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区域最严格水资源管理“三条红线”评价指标体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于目前我国尚未构建系统的最严格水资源管理“三条红线”评价考核指标体系,以济南市为例,根据最严格水资源管理“三条红线”之间的相互关系,构建了包含目标层、领域层、准则层和指标层的四阶递阶层次结构指标体系,并根据区域水资源管理的现状和特点,运用层次分析法对指标进行了筛选,最终确立了由用水总量、用水效率、水功能区限制纳污3个领域、9个准则、27个指标组成的指标体系。计算结果表明,该指标体系基本上涵盖了“三条红线”对水资源管理控制影响的主要方面,可比较全面客观地反映济南市实施最严格水资源管理的情况。  相似文献   

基于“三条红线”的浏阳市水资源管理分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源管理分区是落实水资源管理中"三条红线"考核制度的基础,合理有效的水资源管理分区有利于"三条红线"考核指标的核定和实施,可极大地促进水资源管理效率的提高。在综合分析湖南省浏阳市37个乡镇的自然地理条件、社会经济发展状况、水资源分布特征及其开发利用和供需状况的基础上,构建了基于"三条红线"的水资源管理指标体系,并采用模糊聚类法将浏阳市划分为7个管理子区,对各管理子区提出"三条红线"的具体考核标准。结果表明,区划结果符合浏阳市水资源管理要求,增强了浏阳市水资源管理"三条红线"考核指标的可操作性。研究结果可为其他地区的水资源管理分区提供参考。  相似文献   

针对新密市取用水特点及水资源利用现状,基于人水和谐理念和最严格水资源管理制度,构建了新密市用水总量控制指标体系,利用和谐度公式确定了相应的用水总量控制指标值,并提出了一套以行政—经济—技术—工程为框架的用水总量控制保障措施体系,为缓解新密市水资源供需矛盾、建立节水型城市提供了参考。  相似文献   

为推动新密市实行最严格水资源管理制度,遵循全面性、代表性和可操作性等构建指标体系的原则,采用分析法和频度统计法为主,综合法为辅的方法,构建了新密市最严格水资源管理"三条红线"量化指标体系,详细阐述了每项指标的确定方法,并以2010年为现状水平年,确定了新密市2015、2020、2030年三个规划水平年的控制指标红线值。该方法对最严格水资源管理"三条红线"的量化研究具有一定的借鉴意义,促进了最严格水资源管理制度的顺利实施。  相似文献   

正首批20个PM2.5监测点发布数据即日起,市民只要登录北京市环境保护监测中心网站的"空气质量发布平台",就可以实时了解自己周边的PM2.5浓度情况。北京市环保监测中心开始实时发布20个PM2.5站点试运行监测数据。北京市环保监测中心已完成全市35个监测点的PM2.5监测设备安装,待完成设备调试后,将实时发布剩余15个监测点的监测数据。把"节水"纳入领导干部考评《北京市人民政府关于实行最严格水资源管理制度的意见》近日公布,北京将确立水资源开发利用的"三条红线",重大建设项目须先论证水资源,各区县一律不再批准新增机井。水资源开发利用控制、用水效率控制、水功能区限制纳污"三条红线"考核将纳入市政府绩效评价体系,相关考核结果作为对区县政  相似文献   

为了从区域用水户用水安全的角度构建支持区域水资源可持续利用的水资源配置方案,提出了基于用水安全的水资源配置理念,将水资源配置由原来的只满足用水户最大需水量,扩展到在用水安全前提下适当满足各用水主体需水量上。利用支撑性、灵活性、稳定性、有效性、共生性5个用水安全指标和1个综合评价指标,以各用水部门用水安全为目标,以用水安全评价指标为工具平台,从水资源取用合理的角度选取支持区域水资源可持续利用的水资源配置方案,并通过对河北省邯郸市水资源进行配置,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

正国家社会科学基金重大项目成果内容提要针对日益严峻的人水矛盾和水资源短缺问题,我国政府于2001年提出了人水和谐的治水思想,于2009年提出了实行最严格水资源管理制度。本书积极探索最严格水资源管理制度与人水和谐思想之间的关系,提出了基于人水和谐理念的最严格水资源管理制度的核心体系,包括最严格水资源管理制度技术标准体系、行政管理体系、政策法律体系"三大体系"。接着,分三大部分,分别阐述了三大体系相关研究成果;①技术标准体系研  相似文献   

