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The kinetics of grain growth in fully dense Al2O3 with and without MgO solute additions were measured. The MgO was found to retard boundary migration and to rkvelop more uniform microstructures. A grain-growth mechanism involving solute partitioning of segregated ions (calcium and magnesium) between different boundary types is proposed. Implications regarding the sintering of Al2O3 are discussed.  相似文献   

Sintering and microstructural evolution were studied in Fe3O4 as a model system for spinel ferrites. Fe3O4 powder, purified by the salt-crystallization method, was sintered to ∼99.5% density in a CO-CO2 atmosphere. The p O2 Of the sintering atmosphere drastically affects the microstructure (grain size) of sintered Fe3O4 without significantly affecting density. The measured grain-boundary mobilities, M , of Fe3O4 fit the equation M=M 0( T ) p O2−1/2 with M 0( T ) = 2.5×105 exp[-(609kJ·mol-1/ RT ](m/s)(N/m2)−l. The grain-boundary migration process appeared to be pore-drag controlled, with lattice diffusion of oxygen as the most likely rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

Some effects of CaO, Na2O, Sb2O3, and ZrO2 additions on Li0.3Zn0.4Fe2.3O4 ferrite were studied to improve its density and other material properties. The densification behavior of the ferrite depended on the amount and type of additive. A relative density of ∼98.5% was achieved with the addition of CaO. The grain size decreased with the addition of Na2O, CaO, and Sb2O3. The permeability and electrical resistivity increased with additives. CaO remarkably increased resistvity, whereas, ZrO2 increased permeability. Na2O and Sb2O3 increased the Curie temperature, whereas CaO and ZrO2 decreased it. These effects were attributed to mainly additive segregation on the grain boundaries, which suppressed grain-size development during the sintering of lithium zinc ferrite.  相似文献   

Abnormal grain growth (AGG), which occurred during the heat treatment of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-35 mol% PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) with excess PbO, was investigated. AGG has been suggested to be the consequence of grain coalescence that results in the formation of Σ3 coincidence site lattice and low angle grain boundaries. Because of reentrant edges appearing at the ends of these boundaries, the coarsening rate of grains was significantly enhanced and AGG occurred.  相似文献   

Additions of Bi2O3 were used to promote grain growth and to increase magnetic permeability during sintering of MnZn ferrites. The results showed that small additions of Bi2O3 of <0.05 wt% remarkably increase the permeability of MnZn ferrites. On the other hand, addition of 0.05 wt% Bi2O3 induced the formation of a microstructure composed of giant grains with trapped pores embedded in a normal microstructure. The permeability of these samples showed a pronounced secondary maximum in permeability. At still higher Bi2O3 concentrations, above 0.2 wt%, the grain growth was retarded and a normal microstructure appeared; however, the magnetic permeability was strongly reduced.  相似文献   

Single-crystal layers of 0.65Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3·0.35PbTiO3 (PMN-35PT) were grown heteroepitaxially on {001}-BaTiO3 template crystals. A {001}-BaTiO3 crystal was embedded in a fine-grained matrix of PMN-35PT containing excess PbO and heated between 950° and 1150°C for 0–5 h. The initial growth of the PMN-35PT on the {001} surface and the growth of the matrix grains both displayed a t 1/3 dependence which is characteristic of diffusion-controlled growth. Growth was limited to ∼100–150 μm due to the significantly reduced driving force at longer times because of matrix coarsening and porosity evolution.  相似文献   

Microstructure development in Sb2O3-doped ZnO was studied to evaluate the influence of inversion boundaries (IBs) on ZnO grain growth. In general, the addition of Sb2O3 is believed to inhibit the ZnO grain growth via the formation of spinels and IBs, but we have shown that even the conditions of exaggerated grain growth can be created in this system. We designed an experiment for diffusional doping of ZnO under slightly increased partial pressure of Sb2O3. In the high-concentration regime we observed no spinels, and yet the ZnO grains were small and inhibited in growth, while in the low-concentration regime we found huge grains, several times larger than normal ZnO grains, showing an obvious exaggerated growth. By controlling the number of nuclei with IBs we can design coarse-grained microstructures even with Sb2O3 doping, which has far-reaching implications in the production of low-voltage varistor devices.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the growth of Al2O3 whiskers by the reaction of Al with a trace amount of H2O in an H2 atmosphere were studied. The activation energy in the region of constant growth rate was ∼77 kcal mol−1. This activation energy value, in the light of thermodynamic calculations and other theoretical considerations, suggests that the rate-determining step in the growth of these whiskers is the dissociation of H2O molecules on the surface of Al2O3.  相似文献   

To investigate the donor segregation in grain boundary regions and its effect on grain growth in SrTiO3, SrTiO3 powder compacts were doped with Nb2O5 and sintered in air or in hydrogen. The Nb-doped SrTiO3 sintered in air did not show any detectable Nb segregation at the grain boundary region while an appreciable segregation was observed in the space-charge region of the sample sintered in H2. The observed donor segregation in H2 suggests a negative grain boundary charge and compensating positive space charge, which are the opposite to those in air. The negative grain boundary core was attributed to the segregation of inherently present acceptor impurities and the trapping of electrons at grain boundaries. In the H2-sintered sample, where the added Nb ions were segregated in the space-charge region, the grain growth was suppressed. This result may indicate that the grain growth suppression in H2 is due to the Nb solute drag of the boundary motion and the reduction in Ti vacancies.  相似文献   

