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《Ceramics International》2020,46(4):4322-4328
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ZnO content on the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 (CAS) glass-ceramics produced from Colombian wastes, such as fly ash, granulated blast furnace slag and glass cullet. The CaO/SiO2 molar ratio of the mixtures was held constant (0.36). ZnO was added to the mixtures in proportions of 4, 7 and 10 wt%. The glass-ceramics were produced by the controlled crystallization of a parent glass. The values of crystallization temperature (Tp) show a fall up to 7 wt% and then shoots up with 10 wt% concentration of ZnO, but in general, ZnO addition lowers the temperature required for the formation of crystalline phases. In general, anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) is the main phase observed in all heat treated samples, in addition to albite (Na(AlSi3O8)) and labradorite (Na0.45 Ca0.55 Al1.55 Si2.45 O8). The crystalline phases hardystonite (Ca2ZnSi2O7) and willemite (Zn2SiO4) were also identified in the samples with 7 and 10 wt% ZnO. The densities of the glass-ceramics were between 2658 and 2848 kg/m3, and it was found that ZnO helps to increase the density of glass-ceramics. The elastic modulus was in the 100–105 GPa range, the fracture toughness was between 0.45 and 0.64 MPa m1/2, and the Vickers microhardness was between 632 and 653 MPa. With regards to the durability, the weight loss of the glass-ceramics immersed in alkaline solution (NaOH) did not exceed 1.5 wt% after immersion for 6 h at 80 °C. The results of this study confirm that the vitrification process is a favorable option to utilize these industrial wastes. 相似文献
文章通过NCAS体系尾矿玻璃陶瓷体系设计基础讨论,确定了合理的配方化学组成,进行了烧结晶化实验和动力学分析。从有限结晶体系出发,提出将时间参数引入晶体生长速度公式,结合试验结果,通过数学拟合,得到了晶化率公式p=3(γ/r).a0.(1-e^-t)「1-exp(-ΔG/KT)」,可更准确地反映实际玻璃陶瓷体系晶化行为。 相似文献
以废玻璃粉为原料,采用反应析晶烧结法制备了透辉石玻璃陶瓷。采用差热分析、X射线衍射分析、扫描电镜、能谱、高分辨透射电镜等方法研究了顽辉石-堇青石粉和废玻璃粉混合样品等温烧结过程中顽辉石-堇青石向透辉石转变的演变过程。结果表明:顽辉石-堇青石与玻璃粉在815°C下即可发生反应析晶;900°C保温2 h可获得透辉石为主晶相的玻璃陶瓷。在保温过程中,顽辉石的Mg~(2+)和O~(2-)向玻璃中扩散,玻璃中的Si~(4+)和Ca~(2+)向顽辉石中移动,使顽辉石晶体在b轴方向交替排列的两条链沿c轴方向断开,转变成单链,由Mg~(2+)和Ca~(2+)连接生成透辉石。保温0 h时,由于堇青石[MgO_6]八面体膨胀较小,玻璃中的Si~(4+)、Ca~(2+)、Na~+向堇青石中移动,反应析晶生成钠长石与透辉石;当保温时间延长至2 h时,堇青石[MgO_6]八面体骨架进一步扭曲,生成主晶相为透辉石的玻璃陶瓷。 相似文献
钙硅比对钙铁硅铁磁体微晶玻璃核化与晶化的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研制用作温热治疗癌症的铁磁体微晶玻璃热种子材料,制备了一组化学组成为40Fe2O3xCaO(60-x)SiO23B2O33P2O5玻璃(x=20、25、30、35质量分数),用XRD、DTA、VSM对其核化与晶化过程进行了研究.研究发现,钙铁硅微晶玻璃在还原气氛下热处理后,除了磁铁矿和硅灰石及少量赤铁矿晶相外,还会出现钙铁辉石、方石英晶相.钙硅比较小的玻璃,热处理温度-时间相图中钙铁辉石相区范围较大;钙硅比较大的,钙铁辉石相区范围较小.另外,钙硅比不同,玻璃的成核机理、开始析出磁铁矿的温度也不同. 相似文献
Ji-Yeon Baek Seung-Ho Shin Sung-Hee Hyun Jung-Wook Cho 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2021,41(1):831-837
This study focuses on the effect of structural inhomogeneity of 44.4CaO-33.2SiO2-8.8Na2O-6.2Al2O3-7.4B2O3 glass on its crystallization behavior. The crystallization behavior of the investigated lime-sodium aluminoborosilicate glass system is explored for the two thermal histories of melt crystallization and the heat treatment of quenched glass. The results show that sodium melilite (CaNaAlSi2O7) and larnite (β-Ca2SiO4) are the dominant crystalline phases during heating (glass crystallization) and cooling (melt crystallization), respectively. In the glass structure from the heat treatment at 610 °C, both Si2O7 and AlO4 units (i.e., four-coordinated Al) are dominant. This may induce sodium melilite (CaNaAlSi2O7) crystallization, connecting Si2O7 and AlO4 units with O and linking Ca and Na between interlayers. The melt structure, meanwhile, has more SiO4 and AlO6 units in its silicate and aluminate. Therefore, larnite (β-Ca2SiO4) crystallizes on cooling by combining SiO4 units and Ca. The crystallization behavior is further discussed considering the inhomogeneity structure of supercooled liquids before nucleation. 相似文献
Water quenching-induced cracked-glass was used as parent glass to prepare glass-ceramics in this work. The cracked-glass panel was first heat-treated through two-step method, i.e. sintering for 1 h at 860 °C and subsequent crystallization for 1.5 h at 1080 °C, and then naturally cooled down to room temperature to be transformed into glass-ceramics. XRD and SEM observations confirm that the cracked-glass can be used as parent glass to deposit β-wollastonite crystals depending on crack crystallization mechanism. The volume densities, porosities and bending strengths of the glass-ceramics are respectively around 2.7 g/cm3, 0.5% and 40 MPa. As compared with glass-ceramics prepared by conventional glass grain sintering process, the new type of glass-ceramics produced by CGC process shows pseudo-bioclastic texture and has less gas pore flaws, and may therefore become an alternative for materials of architectural decoration. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2022,42(13):5789-5800
