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It is conjectured that the only way a failure detector (FD) can help solving n-process tasks is by providing k-set consensus for some ${k\in\{1,\ldots,n\}}$ among all the processes. It was recently shown by Zieli??ski that any FD that allows for solving a given n-process task that is unsolvable read-write wait-free, also solves (n ? 1)-set consensus. In this paper, we provide a generalization of Zieli??ski??s result. We show that any FD that solves a colorless task that cannot be solved read-write k-resiliently, also solves k-set consensus. More generally, we show that every colorless task ${\mathcal{T}}$ can be characterized by its set consensus number: the largest ${k\in\{1,\ldots,n\}}$ such that ${\mathcal{T}}$ is solvable (k ? 1)-resiliently. A task ${\mathcal{T}}$ with set consensus number k is, in the failure detector sense, equivalent to k-set consensus, i.e., a FD solves ${\mathcal{T}}$ if and only if it solves k-set consensus. As a corollary, we determine the weakest FD for solving k-set consensus in every environment, i.e., for all assumptions on when and where failures might occur.  相似文献   

The authors propose a method to construct interlineation operators for vector functions $ \vec{w} $ (x, y, z, t) on a system of arbitrarily located vertical straight lines. The method allows calculating the vector $ \vec{w} $ at each point (x, y, z) between straight lines Γ k for any instant of time t ≥ 0. They are proposed to be used to construct a crosshole accelerometer to model Earth’s crust on the basis of seismic sounding data $ {{\vec{w}}_k}\left( {z,t} \right),\,k=\overline{1,M} $ , about the vector of acceleration $ \vec{w} $ (x, y, z, t) received by accelerometers at each chink Γ k .  相似文献   

The k-set agreement problem is a generalization of the consensus problem: considering a system made up of n processes where each process proposes a value, each non-faulty process has to decide a value such that a decided value is a proposed value, and no more than k different values are decided. It has recently be shown that, in the crash failure model, $\min(\lfloor \frac{f}{k}\rfloor+2,\lfloor \frac{t}{k}\rfloor +1)The k-set agreement problem is a generalization of the consensus problem: considering a system made up of n processes where each process proposes a value, each non-faulty process has to decide a value such that a decided value is a proposed value, and no more than k different values are decided. It has recently be shown that, in the crash failure model, min(?\fracfk?+2,?\fractk?+1)\min(\lfloor \frac{f}{k}\rfloor+2,\lfloor \frac{t}{k}\rfloor +1) is a lower bound on the number of rounds for the non-faulty processes to decide (where t is an upper bound on the number of process crashes, and f, 0≤ft, the actual number of crashes).  相似文献   

An important result in the study of polynomial-time preprocessing shows that there is an algorithm which given an instance (G,k) of Vertex Cover outputs an equivalent instance (G′,k′) in polynomial time with the guarantee that G′ has at most 2k′ vertices (and thus $\mathcal{O}((k')^{2})$ edges) with k′≤k. Using the terminology of parameterized complexity we say that k-Vertex Cover has a kernel with 2k vertices. There is complexity-theoretic evidence that both 2k vertices and Θ(k 2) edges are optimal for the kernel size. In this paper we consider the Vertex Cover problem with a different parameter, the size $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ of a minimum feedback vertex set for G. This refined parameter is structurally smaller than the parameter k associated to the vertex covering number $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox {\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ since $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)\leq\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ and the difference can be arbitrarily large. We give a kernel for Vertex Cover with a number of vertices that is cubic in $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ : an instance (G,X,k) of Vertex Cover, where X is a feedback vertex set for G, can be transformed in polynomial time into an equivalent instance (G′,X′,k′) such that |V(G′)|≤2k and $|V(G')| \in\mathcal{O}(|X'|^{3})$ . A similar result holds when the feedback vertex set X is not given along with the input. In sharp contrast we show that the Weighted Vertex Cover problem does not have a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the cardinality of a given vertex cover of the graph unless NP ? coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level.  相似文献   

