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Alloy 617, a high-temperature creep-resistant, nickel-based alloy, is being considered for the primary heat exchanger for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP), which will operate at temperatures exceeding 760 °C and a helium pressure of approximately 7 MPa. Observations of the crept microstructure using optical microscopy indicate creep stress does not significantly influence the creep void fraction at a given creep strain over the relatively narrow set of creep conditions studied. Void formation was found to occur only after significant creep in the tertiary regime (>5 pct total creep strain) had occurred. Also, orientation imaging microscopy (OIM) was used to characterize the grain boundaries in the vicinity of creep voids that develop during high-temperature creep tests (900 °C to 1000 °C at creep stresses ranging from 20 to 40 MPa) terminated at creep strains ranging from 5 to 40 pct. Preliminary analysis of the OIM data indicates voids tend to form on grain boundaries parallel, perpendicular, or 45 deg to the tensile axis, while few voids are found at intermediate inclinations to the tensile axis. Random grain boundaries intersect most voids, while coincident site lattice (CSL)–related grain boundaries did not appear to be consistently associated with void development. Similar results were found in oxygen-free, high-conductivity (OFHC) copper, severely deformed using equal channel angular extrusion, and creep tested at 450 °C and 14 MPa.  相似文献   

The current work examines deformation at grain boundaries from an experimental viewpoint. The orientation images of a pseudointernal surface during interrupted channel die deformations of a Cu bicrystal show the evolution of lattice orientation and crystallite fragmentation near the grain boundary. The experiments demonstrate that a region near the boundary is influenced strongly by neighboring grain deformation and lends support to the development of deformation models that include the effects of boundary character and nonlocal slip system interaction. Two crystal plasticity models of the experiment were implemented with a limited degree of success in modeling the observed behavior.  相似文献   

工业纯钛TA2的高温变形机制研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
周伟  杨英丽  于振涛  周廉 《稀有金属》2003,27(6):721-725
研究了纯钛TA2 在 70 0 ,75 0 ,80 0℃的室温下及变形速度为 4.5 ,12和 45mm·min- 1 )时的拉伸变形行为 ,分析了其真应力 真应变 (σ ε)的对应关系及显微组织的变化规律。结果表明 ,σ ε曲线上 ,在给定温度下 ,随着应变速率增大 ,应力增大 ;在固定应变速率时 ,随着温度升高 ,应力降低。随着应变速率增大 ,TA2 的显微组织呈现细化趋势 ,并且组织中亚晶粒比例增加。TA2 高温变形的变形激活能Q为 3 47 60 18kJ·mol- 1 ,说明该金属的高温变形机制为杂质元素与位错相互作用的过程 ,得到了高温变形的本构方程。  相似文献   

本文在以往的蠕变变形空洞形核模型的基础文上提出了一个新的空洞形核模型。该模型不但考虑了位错塞和所产生的应力集中的作用,同时也考虑了空位聚集的作用。从本文推导出的临界空洞半径表达式即可得出Raj等人提出的临界半径关系式,又可得出Smith等人提出的空洞形核临界应力关系式,从而说明本文提出的空洞形核模型比以往的模型具有更广泛的适用范围。  相似文献   

By analyzing the stepped test pieces with optical microscope,the influence of the technological parameters including rolling temperature and reduction on the austenite recrystallization fraction of steel with Nb content of 0.08% deformed at high temperature processing was studied,and the deformed austenite recrystallization figures of the test steel were obtained.The result indicates that when the reduction is 60%,the critical temperature of complete recrystallization is 1070 ℃ and the borderline temperature of non-recrystallization is 900 ℃.In contrast with general HSLA steel,the recrystallization and non-recrystallization temperatures are respectively 120 ℃ and 100 ℃ higher than those of ordinary HSLA,so the steel with high content of Nb has better hot processing performance because Nb has great function of holding back recrystallization.  相似文献   

镁在高温合金中的晶界效应和作用机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
偏聚到晶界的镁原子可将原子错配度较小的其它溶质原子从晶界驱逐到晶内点阵或晶界相中,并可增强间隙原子向晶界的偏聚;镁原子可进入晶界相的单胞中,从而促使晶界相球化,并降低其稳定性。  相似文献   

