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As our knowledge of the interactions of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems progresses, complex links with the origin and course of psychopathology in childhood are revealed. In this article the neuroimmunological literature on autism is reviewed. Relevant aspects of immune functioning and the neuroendocrine-immune network are described. We present the immunological findings in autistic patients within two related conceptual frameworks: a viral and an autoimmune hypothesis. Interpretation of data is hampered by conceptual and methodological differences between studies. Both the clinical significance of the immune changes and the causal connection between immune changes and psychopathological phenomena in autism remain to be elucidated. Recommendations for further research are given.  相似文献   

Lateral heterogeneities in the classical fluid-mosaic model of cell membranes are now envisaged as domains or 'rafts' that are enriched in (glyco)sphingolipids, cholesterol, specific membrane proteins and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. These rafts dictate the sorting of associated proteins and/or provide sites for assembling cytoplasmic signalling molecules. However, there is no direct evidence that rafts exist in living cells. We have now measured the extent of energy transfer between isoforms of the folate receptor bound to a fluorescent analogue of folic acid, in terms of the dependence of fluorescence polarization on fluorophore densities in membranes. We find that the extent of energy transfer for the GPI-anchored folate-receptor isoform is density-independent, which is characteristic of organization in sub-pixel-sized domains at the surface of living cells; however, the extent of energy transfer for the transmembrane-anchored folate-receptor isoform was density-dependent, which is consistent with a random distribution. These domains are likely to be less than 70 nm in diameter and are disrupted by removal of cellular cholesterol. These results indicate that lipid-linked proteins are organized in cholesterol-dependent submicron-sized domains. Our methodology offers a new way of monitoring nanometre-scale association between molecules in living cells.  相似文献   

The fibronectin type III domain (FN3) is a small autonomous folding unit which occurs in many animal proteins involving in ligand binding. The beta-sandwich structure of FN3 closely resembles that of immunoglobulin domains. We have prepared a phage display library of FN3 in which residues in two surface loops were randomized. We have selected mutant FN3s which bind to a test ligand, ubiquitin, with significant affinities, while the wild-type FN3 shows no measurable affinity. A dominant clone was expressed as a soluble protein and its properties were investigated in detail. Heteronuclear NMR characterization revealed that the selected mutant protein retains the global fold of FN3. It also has a modest conformational stability despite mutations at 12 out of 94 residues. These results clearly show the potential of FN3 as a scaffold for engineering novel binding proteins.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the tumor suppressor function of the p53 gene is found in association with 20-40% cases of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in blast crisis. A common mechanism of p53 inactivation in CML is by complete deletion of one p53 allele in association with a point mutation which produces a mutant p53 protein on the remaining allele. Whether the mutant p53 protein, which is generally expressed at an elevated level, plays any role in the pathogenesis of blastic transformation or in maintaining the neoplastic proliferation, as it does in some solid tumors, is unknown. By using an antisense oligonucleotide approach, we investigated the cellular function of known abnormal forms of p53 protein, both mutant and truncated, expressed in CML cell lines. We found that the introduction of p53 antisense oligonucleotides can specifically inhibit the translation of the p53 mRNA. However, inhibiting p53 expression had no effect on cell proliferation, cell viability, and colony formation. There was no change in cell doubling time when the cells were maintained in serum-free medium (SFM) in the presence of antisense oligonucleotides compared with cells maintained in SFM alone. We conclude that the mutant or truncated p53 proteins expressed in the blast cells of CML have no growth-promoting effect and are not required for cell survival and proliferation. We further speculate that the loss of the tumor suppressor function of p53 might be the only mechanism by which p53 is involved in the transition from chronic phase to blast crisis.  相似文献   

