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Debridement of nonviable tissue is crucial to optimal wound healing, which can be impaired unless all necrotic tissue, exudate, and metabolic wastes have been removed from the wound. Debridement methods are classified as sharp, mechanical, chemical, and autolytic. This article describes methods of debridement and their outcomes.  相似文献   

Tiger salamanders have been used in visual science because of the large size of their cells and the ease of preparation and maintenance of in vitro retinal preparations. We have found that salamanders over 27 cm in length show a variety of visual abnormalities. Compared to smaller animals (15-23 cm), large animals exhibited a decrease in visual responses determined by tests of the optomotor reflex. Small animals responded correctly an average of 84.5% of the time in visual testing at three light levels compared to an average of 68.4% for the large animals with the poorest visual performance at the lowest level of illumination. In addition, large animals contained (i) histological degeneration of the outer retina, in particular, loss and disruption of outer segments and abnormalities of the retinal pigmented epithelium, (ii) loss of cells, including photoreceptors, by apoptosis as evaluated with the TUNEL technique, and (iii) an increase in the number of macrophages and lymphocytes within the retina as determined by morphological examination. These histological changes were present in all large animals and all quadrants of their retinas. In contrast, small animals showed virtually no retinal degeneration, no TUNEL-positive cells, and few immune-like cells in the retina. Since large animals are also older animals. the visual changes are age-related. Loss of visual function and histological degeneration in the outer retina also typify aged human eyes. Thus, we propose that large salamanders serve as an animal model for age-related retinal degeneration. In addition to providing a source of aging retina that is readily accessible to experimental manipulation, the salamander provides a pigmented retina with a mixed (2:1, rod:cone) population of photoreceptors, similar to the degeneration-prone parafoveal region of the human eye.  相似文献   

Odor naming and recognition memory are poorer in children than in adults. This study explored whether such differences might result from poorer discriminative ability. Experiment 1 used an oddity test of discrimination with familiar odors on 6-year-olds, 11-year-olds, and adults. Six-year-olds were significantly poorer at discrimination relative to 11-year-olds and adults, who did not differ. Experiment 2 used the same procedure but with hard-to-name visual stimuli and compared only 6-year-olds with adults (as with the remaining experiments in this study). There was no difference in performance between these groups. Experiment 3 used the same procedure as Experiment 1 but with less familiar odors. Six-year-olds were significantly poorer at discrimination than adults. In Experiment 4 the researchers controlled for verbal labeling by using an articulatory suppression task, with the same basic procedure as in Experiment 1. Six-year-old performance was the same as for Experiment 1 and significantly poorer than that of adults. Impoverished olfactory discrimination may underpin performance deficits previously observed in children. These all may result from their lesser experience with odors, relative to adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A broth microdilution antifungal susceptibility test with a pH indicator (bromocresol purple) in a synthetic medium was evaluated. This method measures cellular activity instead of simply a change in biomass. The variations of pH caused by fungal activity were measured by changes in optical densities at 450 nm. The MICs50 obtained were compared with the MICs found by the classical broth macrodilution procedure. In most cases broth micro- and macrodilution MICs were in agreement for amphotericin B, fluconazole, flucytosine and nystatin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Cystic tumors of the adrenal gland are uncommon, but are being increasingly more frequently diagnosed during routine radiological evaluation as "incidentalomas". We discuss the differential diagnosis, therapeutic approach and the existing controversies concerning the management of this tumor type. METHODS: Two additional cases of adrenal pseudocyst in two women aged 47 and 38 years are presented. In one case the tumor was discovered incidentally, whereas the other case presented with acute pain arising from intracystic hemorrhage. RESULTS: The fist patient had a cystic tumor of 8 cm with some inner walls. Fine needle aspiration biopsy revealed a benign cystic lesion of the right adrenal gland. At laparotomy, an 8.5 x 4.5 cm multiloculated cystic lesion was excised. The second patient presented with abdominal pain due to intracystic hemorrhage. A Doppler US did not disclose any vessel inside the lesion. We performed a lumbotomy and excised a 7.5 x 6 cm cystic tumor located in the right adrenal gland. Both lesions were diagnosed as adrenal pseudocyst; the second case was a hemorrhagic one. CONCLUSIONS: The therapeutic approach in adrenal cystic tumors can be based upon the radiological and cytological findings since malignant cystic tumors are uncommon. A clear liquid and a negative cytology practically discard malignant tumors. Furthermore, cystic adenocarcinomas are usually large and the cystic liquid is cloudy with abundant cellularity. Surgical treatment is justified in the symptomatic, big or complex tumors (mixed, non-homogeneous).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF is influenced by well-known parameters, such as intraocular pressure (IOP), heart rate, scleral rigidity, blood pressure, and posture. Age is also likely to influence POBF strongly. The purpose of this study was to evaluate POBF in relation to age in normal subjects. METHODS: Relevant data were collected from a sample of 105 normal subjects, ranging in age from 10 to 80 years. To measure the effect of age on POBF, the subjects were divided into seven groups of 15 subjects each; the age range of each group spanned one decade, beginning with age 10. POBF and pulse amplitude (PA) were measured in sitting and supine positions and after suction cup application. RESULTS: Using linear regression analysis, there was a significant correlation between PA and age in the supine position (P = 0.012) and after suction cup application (P = 0.002); in the sitting position, there was a borderline level of statistical significance (P = 0.053). In the sitting position, POBF was 819 +/- 212 microliters/minute in the second decade and 630 +/- 194 microliters/minute in the eighth decade. In the sitting position and after suction cup application, but not in the supine position, a statistically significant correlation between POBF decrease and age was found with linear regression analysis (P < 0.001 and P = 0.004, respectively). Using multiple regression analysis, POBF values revealed a significant correlation with age (P < 0.001), but not with systolic and diastolic brachial pressure. Considering all the subjects, analysis of variance for repeated measures highlighted a significant decrease of POBF from the sitting to the supine position and associated with an IOP increase (P < 0.001) without significant changes of PA. After suction cup application, there was a significant reduction of both PA and POBF (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The data revealed that as age increased, PA decreased in all three series of measurements. POBF decreased with age, and in subjects older than 50 years, the decrease was more evident. These findings are especially noticeable after IOP increase with suction cup. It must be considered that the age-related value of POBF is a fundamental parameter to evaluate correctly the hemodynamic aspects of the pathologies affecting the eye.  相似文献   

