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This paper explores the influence of polymer enhancement on water uptake and retention by geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) across a wide suction range (up to 106 kPa), including the low suction regime (0.1–10 kPa) typically omitted in past studies. The suction measurement methods used enabled elucidation of water uptake and retention behaviour through the framework of GCL pore structures and their corresponding suction regimes. Polymer enhanced GCLs (PE-GCLs) have high maximum water uptake, and both the water entry and air expulsion values tend to be high. Due to high swelling, the onset of geotextile confinement for PE-GCLs was observed at high suctions. The impact of polymer becomes more apparent when the bentonite achieves a pseudo-two-layer interlayer hydration state at a suction of about 40 MPa (RH = 75%). The hydration mechanism for the polymer fraction in bentonite is unique to the specific polymer type, polymer dosage, and manufacturing process. The water retention behaviour at the low suction range is caused by the in-filling of geotextile pores, bentonite swelling and extrusion, and polymer water adsorption. Insights from this study can form the basis for developing a more suitable bimodal generalised model for fitting the water retention curves of GCLs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel suction-controlled chamber that permits the determination of the full water retention curves of geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) under non-uniform temperature-stress paths. It investigates field conditions encountered in brine ponds (low confining stress settings) and heap leach pads (high confining stress settings) during construction and operation stages. Consequently, the analysis of the moisture dynamics in a GCL was defined under the wetting path (construction) and drying path (operation). High vertical stresses were found to facilitate a more rapid water uptake as capillarity is established faster than at low, confined stresses. In general, the drying curves increase the water desorption over the suction range investigated due to the low water viscosity caused by high temperatures. The wetting of the GCL at 20 °C and drying at 70 °C under either low, confined stress (2 kPa) or high confining stress (130 kPa) shows a reduction in the volumetric water contents. Furthermore, on the drying path, the coupled effect of elevated temperature and high confining stress accelerates water desorption leading possibly to potential desiccation.  相似文献   

The desiccation and subsequent hydraulic conductivity of both a standard (GCL_A) and polymer-enhanced (GCL_B) Na-bentonite GCL hydrated from a well-graded sandy subsoil under 20 kPa, then subjected to a thermal gradient, and finally rehydrated and permeated with distilled water or 0.325 mol/L Na+ synthetic brine are reported.With moderate temperature of 40 °C applied to the top of the liner, GCL_B experienced less cracking than GCL_A, but this advantage disappeared when temperatures increased. Both desiccated specimens of GCL_A and B showed significant self-healing when permeated with distilled water and their hydraulic conductivities quickly reduced to around 10−11 m/s at 20 kPa upon rehydration. However, when GCL_B desiccated specimens were permeated with the synthetic brine, their hydraulic conductivities were found to be one to two orders of magnitude higher than corresponding values obtained with distilled water. On the other hand, GCL_A (with no polymer treatment) maintained its hydraulic conductivities at the same level obtained with distilled water. It is concluded that caution should be exercised in using polymer-bentonite in applications in which GCLs are subjected to significant thermal gradients unless there is data to show they are resistant to thermal effects.  相似文献   

A theoretical method for studying the dynamic response of a circular lined tunnel with an imperfectly bonded interface subjected to plane P-waves is presented in the paper. The wave function expansion method was used and the imperfect interface was modeled with a spring model. Two cases were discussed in the paper. In the first case rock is harder than the lining and vice-versa in the second case. The results indicated that the variation in the stiffness of the interface has much influence on the distribution of dynamic stress concentration factors (DSCF) in the rock and the lining. The imperfection of the interface has a more noticeable influence on the DSCF in the rock mass and the lining at high frequency incident wave’s scenario than low frequency incident wave’s scenario. The resonance scattering phenomena can be observed when the bond is extremely weak. Limiting cases were considered and a good agreement with the solutions available in the literature was obtained.  相似文献   