针对水资源"三条红线"确定过程中,采用优化配置数学模型过程复杂、不便于理解及决策的问题,将案例推理法引入水资源"三条红线"指标确定,对案例进行表示、检索和调用,并将该方法应用于浏阳河流域。浏阳河流域与沩水流域案例的相似程度最高,因而利用沩水流域配置经验,初选浏阳河流域2020年"三条红线"指标,提高了水资源配置方案的初选效率。这说明案例推理方法确定的水资源"三条红线"指标,有利于管理者利用历史经验,为流域水资源配置提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为分析台州市椒江区水环境承载力,从自然环境和社会环境角度评价了水环境综合承载力。首先构建了椒江区水环境承载力多目标模型,基于AHP法确定各层次指标权重值,采用对数函数模型法建立单项指标的承载度模型,并运用向量模法预测了椒江区"十二五"及"十三五"期间的水环境综合承载力及其发展趋势,之后根据预测结果提出了椒江区实现自然—社会环境协调的合理建议。结果表明,椒江区水环境综合承载力的发展趋势整体较平稳,但"自然-社会"环境存在不协调现象;应从外源污染控制、水环境容量上升、建设高效用水体系方面提升椒江区水环境综合承载力。  相似文献   

正国家社会科学基金重大项目成果内容提要针对日益严峻的人水矛盾和水资源短缺问题,我国政府于2001年提出了人水和谐的治水思想,于2009年提出了实行最严格水资源管理制度。本书积极探索最严格水资源管理制度与人水和谐思想之间的关系,提出了基于人水和谐理念的最严格水资源管理制度的核心体系,包括最严格水资源管理制度技术标准体系、行政管理体  相似文献   

The well-to-wheels assessment is widely used in the automotive sector to analyze the efficiency and competitiveness of different powertrain/fuel options. The paper proposes a global index that takes into account both the energy and environmental aspects on an uniform basis, through the assignment of the costs associated to the energy and to the pollutant emissions. The European market is analyzed and other pollutants (NOx, PM and SOx) are added to the traditional well-to-wheels evaluations (energy and GHG). The proposed well-to-wheels global index offers a useful place-list that takes into account both energy and environmental aspects and, at the current market conditions, it results that the energy cost prevails (70–85%) over the environmental costs, and among the analyzed external costs, the main contribution is due to the GHG emissions. Natural gas-derived fuels seem to be the most promising. The global index for battery electric vehicle from a European mix are closely linked to the driving range. Conventional biofuels are very critical at present, while significant improvement of the well-to-wheels global index is foreseen for when new generation biofuels will be mature (2030 forecast). In short, even though the proposed global index is not an exhaustive index, it could be a useful tool for decision makers.  相似文献   

三种干旱指数在南盘江流域识别干旱能力中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于南盘江流域1971~2010年25站的气温及月降水资料,分别计算了不同时间尺度的标准化降水指数(ISPI)、干旱侦测指数(IRDI)和标准化降水蒸发指数(ISPEI),以历史干旱灾情数据及典型大旱灾情数据为依据,比较分析了3种干旱指数对干旱及干旱级别的识别能力。结果表明,3种干旱指数的计算结果较为一致,具有较好的相关性;3种干旱指数对干旱和干旱等级的识别能力依次为ISPEI最强,IRDI次之,ISPI最差。ISPEI考虑了潜在蒸发量对干旱的影响,与ISPI、IRDI相比,ISPEI更适合于南盘江流域的干旱监测与评估。  相似文献   

基于北京地区的气象资料,比较分析了月尺度、季尺度、年尺度的标准化降水指数(SPI)、降水成数(Deciles)、干旱侦测指数(RDIst),采用1958~2008年的气象资料研究了三者的相关关系,并分析了其在北京地区1999~2007年连旱期间的应用效果。结果表明,SPI和RDIst的相关关系较好,RDIst考虑了蒸发因素对干旱的作用,对实际情况的反映最好,且计算结果稳定,略优于在我国使用广泛的SPI指标。Deciles对降水的敏感度高,月尺度和季尺度的Deciles指标不适于在北京地区应用,而年尺度的Deciles则最能反映干旱过程在历史系列的严重程度。  相似文献   

This study investigated the stimulating or inhibitory effect of Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, and their mixtures on fermentative hydrogen production. Heavy metals inhibited the production process at all concentrations except 0.50 ppm of Zn. Consistent with the half of the maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50), Cu + Pb caused the greatest inhibition as it is more toxic than other heavy metal mixtures. As the concentration of heavy metal increased, the HBu/HAc ratio (butyrate/acetate) tended to decrease and the amount of hydrogen production decreased. Clostridium sp., Klebsiella sp., Dysgonomas sp., Enterobacter sp., and other hydrogen-producing bacteria were observed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) – analysis by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) during the fermentative hydrogen process. A significant relationship was observed between the richness index and the hydrogen production (p-value = 0.01 < 0.05) from the Pielou index. The Pielou index (E′) and the Shannon-Weaver index (H’) had no significant relationship (p-value = 0.12 > 0.05).  相似文献   