The relative contents (RCs) of elements in the human menisci from 23 subjects in the age range between 65 and 93 yr were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The RCs of sulfur, calcium, and phosphorus in menisci increased progressively until the 80s, being the highest in the 80s, and thereafter decreased. The RCs of magnesium in menisci increased progressively until the 90s. Regarding the medial and lateral menisci, higher RCs of magnesium and iron, and a lower RC of phosphorus were found in lateral menisci in comparison with those in medial menisci. There were sexual differences in the RCs of calcium and phosphorus of medial and lateral menisci. The RCs of calcium and phosphorus were about 50% higher in women's menisci than in men's. Histological examinations showed that structureless mucoid masses were observed in the menisci, with very high RCs of calcium and phosphorus being detected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to deliberate the moral and legal dilemma entailed in the weapon of the labour strike as a pressure tactic on the Israeli Finance Ministry regarding job slots, budgets and, in effect, violating the collective agreement signed by the nurses and impairing patients' treatment, as opposed to refraining from striking and suffering the heavy burden of work, the lack of trained personnel, low wages, and the inability to give patients proper, high quality treatment.  相似文献   

Two tone bursts separated by a silent interval and imbedded in a background white noise were presented to elderly subjects (M age?=?71.3 years) and young subjects (M age?=?22.2 years). Subjects were required to judge when the two tone bursts fused perceptually by adjusting the duration of tone-one. The bursts were separated by six discrete interstimulus intervals of 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 ms. The tone-two burst was held constant at 100 ms. Fusion point was defined as that critical tone-one duration at which the two tones fused (were perceived as one). Elderly subjects reached fusion point at longer critical tone-one durations than young subjects at each interval tested. The function relating tone-one duration and interval conformed to an exponential curve and is discussed with respect to an exponential decay model of the inhibitory interactions of neural systems responding to onsets and offsets of sensory events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Recent reports have identified abnormal innervation of the circular muscle layer involving the fine intramuscular nerve fibers in hypertrophic pyloric stenous (HPS). HPS presenting after 3 months of age is rare. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution pattern of nerve fibers in the smooth muscle layers in HPS and correlate this with age at presentation. METHODS: Full-thickness pyloric muscle biopsy specimens were obtained from eight patients with HPS (five age 3 to 5 weeks, two age 3 months, and one age 7 months) and five controls with normal pylorus (age 5 days to 3 years). All specimens were stained with monoclonal antibody to the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: There were many NCAM-positive nerve fibers in the circular and longitudinal muscle layers in the controls. No NCAM positive nerve fibers were seen in the circular or longitudinal muscle layers in the five cases of HPS in which the patients were less than 5 weeks old. In the two cases in which the patients were 3 months old, occasional NCAM-positive nerve fibers were seen in the circular layer, and moderate numbers of NCAM positive fibers were seen in the longitudinal muscle layers. Moderate numbers of NCAM-positive nerve fibers in the circular muscle layer and many NCAM positive nerve fibers in the longitudinal muscle layers were identified in the 7-month-old HPS patient. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that the pyloric muscle lacks innervation in the young HPS infant. Whereas, at 3 months of age the hypertrophied pyloric muscle is partially innervated, and at 7 months of age the pyloric muscle has practically normal innervation.  相似文献   