Phase development and changes in crystalline composition of LTCC material during the sintering process were investigated using in-situ X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. CeramTape GC was chosen as the chemically simplest model system composed of alumina particles and glass for the investigations. The chemical characterization and microstructural analyses of the tapes sintered with some representative firing profiles were performed by techniques such as (scanning) transmission electron microscope, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and XRD. Moreover, the porosification behavior of LTCC substrates fired at different peak temperatures was studied. These investigations are important for the subsequent wet chemical etching, representing an approach which allows to reduce locally the permittivity of LTCC tapes. Treatment with a KOH solution shows non-selective etching behavior for all substrates. In addition, highly porous silica structures corresponding to Ca and Al depletion from the anorthite phase were observed in all samples after etching treatment. 相似文献
In this study, the properties of machinable glass-ceramic materials produced from basalt and chromite ore were investigated. Three different compositions by adding chromite ore in different ratios to the main composition produced from basalt and MgF2 were prepared. In this way, the effects on the machinable glass-ceramic of chromium and iron oxides in the chromite ore were investigated. Thermal degradation of chromite ore and the effect of its compounds on the crystallization of machinable glass-ceramics were investigated. The samples were subjected to machinability testing. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) were used for characterization. The results show that chromite addition has positive effects on crystallization and machinability. Also, crystallization kinetic studies were realized. It was seen that the effect of iron oxide in chromite ore on crystallization is higher than that of chromium oxide for the crystallization conditions that used chromite ore as a nucleating agent. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2021,41(13):6708-6721
Cordierite glass-ceramics usually begin to crystallize from the surface. As an efficient nucleating agent, TiO2 can promote the rapid transformation of glass to bulk crystallization, but it is easy to cause the increase of dielectric constant and light absorption. High crystallinity cordierite glass-ceramics were prepared by optimizing the heat treatment process without or with different nucleating agents in stoichiometric cordierite glasses. The results show that the crystallization mechanisms of glasses without and with ZrO2+P2O5 as nucleation agents are controlled by surface crystallization. While, the glass with TiO2+ZrO2+P2O5 as nucleation agents have the tendency to be bulk crystallization. The studied glasses are crystallized from surface and have different crystallization orientations with the inner glass. The thickness of crystalline layer increased with the increasing of heating temperatures, but the “surface-center” crystallization process cannot complete by further increasing heating temperatures because of softening deformation of glasses. At 1020 ℃, the glasses complete the “surface-center” crystallization for long durations. The glasses without nucleation agents and with ZrO2+P2O5 require 10 h, but the glass with TiO2+ZrO2+P2O5 complete for 5 h. Although all the three glasses complete the “surface-center” crystallization, the glasses with nucleation agents show the higher crystallinity upon the same heat treatments. Finally, glass-ceramics with excellent performance were obtained, for example, the Z1# glass-ceramic have the high microhardness ∼7.4 GPa, low thermal expansion coefficient ∼1.4☓10−6 ℃−1 at 20–300 ℃, and relatively high thermal conductivity ∼2.4 W/mK. It also exhibits low dielectric constant and loss, which was ∼4.5 and ∼1.2☓10−3 at 1 MHz, ∼ 4.9 and 2.3☓10−3 at 10.5 GHz.. 相似文献
Ge-rich glass-ceramics sandwiched by GeS crystalline layers were fabricated through 10?h thermal treatments at different temperatures. Surface crystallization is evidenced by XRD investigation of glass-ceramic samples polished by different times. SEM observation shows that the thickness of the crystalline layer is about 100?µm for the sample thermally treated at 395?°C for 10?h. The physical properties, including transmission spectra, density, Vickers hardness, and thermal expansion coefficient, were characterized and discussed with the evolution of GeS crystalline layers. This work not only establishes the correlation between microstructure and physical properties of chalcogenide glass-ceramics sandwiched by GeS, but also provides important evidence of structural similarity for understanding the network structure of Ge-S chalcogenide glasses. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2017,43(9):7099-7105
