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The motoneurones with axons in the common peroneal nerve (CPN) of the rat and monkey were examined using retrograde labelling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In both species, the CPN motoneurone pool was localized in the dorsolateral part of the ventral horn of the spinal cord. In the rat, the labelled motoneurones were located between the L3 and L6 spinal segments whereas in the monkey, they extended from the caudal end of L4 to the L6 spinal segments. In both species the majority of the labelled neurones were located within the L5 segment. The mean number of the CPN motoneurones in the rat and monkey was 458 and 1148, respectively. A bimodal size distribution of motoneurones was found in both species.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional epidemiological survey of immunity to the hepatitis A virus (HAV) was undertaken in paediatric and nursery nurses to ascertain whether these occupational groups were at an increased risk of infection with the virus. Seropositivity to HAV was measured in 33 surgical (control), 36 paediatric, 55 nursery and 29 specialist paediatric nurses in a district general hospital, community clinics and a children's hospital in the West Midlands. IgG antibodies to HAV were found in 27% of surgical (control), 31% of paediatric (relative risk [RR] = 1.19, 95% confidence interval [Cl] = 0.56-2.51), 26% of nursery nurses (RR = 0.99, Cl = 0.48-2.04) and 10% of specialist paediatric nurses (RR = 0.40, Cl = 0.12-1.35). These data are comparable to immunity to HAV for this age group in the general population of this country and do not support routine immunization of paediatric or nursery nurses against HAV.  相似文献   

Microneurovascular free muscle transfer is fast becoming a standardized procedure in the treatment of established or long-standing facial paralysis. However, there is no general agreement as to whether muscle transfer should be employed for children who still are growing. A patient's natural growth may influence or disturb reproduction of a smile, or a child may not be able to collaborate with postoperative rehabilitation sufficiently well to obtain a satisfactory result. One may hesitate to employ the procedure for children aged under 10 out of fear of its technical difficulties. To investigate the influence of age, the results experienced by 23 patients under the age of 15 who underwent free muscle transfer combined with cross-face nerve grafting were compared with those of adult patients. The treatment employed was a two-stage operation consisting of cross-face nerve grafting and subsequent free muscle transfer.  相似文献   

The vascular pedicles of the semitendinosus, gracilis and sartorius muscles were identified by the authors. Although devascularisation of the tendons is of no importance in plastic operations, any technic using the fleshy part of these muscles should take care to preserve the blood supply. It is therefore important to know their anatomy.  相似文献   

Because primate studies provide data for the current experimental models of the human oculomotor system, we investigated the relationship of lateral rectus muscle motoneuron firing to muscle unit contractile characteristics in the squirrel monkey. Also examined was the correlation of whole-muscle contractile force with the degree of evoked eye displacement. A force transducer was used to record lateral rectus whole-muscle or muscle unit contraction in response to abducens whole-nerve stimulation or stimulation of single abducens motoneurons or axons. Horizontal eye displacement was recorded using a magnetic search coil. (1) Motor units could be categorized based on contraction speed (fusion frequency) and fatigue. (2) The kt value (change in motoneuronal firing necessary to increase motor unit force by 1.0 mg) of the units correlated with maximum tetanic tension. (3) There was some tendency for maximum tetanic tension of this unit population to separate into three groups. (4) At a constant frequency of 100 Hz, 95% of the motor units demonstrated significantly different force levels dependent on immediately previous stimulation history (hysteresis). (5) A mean force change of 0.32 gm/ degrees and a mean frequency change of 4.7 Hz/ degrees of eye displacement were observed in response to whole-nerve stimulation. These quantitative data provide the first contractile measures of primate extraocular motor units. Models of eye movement dynamics may need to consider the nonlinear transformations observed between stimulation rate and muscle tension as well as the probability that as few as two to three motor units can deviate the eye 1 degrees.  相似文献   

