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The use of arbitrary order edge elements for the simulation of two‐dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems on hybrid meshes of triangles and quadrilaterals is described. Single‐frequency incident waves, generated by a source in the far field, are considered and the solution is determined in the frequency domain. For numerical simulation, the solution domain is truncated at a finite distance from the perfectly conducting scatterer and the non‐reflecting boundary condition at the truncated boundary is imposed by the use of a perfectly matched layer (PML). Several examples are included to demonstrate the performance of the proposed procedure. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The quality of finite element meshes is one of the key factors that affects the accuracy and reliability of numerical simulation results of many science and engineering problems. In order to solve the problem wherein the surface elements of the mesh generated by the grid‐based method have poor quality, this paper studied mesh quality improvement methods, including node position smoothing and topological optimization. A curvature‐based Laplacian scheme was used for smoothing of nodes on the C‐edges, which combined the normal component with the tangential component of the Laplacian operator at the curved boundary. A projection‐based Laplacian algorithm for smoothing the remaining boundary nodes was established. The deviation of the newly smoothed node from the practical surface of the solid model was solved. A node‐ and area‐weighted combination method was proposed for smoothing of interior nodes. Five element‐inserting modes, three element‐collapsing modes and three mixed modes for topological optimization were newly established. The rules for harmonious application and conformity problem of each mode, especially the mixed mode, were provided. Finally, several examples were given to demonstrate the practicability and validity of the mesh quality improvement methods presented in this paper. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The phase-field approach has unique advantages in describing fracture phenomena, which has received extensive attention in the past decade. Nevertheless, the phase-field modeling of fracture is computationally demanding, due to the high temporal-spatial resolution required for crack tracking. In this contribution, a novel hybrid adaptive finite element phase-field method (ha-PFM) is developed to solve brittle fracture problems under quasi-static and dynamic loading. ha-PFM can dynamically track the propagation of the cracks and adaptively refine the meshes based on a novel crack tip identification strategy. Afterward, the refined meshes in the noncrack progression region are reconverted into coarse meshes. This scheme prominently reduces the computational cost, eg, CPU time and memory usage. Unlike the previous adaptive phase-field method, multilevel hybrid triangular and quadrilateral elements were developed to discretize the computational domain, which eliminates hanging nodes and ensures that the meshes in the vicinity of the crack tip are highly isotropic. Several representative benchmarks containing quasi-static and dynamic fracture were reinvestigated with ha-PFM, and its excellent performance is substantiated by comparison with the standard phase-field method and literature results.  相似文献   

Three different degenerated shell elements are studied in an adaptive refinement procedure for the solution of shell problems. The stress recovery procedure expressed in a convective patch co‐ordinate system is used for the construction of continuous smoothed stress fields for the a posteriori error estimation. The performance of the stress recovery procedure, the error estimator and the adaptive refinement strategy are tested by solving three benchmark shell problems. It is found that when adaptive refinement is used, the adverse effects of boundary layers and stress singularities are eliminated and all the elements tested are able to achieve their optimal convergence rates. It is also found that the accuracy of the shell elements increases with the number of polynomial terms included in the stress and strain approximations. In addition, if complete Lagrangian polynomial terms are used, the element will be less sensitive to shape distortion than the one in which only complete polynomial terms are employed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a method to reduce mesh bias in dynamic fracture simulations using the finite element method with adaptive insertion of extrinsic cohesive zone elements along element boundaries. The geometry of the domain discretization is important in this setting because cracks are only allowed to propagate along element facets and can potentially bias the crack paths. To reduce mesh bias, we consider unstructured polygonal finite elements in this work. The meshes are generated with centroidal Voronoi tessellations to ensure element quality. However, the possible crack directions at each node are limited, making this discretization a poor candidate for dynamic fracture simulation. To overcome this problem, and significantly improve crack patterns, we propose adaptive element splitting, whereby the number of potential crack directions is increased at each crack tip. Thus, the crack is allowed to propagate through the polygonal element. Geometric studies illustrate the benefits of polygonal element discretizations employed with element splitting over other structured and unstructured discretizations for crack propagation applications. Numerical examples are performed and demonstrate good agreement with previous experimental and numerical results in the literature. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the assumed displacement, or primal, hybrid finite element method, the requirements of continuity of displacements across the sides are regarded as constraints, imposed using Lagrange multipliers. In this paper, such a formulation for linear elasticity, in which the polynomial approximation functions are not associated with nodes, is presented. Elements with any number of sides may be easily used to create meshes with irregular vertices, when performing a non‐uniform h‐refinement. Meshes of non‐uniform degree may be easily created, when performing an hp‐refinement. The occurrence of spurious static modes in meshes of triangular elements, when compatibility is strongly enforced, is discussed. An algorithm for the automatic selection, based on the topology of a mesh of triangular elements, of the sides in which to decrease the degree of the approximation functions, in order to eliminate all these spurious modes and preserve compatibility, is presented. A similar discussion is presented for the occurrence of spurious static modes in meshes of tetrahedral elements. An algorithm, based on heuristic criteria, that succeeded in eliminating these spurious modes and preserving compatibility in all the meshes of tetrahedral elements of uniform degree that were tested, is also presented. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The influence of the presence of singular points and boundary layers associated with the edge effects in a Reissner–Mindlin (RM) plate in the design of an optimal mesh for a finite element solution is studied, and methods for controlling the discretization error of the solution are suggested. An effective adaptive refinement strategy for the solution of plate bending problems based on the RM plate bending model is developed. This two-stage adaptive strategy is designed to control both the total and the shear error norms of a plate in which both singular points and boundary layers are present. A series of three different order assumed strain RM plate bending elements has been used in the adaptive refinement procedure. The locations of optimal sampling points and the effect of element shape distortions on the theoretical convergence rate of these elements are given and discussed. Numerical experiments show that the suggested refinement procedure is effective and that optimally refined meshes can be generated. It is also found that all the plate bending elements used can attain their full convergence rates regardless of the presence of singular points and boundary layers inside the problem domain. Boundary layer effects are well captured in all the examples tested and the use of a second stage of refinement to control the shear error is justified. In addition, tests on the Zienkiewicz–Zhu error estimator show that their performances are satisfactory. Finally, tests of the relative effectiveness of the plate bending elements used have also been made and it is found that while the higher order cubic element is the most accurate element tested, the quadratic element tested is the most efficient one in terms of CPU time used. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Topology optimization methodologies typically use the same discretization for the design variable and analysis meshes. Analysis accuracy and expense are thus directly tied to design dimensionality and optimization expense. This paper proposes leveraging properties of the Heaviside projection method (HPM) to separate the design variable field from the analysis mesh in continuum topology optimization. HPM projects independent design variables onto element space over a prescribed length scale. A single design variable therefore influences several elements, creating a redundancy within the design that can be exploited to reduce the number of independent design variables without significantly restricting the design space. The algorithm begins with sparse design variable fields and adapts these fields as the optimization progresses. The technique is demonstrated on minimum compliance (maximum stiffness) problems solved using continuous optimization and genetic algorithms. For the former, the proposed algorithm typically identifies solutions having objective functions within 1% of those found using full design variable fields. Computational savings are minor to moderate for the minimum compliance formulation with a single constraint, and are substantial for formulations having many local constraints. When using genetic algorithms, solutions are consistently obtained on mesh resolutions that were previously considered intractable. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A series of numerical tests is carried out employing some commonly used finite elements for the solution of 2-D elastostatic stress analysis problems with an automatic adaptive refinement procedure. Different kinds of elements including Lagrangian quadrilateral and triangular elements, serendipity quadrilaterals, incompatible elements and hybrid elements have been tested. It is found that for a general problem involving compressible material and when a moderate accuracy of the final solution is sought, the nine-node Lagrangian (L9) element will be the most effective element, while when an extremely accurate solution is needed, higher order Lagrangian quadrilaterals or triangles will be a suitable choice. However, if only linear elements are available, the well known 5βI linear hybrid element is the best choice. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stress model of the hybrid‐Trefftz finite element is formulated for the analysis of elastodynamic problems defined on unsaturated porous media. The supporting mathematical model is the theory of mixtures with interfaces and considers the full coupling between the solid, fluid and gas phases, including the effect of seepage acceleration. Hybrid‐Trefftz stress elements use the free‐field regular solutions of the homogeneous Navier (or Beltrami) equation to construct the approximation of the generalized stresses in the domain of the element. The influence of non‐homogeneous terms in the Navier equation is modelled using solutions of the corresponding static problem. The resulting elements are highly convergent under p‐refinement and robust to both low and high excitation frequencies, as the trial functions embody relevant physical information on the modelled phenomenon. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple iterative method is presented for finite element solution of incompressible plane strain problems using linear elements. Instead of using a mixed formulation approach, we use an equivalent displacement/velocity approach in an iterative manner. Control volumes are taken for regions which are to exhibit incompressible behaviour. For triangular elements the control volume is chosen as the area built on the parts of each pair of elements at the sides of an edge. In this case, elements are let to exchange volume. It is shown that the proposed edge based approach removes the deficiency of the linear triangular elements i.e. locking effect. Similar edge based approach is applied to the linear quadrilateral elements. However, if the control volume is chosen as the element volume the formulation gives similar results as the discontinuous mixed formulation using one pressure point without exhibiting instability behaviour. The formulation is based on decomposition of the displacement/velocity field into deviatoric and volumetric parts. The volumetric part is iteratively eliminated without confronting locking or instability phenomenon. The iterative procedure is very cheap and simple to be implemented in any FEM code. Several examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the procedure. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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