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A partial phase-only nulling (PPON) algorithm has been developed and evaluated on a 496-element monopulse phased array antenna system which employs five-bit phase shifters. Using this PPON algorithm allows nulls in the far-field pattern to be steered to the desired directions for a phased array equipped with low-resolution phase shifters to perform simultaneous nulling in the sum and two difference patterns in the environment of multiple jammers. Simulated and experimental patterns are illustrated 相似文献
《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1973,61(12):1668-1694
In many cases, it is impractical or impossible to make antenna pattern measurements on a conventional far-field range; the distance to the radiating far field may be too long, it may be impractical to move the antenna from its operating environment to an antenna range, or the desired amount of pattern data may require too much time on a far-field range. For these and other reasons, it is often desirable or necessary to determine far-field antenna patterns from measurements made in the radiating near-field region; three basic techniques for accomplishing this have proven to be successful. In the first technique, the aperture phase and amplitude distributions are sampled by a scanning field probe, and then the measured distributions are transformed to the far field. In the second technique, a plane wave that is approximately uniform in amplitude is created by a feed and large reflector in the immediate vicinity of the test antenna. And in the third technique, the test antenna is focused within the radiating near-field region, patterns are measured at the reduced range, and then the antenna is refocused to infinity. Each of these techniques is discussed, and the various advantages and limitations of each technique are presented. 相似文献
The tracking error of a phased array antenna between transmitting and receiving frequencies was measured by in-flight experiments using a geostationary satellite. The tracking error was found to depend on beam-scanning angle and the ratio of transmitting and receiving frequencies. Measured results agreed well with a theoretical prediction. An effective method to eliminate the tracking error is proposed 相似文献
介绍了一种新颖的相控阵天线实验系统。首先给出了系统的组成和设计原理,然后介绍了系统的软件实现过程以及多用户教学功能的实现。所设计的实验系统实现了相控阵天线设计教学过程,具有操作简单、实验真实直观等特点,取得良好效果。 相似文献
Vahid Dehghanian Majid Okhovvat Mohammad Hakkak 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2009,63(4):241-248
In near-field antenna measurements various forms of uniform and non-uniform sampling techniques have been widely deployed. Considering the fact that the near-field pattern of any antenna is a spatially quasi-band-width-limited function of space coordinates, Shannon's theorem simply defines the sampling frequency. Based on the sampling theorem, in order to precisely reconstruct a band-limited signal from its samples, the sampling frequency must be at least twice as much as the signal's bandwidth. Through the simulations and theoretical evaluations this research shows that if the near-field pattern is either uniformly or non-uniformly under-sampled due to any practical reasons, yet a good estimation of far-field pattern can be obtained especially if the antenna under test (AUT) is a directive high-gain or super high-gain antenna. Also the time efficiency of far-field prediction from under-sampled near-field data is discussed and the advantages and disadvantages are highlighted. 相似文献
Krairiksh M. Ngamjanyaporn P. Kessuwan C. 《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2002,12(5):184-186
This paper presents a flat four-beam compact phased array antenna. The low-cost and compact phased array antenna is designed using a circular array of four circular microstrip antennas made of low-cost material and four 1-bit phase shifters. The main beam of the antenna can be switched in four directions with the gain of about 4 dBi in each main-beam direction. More than 90° half-power beamwidth and over 10 dB F/B ratio are obtained. In addition, the diversity performance is considered and the diversity performance of this antenna can be provided with the envelope correlation about 0.6 相似文献
A planar adaptive array of three microstrip patch antennas consisting of a central active microstrip antenna and two symmetrical lateral passive antennas is used to steer the beam. An electronic beam scanning of ±20° can be achieved with the control of reactive loads located into the lateral patches 相似文献
The adaptive array under directionaily constrained minimization of power (DCMP) algorithm is improved by adding a "pseudonoise." It is effective to protect the desired signal from cancellation or distortion in such cases as 1) where a coherent interference is incident, or 2) where the desired signal direction for the constraint contains some pointing error, or 3) when the desired signal is broad band, The optimum amount of pseudonoise to be added is also discussed and its formula is given. This system is named "tamed adaptive antenna" since its killing capability is somewhat moderated so as not to hurt the desired signal. 相似文献