Adaptative changes in skeletal muscle following surface electrical stimulation (SES) were investigated in rhesus monkeys. SES was performed on the triceps brachialis muscle (TB) according to an intermittent pattern. The procedure was carried out for 3 wk, using a current with a medium frequency of 60 Hz normally observed in fast motor axons. The histochemical assays performed on biopsies taken from proximal and distal parts of the TB muscle, before and after the SES program, showed that the distribution of fibers typed by ATPase was unaffected. On the other hand, SES led to an overall increase in the mean fiber cross-sectional area (FCSA); P < 0.01 (+13.7%, NS, in proximal portion, vs +31%, P < 0.01 in distal portion). This increase in size occurred in all fiber types. SES was shown to induce an overall increase in capillary to fiber ratio (C/F; +11.06%, NS, in proximal portion, vs +25.93%, P < 0.05 in distal portion). The number of capillaries surrounding fiber Type II (CAFII) was significantly increased by SES (P < 0.05): +3.21%, NS, in proximal portion, versus +21.47%, P < 0.05 in distal portion. Moreover, the number of capillaries surrounding fiber Type I (CAFI) was statistically unaffected by SES. These results suggest that a stimulation of capillary growth may occur following SES-training. Citrate synthase activity was significantly increased after SES. This enhancement in oxidative potential was shown to occur in all fiber types (NADH-diaphorase staining).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The presence of proteins (albumin and globulins) in lymphedematous tissue not only gives rise to colloidosmotic pressure but also produces an electrostatic charge endowing the proteins with individual features and different migration rates. The working hypothesis of the experimental study is to transfer lymph proteins from the upper fascia accumulation area to a subfascial drainage area by subjecting them to an adequate difference in potential. A double chamber, variable volume system with separation wall able to contain a 1 cm square of muscle fascia, was designed and built; the aim of the apparatus was to reproduce the subcutaneus zone separated by the fascia interposition, from the muscle-vascular zone. At the system was applied a variable electric field in six different experiments: 4 using porous synthetic membranes and 2 using human muscle fascia.  相似文献   