Host defense against microorganisms involves proteins that bind specifically to bacterial endotoxins (LPS), causing different cellular effects. Although LPS-binding protein (LBP) can enhance LPS activities, while bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) and Limulus anti-LPS factor (LALF) neutralize LPS, it has been proposed that their LPS-binding domains possess a similar structure. Here, we provide evidence that the LBP/LPS-binding domain is, as in the LALF structure, solvent exposed and therefore available for LPS binding. Our investigations into the activity of LPS-binding domains of different LPS-binding proteins, in the context of LBP, provide the first functional analysis of these domains in a whole protein. We constructed domain exchange hybrid proteins by substituting 12 amino acids of the LBP/LPS-binding domain with those of BPI and LALF and expressed them in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Although discrete point mutations within the LPS-binding domain of LBP disrupted its specific functions, the hybrid proteins were still able to bind LPS and, in addition, retained the wild-type LBP activity of enhancing LPS priming for FMLP-induced oxygen radical production by neutrophils and transferring LPS aggregates to CD14. Although BPI and LALF display opposite activities to LBP, and LALF does not share any sequence homology with LBP, our data provide strong evidence that LBP, BPI, and LALF possess a solvent-exposed, interchangeable LPS binding motif that is functionally independent of LPS transport or neutralization.  相似文献   

Two full-length cDNAs, gbr-2A and gbr-2B, encoding inhibitory amino acid receptor subunits have been amplified and cloned from Caenorhabditis elegans mRNA. The 5' 732 bp of the two cDNAs, encoding 237 amino acids, are identical. The 3' 758 bp of the gbr-2B cDNA are present within the 3' untranslated region of the gbr-2A clone. As a result, the two cDNAs are predicted to encode subunits which share a common extracellular N-terminal sequence of 237 amino acids, but different, though closely related, C-terminal sequences which include four predicted membrane-spanning regions. A search of the EMBL database revealed that the sequences of the two subunits are most closely related to the alpha-subunit of the C. elegans avermectin receptor. Northern blot analysis showed the presence of two related mRNAs of approximately 2.2 and 1.5 kb in a developmentally mixed population of C. elegans. The genomic DNA sequence confirms that both mRNAs were transcribed from the same gene, gbr-2, suggesting that the closely related 3' sequences have arisen as a result of a partial gene duplication event. We propose that C. elegans is utilising alternative splicing to generate receptor subunits with identical extracellular, ligand-binding domains but different transmembrane, channel forming domains.  相似文献   

It is known that during embryonic life, interactions between the pancreatic epithelium and its surrounding mesenchyme are important for proper development of the pancreas. These interactions are thought to be mediated by soluble factors, which could be, as in other tissues, the ligands of tyrosine kinase receptors. In this study, we screened for tyrosine kinase receptors expressed in pancreata of 13-day-old embryonic rats. Using a polymerase chain reaction-based approach that exploits sequence similarities within the catalytic kinase domains of these receptors, we identified 30 different tyrosine kinase receptors. The same approach was then used on cDNA prepared from fractions enriched in epithelium or in mesenchyme. Receptors for factors such as platelet derived growth factors were found to be expressed both in the epithelial and the mesenchymal fractions. Receptors for stem cell factor, for epidermal growth factor family members were mainly found in the epithelial fraction. The profile of expression of receptor tyrosine kinases in the embryonic pancreas was finally compared to the one found in other tissues and cell types, such as kidney, brain or INS-1 cells. Platelet derived growth factor receptors and ErbB2 were found to be enriched in the embryonic pancreas when compared with other tissues. It will now be possible to test the effects of the ligands of the different receptors we have cloned, on the differentiation and growth of the pancreas.  相似文献   

