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2013年2月25日,日本经济产业省(METI)向WTO秘书处提交了第G/TBT/N/JPN/415号WTO/TBT通报,提出了日本《电气用品安全法》(简称《电安法》)规定的电气用品技术标准省令的修订案。该修正案的目的是使日本技术标准与国际标准相协调。该修正案的拟批准日期为2013年4月15日,拟生效日期为2013年10月15日。  相似文献   

2010年3月19日,日本经济产业省(METI)发布通报G/TBT/N/JPN/329,欲对《电气用品安全法》下有关噪声强度的技术标准J55001的适用范同进行修订,J55013《声音和电视广播接收机及相关设备无线电骚扰特性限值和测量方法》和J55022《信息技术设备无线电骚扰特性限值和测量方法》将采用较新版的CISPR国际标准。  相似文献   

《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》提出,要发展和提升软件产业,提升软件开发应用水平,鼓励采用和推广具有自主知识产权的技术标准。我国《软件和信息技术服务业"十二五"发展规划》要求加强对软件和信息技术服务领域标准化工作的支持与管理力度,推进产业标准体系建设,并将面向服务的体系结构(SOA)标准化作为工作重点之一。1概述全国信息技术标准化技术委员会于2009年成立了SOA标准工作组。三年多来,在工业和信息化部以及国家标准化管理委员会的指导下,通过各成员  相似文献   

正近日,广东省质监局WTO/TBT中心透露,近日陆续收到了欧盟、美国、智利、乌干达等国关于LED灯具方面的TBT(贸易技术措施)通报。通报法规对进入国的定向灯和LED灯具产品设置了更高门槛,这将大幅度提高进入欧美多国市场的LED灯具产品的生产成本,对全省乃至全国的LED产业造成重大影响。广东省质监局WTO/TBT中心指出,这次新通报的TBT中,有的对进入国的定向灯和LED灯具产品提出了复盖节能环保、生态设计等更高更严格的要  相似文献   

1 AVS编码标准及其特点AVS(Audio Video Standard)标准是《信息技术先进音视频编码》系列标准的简称,其核心是把数字视频和音频数据压缩为原来的几十分之一甚至百分之一以下。数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组(简称AVS工作组)由国家信息产业部于2002年6月批准  相似文献   

《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》提出,要发展和提升软件产业,提升软件开发应用水平,鼓励采用和推广具有自主知识产权的技术标准.我国《软件和信息技术服务业"十二五"发展规划》要求加强对软件和信息技术服务领域标准化工作的支持与管理力度,推进产业标准体系建设,并将面向服务的体系结构(SOA)标准化作为工作重点之一.  相似文献   

记从有关方面了解到、由信息产业部与发改委、商务部、海关总、工商总局、质检总局、环保总局共同起草的《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》在2005年底向WTO/TBT通报工作完成后,近期有望作为法规正式出台,该标准也被称为电子产品的环保“绿卡”。  相似文献   

我国“入世”了,这标志着相应的经济活动必须按WTO的规定去做。标准化和合格评定是与贸易紧密相关的活动。随着关税壁垒得到遏制,影响国际贸易的障碍已让位给非关税壁垒,在非关税壁垒中又以技术性壁垒为最。所谓技术性壁垒,就是利用标准、技术法规、合格评定程序来保护本国产业和市场,阻挡外国产品进入本国市场而形成的贸易障碍。为了减少和消除贸易中的技术性壁垒,WTO制定了《贸易中的技术性壁垒协议》(WTO/TBT)。该协议规定了WTO成员在制定、采用和实施标准、技术法规、合格评定程序时应遵守的要求。中国电子技术标准化研究所…  相似文献   

2006年是我国信息产业“十一五”规划开局后的关键一年,也是电子信息产业标准化工作继续深入推进的一年。近年来,随着电子信息技术的不断进步,国家及相关行业对电子信息及通信领域的技术标准进行了大量的制修订工作,颁布了许多新的技术标准。为了使广大企业及时准确得到相关技术标准的最新信息,了解电子信息产业及通信领域方面的技术标准,信息产业部电子工业标准化研究所经过近两年的信息搜集与信息加工,于近期编制出版了2006年版《中国电子信息产业标准目录大全》工具书。2006年版《中国电子信息产业标准目录大全》是在原2004年版《中国电…  相似文献   