1. During independent finger movements, the intrinsic muscles of the hand show a fractionated pattern of activity in which the timing and amplitude of electromyographic (EMG) activity varies considerably from one muscle to another. It has been suggested that, in the macaque monkey, corticomotoneuronal (CM) cells that produce postspike facilitation (PSF) of EMG in these muscles contribute to this fractionation. To test this hypothesis, we have investigated the relationship between the pattern of PSF exerted by a CM cell and the pattern of activity shown by the cell and by its target muscles. 2. The activity of 15 identified CM cells was recorded from two monkeys that performed a precision grip task. Spike-triggered averaging of rectified EMG during the hold period of this task showed that each cell produced PSF in at least two intrinsic hand muscles. 3. Segments of data were selected from the initial movement period of the task in which the EMG activity in one target muscle was substantially greater than that of the other, and the mean firing rate of each CM cell was determined for these periods. 4. CM cells showed bursts of activity in the movement period. Most of them (13/15) had a significantly (P < 0.001) higher firing rate when one of its target muscles was more active than the other. For nine of these cells (identified as set A), this muscle was the one receiving the larger PSF. In four cases (set B), the reverse was true. Two cells (set C), which produced PSF of equal size in their target muscles, showed no change in firing rate across the periods of fractionated EMG activity. 5. All set A and set B cells fired at significantly (P < 0.001) higher rates during the movement period, in association with fractionation of EMG activity, than in the hold period, in which a cocontracted pattern of muscle activity was observed. 6. There were pronounced differences in the strength of PSF exerted by the CM cells on their target muscles during the fractionation periods. One CM cell exerted PSF of a muscle during one period of fractionation, but postspike suppression of the same muscle during the other period. 7. It is suggested that changes in the firing rate of a CM cell and in the degree of facilitation it exerts could both contribute to the fractionation of activity in its target muscles. Cells of set A appear to be specifically recruited in a manner that directly reflects the pattern of facilitation they exert on the sampled target muscles. These results may explain why the CM system is so important for the performance of relatively independent finger movements.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber diameters and numbers of capillaries per fiber, per square millimeter, and around each fiber were determined in needle biopsies from the lateral part of the quadriceps muscle of 23 young men. Twelve subjects were untrained (UT) and eleven were endurance-trained (ET) athletes. Average values for maximal oxygen uptake were 51.3 (UT) and 72.0 ml/kg-min (ET). Mean fiber diameters were not significantly different in the two groups (48.8 and 49.1 micron). The capillaries per fiber ratios were 1.77+/-0.10 and 2.49+/-0.08 (mean+/-SE) in the UT and ET groups, respectively. The numbers of capillaries around each fiber were 4.43+/-0.19 (UT) and 5.87+/-0.18 (ET). The numbers of capillaries per mm2 were 585+/-40 (UT) and 821+/-28 (ET). Fiber diameters were 28% smaller in ultrathin than in fresh-frozen sections from the same biopsies. After correction for this difference, the numbers of capillaries per mm2 were 305 and 425 in the UT and ET, respectively. The capillaries per fiber ratio increased with increasing fiber diameter, but not sufficiently to maintain the number of capillaries per mm2. Fibers containing many mitochondria are surrounded by more capillaries than fibers with few mitochondria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Dynamic graciloplasty is used to create a neosphincter in patients with intractable faecal incontinence. When mobilizing the distal gracilis muscle from the upper leg, the minor vascular pedicles have to be ligated. This can interfere with the vascular supply in this part of the muscle. METHODS: The arterial anatomy within the muscle was visualized by means of angiography of 11 postmortem specimens. To quantify potential acute ischaemia, blood flow in the distal gracilis muscle was measured in ten patients with laser Doppler flowmetry during mobilization of the muscle. RESULTS: Angiography showed that the main vascular pedicle and all minor pedicles drain into one and the same arterial system. After clamping of the minor vascular pedicles, blood flow (mean 25.8 (range 6.5-74.3) perfusion units) did not differ from values obtained before clamping (mean 25.4 (range 7.5-68.7) perfusion units). After a mean of 1.8 years, all muscles were vital. No correlation existed between the change in muscle blood flow and either squeeze pressure (r = -0.2) or functional outcome (r = 0.31). CONCLUSION: This study provides direct anatomical and physiological evidence of one arterial system within the gracilis muscle. It is therefore questionable whether ligation of the minor vascular pedicles is the bottleneck in human dynamic graciloplasty. An additional operation for vascular delay may be redundant. A prospective randomized clinical study should be performed to compare the functional outcome in patients with and without a delay procedure.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the therapeutic effects of 7- or 14-day treatment with BX661A or salazosulfapyridine (SASP) in the DSS-induced UC model in rats. BX661A (10-300 mg/kg, p.o.) dose-dependently decreased the erosion area and the shortening of the large intestine. On the other hand, SASP (30 and 100.mg/kg, p.o.) dose-dependently decreased the erosion area in the treatment for 14 days (on the contrary, % inhibition of erosion area was reduced by the dose of 300 mg/kg), but did not improve the shortening of the large intestine. Secondly, we investigated the therapeutic effects of 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), 4-aminobenzoyl- beta-alanine (4-ABA) and sulfapyridine (SP) by intrarectal administration on the DSS-induced UC model in rats. 5-ASA significantly decreased the erosion area in the large intestine and improved the length of the large intestine of rats that was shortened by ingesting DSS. On the other hand, 4-ABA and SP improved neither the shortening nor the erosion area of the large intestine. These results suggest that BX661A may be clinically effective and useful in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis. Furthermore, it was suggested that 5-ASA may be the active moiety for the therapeutic effects of BX661A and SASP.  相似文献   

A TEM study was performed on freshly fixed human spiral ganglions (HSG) collected during skull base surgery. This technique gives well preserved tissue for ultrastructural analysis. Unlike spiral ganglion cells in mature animals so far studied, most HSG cells lack a myelin coat, but are surrounded by a thin rim of Schwann cell (SC) cytoplasm. In the region of maximal innervation density (upper basal and middle turn), HSG cells were frequently ensheathed by the same Schwann cell, forming a "unit-like" structure. In this region the cells often showed signs of physical interaction where the SCs were frequently incompletely developed ("gaps") so that the cell membranes of adjacent ganglion cells (sometimes as many as four in one section plane) were in direct apposition. In one thin section as many as 20 of 100 ganglion cells were found to face the cell membrane, at any point, of an adjacent cell. At these "gaps" in the SC, complexes of cell membrane specializations occurred between individual HSG cells. The same nerve junctions were also found between unmyelinated nerve fibres and the body of large ganglion cells. Our findings may challenge the view that afferent information in the acoustic nerve is conveyed uninterrupted to the CNS at the level of the spiral ganglion.  相似文献   