We study the imbibition of picoliter (pL)-sized inkjet droplets on controlled pore glass membranes (CPG), as a suitable model for isotropic three-dimensional porous materials. We do so using a variety of liquids, i.e., water, formamide and diiodomethane, and measure the evolution of the imbibition process using high-speed digital imaging. Here, experiments were conducted on 2–280 nm CPG membranes with drops with initial volumes ranging from 100 to 600 pL. We derive scaling laws for imbibition through dimensional analysis and advance the argument that the rate of absorption is related to two-dimensionless groups \(V = v(t) \epsilon /v_{\text{tot}} ;\,T = tkp_{\text{c}} /\mu \,\left( { \epsilon /v_{\text{tot}} } \right)^{2/3} ,\) where v(t) is the imbibed volume, as determined from experiments, t is the time, v tot the total liquid volume, \( \epsilon \) the porosity, μ the liquid viscosity, k the permeability, and p c the Laplace capillary pressure. We show this scaling to well describe the system at intermediate T values and report that \(V \propto T^{0.8} .\)   相似文献   

We relate the exponential complexities 2 s(k)n of $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ and the exponential complexity $2^{s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))n}$ of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ (the problem of evaluating quantified formulas of the form $\forall\vec{x} \exists\vec{y} \textsc {F}(\vec {x},\vec{y})$ where F is a 3-cnf in $\vec{x}$ variables and $\vec{y}$ variables) and show that s(∞) (the limit of s(k) as k→∞) is at most $s(\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf}))$ . Therefore, if we assume the Strong Exponential-Time Hypothesis, then there is no algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ running in time 2 cn with c<1. On the other hand, a nontrivial exponential-time algorithm for $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ would provide a $\textsc {$k$-sat}$ solver with better exponent than all current algorithms for sufficiently large k. We also show several syntactic restrictions of the evaluation problem $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ have nontrivial algorithms, and provide strong evidence that the hardest cases of $\textsc {eval}(\mathrm {\varPi }_{2} 3\textsc {-cnf})$ must have a mixture of clauses of two types: one universally quantified literal and two existentially quantified literals, or only existentially quantified literals. Moreover, the hardest cases must have at least n?o(n) universally quantified variables, and hence only o(n) existentially quantified variables. Our proofs involve the construction of efficient minimally unsatisfiable $\textsc {$k$-cnf}$ s and the application of the Sparsification lemma.  相似文献   

A pair of unit clauses is called conflicting if it is of the form (x), $(\bar{x})$ . A CNF formula is unit-conflict free (UCF) if it contains no pair of conflicting unit clauses. Lieberherr and Specker (J. ACM 28:411?C421, 1981) showed that for each UCF CNF formula with m clauses we can simultaneously satisfy at least $\hat{ \varphi } m$ clauses, where $\hat{ \varphi }=(\sqrt{5}-1)/2$ . We improve the Lieberherr-Specker bound by showing that for each UCF CNF formula F with m clauses we can find, in polynomial time, a?subformula F?? with m?? clauses such that we can simultaneously satisfy at least $\hat{ \varphi } m+(1-\hat{ \varphi })m'+(2-3\hat {\varphi })n''/2$ clauses (in F), where n?? is the number of variables in F which are not in F??. We consider two parameterized versions of MAX-SAT, where the parameter is the number of satisfied clauses above the bounds m/2 and $m(\sqrt{5}-1)/2$ . The former bound is tight for general formulas, and the later is tight for UCF formulas. Mahajan and Raman (J. Algorithms 31:335?C354, 1999) showed that every instance of the first parameterized problem can be transformed, in polynomial time, into an equivalent one with at most 6k+3 variables and 10k clauses. We improve this to 4k variables and $(2\sqrt{5}+4)k$ clauses. Mahajan and Raman conjectured that the second parameterized problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). We show that the problem is indeed FPT by describing a polynomial-time algorithm that transforms any problem instance into an equivalent one with at most $(7+3\sqrt{5})k$ variables. Our results are obtained using our improvement of the Lieberherr-Specker bound above.  相似文献   