经过2年的调整与实践,《信息技术与标准化》作为电子行业专门报道信息技术领域技术标准的期刊已逐步形成了自己的风格和特色。“关注技术前沿,聚焦标准动向”将是本刊所有栏目和内容围绕的核心。在新的一年里,《信息技术与标准化》将围绕技术标准这一主题,以侧重专题的形式贴近读者和市场,同时将更新的热点技术和资讯,更丰富、更专业的技术标准信息奉献给广大读者。栏目设置及主要内容如下:方针政策 第一时间报道国家、行业以及产业内标准化方面的政策信息,包括:方针、法规、计划、工作目标、任务、重点,尤其关注产业热点、难点和疑点技术…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionThedayoftheaccessiontotheWorldTradeOrganization(WTO)issoontobeexpected .China’saccessiontoWTOwillcertainlyhaveagreateffectontheorganizationoftheworldtrade ,andalsowillcertainlyexerciseadirectandgreatimpactonChi na’spoliticalandeconomicpolic…  相似文献   

By drawing on institutional theory and bargaining theory, this paper analyzes China's telecommunications policymaking mechanism, an important but less-explored issue. Key factors of shaping China's telecommunications policy are examined and the implementation of China's telecommunications policy in network development, competition, foreign direct investment, and regulatory restructuring is investigated. Finally, the impacts of China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) on its telecommunications reform and transition are discussed.  相似文献   

Digital communication is both pervasive and vital across society. This creates a growing public interest in the technical standards that proscribe public communications. The public is demanding open standards. The rallying cry "Open Standards" means different things to different groups. This article reviews the different needs of specific groups of society and develops ten different requirements for open standards. To implement these requirements, changes to the rules and procedures of standardization organizations, international bodies (e.g., WIPO, WTO), and national patent office rules are proposed. Interestingly, technical changes, in the form of new standardized protocols, rather than legal or policy changes, appear to be the most important changes to meet the requirements of open standards."Standards function as feathers that guide the arrow of technology. While feathers are light and seemingly trivial on an arrow's shaft, without feathers, few arrows find their mark. Without standards, few technologies find their market"  相似文献   

Patent policies issued by standard-setting organizations help resolve the tension between enforcing patent rights and adopting open standards. In this article we examine the application of these policies to patent licensing and enforcement situations. An industry standard consists of a specified set of technologies adopted by an industry group in order to effect compatibility among products. The tension between enforcing proprietary intellectual property rights and adopting open industry standards has become a central issue for standards-setting bodies as well as the courts called on to enforce patent rights. As patent rights become more and more prominent in the global economy, the issues presented by the incorporation of patented technology into standards have become increasingly important. The ideal of open, widely promulgated standards is at odds with a patent owner's right to exclude others from making, using, or selling the patented invention. The ability of an industry member to exclude others from practicing a standard by asserting a patent that covers the standard would serve to undermine rapid and widespread adoption of the standard, resulting in reduced value of the standard. To prevent this situation, standard-setting organizations have developed patent policies that require their members to disclose intellectual property that may impact a proposed standard. Furthermore, patent owners are required to either forgo enforcement of patent rights against standard users, or promise to license their patents to all comers at a fair, reasonable, nondiscriminatory rate. Such a policy resolves many of the tensions between proprietary technology and the desire for an open, widely practiced standard. However, the implementation of such a policy is not as straightforward as may at first appear  相似文献   