Lipid metabolism of male Fisher 344 rats aged 2-24 months was studied. Serum and liver cholesterol levels did not display the age-related gradual increase seen in other rat strains. An increase in the serum plus liver cholesterol pool from 2 to 6 months was followed by a plateau through 18 months and then another increase at 24 months of age. The triglyceride pool increased from 2 to 6 months and then remained unchanged through 24 months of age. Cholesterol synthesis from acetate decreased 50% between 2 and 9 months and fell only slightly through 24 months of age. Assay of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase showed a similar pattern but did not decrease further after 9 months of age. Cholesterol 7alpha hydroxylase activity was not significantly altered by age. These age- and strain-related differences present an opportunity for a comparative study of the aging process using the parameters of lipid metabolism as indicators.  相似文献   

Childhood amnesia refers to the inability of adults to recall events that occurred during their infancy and early childhood. Although it is generally assumed that children and adolescents also experience childhood amnesia, with limited exceptions, most empirical research on the phenomenon has focused exclusively on adults. Here, we developed a new Timeline procedure to directly compare the early memories reported by children, adolescents, and adults. Overall, the proportion of memories reported before the age of 3 years was greater for the children and adolescents relative to the adults. In addition, the single earliest memory reported by children and adolescents was at a younger age than that reported by adults. In fact, the earliest memories reported by the children and adolescents, but not the adults, were significantly younger than the traditional 3 ?-year-old boundary of childhood amnesia. Regardless of the age of the rememberer, participants' early memories had the same episodic characteristics. We conclude that the boundary and the density of childhood amnesia may increase over the course of human development and that age-related changes in basic memory mechanisms make an important contribution to our understanding of the source of childhood amnesia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine if the efficacy of amoxicillin-clavulanate against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae could be improved by increasing the pediatric amoxicillin unit dose (90 versus 45 mg/kg of body weight/day) while maintaining the clavulanate unit dose at 6.4 mg/kg/day. A rat pneumonia model was used. In that model approximately 6 log10 CFU of one of four strains of S. pneumoniae (amoxicillin MICs, 2 microg/ml [one strain], 4 microg/ml [two strains], and 8 microg/ml [one strain]) were instilled into the bronchi of rats. Amoxicillin-clavulanate was given by computer-controlled intravenous infusion to approximate the concentrations achieved in the plasma of children following the administration of oral doses of 45/6.4 mg/kg/day or 90/6.4 mg/kg/g/day divided every 12 h or saline as a control for a total of 3 days. Infusions continued for 3 days, and 2 h after the cessation of infusion, bacterial numbers in the lungs were significantly reduced by the 90/6.4-mg/kg/day equivalent dosage for strains for which amoxicillin MICs were 2 or 4 microg/ml. The 45/6.4-mg/kg/day equivalent dosage was fully effective only against the strain for which the amoxicillin MIC was 2 microg/ml and had marginal efficacy against one of the two strains for which amoxicillin MICs were 4 microg/ml. The bacterial load for the strain for which the amoxicillin MIC was 8 microg/ml was not reduced with either dosage. These data demonstrate that regimens which achieved concentrations in plasma above the MIC for at least 34% of a 24-h dosing period resulted in significant reductions in the number of viable bacteria, indicating that the efficacy of amoxicillin-clavulanate can be extended to include efficacy against less susceptible strains of S. pneumoniae by increasing the amoxicillin dose.  相似文献   