Biomass with high concentration of alkali/alkaline and silica components can lead to slagging/fouling, and sintering of the ash deposits, causing corrosion and erosion of the boilers. There are several methods to predict bed agglomeration such as slagging/fouling indexes. However, these indexes are developed to be used for coal ashes, which shows a different behaviour than biomass fuels. The aim of this work was to determine the suitable percentage of different species found in biomass blends in order to reduce the risk of slagging and sintering. We studied the ash behaviour of 24 blended biomass samples using two slagging indexes: the alkali index, and the % of bases in ashes index, and we validated these two indexes with the Bioslag test, and with the Hardness Index (%D1). There is low risk of slagging in most of the samples, as well as a low sintering risk. However, some samples present moderate risk of sintering possibly due to SiO2. The Bioslag test and the %D1 test support our results. Samples showing risk of sintering exceed 25% of the total accumulated ash weight percentage ac%_1P>25%, and show a hardness of %D1 > 0.7. These validations can be considered as useful tools for estimating slagging and sintering of woody biomass fuels in domestic pellet boilers.  相似文献   

We propose a competitiveness index for the electricity industry based on efficiency, stability, and growth factors identified from previous studies subject to data accessibility. These are then weighted appropriately through the application of the analytical hierarchy process. This index is an alternative tool to capture the diverse characteristics of the electricity industry in order to analyze performance after deregulation. Using the competitiveness index, we analyze the effect of regulation change in specific economic environments represented by the level of economic development, energy intensity, and manufacturing share, for example. According to the results, deregulation generally increases competitiveness, but the effect depends on the economic environment and the type of regulation. Deregulating entry and vertical integration to increase competitiveness is more effective in countries where the level of economic development, energy intensity, and manufacturing share are low. The manner in which the privatization effect is related to the economic environment is, however, unclear.  相似文献   

淮河上游区域GPM IMERG卫星降水数据应用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为系统评估GPM IMERG V05B卫星降水产品在淮河息县以上流域的应用,以流域内9个地面站实测雨量数据作为参考,应用统计指标、分类指标及极端降水指标,对2015~2017年GPM IMERG产品分别评价分析了日、月、年尺度上统计指标与分类指标,评估了不同雨强、极端降水探测性能。结果表明,GPM IMERG卫星降水产品与地面监测数据在日、月尺度的降水监测值表现出较好的相关性,总体呈高估现象,日尺度探测率高于0.8,但错报率、汉森和凯普斯得分不理想,月尺度上在8、9月份存在低估,年雨量误差10.0%~23.8%;GPM IMERG对小雨综合探测性能强,但错报率较高,对中雨探测精度较高;极端降水事件探测能力表现不稳定。  相似文献   

从目前国内外停电事故情况来看,预防因连锁故障导致的大停电事故是电力系统研究中的重要内容.针对电网连锁故障前期的连锁跳闸现象,提出一种兼顾电网电压稳定和连锁故障触发的预防控制方法.该方法利用电网对于连锁跳闸的安全裕度指标和电压稳定指标,给出了综合的目标函数.该函数的目标在于保持电网对连锁跳闸具有尽可能高的安全裕度水平的同...  相似文献   

The paper presents selected experience of the authors resulting from the optimization tests of double-regulated water turbines. Among the methods for measuring the discharge through the turbine used in such tests, particular attention was paid to index methods allowing to measure the relative discharge through the turbine-the index current meter method and the methods based on measuring the differential pressure between two points properly located at the turbine flow system (i.e., Winter-Kennedy method). These methods contribute to effective reduction of the cost of optimizing the turbine that is extremely important for small hydropower plants regarding installed capacity. The paper presents selected examples of the optimization tests and experiences that arise from these tests.  相似文献   

基于萍乡市6个监测站点1965~2013年的逐月降雨资料,结合历史干旱资料对比分析了标准化降水指数及Z指数在萍乡市干旱评估中的适用性,并从干旱频率、覆盖范围及强度角度分析了年际和季节干旱特征。结果表明,标准化降水指数在月尺度和季尺度上对萍乡市干旱识别能力优于Z指数,在年尺度上二者表现基本一致,前者更适用于分析萍乡市干旱特征;年尺度上,轻旱及中旱多发于莲花县及芦溪县南部,重旱和特旱则多发于湘东区、上栗县及芦溪县北部,干旱强度和影响范围均呈增大趋势;季尺度上,春旱多发于湘东区、莲花县,夏旱、冬旱多发于中部和东西部,秋旱则多见于湘东区、莲花县和芦溪县,四季干旱具有全域性和局域性特征且多为轻、中旱,冬旱覆盖相对均匀,其余三季干旱覆盖范围呈缩减趋势。  相似文献   

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