The beta subunit of DNA polymerase III is essential for negative regulation of the initiator protein, DnaA. DnaA inactivation occurs through accelerated hydrolysis of ATP bound to DnaA; the resulting ADP-DnaA fails to initiate replication. The ability of beta subunit to promote DnaA inactivation depends on its assembly as a sliding clamp on DNA and must be accompanied by a partially purified factor, IdaB protein. DnaA inactivation in the presence of IdaB and DNA polymerase III is further stimulated by DNA synthesis, indicating close linkage between initiator inactivation and replication. In vivo, DnaA predominantly takes on the ADP form in a beta subunit-dependent manner. Thus, the initiator is negatively regulated by action of the replicase, a mechanism that may be key to effective control of the replication cycle.  相似文献   

This article attempted to summarize the most common neurovascular injuries of the upper extremity, particularly the forearm, wrist, and hand. Although these injuries are rarely encountered in athletes, their pathology and treatment must be understood by the treating physician. Failure to recognize these injuries in a timely manner can lead to delay in diagnosis and weeks or months of lost participation by the athlete. The sports medicine physician must be aware of the potential risk for injury to the neurovascular structures, particularly in the athlete exposed to repetitive use or impact of the upper extremity. Timely recognition, diagnosis, and treatment will avoid the potential risk for permanent injury.  相似文献   

The histology of 69 human vertebral bodies from 23 individuals was studied by hematoxylin and eosin staining using a technique that allowed the creation of complete, large histologic sections of individual vertebral bodies. Particular attention was directed toward the documentation of intraosseous nerves. The vertebral bodies were dissected free of soft tissue, and then sectioned using a diamond wafering saw into 3-mm sagittal segments. Sections were then decalcified and whole-mounted in paraffin blocks before tissue sectioning using a very-large-format microtome. One hundred thirty-eight tissue sections were prepared for evaluation. Neurovascular bundles and intraosseous nerves were routinely identified within human vertebral bone. Nerves were noted to enter the vertebral body via the centrally located posterior vascular foramen and were found to accompany the basivertebral vessels. Branches from these nerves coursed to both central and peripheral areas of the vertebral body. Nerves were also documented that entered the vertebral body by penetrating the anterior cortex to course into the marrow. Although previous studies have documented nerves within long bones, and others have described the histology of the intervertebral disc and associated soft tissues, previous literature that documents the innervation of the human vertebral body has been very sparse. The documentation of nerve tissue within normal human vertebrae further supports the proposed role of neuronal factors in the regulation of bone physiology. Furthermore, it is possible that such intraosseous nerves may play a role in the clinical problem of back pain.  相似文献   

The proliferative activity of the rat corpus luteum was studied on days 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 17, 19 and 21 of pregnancy. Proliferating cells were detected by the immunohistochemical demonstration of DNA-incorporated 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and by the presence of mitoses. Steroidogenic luteal cells showed two proliferative waves on days 12-15 and on day 21, when relatively abundant BrdU-labeled and mitotic cells were observed. These cells were clearly distinguishable from non-steroidogenic cells by their round nuclei and large polygonal cytoplasm. The proliferative activity on days 12-15 was coincident with an increase in the size of the cells and in progesterone concentrations. On the other hand, the proliferative activity of non-steroidogenic luteal cells (especially endothelial cells of the blood and lymphatic vessels) followed a different pattern. These cells intensely proliferated on days 2-3 of pregnancy and this proliferative activity was significantly higher than that observed in non-pregnant rats on metestrus and diestrus. A new proliferative wave was observed on days 12-15, in association with the increase in the proliferative activity of steroidogenic cells. The presence of both BrdU-labeled and mitotic steroidogenic luteal cells provides evidence that these cells do proliferate and that both hypertrophy and hyperplasia are involved in the increase in the parenchyma of the corpus luteum during pregnancy. Also, the results suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the regulation of the proliferative activity in the corpus luteum at different times during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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