Crystal growth of rod-shaped β-LiAlO2 was previously reported by us, and the rod-shaped β-LiAlO2 crystals were 1.5 μ in diameter and 10 to 15 μm long. In the present study needle-shaped β-LiAlO2 crystals which were thinner and had larger aspect ratios (length/diameter) than the rodshaped β-LiAlO2 crystals were grown by using LiOH–Al2O3–Al(OH)3–NaOH as the raw material. These crystals were 0.7 to 1 μm in diameter, 9 to 13 μm long, and had aspect ratios of about 10 to 13.  相似文献   

The kinetics of anisotropic β-Si3N4 grain growth in silicon nitride ceramics were studied. Specimens were sintered at temperatures ranging from 1600° to 1900°C under 10 atm of nitrogen pressure for various lengths of time. The results demonstrate that the grain growth behavior of β-Si3N4 grains follows the empirical growth law Dn– D0n = kt , with the exponents equaling 3 and 5 for length [001] and width [210] directions, respectively. Activation energies for grain growth were 686 kJ/mol for length and 772 kJ/mol for width. These differences in growth rate constants and exponents for length and width directions are responsible for the anisotropy of β-Si3N4 growth during isothermal grain growth. The resultant aspect ratio of these elongated grains increases with sintering temperature and time.  相似文献   

Grain growth of donor-doped BaTiO3 in the presence of KF b'quid phase was studied. The results showed that the composition of the liquid phase present during sintering had a pronounced influence on grain growth and on the formation of semiconducting donor-doped BaTiO3.  相似文献   

Immiscibility temperatures of Na2O-B2O3-SiO glasses, with andwithout 1 mol% MoO3, additions, were determined and the effect of MoO3 additions on the 65O°C immiscibility isotherms was established. In addition, immiscibility temperature and phase-separation morphology of an Na2O-B2O3-SiO2 glass with progressive additions of MoO3, were investigated. It was found that the addition of small amounts of MoO3 extends the immiscibility boundary of the system and raises the immiscibility temperature by ∼l8°C for each mol % MoO3, addition. Analysis of phase-separation morphology suggests that the MoO3, additions do not significantly alter the tie lines of phase separation in the system, although such additions cause a lowering of the viscosities and the glass-transition temperatures of these glasses.  相似文献   

Ba2YCu3O7 ceramics doped with either Pr or U at 0.000 17 to 1.7 wt% levels have been prepared. For each sample J c (magn) has been measured with a vibrating sample magnetometer. No improvement in J c was found for either dopant and it is concluded that neither provides the clusters necessary to produce suitable pinning sites.  相似文献   

A diffusion couple of an oxidized molybdenum disk and a glass cylinder was used to measure the solubiiity and effective binary diffusion coefficient of MoO2 in a non-alkali aluminosilicate glass. At 1400°C, the solubility limit was 8.4 mol%; the value of the diffusion coefficient (4.1 × 10−16 m2/s) was significantly lower than that estimated from the Stokes-Einstein relation.  相似文献   

The formation mechanism of the synthesis of MoO3-doped YSr2Cu3O y powders using the citrate process was investigated. It was shown that the precursor phase (Sr1- x Y x )14Cu24O41 played a crucial role in forming the superconducting phase. It was found that the precursor phase (Sr1- x Y x )14Cu24O41 interacted with water and decomposed when it was heavily milled and heated.  相似文献   

Extensive grain growth was observed by scanning electron microscopy in very porous Al2O3 compacts, even at densities <40% of theoretical. After ∼7% shrinkage at 1700°C, the grain size increased from ∼0.3 to 0.51 μm in a compact having a relative green density of 0.31. During grain growth in highly porous compacts, the grains appear initially to be chainlike, then to be oblong, and finally to be equiaxed. The proposed mechanism of initial grain growth involves the filling of necks between adjacent grains followed by the movement of the grain boundary through the smaller grain. Although grain growth in very porous compacts is quite different from coalescence and ordinary grain growth, the kinetics are similar.  相似文献   

The influence of sulfur content in the range of 20 to 200 μg/g on grain growth in sintered pellets of ceramic uranium dioxide(UO2) fuel originating from the ammonium uranate (AU) process was investigated. Results indicate a strong dependence of discontinuous grain growth on sulfur content and on sintering rates. The data show that, in the absence of sulfur, normal microstructures are obtained by sintering, whereas the presence of sulfur can cause coring. A possible mechanism is proposed based on the effect of the sintering atmosphere, hydrogen.  相似文献   

Grain growth of ZnO during liquid-phase sintering of a ZnO-6 wt% Bi2O3 ceramic was investigated for A12O3 additions from 0.10 to 0.80 wt%. Sintering in air for 0.5 to 4 h at 900° to 1400°C was studied. The AI2O3 reacted with the ZnO to form ZnAl2O4 spinel, which reduced the rate of ZnO grain growth. The ZnO grain-growth exponent was determined to be 4 and the activation energy for ZnO grain growth was estimated to be 400 kJ/mol. These values were compared with the activation parameters for ZnO grain growth in other ceramic systems. It was confirmed that the reduced ZnO grain growth was a result of ZnAl2O4 spinel particles pinning the ZnO grain boundaries and reducing their mobility, which explained the grain-growth exponent of 4. It was concluded that the 400 kJ/mol activation energy was related to the transport of the ZnAl2O4 spinel particles, most probably controlled by the diffusion of O2- in the ZnAl2O4 spinel structure.  相似文献   

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