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张杰  耿欣  白旭东 《节能》2012,31(12)
分析溶液除湿的研究现状,总结溶液除湿的相关基本问题,其中包括除湿/再生原理、蓄能机理、对空气品质的影响和除湿剂及除湿器的选择。提出了溶液除湿的存在问题和发展前景。  相似文献   

两种除湿溶液的再生性能对比实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文旨在比较LiBr和LiCl溶液的再生传热传质性能。通过搭建的溶液再生实验台,分别采用LiBr和LiCl溶液实验测试了一系列在溶液调湿空调的再生器中常见的工况;整理再生实验数据,针对评价传热传质性能的指标——再生量,拟和了经验公式,通过经验公式可以计算出实验范围内任意工况下的传热传质性能;再生量是衡量传热传质性能的最直观指标,进口参数等效时,LiBr和LiCl溶液的再生量差别很小,在进口溶液浓度较低(LiBr溶液在40%~43%)时,LiCl溶液的再生量较高;而进口溶液浓度较高(LiBr溶液在48%~50%)时,LiBr溶液的再生量略高。  相似文献   

五太阳能溶液蓄能太阳能是分布广泛、使用清洁的可再生能源,但太阳辐射的不连续性和不稳定性,成为太阳能利用的关键问题。太阳能溶液除湿空调系统可吸收太阳能,并以空调能力的形式储存于除湿剂浓溶液中,是一种有效的蓄能方式。太阳能溶液除湿空调循环中,浓溶液在除湿  相似文献   

液体除湿空调不仅可以对热负荷和湿负荷独立处理,而且不断循环的盐溶液还可以对空气起到很好的杀菌效果,这可以提高人们生活和工作的空气品质,避免由传统空调引起的温室效应。但是在溶液除湿和再生的过程中溶液表面的水蒸气压力与空气的水蒸气压力差不断减小,阻碍了除湿过程和再生过程的进行,所以为了得到更高的效率,需要探索新型的液体除湿装置。液体除湿系统主要由除湿器、再生器、循环溶液组成,其中再生器的性能直接影响到整个液体除湿系统的性能。简要介绍了传统液体除湿系统的再生器、除湿器、除湿溶液及新型液体除湿系统再生器的发展。  相似文献   

针对目前粮食干燥过程能耗高、存在粮食浪费问题,设计基于溶液除湿的新型粮食干燥机,机组使用氯化锂作为除湿溶液,利用热泵驱动溶液的除湿和再生;对机组空气处理装置进行仿真,研究LiCl溶液的温度、浓度和质量流量对系统除湿性能的影响。结果表明:环境参数稳定时,结合溶液再生要求,采用14℃、27%的LiCl溶液,质量流量控制为4 kg/s时,机组能够获得最佳粮食干燥性能。  相似文献   

溶液除湿/再生设备热质交换过程解析解法及其应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
溶液除湿空调系统中最重要的部件是除湿器和再生器。该文在已有热质交换模型基础上,对顺流和逆流两种情况,在一定简化条件下给出了解析解,得出了状态参数沿程分布情况,并与文献中提出的精确数学模型进行了校验。应用此解析解可为除湿器的设计计算和校核计算提供依据.确定绝热除湿过程最佳流量比以及为气液逆流热质交换提供了一种简化计算的方法。  相似文献   

经济器在风冷热泵机组上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘源全  李宙华 《节能》2002,(8):32-33
在节能降耗和环保要求越来越高的今天 ,提出了压缩式热泵机组应该采用的环保型压缩机形式是螺杆压缩机 ,从理论上分析了经济器是一个具有明显节能效果的设备 ,值得广泛推广使用  相似文献   

溶液除湿技术是解决空调热湿解耦控制以及将废热与太阳能引入空调的有效途径.溶液再生则是溶液除湿的一个关键过程.设计了一套溴化锂溶液再生实验装置,对溶液流量、进口溶液温度、空气流量、进口空气温度、进口空气相对湿度对系统的再生性能进行了实验研究.结果表明:对于一定结构参数和进出口溶液、空气参数的再生装置,溶液流量存在一个最佳...  相似文献   

结合工程实例进行了太阳能溶液除湿系统除湿溶液再生实验,研究了除湿溶液再生过程的热质交换特性,得到了不同溶液入口参数下再生器内部各测点温度,揭示了不同空气和溶液入口参数对出口溶液浓度的影响和填料对再生器热质交换的影响。文章可为太阳能溶液除湿系统再生器的设计提供依据。  相似文献   

There has been a limited application of liquid desiccant (LD) dehumidification systems in space air conditioning until now. The key elements responsible for this restricted implementation are leakage of desiccant solution, corrosion of components, and solution carryover along with the processed air to the space to be conditioned. To remove these problems, an evacuated tube solar heat collector-driven multichannel liquid desiccant air conditioning system has been proposed and experimentally investigated. In this study, dehumidification and regeneration rate, their effectiveness, cooling effect of the dehumidifier, and indirect evaporative cooling unit have been analyzed. The results obtained indicate that the process air has been dehumidified and cooled by 6.32 g kg−1 and 5.26°C, respectively. The regeneration rate and effectiveness have been obtained to be 0.26 g s−1 and 0.31, respectively. In terms of the cooling effect, the system output of 0.703 and 0.130 kW has been obtained from the dehumidifier and indirect evaporative cooling unit of the system, respectively. The proposed system validates the possibility of the novel solar-powered liquid desiccant air conditioning system concept and provides growth and development of the LD air conditioning technology for space air conditioning.  相似文献   