研究了M963合金在975℃×225MPa条件下蠕变过程中的组织演化及断裂机理.结果表明M963合金的蠕变曲线呈现出明显的3个阶段且稳态蠕变速率较低;蠕变过程中,γ'相粒子逐渐筏形化,由初始阶段分布在γ基体中的立方状孤立相转变为蠕变后期包围γ相的连续相;在枝晶干上有颗粒状M6C碳化物析出;蠕变变形机制从初始阶段的Orowan绕过γ'相粒子变为蠕变后期的位错切过γ'相粒子.  相似文献   

徐亮  李涛  马永强  周琦  白平平 《特殊钢》2022,43(6):50-53
晶粒度大小是衡量M50轴承钢质量的重要指标,通过探讨退火工艺对M50钢晶粒度级别的影响,以期改善实际生产过程中高温轴承钢M50钢材晶粒粗大、混晶问题。试验结果表明,适当提高退火温度、延长保温时间不会对M50钢晶粒度级别造成不利影响。实际生产中进行验证,退火工艺由860℃下保温5 h变更为910℃下保温8 h,可以改善因炉温均匀性差造成的M50钢材晶粒粗大及混晶等问题。另外,验证了当退火保温后的冷却速度过快,容易造成成品轴承淬火晶粒粗大,在实际生产过程中应予以关注。  相似文献   

During grain boundary sliding in ultrafine-grain materials at intermediate temperatures and high strain rates (~10?2 s?1), apparent creep parameters usually deviate from the theoretical values, due to microstructural coarsening. An analysis has been carried out in a severely friction stir processed (FSP) 7075 alloy with three different ultra-fine grain sizes (L), obtaining explicit grain size dependence of the creep parameters n ap = n ap(L) and Q ap = Q ap(L), confirming the validity of the theoretical values of these parameters in the constitutive equation.  相似文献   

变形速度及晶粒度对GH4169合金高温拉伸性能和组织的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了温度、变形速度、原始晶粒度对GH4169合金高温拉伸性能和组织的影响.随变形速度的提高,合金的强度升高,塑性下降.原始粗晶组织的强度明显高于原始细晶组织的相应值,而塑性则有不同程度的下降.在动态再结晶温度以上的950~980℃,原始细晶组织试样的适量变形区具有均匀的10~13级晶粒.890℃、950℃和1030℃适量变形区在正常热处理后晶界δ相分别呈现大量聚集针状、适量短棒和小颗粒状以及少量小片状和薄膜状的析出特征.在热模锻条件下,选用合适的细晶坯料和950℃左右的模具温度,预计锻件可获得均匀细小的晶粒、良好的晶界状态及性能.  相似文献   

马鸣图  王中丙  李志刚  陈贵江  翁宇庆  李殿中 《钢铁》2004,39(8):105-107,120
对CSP生产线上生产的细晶高强度热轧汽车板冷弯时的微裂形成的原因进行了实验和分析。结果表明:表面微裂纹与表面的粗晶和混晶有关;而横向冷弯时的微裂纹主要与次表层被压扁和成方向性的晶粒及混晶有关;消除混晶和方向性的变形晶粒,则冷弯微裂纹即可避免。  相似文献   

 中温脆性、回火脆性是困扰材料学界百年的两大晶间脆性难题,其发生机理一直是材料科学与工程学界研究的热点。根据溶质非平衡偏聚恒温动力学特征,总结出了中温脆性的非平衡偏聚机理。另外,依据溶质非平衡偏聚的临界时间现象,综述了回火脆性的非平衡偏聚研究最新进展。通过对以上两种晶间脆性断裂发生机理的分析发现,他们都是由溶质的非平衡偏聚临界时间引起的。  相似文献   

The effects of vanadium on the deformation induced ferrite transformation (DIFT) in low carbon steel during heavy deformation at the temperature slightly higher than Ar3 and on the coarsening of DIFT microstructure during the continuous cooling processes after deformation were investigated using a thermo‐simulator. The results show that vanadium has little effect on the volume fraction of DIFT microstructure under heavy deformation, whereas the deformation induced ferrite (DIF) grains are refined with increasing vanadium content. The steel containing a small amount of vanadium exhibits similar velocity of grain growth compared to vanadium free steel, while the vanadium remarkably inhibits grain growth in a steel containing a high amount of vanadium during the continuous cooling process. The diffusion activation energy of grain boundaries for all the tested steels is calculated and the influencing mechanism of vanadium on the grain growth during the continuous cooling process is discussed.  相似文献   