The Parity Path problem is to decide if a given graph contains both an induced path of odd length and an induced path of even length between two specified vertices. In the related problems Odd Induced Path and Even Induced Path, the goal is to determine whether an induced path of odd, respectively even, length between two specified vertices exists. Although all three problems are NP-complete in general, we show that they can be solved in $\mathcal{O}(n^{5})$ time for the class of claw-free graphs. Two vertices s and t form an even pair in G if every induced path from s to t in G has even length. Our results imply that the problem of deciding if two specified vertices of a claw-free graph form an even pair, as well as the problem of deciding if a given claw-free graph has an even pair, can be solved in $\mathcal{O}(n^{5})$ time and $\mathcal{O}(n^{7})$ time, respectively. We also show that we can decide in $\mathcal{O}(n^{7})$ time whether a claw-free graph has an induced cycle of given parity through a specified vertex. Finally, we show that a shortest induced path of given parity between two specified vertices of a claw-free perfect graph can be found in $\mathcal {O}(n^{7})$ time.  相似文献   

Here we show that, given a set of clusters ${\mathcal{C}}$ on a set of taxa ${\mathcal{X}}$ , where $|{\mathcal{X}}|=n$ , it is possible to determine in time f(k)?poly(n) whether there exists a level-≤k network (i.e. a network where each biconnected component has reticulation number at most k) that represents all the clusters in ${\mathcal{C}}$ in the softwired sense, and if so to construct such a network. This extends a result from Kelk et al. (in IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 9:517–534, 2012) which showed that the problem is polynomial-time solvable for fixed k. By defining “k-reticulation generators” analogous to “level-k generators”, we then extend this fixed parameter tractability result to the problem where k refers not to the level but to the reticulation number of the whole network.  相似文献   

In Paturi, Pudlák, Saks, and Zane (Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS1998), pp. 628–637, 1998) proposed a simple randomized algorithm for finding a satisfying assignment of a k-CNF formula. The main lemma of the paper is as follows: Given a satisfiable k-CNF formula that has a d-isolated satisfying assignment z, the randomized algorithm finds z with probability at least $2^{-(1-\mu_{k}/(k-1)+\epsilon_{k}(d))n}$ , where $\mu_{k}/(k-1)=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}1/(i((k-1)i+1))$ , and ? k (d)=o d (1). They estimated the lower bound of the probability in an analytical way, and used some asymptotics. In this paper, we analyze the same randomized algorithm, and estimate the probability in a combinatorial way. The lower bound we obtain is a little simpler: $2^{-(1-\mu_{k}(d)/(k-1))n}$ , where $\mu_{k}(d)/(k-1)=\sum_{i=1}^{d}1/(i((k-1)i+1))$ . This value is a little bit larger (i.e., better) than that of Paturi et al. (Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS1998), pp. 628–637, 1998) although the two values are asymptotically equal when d=ω(1).  相似文献   