携号转网是移动电话用户变更签约的电信企业而用户号码保持不变的一项服务,目前已在全球近80个国家和地区实施。我国于2019年11月27日正式在全国提供携号转网服务。携号转网管理政策体系的建立确保了携号转网服务的有序提供,在保障用户合法权益、引导企业规范经营、提供监管政策依据方面发挥了重要作用。结合国际、国内政策分析,充分论证了我国出台携号转网管理政策的必要性和可行性,并对携号转网服务后续监管提出启动技术监测、丰富监管案例、建立通报机制、强化落地执行四方面建议。  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) has emerged from research laboratories and is now being accepted in other domains as an attractive way of visualizing information.Before AR can be used in the mass market,there are a number of obstacles that need to be overcome.Several of these can be overcome by adopting open standards.A global grassroots community seeking open,interoperable AR content and experiences began to take shape in early 2010.This community is working collaboratively to reduce the barriers to the flow of data from content provider to AR end user.Standards development organizations and industry groups that provide open interfaces for AR meet regularly to provide updates,identify complementary work,and seek harmonization.The community also identifies deployer and implementer needs,communicates requirements,and discusses emerging challenges that could be resolved with standards.In this article,we describe current activities in international standards-development organizations.We summarize the AR standards gap analysis and shed light on special considerations for using standards in mobile AR.  相似文献   

Active queue management (AQM) policies are those policies of router queue management that allow for the detection of network congestion, the notification of such occurrences to the hosts on the network borders, and the adoption of a suitable control policy. This paper proposes the adoption of a fuzzy proportional integral (FPI) controller as an active queue manager for Internet routers. The analytical design of the proposed FPI controller is carried out in analogy with a proportional integral (PI) controller, which recently has been proposed for AQM. A genetic algorithm is proposed for tuning of the FPI controller parameters with respect to optimal disturbance rejection. In the paper the FPI controller design methodology is described and the results of the comparison with random early detection (RED), tail drop, and PI controller are presented.  相似文献   

The information in this report on CIPM MRA has been published in many places and is open access on the BIPM web site. We are grateful to Dr. Quinn for submitting the report for the I&M Magazine readers. Shlomo Engelberg, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE I&M Magazine. On 14th October 1999 in Paris, the Directors of the National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) of all the industrialized nations of the world signed a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) for their national measurement standards. The full title was "Mutual Recognition Arrangement for national measurement standards and for calibration and measurement certificates issued by National Metrology Institutes". This document had been drawn up by the International Committee for Weights and Measures (the acronym is CIPM from its name in French) and is known as the as the CIPM MRA [1]. The purpose of the CIPM MRA was to formalize the previous international comparisons of national standards that had traditionally been carried out by the major NMIs of the world and to extend the recognition gained for their national standards to cover also their calibration and measurement certificates. It was also intended to open up such recognition to all the smaller NMIs many of which did not participate regularly in international comparisons. Now, ten years later, the CIPM MRA covers some 200 institutes in 72 countries as well as two international organizations, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Laboratories of the European Union at Geel, Belgium.  相似文献   

光突发交换网络中的闭环竞争解析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐昌彪  隆克平  黄胜 《通信学报》2004,25(12):76-81
为改善光突发交换网络(OBS)的性能,深入探讨了光突发交换网络中的闭环竞争解析,提出了OBS网络中的主动资源预留方案OBS—RED和显式竞争通知方案OBS—ECN。OBS—RED采用随机早期丢弃策略,即根据数据信道拥塞情况,随机早期地丢弃控制分组。OBS—ECN的实现需要OBS—RED的支持。在OBS—ECN中,不是随机丢弃控制分组,而是将这一信息显式地通知边缘节点,边缘节点再作相应的处理。OBS—RED与OBS—ECN的应用,有利于提高网络吞吐量和链路带宽资源利用率,大大减少数据突发的阻塞概率。  相似文献   

AVS与ISMA共建IPTV标准平台   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
数字音视频编解码技术标准(AVS)是中国自主制订的数字电视等音视频系统的基础性标准,是网络电视(IPTV)系统可选择的两种第二代音视频信源编码标准之一.AVS基于创新技术和公开技术,编码效率比第一代标准(MPEG-2)高2~3倍,可节省一半以上信道资源.AVS标准简单的许可政策与开放式制订模式也使其成为新一代音视频编解码国际标准的上选.互联网流媒体联盟(ISMA)是得到广泛支持的IPTV系统标准组织.文章认为AVS与ISMA携手共建IPTV标准将会有力地推动国际IPTV产业的发展.  相似文献   

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