A Li2O-ZnO-SiO2 (LZS) glass system was modified with CuO, and its phase development, microstructure evolution, crystallization kinetics and thermal expansion properties were investigated as a function of heat treatment temperature. As a result of the X-ray diffraction study and microstructure observation, lithium zinc silicate formed as the first crystalline phase with increasing heat treatment temperature. Silica polymorph developed as minor crystalline phase at higher temperatures. From the X-ray diffraction patterns, CuO addition led to a decrease in both the crystallization temperature of lithium zinc silicate phase and the volume fraction of quartz phase. According to the crystallization kinetics, the crystallization activation energy for lithium zinc silicates is almost equal to the diffusion activation energy of Zn2+ in glass, it suggests that the diffusion of network modifier Zn2+ dominates the crystallization of lithium zinc silicates. Additionally, CuO addition caused the transition of Zn2+ from network modifiers to network formers. From the thermal expansion coefficient measurements, two abrupt changes in slope of the thermal expansion curves were observed and attributed to the phase transitions of cristobalite and lithium zinc silicate, respectively. Comparison of the thermal expansion coefficient of two types of glass-ceramics revealed that CuO addition in the LZS system can partly inhibit the formation of cristobalite at high temperatures. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2022,42(8):3614-3623
Bioactive glasses are often considered in bone tissue engineering applications where mechanical strength is essential. As such, bioactive glass scaffolds are often sintered to improve mechanical strength. However, sintering can lead to crystallization, which reduces bioactivity and biodegradability. It has generally been considered that amorphous biomaterials exhibit better bioactivity. However, the in-vitro bioactivity and biodegradability of the sintered 58S made from initial amorphous powder and partially crystalline powder with the same chemical compositions (60SiO2-36CaO-4P2O5 (mol%)) have not been compared before.In this study, 58S bioactive glass (fully amorphous) and glass-ceramic (partially crystallized) powders were synthesized using the sol-gel process, followed by heat-treating at 600 °C for 3 h (calcination). The powders were mixed with carboxymethyl cellulose solution as a binder, shaped in a cylindrical mold, dried, and then sintered at 1100 °C for 5 h. The in-vitro bioactivity and biodegradability of the sintered samples were assessed in simulated body fluid (SBF) for times up to 28 days. The specimens were investigated before and after immersion in SBF using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The In-vitro bioactivity and biodegradability rate of the sintered 58S produced from the glass ceramic powder were higher than that from fully amorphous powder. This study shows that the initial structure after calcination is important and affects the subsequent crystallization during sintering. Therefore, crystallinity and formation of hydroxyapatite after calcination are important controlling mechanisms that can increase the bioactivity and biodegradability rate of sintered 58S. 相似文献
为了能够利用冶金行业中的大量含铁固体废弃物制备高附加值的微晶玻璃,采用差热分析法(DTA)研究了Fe2+、Fe3+对CASM系微晶玻璃析晶性能影响。研究结果显示,Fe2+可以降低微晶玻璃的热处理温度,但是少量的Fe3+则会使热处理温度升高。同时计算了不同含量的Fe3+和Fe2+玻璃料的析晶动力学参数K(Tp)。分析结果表明,Fe2+对该配方下的微晶玻璃的析晶能力影响较小,当其含量为0~7.5%时Fe3+对析晶能力影响也较小;当Fe3+含量高于7.5%时其能够显著提高玻璃的析晶能力,但对于采用烧结法制备微晶玻璃工艺,析晶能力太强不利于微晶玻璃的烧结。因此固体废弃物中的铁含量较高时,其以Fe2+的形式存在时较为有利。综合微晶玻璃的力学性能,在该配方体系中Fe2+和Fe3+含量应分别不高于4.5%和3.0%。 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2019,45(14):16999-17005
In this work, pyrochlore glass-ceramics (GCs)for uranium immobilization were synthesized by a pretreatment and melting-heat treatment method. The effects of different uranium contents on the phase composition, microstructure, uranium valence and chemical durability of the glass-ceramics were systematically investigated. With increasing uranium content, pyrochlore was always the dominant phase internally crystallized in the glass. CaAl2Si2O8, UTi2O6 and U3O8were gradually observed as minor phases in the glass-ceramics. The growth of pyrochlore enriched with uranium at different uranium contents and the overall distribution of uranium in the glass-ceramics were revealed by SEM. The uranium valence states in the samples were confirmed by XPS to be a mixture of tetravalent and hexavalent states. In addition, the GC3 sample with a high uranium waste content of 16.96 wt% exhibited a low uranium leaching rate. 相似文献