Gábor Wiener 《Algorithmica》2013,67(3):315-323
A set system $\mathcal{H} \subseteq2^{[m]}$ is said to be separating if for every pair of distinct elements x,y∈[m] there exists a set $H\in\mathcal{H}$ such that H contains exactly one of them. The search complexity of a separating system $\mathcal{H} \subseteq 2^{[m]}$ is the minimum number of questions of type “xH?” (where $H \in\mathcal{H}$ ) needed in the worst case to determine a hidden element x∈[m]. If we receive the answer before asking a new question then we speak of the adaptive complexity, denoted by $\mathrm{c} (\mathcal{H})$ ; if the questions are all fixed beforehand then we speak of the non-adaptive complexity, denoted by $\mathrm{c}_{na} (\mathcal{H})$ . If we are allowed to ask the questions in at most k rounds then we speak of the k-round complexity of $\mathcal{H}$ , denoted by $\mathrm{c}_{k} (\mathcal{H})$ . It is clear that $|\mathcal{H}| \geq\mathrm{c}_{na} (\mathcal{H}) = \mathrm{c}_{1} (\mathcal{H}) \geq\mathrm{c}_{2} (\mathcal{H}) \geq\cdots\geq\mathrm{c}_{m} (\mathcal{H}) = \mathrm{c} (\mathcal{H})$ . A group of problems raised by G.O.H. Katona is to characterize those separating systems for which some of these inequalities are tight. In this paper we are discussing set systems $\mathcal{H}$ with the property $|\mathcal{H}| = \mathrm{c}_{k} (\mathcal{H}) $ for any k≥3. We give a necessary condition for this property by proving a theorem about traces of hypergraphs which also has its own interest.  相似文献   

We explore relationships between circuit complexity, the complexity of generating circuits, and algorithms for analyzing circuits. Our results can be divided into two parts:
  1. Lower bounds against medium-uniform circuits. Informally, a circuit class is “medium uniform” if it can be generated by an algorithmic process that is somewhat complex (stronger than LOGTIME) but not infeasible. Using a new kind of indirect diagonalization argument, we prove several new unconditional lower bounds against medium-uniform circuit classes, including: ? For all k, P is not contained in P-uniform SIZE(n k ). That is, for all k, there is a language \({L_k \in {\textsf P}}\) that does not have O(n k )-size circuits constructible in polynomial time. This improves Kannan’s lower bound from 1982 that NP is not in P-uniform SIZE(n k ) for any fixed k. ? For all k, NP is not in \({{\textsf P}^{\textsf NP}_{||}-{\textsf {uniform SIZE}}(n^k)}\) .This also improves Kannan’s theorem, but in a different way: the uniformity condition on the circuits is stronger than that on the language itself. ? For all k, LOGSPACE does not have LOGSPACE-uniform branching programs of size n k .
  2. Eliminating non-uniformity and (non-uniform) circuit lower bounds. We complement these results by showing how to convert any potential simulation of LOGTIME-uniform NC 1 in ACC 0/poly or TC 0/poly into a medium-uniform simulation using small advice. This lemma can be used to simplify the proof that faster SAT algorithms imply NEXP circuit lower bounds and leads to the following new connection: ? Consider the following task: given a TC 0 circuit C of n O(1) size, output yes when C is unsatisfiable, and output no when C has at least 2 n-2 satisfying assignments. (Behavior on other inputs can be arbitrary.) Clearly, this problem can be solved efficiently using randomness. If this problem can be solved deterministically in 2 n-ω(log n) time, then \({{\textsf{NEXP}} \not \subset {\textsf{TC}}^0/{\rm poly}}\) .
Another application is to derandomize randomized TC 0 simulations of NC 1 on almost all inputs: ?Suppose \({{\textsf{NC}}^1 \subseteq {\textsf{BPTC}}^0}\) . Then, for every ε > 0 and every language L in NC 1, there is a LOGTIME?uniform TC 0 circuit family of polynomial size recognizing a language L′ such that L and L′ differ on at most \({2^{n^{\epsilon}}}\) inputs of length n, for all n.  相似文献   