This study explored children's use of external representations. Experiment 1 focused on representations of self. Self-recognition was assessed by a mark test as a function of age (3 vs. 4 years), delay (5 s vs. 3 min), and media (photographs vs. drawings). Four-year-olds outperformed 3-year-olds; children performed better with photographs than drawings; and there was no effect of delay. In Experiment 2, 3- and 4-year-olds used a delayed video image to locate a sticker on themselves (self task) or a stuffed animal (other task). The 2 tasks were positively correlated with age and vocabulary partialed out. Experiment 3 used a search task to assess whether children have particular difficulty using external representations that conflict with their expectations: 3- and 4-year-olds were informed of an object's location verbally or through video; on half of the trials, this information conflicted with children's initial belief. Three-year-olds performed worse than 4-year-olds on conflict trials, indicating that assessments of self and other understanding may reflect children's ability to reason about conflicting external representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the size and sources of age-related changes in visual imitation. In Experiment 1, young and older adults viewed sequences of quasi-random movements and then reproduced from memory what they had seen. As expected, older adults made more errors in imitation than their younger counterparts. However, older adults seemed to supplement their memory by exploiting an abstracted representation (gist) of a sequence. Experiments 2 and 3 apportioned the observed age-related changes in imitation performance among several possible causes. Experiment 2 showed that changes in precision of visual perception and motor control together accounted for only a small fraction of age-related changes in imitation quality; Experiment 3 showed that the bulk of the age-related changes arose from the older participants’ reduced ability to accommodate for increases in memory load, likely caused by diminished ability to encode or retain detailed information about movement sequences. Guided by these results, strategies are proposed for enhancing older adults’ imitation learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent studies highlight the importance of compensatory stepping to preserve stability, and the spatial and temporal demands placed on the control of this reaction. Age-related changes in the control of stepping could greatly influence the risk of falling. The present study compares, in healthy elderly and young adults, the characteristics of compensatory stepping responses to unpredictable postural perturbations. METHODS: A moving platform was used to unpredictably perturb the upright stance of 14 naive, active and mobile subjects (5 aged 22 to 28 and 9 aged 65 to 81). The first 10 randomized trials (5 forward and 5 backward) were evaluated to allow a focus on reactions to relatively novel perturbations. The behavior of the subjects was not constrained. Forceplate and kinematic measures were used to evaluate the responses evoked by the brief (600 msec) platform translation. RESULTS: Subjects stepped in 98% of the trials. Although the elderly were less likely to execute a lateral anticipatory postural adjustment prior to foot-lift, the onset of swing-leg unloading tended to begin at the same time in the two age groups. There was remarkable similarity between the young and elderly in many other characteristics of the first step of the response. In spite of this similarity, the elderly subjects were twice as likely to take additional steps to regain stability (63% of trials for elderly). Moreover, in elderly subjects, the additional steps were often directed so as to preserve lateral stability, whereas the young rarely showed this tendency. CONCLUSIONS: Given the functional significance of base-of-support changes as a strategy for preserving stability and the age-related differences presently revealed, assessment of the capacity to preserve stability against unpredictable perturbation, and specific measures such as the occurrence or placement of multiple steps, may prove to be a significant predictor of falling risk and an important outcome in evaluating or developing intervention strategies to prevent falls.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in the associations of social network ties with mortality risk were investigated using data from the Terman Life-Cycle Study (L. M. Terman, 1925; L. M. Terman & M. H. Oden, 1947, 1959). Marital status, number of living children, number of living siblings, and number of group memberships in 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1977 were reported across middle adulthood by 697 men and 544 women, with mortality follow-up as of 1991. Initial analyses confirmed previous work indicating that marital history (men only), number of children (both genders), and organizational memberships (both genders) are predictive of mortality risk. Further analyses compared the associations between these social ties and mortality prior to age 70 and at age 70 and older. Results indicated that for men, experiencing marital dissolution and subsequently remarrying is a stronger predictor of mortality risk prior to age 70 (p?=?.05), whereas for women, number of children (p?  相似文献   

Changes in dividing cells of the olfactory epithelium from guinea pigs of different ages were examined by immunohistochemical staining using anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen antibody. Numerous dividing cells were scattered diffusely in the basal layer of the olfactory epithelium at 1 and 2 months following birth and then gradually decreased with maturation until 4 months. Findings then remained constant between 4 and 24 months. Subsequently, cell numbers were found to decrease as animals became older. The number of olfactory receptor cells did not vary significantly between 1 and 30 months. Although no correlation could be found between the numbers of dividing cells and olfactory receptor cells, it is still possible that the longevity of the olfactory receptor cells changes to maintain the overall size of the neuronal population.  相似文献   

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