变形晶界对低碳钢显微组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对不同温度下变形和变形后再加热到奥氏体区的低碳钢SS400的显微组织进行了研究,结果表明:变形使奥氏体和铁素体晶界呈锯齿状,锯齿状的奥氏体晶界优先成为铁素体的形核位置,锯齿状的铁素体晶界有利于铁素体再结晶核心的形成。  相似文献   

A nonequilibrium thermodynamic model which describes the effect of solute grain boundary segregation on grain boundary cohesion was extended to Fe ternary systems. The extended model directly and simply predicts the effect of alloying elements on impurity-induced grain boundary embrittlement. According to the extended model, Mo, W, and Zr strongly reduce, Ni, Ti, and V slightly reduce, and Cr and Mn enhance impurity-induced grain boundary embrittlement in an Fe ternary system. For the evaluation of the extended model, Fe-P, Fe-P-Mn, Fe-P-Mo, and Fe-P-W alloys were studied by Auger electron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, 4-point slow bend tests, and tension tests. The experimental results show that for a given amount of P grain boundary segregation the grain boundary strength increases with increasing Mo or W grain boundary segregation and decreases with increasing Mn grain boundary segregation. These experimental results showing the remedial effect of Mo or W and the embrittling effect of Mn on P-induced grain boundary embrittlement are consistent with the predicted results from the extended model. The nonequilibrium model is also used to evaluate impurity-induced interfacial embrittlement in continuous fiber metal matrix composite materials.  相似文献   

用二次压缩方法测定了含硼面心Fe-30%Ni合金1000℃热变形10%和40%后保温时的软化率曲线,并由此估计了再结晶过程.用径迹照相方法(PTA)研究了再结晶过程中运动晶界反常偏聚规律以及形变量对反常硼偏聚的影响.用定量统计方法测量了不同形变量下,运动晶界的硼偏聚量.结果表明,新晶粒长大过程中,晶界反常偏聚量与形变量、晶界运动速度等因素有关.并用半定量的方法估算了不同形变量下,再结晶新晶粒长大过程中新晶粒边界向变形晶粒推进时的平均速度.用晶界展宽机制对此现象进行了讨论.  相似文献   

High tensile strength of 616 MPa and improved ductility of 7.6 pct were obtained in powder-consolidated pure Cu processed by high-pressure torsion (HPT) at room temperature followed by post-annealing at 673 K (400 °C). The powder-HPT consolidation process maintained nano-crystalline microstructures even after post-annealing due to the presence of well-dispersed oxide particles in the matrix. Higher ductility in the post-annealed specimen is attributed to higher fraction of stable Σ3 coincidence site lattice boundaries than that in the HPT-processed Cu.  相似文献   

本文重点研究镍基变形高温合金中弯曲晶界形成的动力学过程。指出当晶界上存在两相(γ1和M6C或M23C6)时,形成弯晶的为主相随合金本质及热处理参数(温度、冷速等)而变化。提出一个两相式弯晶形成模型和一个一段晶界迁移模型。  相似文献   

Grain boundary sliding (GBS) is an important deformation mechanism for elevated temperature forming processes. Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate the effect of solute atoms in near grain boundaries (GBs) on the sliding of Al bicrystals at 750 K (477 °C). The threshold stress for GBS is computed for a variety of GBs with different structures and energies. Without solute atoms, low-energy GBs tend to exhibit significantly less sliding than high-energy GBs. Simulation results show that elements which tend to phase segregate from Al, such as Si, can enhance GBS in high-energy GBs by weakening Al bonds and by increasing atomic mobility. In comparison, intermetallic forming elements, such as Mg, will form immobile Mg-Al clusters, decrease diffusivity, and inhibit GBS.  相似文献   

本文对深冲用H68合金成品退火的晶粒度之影响因素进行分析,通过对原始晶粒度冷轧后(ε〉50%)的各种不同料温的晶粒度测试试验作出了不同料温情况下晶粒度的关系图,最后得出了两点结论,第一,H68合金板带的成品退火晶粒度不受原始晶粒度的影响,退火前冷加工率超过50%成品软态的晶粒度可获得最佳值;第二,H68合金板带的晶粒度与退火料温的关系是在550℃以下呈线性变化,大于550℃后变化不明显。  相似文献   

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