The class ${\mathcal{SLUR}}$ (Single Lookahead Unit Resolution) was introduced in Schlipf et al. (Inf Process Lett 54:133–137, 1995) as an umbrella class for efficient (poly-time) SAT solving, with linear-time SAT decision, while the recognition problem was not considered. ?epek et al. (2012) and Balyo et al. (2012) extended this class in various ways to hierarchies covering all of CNF (all clause-sets). We introduce a hierarchy ${\mathcal{SLUR}}_k$ which we argue is the natural “limit” of such approaches. The second source for our investigations is the class ${\mathcal{UC}}$ of unit-refutation complete clause-sets, introduced in del Val (1994) as a target class for knowledge compilation. Via the theory of “hardness” of clause-sets as developed in Kullmann (1999), Kullmann (Ann Math Artif Intell 40(3–4):303–352, 2004) and Ansótegui et al. (2008) we obtain a natural generalisation ${\mathcal{UC}}_k$ , containing those clause-sets which are “unit-refutation complete of level k”, which is the same as having hardness at most k. Utilising the strong connections to (tree-)resolution complexity and (nested) input resolution, we develop basic methods for the determination of hardness (the level k in ${\mathcal{UC}}_k$ ). A fundamental insight now is that ${\mathcal{SLUR}}_k = {\mathcal{UC}}_k$ holds for all k. We can thus exploit both streams of intuitions and methods for the investigations of these hierarchies. As an application we can easily show that the hierarchies from ?epek et al. (2012) and Balyo et al. (2012) are strongly subsumed by ${\mathcal{SLUR}}_k$ . Finally we consider the problem of “irredundant” clause-sets in ${\mathcal{UC}}_k$ . For 2-CNF we show that strong minimisations are possible in polynomial time, while already for (very special) Horn clause-sets minimisation is NP-complete. We conclude with an extensive discussion of open problems and future directions. We envisage the concepts investigated here to be the starting point for a theory of good SAT translations, which brings together the good SAT-solving aspects from ${\mathcal{SLUR}}$ together with the knowledge-representation aspects from ${\mathcal{UC}}$ , and expands this combination via notions of “hardness”.  相似文献   

M. Praveen 《Algorithmica》2013,65(4):713-753
The coverability and boundedness problems for Petri nets are known to be Expspace-complete. Given a Petri net, we associate a graph with it. With the vertex cover number k of this graph and the maximum arc weight W as parameters, we show that coverability and boundedness are in ParaPspace. This means that these problems can be solved in space $\mathcal{O} ({\mathit{ef}}(k, W){\mathit{poly}}(n) )$ , where ef(k,W) is some super-polynomial function and poly(n) is some polynomial in the size of the input n. We then extend the ParaPspace result to model checking a logic that can express some generalizations of coverability and boundedness.  相似文献   

For a finite alphabet ∑ we define a binary relation on \(2^{\Sigma *} \times 2^{2^{\Sigma ^* } } \) , called balanced immunity. A setB ? ∑* is said to be balancedC-immune (with respect to a classC ? 2Σ* of sets) iff, for all infiniteL εC, $$\mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \left| {L^{ \leqslant n} \cap B} \right|/\left| {L^{ \leqslant n} } \right| = \tfrac{1}{2}$$ Balanced immunity implies bi-immunity and in natural cases randomness. We give a general method to find a balanced immune set'B for any countable classC and prove that, fors(n) =o(t(n)) andt(n) >n, there is aB εSPACE(t(n)), which is balanced immune forSPACE(s(n)), both in the deterministic and nondeterministic case.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on the concept classes \({\mathcal {C}}_{{\mathcal{N}}}\) induced by Bayesian networks. The relationship between two-dimensional values induced by these concept classes is studied, one of which is the VC-dimension of the concept class \({\mathcal {C}}_{\cal {N}},\) denoted as \(VCdim({\mathcal {N}}), \) and other is the smallest dimensional of Euclidean spaces into which \({\mathcal {C}}_{{\mathcal {N}}}\) can be embedded, denoted as \(Edim({\mathcal {N}}). \) As a main result, we show that the two-dimensional values are equal for the Bayesian networks with n ≤ 4 variables, called the VE-dimension for that Bayesian networks.  相似文献   

