as missile penetration, explosive driving of anchors, blast, ground shock or seismic loading, requires knowledge of the stress–strain relations for concrete for finite strain at high pressures. A novel type of material test achieving very large shear angles of concrete at very large pressures, called the tube‐squash test, can be used to calibrate a concrete model taking into account plastic deformation at extreme pressures. A finite element analysis of such a test is performed by using a finite strain generalization of microplane models for concrete and steel. The results obtained are in good agreement with those previously obtained with a simplified method of analysis. Thus, they provide a validation of the microplane model, which is shown to be capable of reproducing the response of concrete not only for small strains at small pressures, which is predominantly brittle, but also for high pressures and large finite strains, which is predominantly frictional plastic. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present in this paper an efficient and accurate low‐order solid‐shell element formulation for analyses of large deformable multilayer shell structures with non‐linear materials. The element has only displacement degrees of freedom (dofs), and an optimal number of enhancing assumed strain (EAS) parameters to pass the patch tests (both membrane and out‐of‐plane bending) and to remedy volumetric locking. Based on the mixed Fraeijs de Veubeke‐Hu‐Washizu (FHW) variational principle, the in‐plane and out‐of‐plane bending behaviours are improved and the locking associated with (nearly) incompressible materials is avoided via a new efficient enhancement of strain tensor. Shear locking and curvature thickness locking are resolved effectively by using the assumed natural strain (ANS) method. Two non‐linear 3‐D constitutive models (Mooney–Rivlin material and hyperelastoplastic material at finite strain) are applied directly without requiring the enforcement of the plane‐stress assumption. In particular, we give a simple derivation for the hyperelastoplastic model using spectral representations. In addition, the present element has a well‐defined lumped mass matrix, and provides double‐side contact surfaces for shell contact problems. With the dynamics referred to a fixed inertial frame, the present element can be used to analyse multilayer shell structures undergoing large overall motion. Numerical examples involving static analyses and implicit/explicit dynamic analyses of multilayer shell structures with both material and geometric non‐linearities are presented, and compared with existing results obtained from other shell elements and from a meshless method. It is shown that elements that did not pass the out‐of‐plane bending patch test could not provide accurate results, as compared to the present element formulation, which passed the out‐of‐plane bending patch test. The present element proves to be versatile and efficient in the modelling and analyses of general non‐linear composite multilayer shell structures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element analysis model for material and geometrical non-linearities due to large plastic deformations of ductile materials is presented using the continuum damage mechanics approach. To overcome limitations of the conventional plastic analysis, a fourth-order tensor damage, defined in Part I of this paper to represent the stiffness degradation in the finite strain regime, is incorporated. General forms of an updated Lagrangian (U.L.) finite element procedure are formulated to solve the governing equations of the coupled elastic–plastic-damage analysis, and a computer program is developed for two-dimensional plane stress/strain problems. A numerical algorithm to treat the anisotropic damage is proposed in addition to the non-linear incremental solution algorithm of the U.L. formulation. Selected examples, compared with published results, show the validity of the presented finite element approach. Finally, the necking phenomenon of a plate with a hole is studied to explore plastic damage in large strain deformations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This article presents the development and application of a coupled finite element simulation and optimization framework that can be used for design and analysis of sheet-forming processes of varying complexity. The entire forming process from blank gripping and deep drawing to tool release and springback is modelled. The dies, holders, punch and workpiece are modelled with friction, temperature, holder force and punch speed controlled in the process simulation. Both single- and multi-stage sheet-forming processes are investigated. Process simulation is coupled with a nonlinear gradient-based optimization approach for optimizing single or multiple design objectives with imposed sheet-forming response constraints. A MATLAB program is developed and used for data-flow management between process simulation and optimization codes. Thinning, springback, damage and forming limit diagram are used to define failure in the forming process design optimization. Design sensitivity analysis and optimization results of the example problems are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

An Eulerian finite element formulation for quasi‐state one way coupled thermo‐elasto‐plastic systems is presented. The formulation is suitable for modeling material processes such as welding and laser surfacing. In an Eulerian frame, the solution field of a quasi‐state process becomes steady state for the heat transfer problem and static for the stress problem. A mixed small deformation displacement elasto‐plastic formulation is proposed. The formulation accounts for temperature dependent material properties and exhibits a robust convergence. Streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin (SUPG) is used to remove spurious oscillations. Smoothing functions are introduced to relax the non‐differentiable evolution equations and allow for the use of gradient (stiffness) solution scheme via the Newton–Raphson method. A 3‐dimensional simulation of a laser surfacing process is presented to exemplify the formulation. Results from the Eulerian formulation are in good agreement with results from the conventional Lagrangian formulation. However, the Eulerian formulation is approximately 15 times faster than the Lagrangian. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Finite element simulations involving large strains and large displacements imply the setting up of a precise kinematics for the integration scheme. Moreover, anisotropic mechanical behaviours have to be expressed in an appropriate local reference frame. In the present paper, a computational procedure is derived from a particular velocity gradient definition. Its implementation in a finite element code is described. Application to a simple shear test is proposed. For anisotropic materials, a sinusoidal behaviour of the shear stress component is emphasized. This is due to the anisotropic yield locus and appears in the case of a saturated isotropic hardening law. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inverse analysis today is generally performed with membrane models in analysing sheet metal forming processes. Given the final desired configuration, it usually estimates the deformation in a one‐step calculation. However, for some practical problems where the bending effect is significant and the strain history departs from a linear path, this calculation becomes not good enough to provide the optimal design values. In this paper, an axisymmetric shell element for the multi‐step inverse analysis is developed for more accurate prediction of design variables such as the initial blank shape, strain distributions, and intermediate shapes, etc.The algorithm has been applied to deep drawing processes for both thin and relatively thick sheet metal. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed combination of shell element and multi‐step inverse analysis can provide more precise results than the previous algorithms used in inverse analysis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A formulation for 36‐DOF assumed strain triangular solid shell element is developed for efficient analysis of plates and shells undergoing finite rotations. Higher order deformation modes described by the bubble function displacements are added to the assumed displacement field. The assumed strain field is carefully selected to alleviate locking effect. The resulting element shows little effect of membrane locking as well as shear locking, hence, it allows modelling of curved shell structures with curved elements. The kinematics of the present formulation is purely vectorial with only three translational degrees of freedom per node. Accordingly, the present element is free of small angle assumptions, and thus it allows large load increments in the geometrically non‐linear analysis. Various numerical examples demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the present formulation. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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