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From the dawn of civilization, human beings have exploited the underground space provided by natural or excavated caves for the purpose of habitation and as storage space for different agricultural produce.Throughout the Mediterranean countryside, and particularly in many rural areas of the Iberian Peninsula, an ancestral example of that underground architecture survives through the ages: the subterranean wine cellars. These human-excavated caves, originally devoted to the winemaking and vintage processes, are placed near the villages in groups of several tens of constructions, giving rise to outstanding visual landscapes.This paper is concerned with the formal and functional features of this vernacular subterranean architecture. By a research carried out in one of the most traditional winemaking regions of Spain – Ribera de Duero – the characteristics, excavation techniques and typological classification of the caves are discussed. Moreover, the problem caused by the obsolescence and consequent dereliction of these subterranean constructions is shown here and several alternative uses are examined to preserve this underground heritage.  相似文献   

城市地下隧道爆破震动的特性及控制措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市地下隧道往往修建于人口稠密区,且周边建筑物、地下管线复杂,这给爆破施工增加了很大困难。通过工程实践,本文介绍了在厦门机场路隧道工程施工中爆破震动的特点及采取的控制措施,提出了在隧道正上方的"极震效应",可作为今后同类工程借鉴。  相似文献   

本文利用等参数有限元坐标分片映射的原理系统地讨论了多连通域的平面有限元网格、结点自动生成方法,并给出多夹层,多裂缝、多种单元组合情况下各种生成方法和裂缝扩展情况下网格重新生成问题。附例表明,方法有效。  相似文献   

This paper studies the hygrothermal behaviour of traditional underground wine cellars in one of the most important wine growing areas of Spain, the Ribera del Duero, paying special attention to the effects of traditional wind vents called zarceras. The purpose is to highlight energy-saving practices that aid the design and renovation of similar constructions. This was carried out by monitoring the temperature and relative humidity inside two wine cellars of similar properties throughout 2007, one with a zarcera and the other without. The results of the analysis show that the existence of the wind vent does not increase the ventilation from May to August. On the other hand, from September to March, the zarcera favours ventilation, affecting both temperature and relative humidity. The interior temperature is more greatly affected by the exterior temperature, giving rise to greater variations, although this difference is of little importance for maturing wine (annual variation 2.5 °C more than the cellar without a zarcera). The interior relative humidity is reduced, reducing the risk of condensation and problems of mould (the cellar without a zarcera reached excessively high values, 97% as an annual average, compared to 91% in the cellar with a zarcera). Thus the existence of zarceras in underground cellars improves the overall hygrothermal behaviour, providing suitable conditions for maturing wine without air conditioning systems, an advisable element in the building of new underground wine cellars.  相似文献   

城市文化遗产保护是一个动态发展的过程,必将随着社会发展而变化。随着城市化进程的加快,传统静态的保护模式已经不能适应社会环境变化的需要,而动态保护模式能够将文化遗产的保护纳入城市总体环境同步发展的范畴,并根据时代发展变化的情况,积极主动的调整保护规划,使文化遗产既能保持历史的真实性, 又能达到可持续发展的要求。  相似文献   

The perception westerners have of ruins underwent drastic transformations in the second half of the twentieth century. The realities of World War Two and the growing number of environmental problems made everyone realise that a ruin can be more than some enchanting reminder of distant cultures. Ruins stopped being objects of desire, precious anachronisms for adventurers to appropriate. This paper surveys emerging sensibilities towards ruins in literature, arts, archaeology and architecture. It presents a new vision, quite opposite to, but as powerful as the Beaux-Arts perspective.  相似文献   

The perception westerners have of ruins underwent drastic transformations in the second half of the twentieth century. The realities of World War Two and the growing number of environmental problems made everyone realise that a ruin can be more than some enchanting reminder of distant cultures. Ruins stopped being objects of desire, precious anachronisms for adventurers to appropriate. This paper surveys emerging sensibilities towards ruins in literature, arts, archaeology and architecture. It presents a new vision, quite opposite to, but as powerful as the Beaux-Arts perspective.  相似文献   

