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Osamu Yamaguchi Masakazu Shirai Masaru Yoshinaka 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1988,71(12):510-C
In the system ZrO2 -Al2 O3 , cubic ZrO2 solid solutions containing up to 40 mol% Al2 O3 crystallize at low temperatures from amorphous materials prepared by the simultaneous hydrolysis of zirconium and aluminum alkoxides. The values of the lattice parameter, a, increase linearly from 0.5095 to 0.5129 nm with increasing Al2 O3 content. At higher temperatures, the solid solutions transform into tetragonal ZrO2 and α-Al2 O3 . Pure ZrO2 crystallizes in the tetragonal form at 415° to 440°C. 相似文献
The phase equilibria in the zirconia-rich part of the system ZrO2 −Yb2 O3 −Y2 O3 were determined at 1200°, 1400°, and 1650°C. The stabilizing effects of Yb2 O3 and Y2 O3 were found to be quite similar with <10 mol% of either being necessary to fully stabilize the cubic fluorite-structure phase at 1200°C. The two binary ordered phases, Zr3 Yb4 O12 and Zr3 Y4 O12 , are completely miscible at 1200°C. These were the only binary or ternary phases detected. The ionic conductivities of ternary specimens in this system were measured using the complex impedance analysis technique. For a given level of total dopant, the substitution of Yb2 O3 for Y2 O3 gives only minor increases in specimen conductivity. 相似文献
T. Y. TIEN 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1964,47(9):430-433
The electrical conductivity of compositions in the system ZrO2 -CaZrO3 was examined. The composition of maximum conductivity in this system is within the cubic solid-solution region close to the low-calcia cubic solid-solution phase boundary. The conductivity decreases from the single-phase cubic solid solution to both of the adjacent two-phase regions; the decrease is more rapid on the ZrO2 -rich two-phase side. This effect is discussed on the basis of differing microstructures. 相似文献
Mladen F. Trubelja Vladimir S. Stubican 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1991,74(10):2489-2494
The ionic conductivity of the hafnia-scandia, hafnia-yttria, and hafnia-rare earth solid solutions with high dopant concentrations of 8, 10, and 14 mol% was measured in air at 600° to 1050°C. Impedance spectroscopy was used to obtain lattice conductivity. A majority of the investigated samples exhibited linear Arrhenius plots of the lattice conductivity as a function of temperature. For all investigated dopant concentrations the ionic conductivity was shown to decrease as the dopant radius increased. The activation enthalpy for conduction was found to increase with dopant ionic radius. The fact that the highest ionic conductivity among 14-mol%-doped systems was obtained with HfO2 ─Sc2 O3 suggested that the radius ratio approach should be used to predict the electrical conductivity behavior of HfO2 ─R2 O3 systems. A qualitative model based on the Kilner's lattice parameter map does not seem to apply to these systems. For the three systems HfO2 ─Yb2 O3 , HfO2 ─Y2 O3 , and Hf2 O3 ─Sm2 O3 a conductivity maximum was observed near the dopant concentration of 10 mol%. Deep vacancy trapping is responsible for the decrease in the ionic conductivity at high dopant concentrations. Formation of microdomains of an ordered compound cannot explain the obtained results. A comparison between the ionic conductivities of doped HfO2 and ZrO2 systems indicated that the ionic conductivities of HfO2 systems are 1.5 to 2.2 times lower than the ionic conductivities of ZrO2 systems. 相似文献
The phase diagram for the system ZrO2 -MgO was reinvestigated by using coprecipitated gels. The thermal stability of the defective cubic solid solutions was investigated by a study of kinetics. The decomposition curves were sigmoidal, indicating that the formation of the tetragonal solid solutions proceeded by a process of nucleation and growth. Decomposition comprised: (1) formation of the nuclei of the tetragonal solid solution on the grain surface, (2) growth of the nuclei leading to the formation of an interface, and (3) the irregular growth of that interface into the interior of the grain. During the decomposition magnesium ions diffused out of the regions of the growth of the tetragonal phase and partly precipitated as magnesium oxide at the grain boundaries. The decomposition rate increased with the degree of ordering or clustering of defects and impurities and with the number of the anion defects; it showed a maximum at about 1200°C. 相似文献
PHILIP E. STONE EDWARD P. EGAN JR. JAMES R. LEHR 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1956,39(3):89-98
Primary fields of crystallization in the system CaO-Al2O3-P2O5 at temperatures from 900° to 1600°C. were determined by the method of quenching. Three ternary eutectics were established: CaO·P2O5-Al2O3·3P2O5-Al2O3·P2O5, 2CaO·P2O6-CaO·P2O5-Al2O3·P2O5, and 3CaO·P2O6-2CaO·P2O5-Al2O3·P2O5. The rate of decomposition of Al2O3·3P2O5 was determined at several temperatures. The boundary was established between the field A12O3·P2O5, which covers about 35% of the ternary diagram, and the fields Al2O3·3P2O5, 2CaO·P2O5, and CaO·P2O5. A portion of the Al2O3·P2O5-3CaO·P2O5 boundary also was established. A compound with the composition 2Al2O3·3P2O5 did not appear in the system. No calcium aluminum phosphates were found. 相似文献