In this paper, the analysis of silica gel formed in a staggered tube bank arrangement for the reduction of energy consumption in a heat pump dehumidifier is presented. The mathematical models for the desiccant and the heat pump have been developed. The simulated results agree quite well with those of the experiments. The desiccant could reduce the heat pump load by about 7–20 per cent at the inlet air conditions of about 30–50°C and 70–90 per cent RH. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于溶液除湿的地源热泵毛细管顶板复合空调系统。该系统采用了溶液除湿承担潜热负荷,地源热泵制取的高温冷水承担显热负荷的方式,达到了节省高品位电能、减轻大气污染、减少运行费用的效果,与传统的空调系统相比具有节能、环保、高舒适性的特点。  相似文献   

以R22为工质,通过对风冷热泵冷热水机组变工况特性实验测试,全面分析测试机组工况特性。提出了机组性能改进措施及方法,实现风冷热泵节能优化,同时给出机组制冷量工况函数和COP工况函数及相应性能曲线,这对机组的设计、匹配和选型有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

段月强  吕建  常茹 《节能》2012,31(6):44-46
利用太阳能辅助地源热泵既节能环保又能进一步提高能源的利用率且对环境无污染。从天津地区的太阳光照强度的角度考虑,以利用太阳能提高机组的效率和承担部分建筑物负荷这两种方式辅助地源热泵。从节能和经济性两个角度进行分析并得出结论:在天津地区利用太阳能分担建筑的部分负荷更节能、经济。  相似文献   

针对由天气变化导致太阳能利用不稳定和寒冷地区热泵性能低的问题,文章介绍了一种基于相变储能的太阳能空气源热泵系统,该系统能够根据气象情况灵活切换4种供暖模式,大大减少了系统耗电量。文章通过独特设计的储能冷凝器,不仅可以调节太阳能空气源热泵系统能量分配,改善太阳能空气源热泵系统制热量和建筑热负荷之间不平衡的供需关系、提高太阳能利用率,还可以提高空气源热泵低温性能,快速恢复供暖,从而实现提高太阳能空气源热泵系统整体性能的目的。文章以石家庄农村某户为研究对象进行研究,研究结果表明,太阳能空气源热泵系统供暖效果较好,太阳能空气源热泵系统COP最大值为5.19,节能环保效益十分明显。  相似文献   

风冷太阳能双级水喷射制冷空调系统性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对额定制冷量为12.3 kW的风冷太阳能双级水喷射制冷空调系统进行了变工况性能分析。该系统的制冷量随室内温度升高而增大,随环境温度升高而减小,随太阳辐照度增强而增大;COP的变化与制冷量的变化类似,所不同的是COP随着太阳辐照度的增强先迅速增大,当太阳辐照度增大到一定程度后,COP基本保持稳定。在室内温度不低于27℃,室外温度不高于38℃,太阳辐照度不低于500 W/m2的条件下,系统的制冷量为7.7~32 kW,COP为0.082~0.107。  相似文献   

In this article, an experiment has been carried out with heat pipe vacuum or evacuated tube collector to produce water from atmospheric air. In this experiment, the regeneration and adsorption method has been adopted, that is, water has been produced through the adsorption and regeneration of desiccants. The desiccant is heated through a hot surface to facilitate its regeneration. Limited experiments have been conducted to obtain water through the regeneration of desiccant using a hot surface. For the condensation of water vapor, a novel box has been designed, named the “novel-designed acrylic box.” The water is collected in a measuring flask or beaker to determine its quantity. Silica gel desiccant has been used for the adsorption and regeneration of water vapors. In this experiment, the adsorption process for silica gel was carried out in two different ways. In the first method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the copper tray, that is, inside the system, while in the second method, 1 kg of silica gel was scattered on the paper, that is, outside of the system. In the first case silica gel adsorbed 137 g water vapor, and in the second case, it adsorbed 232 g water vapor. In the first case of adsorption, 70 mL water was produced while in the second case of adsorption, 175 mL water was produced from ambient air. The system's maximum efficiency was found to be 4.9%. Effects of various parameters, such as solar intensity, ambient temperature, wind speed, and so forth, have been studied.  相似文献   

Thermal performance parameters for a solar-assisted heat pump (SAHP) drying system with underground thermal energy storage (TES) tank and heat recovery unit (HRU) are investigated in this study. The SAHP drying system is made up of a drying unit, a heat pump, flat plate solar collectors, an underground TES tank, and HRU. An analytical model is developed to obtain the performance parameters of the drying system by using the solution of heat transfer problem around the TES tank and energy expressions for other components of the drying system. These parameters are coefficient of performances for the heat pump (COP) and system (COPs), specific moisture evaporation rate (SMER), temperature of water in the TES tank, and energy fractions for energy charging and extraction from the system. A MATLAB program has been prepared using the expressions for the drying system. The obtained results for COP, COPs, and SMER are 5.55, 5.28, and 9.25, respectively, by using wheat mass flow rate of 100 kg h−1, Carnot efficiency of 40%, collector area of 100 m2, and TES tank volume of 300 m3 when the system attains periodic operation duration in fifth year onwards for 10 years of operation. Annual energy saving is 21.4% in comparison with the same system without using HRU for the same input data.  相似文献   

太阳能辅助供暖的地源热泵经济性分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
在冬季土壤温度较低,而且以热负荷为主的北方地区,若完全采用地源热泵来供暖,则地热换热器和机组的初投资均比较高,连续运行的效率也较低,因此,可利用太阳能集热器作为辅助能源。白天完全依靠地源热泵供暖,夜间利用太阳能集热器蓄存的热量,使地热换热器与太阳能集热器串联运行,通过分析比较,该方案比完全用地源热泵供暖更经济。  相似文献   

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