Gaseous and dissolved concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were measured in the ambient air and water of Kaohsiung Harbor lagoon, Taiwan, from December 2003 to January 2005. During the rainy season (April to September), gaseous PCB and HCB concentrations were low due to both scavenging by precipitation and dilution by prevailing southwesterly winds blown from the atmosphere of the South China Sea. In contrast, trace precipitation and prevailing northeasterly winds during the dry season (October to March) resulted in higher gaseous PCB and HCB concentrations. Instantaneous air-water exchange fluxes of PCB homologues and HCB were calculated from 22 pairs of air and water samples from Kaohsiung Harbor lagoon. All net fluxes of PCB homologues and HCB in this study are from water to air (net volatilization). The highest net volatile flux observed was + 172 ng m− 2 day− 1 (dichlorobiphenyls) in December, 2003 due to the high wind speed and high dissolved concentration. The PCB homologues and HCB fluxes were significantly governed by dissolved concentrations in Kaohsiung Harbor lagoon. For low molecular weight PCBs (LMW PCBs), their fluxes were also significantly correlated with wind speed. The net PCB and HCB fluxes suggest that the annual sums of 69 PCBs and HCB measured in this study were mainly volatile (57.4 × 103 and 28.3 × 103 ng m− 2 yr− 1, respectively) and estimated yearly, 1.5 kg and 0.76 kg of PCBs and HCB were emitted from the harbor lagoon surface waters to the ambient atmosphere. The average tPCB flux in this study was about one-tenth of tPCB fluxes seen in New York Harbor and in the Delaware River, which are reported to be greatly impacted by PCBs.  相似文献   

Resistance to oxidation of a polypropylene (PP) woven geotextile was determined by performing and evaluating various high-pressure autoclave tests (HPAT). Unlike that proposed in the corresponding ISO standard and the majority of HPAT studies published, tests were performed at slightly elevated oxygen pressures (pO2) of up to 500 kPa. Extrapolations were carried out with regard to temperature and oxygen (partial) pressure. The times-till-failure results obtained indicate an Arrhenius dependency with respect to temperature (T) and a reciprocal dependency with respect to oxygen pressure. The relationship found between time-till-failure/service life and the two acceleration factors (T and pO2) is not an empirical one but is based on chemical reactions according to the basic autoxidation scheme. Since the oxygen pressure was monitored in the autoclave during the tests it was possible to directly determine the oxygen consumption rate and not just indirectly as is common practice via the determination of mechanical/physical properties. Furthermore an accelerated oven test was performed and time-till-failure results from both methods were compared.  相似文献   

Landscape scale environmental gradients present variable spatial patterns and ecological processes caused by climate, topography and soil characteristics and, as such, offer candidate sites to study environmental change. Data are presented on the spatial pattern of dominant species, biomass, and carbon pools and the temporal pattern of fluxes across a transitional zone shifting from Great Basin Desert scrub, up through pinyon–juniper woodlands and into ponderosa pine forest and the ecotones between each vegetation type. The mean annual temperature (MAT) difference across the gradient is approximately 3°C from bottom to top (MAT 8.5–5.5) and annual precipitation averages from 320 to 530 mm/yr, respectively. The stems of the dominant woody vegetation approach a random spatial pattern across the entire gradient, while the canopy cover shows a clustered pattern. The size of the clusters increases with elevation according to available soil moisture which in turn affects available nutrient resources. The total density of woody species declines with increasing soil moisture along the gradient, but total biomass increases. Belowground carbon and nutrient pools change from a heterogenous to a homogenous distribution on either side of the woodlands. Although temperature controls the seasonal patterns of carbon efflux from the soils, soil moisture appears to be the primary driving variable, but response differs underneath the different dominant species. Similarly, decomposition of dominant litter occurs faster at the cooler and more moist sites, but differs within sites due to litter quality of the different species. The spatial pattern of these communities provides information on the direction of future changes. The ecological processes that we documented are not statistically different in the ecotones as compared to the adjoining communities, but are different at sites above the woodland than those below the woodland. We speculate that an increase in MAT will have a major impact on C pools and C sequestering and release processes in these semiarid landscapes. However, the impact will be primarily related to moisture availability rather than direct effects of an increase in temperature.  相似文献   