A method is presented for computing far-field antenna patterns from measured near-field data measured by an array of planar dipole probes. The method utilizes the near-field data to determine some equivalent magnetic current sources over a fictitious planar surface which encompasses the antenna. These currents are then used to find the far fields. The near-field measurement is carried out by terminating each dipole with 50 Ω load impedances and measuring the complex voltages across the loads. An electric field integral equation (EFIE) is developed to relate the measured complex voltages to the equivalent magnetic currents. The mutual coupling between the array of probes and the test antenna modeled by magnetic dipoles is taken into account. The method of moments with Galerkin's type solution procedure is used to transform the integral equation into a matrix one. The matrix equation is solved with the conjugate gradient-fast Fourier transformation (CG-FFT) method exploiting the block Toeplitz structure of the matrix. Numerical results are presented for several antenna configurations to show the validity of the method 相似文献
Chien-Jen Wang Hua-Lin Guan Jou C.F. 《Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE》2002,12(8):311-313
An aperture-fed patch antenna array is connected to the open end of a short leaky-wave antenna (LWA) to demonstrate the two-dimensional beam-scanning capability in this paper. This design not only offers another radiation path of the reflected wave, but also creates another scanning radiation pattern on the back plane of the substrate. The reflected wave of the LWA is equally separated by a power divider, modulated by each varactor-tuned phase shifter, and injected into two radiating aperture-coupled antennas. The operated frequencies are tuned to control the LWA main position in the elevation plane; meanwhile, by tuning the phase difference between two phase shifters, the main beam of the aperture-coupled antenna array can be scanned in the backside E plane. Experimental result shows that the suppression of the reflected wave can be 7 dB at 10.0 GHz with a short LWA length of 6 cm (two wavelengths). The H-plane and backside E-plane scanning radiation patterns have great potential in many applications and provide more flexibility to traditional designs. 相似文献
Microwave signals for all array elements in a phared array microwave antenna are simultaneously generated by spatial sampling of a moving sinusoidal interference pattern formed between two frequency-offset injection-locked laser diodes. The offset and radar frequency of 3.2 GHz were generated by a Bragg cell. A nearly distortionless antenna beam pattern and 180° steering are demonstrated in a linear seven-element array. 相似文献
Uniplanar compact electromagnetic bandgap (UC-EBG) substrate has been proven to be an effective measure to reduce surface wave excitation in printed antenna geometries. This paper investigates the performance of a microstrip antenna phased array embedded in an UC-EBG substrate. The results show a reduction in mutual coupling between elements and provide a possible solution to the "blind spots" problem in phased array applications with printed elements. A novel and efficient UC-EBG array configuration is proposed. A probe fed patch antenna phased array of 7/spl times/5 elements on a high dielectric constant substrate was designed, built and tested. Simulation and measurement results show improvement in the active return loss and active pattern of the array center element. The tradeoffs used to obtain optimum performance are discussed. 相似文献
针对低轨卫星通信天线波束"等通量"覆盖的赋形要求,采用遗传算法对天线阵列进行了多目标平衡优化综合.根据SHA阵和波束覆盖的空间旋转对称性,在波束空间和阵元空间内进行阵元分组,将波束形成矩阵自由度降为1/3,简化了遗传算法参数数量,为波束形成因子复用奠定基础.针对16波束宽带输入,利用DFT滤波器组、复用式波束形成网络、单音闭环校正等算法设计了分布式数字波束形成器和幅相校正单元,运算量降为原来的4.5%,节省硬件资源80%.最后首次完成了16波束61阵元星载DBF相控阵天线样机的研制,暗场测试结果表明波束增益达到等通量覆盖要求,验证了以上算法和工程设计的正确性与有效性. 相似文献
An optically driven phased array antenna system that utilizes heterodyne techniques to generate the microwave carrier frequency and phases is proposed. The heterodyning at each antenna element requires three injection-locked lasers. The microwave carrier frequency is determined by the order of the modulated sideband used in the injection-locking scheme. A design is also presented for an integrated optical fast Fourier transform (FFT). This device can perform the necessary phase processing for both beam steering and detection-of-arrival angle. Recent results on the noise properties of injection-locked semiconductor lasers are applied to the proposed antenna system. The effect of noise on the gain, signal-to-noise ratio, and the bandwidth of the antenna system is examined. It is shown that the performance degradation of the system, due to the noise in the lasers, is minimal, and therefore the bandwidth promise of optical drive could well be achieved with the use of heterodyne laser locking techniques 相似文献
An active X-band spherical phased array developed for transmitting high bit rate data from remote sensing satellites to two ground stations simultaneously is presented. Resolution of the dual phase adjustment of the phase shifters, which are common to generate two beams, is discussed. 相似文献