天津大学与北京故宫博物院在建筑文化遗产保护方面的多次合作,是中国建筑遗产保护研究领域具有代表性的合作范例。文章系统回顾了天津大学与故宫博物院在建筑文化遗产保护方面的合作历史,揭示了高校在建筑文化遗产保护领域的优势,以及其在不同历史阶段文化遗产保护工作的特点,阐述了跨学科合作、培养复合型专业人才、建立共享平台的重要性,指出建筑教学科研融入文化遗产保护工作对建筑教育创新实践的必要性。  相似文献   

冷眼看热潮--申报世界遗产和保护历史文化遗存   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界遗产的产生,是为了号召人们认真地保护它,世界遗产的登录有一定的标准.保护文化和自然遗产是政府的行为,保护遗产有原真性、可读性和可持续性的要求,文章批评了把申报世界遗产当作是获得政绩和取得功利的态度和作法.  相似文献   

随着2014年6月京杭大运河申遗的成功,作为后申遗时代面临的与运河相关的物质遗产和非物质遗产保护及遗产构成梳理已迫在眉睫。柯桥作为浙东运河流域入选省级规划的古镇,无论从聚落空间形态的特色、遗产构成的丰富度,以及富有地域性的非物质文化遗产技艺,都使得其具有鲜明的"文化线路"基因。本研究基于此,通过对于柯桥古镇遗产构成的梳理整合,试论其与文化线路暗合的内在联系,并为柯桥古镇实现可持续发展提供基础研究成果。  相似文献   


The recent histories of heritage and landscape studies appear to be closely linked, with their epistemological, ideological and methodological twists and turns progressing amid a common broad intellectual and interdisciplinary space. This has not been a codependent evolution, but rather, a mutually supporting and often parallel endeavour of academic, policy and popular inquiry that explores the significance of landscape and heritage as meaningful categories of an emergent and processual nature. Despite such a parallel trajectory, however, the actual practices of landscape and heritage studies still have a good deal to learn from further conversation. In particular, the paper explores how a heritage sensibility might provide some supportive critical purchase for some recent work within landscape studies that draws on phenomenological and non-representational theories. Thus, the paper sets out the co-ordinates of how work within landscape studies and heritage studies can move forward through an interdisciplinary dialogue.  相似文献   

Slovenia has a rich history of Modern architecture. Its capital, Ljubljana, is well known for the distinctive buildings of Joze Plecnik as well as those of the Secessionist and Functionalist eras. Since opening up to the West in the early 1990s, a younger generation of Slovene architects has been propelled to the fore, who have been able to benefit from the advantages of exposure to international teaching and ideas. Andrej Hrausky describes the historical and national context in which contemporary Slovene architects work and asks how their output might relate to it in the future. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

荔琼 《建筑技艺》2021,27(8):104-105
通过文献研究和定性分析,梳理人文主义思想下建筑遗产的可持续发展过程,指出历史空间作为空间遗产的保护对象,可将历史建筑的保护维度从过去和当下扩展到未来,使空间遗产在当代时空关系中得到更好的传承,以期为我国的遗产保护提供新思路.  相似文献   

宝峰隧道全长7377m,是昆明至河口铁路昆阳至玉溪段重点控制工程,出口段在D2K17+615处下穿既有昆玉铁路,洞口离既有铁路50m,隧道顶部距离既有铁路路基27m。隧道施工难点为下穿既有铁路施工期间不可影响既有线正常运营,施工难且风险大。本次浅埋隧道穿越既有铁路施工,通过采用合理的施工工法,超前加固,加强初期支护,严格控制沉降,达到了保证既有线路的安全和行车安全,顺利通过下穿既有线段的目的。  相似文献   

In 1998 a study was conducted in the Netherlands into the possibilities of a more large-scale and systematic use of the underground in the western part of the country, the so-called “Randstad”. It was intended to be a more focused sequel on a study conducted on the possible role that use of the underground could play for the whole of the Netherlands, the “Strategic Study on the utilization of underground space”. The study examined the possibilities of improving an idealized model of the future spatial development of the Randstad, that was preferred by the provinces comprising this Randstad, by using more extensively he underground space. Improvement meant an enlargement of the efficiency of the use of space and maintenance or enlargement of the spatial quality of the area. Societal, cost, groundwater and policy aspects were investigated. The study showed some remarkable results. Gains in available space up to 50% in specific areas seemed possible and, when costs of working and maintenance were taken into account, underground construction for several facilities was no more expensive than above ground construction, which contradicts a widely held belief in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

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