MgO addition to 3 mol% Y2 O3 –ZrO2 resulted in enhanced densification at 1350°C by a liquid-phase sintering mechanism. This liquid phase resulted from reaction of MgO with trace impurities of CaO and SiO2 in the starting powder. The bimodal grain structure thus obtained was characterized by large cubic ZrO2 grains with tetragonal ZrO2 precipitates, which were surrounded by either small tetragonal grains or monoclinic grains, depending on the heat-treatment schedule. 相似文献
The electrical conductivity of M2 O3 -ZrO2 compositions containing 6 to 24 mole % M2 O3 , where M represents La, Sm, Y, Yb, or Sc, was examined. Only Sm2 O3 , Y2 O3 , and Yb2 O3 formed cubic solid solutions with ZrO2 over most of this substitutional range. Scandia forms a wide cubic solid solution region with ZrO2 at temperatures above 130°C whereas the cubic solid solution region at room temperature is narrow (6 to 8 mole % Sc2 O3 ). Lanthana additions to ZrO2 produced no fluorite-type cubic solid solutions within the compositional range investigated. Generally, the electrical conductivity of these cubic solid solutions increased as the size of the substituted cation decreased and the electrical conductivity for each binary system attained a maximum at about 10 to 12 mole % M2 O3 . 相似文献
The cubic ( c -ZrO2 ) and tetragonal zirconia ( t -ZrO2 ) phase stability regions in the system ZrO2 –Y2 O3 –Ta2 O5 were delineated. The c -ZrO2 solid solutions are formed with the fluorite structure. The t -ZrO2 solid solutions having a c/a axial ratio (tetragonality) smaller than 1.0203 display high fracture toughness (5 to 14 MPa · m1/2 ), and their instability/transformability to monoclinic zirconia ( m -ZrO2 ) increases with increasing tetragonality. On the other hand, the t -ZrO2 solid solutions stabilized at room temperature with tetragonality greater than 1.0203 have low toughness values (2 to 5 MPa · m1/2 ), and their transformability is not related to the tetragonality. 相似文献
Nucleation and crystal growth rates and properties were studied in a two-stage heat treatment process for Fe2 O3 -CaO-SiO2 glasses. Glass transition (Tg ) and crystallization temperatures (T c ) for the glasses lay between about 612.0° and 710.0°C, and 858.5° and 905.0°C, respectively, and magnetite was the main crystal phase. For a glass of 40Fe2 O3 . 20CaO·40SiO2 (in wt%) the maximum nucleation rate was (68.6 ± 7) × 106 /mm3 ·s at 700°C, and the maximum crystal growth rate was 9.0 nm/min1/2 at 1000°C. The mean crystal size of the magnetite increased from 30 to 140 nm with variation of nucleation and crystal growth conditions. The glass showed the maxima in saturation magnetization and coercive force, 212.1 × Wb/m2 and 30.8 × 103 A/m, when heat-treated for 4 h at 1000°C and 1050°C, respectively. The variation of the saturation magnetization could be quantitatively interpreted well in terms of the volume fraction of the magnetite, whereas that of the coercive forces could be explained only qualitatively in terms of the particle size of the magnetite. Hysteresis losses showed the maximum value of 1493 W/m3 when heat-treated at 1000°C for 4 h prenucleated at 700°C for 60 min, and increased linearly with increasing heat treatment time under a magnetic field up to 800 × 103 A/m. 相似文献
Single-phase, cubic solid solutions of baseline composition 25% Y2 O3 —75% Bi2 O3 with and without aliovalent dopants were fabricated by pressureless sintering of powder compacts. CaO, SrO, ZrO2 , or ThO2 was added as an aliovalent dopant. Sintered samples were annealed between 600° and 650°C for up to 4000 h. Samples doped with ZrO2 or ThO2 remained cubic, depending upon the dopant concentration, even after long-term annealing. By contrast, undoped, CaO-doped, and SrO-doped samples transformed to the low-temperature, rhombohedral phase within ∼ 200 h. Conductivity measurements showed no degradation of conductivity in samples that did not undergo the transformation. In samples that underwent the transformation, a substantial decrease in conductivity occurred. The enhanced stability of the ZrO2 - and ThO2 -doped samples is rationalized on the basis of suppressed interdiffusion on the cation sublattice. 相似文献
Yukishige Kitano Yuuji Mori Akira Ishitani Takaki Masaki 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1988,71(1):34-C-
Tetragonal-to-rhombohedral stress-induced phase transformation was studied by X-ray diffraction on the ground surfaces of tetragonal zirconia polycrystals and partially stabilized zirconia containing 2.0 to 5.0 mol% Y2 O3 prepared by hot isostatic pressing. The rhombohedral phase increased with Y2 O3 content and also with hot isostatic pressing temperature. The stability of the rhombohedral phase was studied with regard to surface finish and thermal annealing. The subsequent heat treatment of the specimens was found to cause the reverse rhombohedral-to-tetragonal transformation. 相似文献