In 1953 Du Fort and Frankel (Math. Tables Other Aids Comput., 7(43):135?C152, 1953) proposed to solve the heat equation u t =u xx using an explicit scheme, which they claim to be unconditionally stable, with a truncation error is of order of $\tau= O({{k}}^{2}+{{h}}^{2}+\frac{{{k}}^{2}}{{{h}}^{2}})$ . Therefore, it is not consistent when k=O(h). In the analysis presented below we show that the Du Fort?CFrankel schemes are not unconditionally stable. However, when properly defined, the truncation error vanishes as h,k??0.  相似文献   

A C-coloured graph is a graph, that is possibly directed, where the edges are coloured with colours from the set C. Clique-width is a complexity measure for C-coloured graphs, for finite sets C. Rank-width is an equivalent complexity measure for undirected graphs and has good algorithmic and structural properties. It is in particular related to the vertex-minor relation. We discuss some possible extensions of the notion of rank-width to C-coloured graphs. There is not a unique natural notion of rank-width for C-coloured graphs. We define two notions of rank-width for them, both based on a coding of C-coloured graphs by ${\mathbb{F}}^{*}$ -graphs— $\mathbb {F}$ -coloured graphs where each edge has exactly one colour from $\mathbb{F}\setminus \{0\},\ \mathbb{F}$ a field—and named respectively $\mathbb{F}$ -rank-width and $\mathbb {F}$ -bi-rank-width. The two notions are equivalent to clique-width. We then present a notion of vertex-minor for $\mathbb{F}^{*}$ -graphs and prove that $\mathbb{F}^{*}$ -graphs of bounded $\mathbb{F}$ -rank-width are characterised by a list of $\mathbb{F}^{*}$ -graphs to exclude as vertex-minors (this list is finite if $\mathbb{F}$ is finite). An algorithm that decides in time O(n 3) whether an $\mathbb{F}^{*}$ -graph with n vertices has $\mathbb{F}$ -rank-width (resp. $\mathbb{F}$ -bi-rank-width) at most k, for fixed k and fixed finite field $\mathbb{F}$ , is also given. Graph operations to check MSOL-definable properties on $\mathbb{F}^{*}$ -graphs of bounded $\mathbb{F}$ -rank-width (resp. $\mathbb{F}$ -bi-rank-width) are presented. A specialisation of all these notions to graphs without edge colours is presented, which shows that our results generalise the ones in undirected graphs.  相似文献   

Yuichi Yoshida  Hiro Ito 《Algorithmica》2012,62(3-4):701-712
We present an algorithm for testing the k-vertex-connectivity of graphs with the given maximum degree. The time complexity of the algorithm is independent of the number of vertices and edges of graphs. Fixed degree bound d, a graph G with n vertices and a maximum degree at most d is called ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity when at least $\frac{\epsilon dn}{2}$ edges must be added to or removed from G to obtain a k-vertex-connected graph with a maximum degree at most d. The algorithm always accepts every graph that is k-vertex-connected and rejects every graph that is ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity with a probability of at least 2/3. The algorithm runs in $O(d(\frac{c}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac {1}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for (k?1)-vertex-connected graphs, and in $O(d(\frac{ck}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac{k}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for general graphs. It is the first constant-time k-vertex-connectivity testing algorithm for general k≥4.  相似文献   

We consider mechanisms without payments for the problem of scheduling unrelated machines. Specifically, we consider truthful in expectation randomized mechanisms under the assumption that a machine (player) is bound by its reports: when a machine lies and reports value $\tilde{t}_{ij}$ for a task instead of the actual one t ij , it will execute for time $\tilde{t}_{ij}$ if it gets the task (unless the declared value $\tilde{t}_{ij}$ is less than the actual value t ij , in which case, it will execute for time t ij ). Our main technical result is an optimal mechanism for one task and n players which has approximation ratio (n+1)/2. We also provide a matching lower bound, showing that no other truthful mechanism can achieve a better approximation ratio. This immediately gives an approximation ratio of (n+1)/2 and n(n+1)/2 for social cost and makespan minimization, respectively, for any number of tasks. We also study the price of anarchy of natural algorithms.  相似文献   

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