We analyze water affordability in 23 European countries using the latest microdata from the European Household Budget Survey.Average affordability ratios vary considerably across countries, from 0.85% (Ireland) to 4.7% (Poland).The prevalence of affordability problems is highest in Poland (60%), while intensity is greatest in Finland (families with problems spend, on average, 9% of their income). The analysis by income deciles shows a gradient, with affordability problems generally concentrated in bottom deciles, though they are not exclusive to the poorest. This variation in affordability problems occurs within countries regardless of their high or low average affordability ratio.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a dosage methodology based on tensile and compressive strength for artificially cemented fibre reinforced soils considering filament length. The controlling parameters evaluated were the fibre length (l), the cement content (C), the porosity (η) and the porosity/cement ratio (η/Civ). A number of unconfined compression and split tensile tests were carried out in the present work. The results show that fibre insertion in the cemented soil, for the whole range of cement content studied, and the increase of reinforcement length improve unconfined compressive and split tensile strengths. It was shown that the porosity/cement ratio, in which volumetric cementitious material content is adjusted by an exponent (0.28 for all the fibre-reinforced and non-reinforced cemented soil mixtures) to end in unique correlations for each mixture, is a good parameter in the evaluation of the unconfined compressive and split tensile strength of the fibre-reinforced and non-reinforced cemented soil studied. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) performed on the results of a factorial experiment considering the effect of adjusted cement content, fibre length and porosity showed that all of these factors are significant in affecting the measured changes in split tensile and unconfined compressive strength values. Finally, unique dosage relationships could be achieved linking the unconfined compressive strength (qu) and the split tensile strength (qt) of the sandy soil studied with porosity/cement ratio (η/Civ) and fibre length (l).  相似文献   

In this paper, one-dimensional coupled heat and mass transfer through a plane geometry porous building component submitted to intertropical climatic conditions is studied. An analytical method using the periodic solution approach has been proposed to evaluate the heat and moisture transfer process in building materials. Results are discussed using the three climatic regions of Cameroon (2-13 °N). With latitude of 11°, it offers examples of practically whole range of intertropical climates. Influence of latitude on various temperature and moisture content through the building component has been presented. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data and other analytical solutions published in the literature.  相似文献   

研究了生活垃圾焚烧炉渣用作混合材对水泥水化性能的影响,并考察了相应制品的环境安全性。结果表明:炉渣不具有放射性,为非活性混合材,其掺入对水泥的凝结时间、抗折强度影响不大,但随掺量增加水泥抗压强度下降。焚烧炉渣掺量为7.5%时,能满足42.5普通硅酸盐水泥的生产要求,水洗炉渣对水泥强度的影响较小。掺15%焚烧炉渣时水泥的重金属表面浸渍溶出能达到III类地下水要求,重金属溶出主要发生在浸渍早期,焚烧炉渣用作水泥混合材环境安全性较好。  相似文献   

Conducting environmental risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials has been an extremely challenging endeavor thus far. Moreover, recent findings from the nano-risk scientific community indicate that it is unlikely that many of these challenges will be easily resolved in the near future, especially given the vast variety and complexity of nanomaterials and their applications. As an approach to help optimize environmental risk assessments of nanomaterials, we apply the Worst-Case Definition (WCD) model to identify best estimates for worst-case conditions of environmental risks of two case studies which use engineered nanoparticles, namely nZVI in soil and groundwater remediation and C60 in an engine oil lubricant. Results generated from this analysis may ultimately help prioritize research areas for environmental risk assessments of nZVI and C60 in these applications as well as demonstrate the use of worst-case conditions to optimize future research efforts for other nanomaterials. Through the application of the WCD model, we find that the most probable worst-case conditions for both case studies include i) active uptake mechanisms, ii) accumulation in organisms, iii) ecotoxicological response mechanisms such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and cell membrane damage or disruption, iv) surface properties of nZVI and C60, and v) acute exposure tolerance of organisms. Additional estimates of worst-case conditions for C60 also include the physical location of C60 in the environment from surface run-off, cellular exposure routes for heterotrophic organisms, and the presence of light to amplify adverse effects. Based on results of this analysis, we recommend the prioritization of research for the selected applications within the following areas: organism active uptake ability of nZVI and C60 and ecotoxicological response end-points and response mechanisms including ROS production and cell membrane damage, full nanomaterial characterization taking into account detailed information on nanomaterial surface properties, and investigations of dose-response relationships for a variety of organisms.  相似文献   