The compression creep behavior of Y2 O3 -stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) was studied at temperatures to 2000 ° C. The function of Y2 O3 content and grain size was tested in specimens with various impurity concentrations and porosity distributions. For relatively fine-grained specimens, creep rates increased with the 1.5 power of the applied stress at low stresses and with the third power at high stresses. The results for coarse-grained specimens can, in general, be fit by the cube dependence. The 1.5 power can be reduced to a linear dependence by correcting for an apparent threshold stress, which decreases with increasing temperature. Creep activation energies for YSZ are 128 ± 10 kcal/mol, independent of Y2 O3 content, impurity level, grain size, and porosity distribution. In addition, over a broad range of temperatures and stresses the absolute values of the steady-state creep rates are influenced only by grain size and O2 partial pressure. 相似文献
The defect structure in 3 mol% Y-TZP was studied by correlated internal friction, dielectric loss, and ionic conductivity experiments. A prominent mechanical and dielectric loss peak occurs in the temperature range between 380 and 550 K that depends on the frequency of measurement. The relaxation parameters were determined as Hm = 90 ± 3 kJ·mol−1 , τ∞ = (1.0+1.5 −0.6 ) × 10−14 s for the mechanical relaxation and Hd = 84 ± 3 kJ·mol−1 , τ∞ = (1.6+1.7 −0.9 ) × 10–13 s for the dielectric relaxation. The ionic conductivity below 790 K is controlled by an activation enthalpy of H σ = 89 ± 3 kJ·mol−1 ; at higher temperatures H σ = 60 ± 3 kJ·mol–1 . An atomistic model is presented which assumes that oxygen vacancies are trapped by yttrium ions forming anisotropic complexes which—by reorientation—cause anelastic and dielectric relaxation. At higher temperatures (>790 K) these complexes are dissociated, which leads to the reduced activation enthalpy for ionic conductivity. 相似文献
The electrical conductivity of partially stabilized zirconia was investigated as a function of frequency (2 Hz to 100 kHz) and temperature (400° to 1000°C) by measuring ac admittance on a 2-probe cell using Lissajous figures. The dependence of the conductivity on annealing time was investigated with in situ conductivity measurements for prolonged annealing at 800°, 900°, and 1000°C. The aging behavior of two commercial zirconias was studied. At higher temperatures (7<750°C) the decrease in total conductivity arises mainly from changes within the grains, whereas at lower temperatures the decrease arises principally from the grain boundaries. Differences in initial conductivity and aging rates between samples from the two sources were related to grain size and impurity effects. 相似文献
ROBERT RUH K. S. MAZDIYASNI P. G. VALENTINE H. O. BIELSTEIN 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1984,67(9):190-C
Subsolidus phase relations in the low-Y2 O3 portion of the system ZrO2- Y2 O3 were studied using DTA with fired samples and X-ray phase identification and lattice parameter techniques with quenched samples. Approximately 1.5% Y2 O3 is soluble in monoclinic ZrO2 , a two-phase monoclinic solid solution plus cubic solid solution region exists to ∼7.5% Y2 O3 below ∼500°C, and a two-phase tetragonal solid solution plus cubic solid solution exists from ∼1.5 to 7.5% Y2 O3 from ∼500° to ∼1600°C. At higher Y2 O3 compositions, cubic ZrO2 solid solution occurs. 相似文献
Several unusual microstructural features, i.e., 90° tetragonal ZrO2 twins containing antiphase domain boundaries, tetragonal ZrO2 precipitates in a colony morphology, and precipitate-free zones at the perimeter of cubic ZrO2 grains containing fine tetragonal ZrO2 precipitates, were observed in a single ZrO2 -12 wt% Y2 O2 ceramic annealed at 1550°, 1400°, and 1250°C, respectively. The type of phase transformation responsible for each microstructural feature is described. 相似文献
Xinzhang Zhou Vijay Shukla W. Roger Cannon Bernard H. Kear 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》2003,86(8):1415-1420
Rapidly solidified ZrO2 (Y2 O3 )–Al2 O3 powders were prepared by melting fine-particle aggregates in a high-enthalpy plasma flame and then rapidly quenching them in cold water or on a copper chill plate. To ensure complete melting and homogenization of all the particles before quenching, the water-quenching treatment was often repeated two or even three times. The resulting melt-quenched powders and splats displayed a variety of metastable structures, depending on composition and cooling rate. ZrO2 -rich material developed an extended solid solution phase, whereas eutectic material formed a nanofibrous or amorphous structure. Under high cooling rate conditions, the ZrO2 -rich material developed a nanocomposite structure ( t -ZrO2 +α-Al2 O) directly by melt-quenching, whereas, more typically, such a structure was developed only after postannealing of the as-quenched metastable material. 相似文献