Chronic vasodilatation represents a stimulus for capillary growth associated with increased luminal shear stress. We have examined the ultrastructure of more than 2000 capillaries to establish whether the sequence of angiogenesis in response to this stimulus is similar to that described during development and under pathological circumstances. Administration of the alpha1-blocker prazosin to rats for 2 weeks led to a greater capillary length density in extensor hallucis proprius muscles without any change in capillary tortuosity: Jv(c,f)=262+/-54 compared with 350+/-17 mm-2, control compared with prazosin (P<0.002). There were obvious signs of endothelial cell (EC) activation after prazosin treatment, including an increased proportion of capillaries with rough endoplasmic reticulum, large cytoplasmic vacuoles, thickened endothelium and an irregular luminal surface. Capillaries from control muscles had a maximum of three ECs in cross section, whereas four ECs were noted in 0.8+0.5% of capillaries after 1 week (n.s.) and 2.5+/-0.9% after 2 weeks (P<0.01) of treatment. This could be due to elongation and/or migration of ECs, as cell proliferation has not been described at these time points. There was also an increase in the proportion of capillaries having a narrow, slit-like lumen (1.7+/-0. 8% of controls; 7.1+/-1.9% at 1 week; 8.8+/-2.5% at 2 weeks; P<0.02), some of which were smaller in size (less than 2 microm diameter) than in controls (3-5 microm) and/or "seamless", i.e. lacking EC junctions. These may represent newly formed vessels. Focal discontinuity of the basement membrane and abluminal EC processes were rarely seen, and capillary growth by abluminal sprouting appeared to be very infrequent (less than 0.001% of profiles). Of more importance was growth starting from the luminal side. Significantly more thin cytoplasmic processes were observed protruding into the lumen of capillaries after 1 week (47.5+/-6.2%, P<0.001) and 2 weeks of prazosin (34.2+/-5.5%, P<0.05) than in control vessels (16.7+/-3.9%). Some of these traversed the entire lumen and connected with endothelium of the opposite side, probably involving membrane fusion, resulting in the appearance of a double lumen. Individual capillaries with a complete double lumen were observed after 2 weeks' prazosin but comparatively rarely, in only four out of six muscles. These findings indicate a pattern of luminal growth which is completely different from intussusceptive growth previously described during development, and from the abluminal capillary sprouting seen under pathological circumstances.  相似文献   

It is well known that acetaldehyde is capable of covalent binding to liver proteins. However, in experiments using liver microsomes prepared from chronically ethanol-fed rats we have observed that the addition of EDTA-iron complex to the microsomes increases by about 4-5 fold both the spin trapping of hydroxyethyl radicals and the covalent binding of 14C-ethanol to proteins, while it only doubles acetaldehyde formation. Conversely, the presence of GSH strongly decreases the trapping of hydroxyethyl radicals and completely inhibits the covalent binding, without affecting acetaldehyde production. Furthermore, the spin trapping agent 4-pyridyl-N-oxide-t-butyl nitrone (4-POBN), previously employed for the detection of hydroxyethyl radicals, decreases by about 70% the covalent binding of 14C-ethanol to microsomal proteins. 4-POBN does not affect acetaldehyde production by liver microsomes, nor does it interfere with the covalent binding of acetaldehyde produced by ADH-mediated oxidation of ethanol. The results obtained indicate that hydroxyethyl radicals generated during ethanol oxidation by cytochrome P-450 play an important role in the alkylation of microsomal proteins consequent to ethanol metabolism.  相似文献   

Neuronal nitric oxide synthase produces nitric oxide, a radical involved in neurotransmission as well as in cytotoxicity during stroke and neurodegenerative diseases. In the adult Wistar rat neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons are inhomogenously distributed along defined cortical areas, with highest densities (18 cells/mm2) in cingular area 1, piriform cortex, frontal motor area Fr 2 and in the medial visual association area Oc 2MM. A medium packing density of neuronal nitric oxide synthase neurons (10/mm2) characterizes primary sensory areas, whereas retrosplenial cortices contain lowest cell numbers (3-5/mm2). The data suggest that functions of certain cortical areas are more dependent on intracortically produced nitric oxide than others, and that cortical injury may cause more severe nitric oxide related cytotoxicity in areas with higher numbers of neuronal nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons.  相似文献   

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