Data collected by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during the summer months of 2003 and 2004 at four US Great Lakes beaches were analyzed using linear regression analysis to identify relationships between meteorological, physical water characteristics, and beach characteristics data and the fecal indicator bacteria, Enterococcus. Water samples were analyzed for Enterococcus densities by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and membrane filtration (MF). This paper investigates the ability of regression models to accurately predict Enterococcus densities above or below a threshold value, using environmental data on a beach-by-beach basis for both methods. The ability to create statistical models for real-time water quality analysis would allow beach managers to make more accurate decisions regarding beach safety. Results from linear regression models indicate that environmental factors explain more of the variability in Enterococcus densities measured by MF than Enterococcus densities measured by qPCR. Results also show that models for both methods did not perform well at predicting occurrences in which water quality levels exceeded a threshold.  相似文献   

Understanding the physical characteristics and cultural connotations of water is fundamental in obtaining a more in-depth view of the relationship between monastic lives and spaces. This study moves from several case studies to two case comparisons to a synthesis of two space prototypes to investigate how water management evolved into spatial water thought and became a common reference for monastic lives and spaces. Cistercian and Han Buddhist monasteries are investigated and considered to share many similarities in the internal institutional model of monks’ lives, as well as their corresponding architectural core values. They are suitable cases for exploring this research idea. In Cistercian and Han Buddhist monasteries, the role of water in monks’ lives and spaces is mainly reflected in the following aspects: 1) the form of the water body shaped the monastic spatial morphology in site selection; 2) the structure of water flow was closely related to spatial order and affected the spatial distribution; and 3) the performance of the water status formatted the connotation of space. This article attempts to depict a complete picture of the relationship between monastic lives and spaces from the perspective of water. Under the common pursuit of self-sufficient retreat life, water management was the common strategy for monastic venues to turn the wilderness into paradise refuges. Findings of this article show that the water culture of self-sufficiency and self-cleaning is the common reference, a shared universal value, and common parts of the spatial thought of the two monastic venues. Awareness of the importance of water in monastic lives and spaces helps us to pay attention to the relationship between the water environment and monastic venues. The research findings are linked to the current requirements of historical monasteries’ preservation, restoration, and even reconstruction, which are fundamental in maintaining the sustainable development of monastic lives and spaces.  相似文献   

某市贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫污染现状   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
利用免疫荧光分析技术对南方某市饮用水源水、自来水厂出水和污水处理厂进、出水中贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫(两虫)的污染状况进行了调查,并就自来水厂常规处理工艺对两虫的去除特性进行了研究.结果显示:该市饮用水源水中的两虫密度分别为2~120个/100L和0~24个/100 L,自来水厂出水分别为0~12个/1000 L和0~8个/1000 L,污水处理厂进水中的两虫密度分别为7 200~18 300个/L和69~1 210个/L,二级处理出水的分别为6~153个/L和1~46个/L;混凝沉淀和过滤对两虫有较好的去除效果.  相似文献   

Indoor air cleaning systems that incorporate CO2 sorbent materials enable HVAC load shifting and efficiency improvements. This study developed a bench-scale experimental system to evaluate the performance of a sorbent under controlled operation conditions. A thermostatic holder containing 3.15 g sorbent was connected to a manifold that delivered CO2-enriched air at a known temperature and relative humidity (RH). The air stream was also enriched with 0.8-2.1 ppm formaldehyde. The CO2 concentration was monitored in real-time upstream and downstream of the sorbent, and integrated formaldehyde samples were collected at different times using DNPH-coated silica cartridges. Sorbent regeneration was carried out by circulating clean air in countercurrent. Almost 200 loading/regeneration cycles were performed in the span of 17 months, from which 104 were carried out at reference test conditions defined by loading with air at 25°C, 38% RH, and 1000 ppm CO2, and regenerating with air at 80°C, 3% RH and 400 ppm CO2. The working capacity decreased slightly from 43-44 mg CO2 per g sorbent to 39-40 mg per g over the 17 months. The capacity increased with lower loading temperature (in the range 15-35°C) and higher regeneration temperature, between 40 and 80°C. The CO2 capacity was not sensitive to the moisture content in the range 6-9 g/m3, and decreased slightly when dry air was used. Loading isothermal breakthrough curves were fitted to three simple adsorption models, verifying that pseudo-first-order kinetics appropriately describes the adsorption process. The model predicted that equilibrium capacities decreased with increasing temperature from 15 to 35°C, while adsorption rate constants slightly increased. The formaldehyde adsorption efficiency was 80%-99% in different cycles, corresponding to an average capacity of 86 ± 36 µg/g. Formaldehyde was not quantitatively released during regeneration, but its accumulation on the sorbent did not affect CO2 adsorption.  相似文献   

“水污染拉制工程”是环境工程专业的专业主干课程,为了搞好这门国家精品课程的教学,提高学生工程能力,以适应培养环境工程专业技术人才的需要,着力对课堂教学方法与教学手段进行了改革探索,并取得了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Phenol and chlorophenols are common environmental contaminants. The fate and transport of these chemicals must be sufficiently understood to predict detrimental environmental impacts and to develop technically and economically appropriate remedial action to minimise environmental degradation. In order to gain a better understanding of the many mechanisms influencing the fate of phenol and chlorophenols in a sandy aquifer, we conducted biosorption experiments with biomass collected from a simulated aquifer polluted by consecutive accidental spills of phenol, 2-monochlorophenol, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol under continuous bioremediation conditions following a closed-loop configuration during 180 days. A comparative study of the biosorption capacity of phenol and chlorophenols characterised by different physicochemical properties, at different pHs in the range of 6.0+/-0.1 to 9.0+/-0.1 showed the following: (i) the biosorption of phenol and chlorophenols on resident biomass was rapid (equilibrium reached in less than 2h); (ii) the experimental data followed the Freundlich isotherm; (iii) changes in pH from 6.0+/-0.1 to 9.0+/-0.1 resulted in a decrease in the equilibrium biosorption capacity (qeq); (iv) both Freundlich parameters (KF, n) should be used together as predictive parameters in mathematical models to simulate the fate of phenol and chlorophenols in the aquifer; (v) qeq of phenol and chlorophenols investigated in this study were satisfactorily correlated to their hydrophobicity (Kow) with a correlation factor 0.98. In addition, available data from other reported studies fell in the same correlation curve. The results of the present study should be introduced in mathematical models developed to predict the effect of biomass fate and transport of contaminants in aquifers during bioremediation conditions.  相似文献   

The transition from fossil fuel-based energy systems to renewable energy systems (RES), especially in fossil-fuel-rich countries, is a challenging process requiring consideration of numerous factors, including technological feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and public acceptance. As governments play a crucial role in determining energy and environmental policy, developing practical policymaking tools encourages them to stimulate the adoption of renewable energy technology. This study proposes a novel framework to model an energy system transition focused on the power generation and its dynamic behavior of fossil-fuel-rich countries using the System Dynamics (SD) approach and then assesses the techno-economic and environmental impacts of various economic, technical, and environmental policies using the Multi-Criteria Decision-Analysis technique (MCDA). This study aims to compare the development of renewable technologies development versus improving the current technology efficiency under three different “business as usual,” “basic development,” and “advanced development” scenarios by assessing economic, environmental, and social indicators over the horizon of 2016–2040 in fossil-rich-fuel countries. The proposed framework was applied to Iran, a fossil-fuel-rich country. According to the case study results, in all of the defined policies under three scenarios, the improvement of fossil fuel technologies received the highest score indicating that improvement in the efficiency of the current energy system by utilizing combined cycle systems is an inevitable step. Taking into account the water shortage in Iran, the second crucial stage is the implementation of water-efficient renewable technologies.  相似文献   

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