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文中主要介绍面向对象逻辑语言LKO中基于声明和推理的有序类型系统,在谓词声明中,类型由有序的构子构造而成,子句中变量类型由类型推理决定,对象类型由方法声明决定,独立于便于代码复用,它可作为基类型参与项类型构造。  相似文献   

提出了一种检查代码安全的类型安全策略,详细描述了该策略的逻辑表示、形式化描述和基于该策略的证明方法,最后给出一个基于该策略的定理证明器HBTSTP.策略的核心思想是给每个合法的内存地址赋予类型,使用符号表达式记录内存的状态变化,对于需要读写内存的指令,调用证明器进行类型检查,查看目标地址是否符合类型安全来确定该读写操作是否安全.  相似文献   

尹青  何东  李娜  何红旗 《计算机工程》2012,38(19):30-33
为恢复变量的数据类型信息并提高反编译的质量,提出一种基于规则的数据类型重构方法.采用静态和动态相结合的分析方式,将可执行代码转化为中间语言,在优化中间语言的基础上为每条指令制定约束规则,并给出相应的求解算法,从而推导出变量的数据类型信息.实验结果表明,该方法能对简单数据变量类型和复杂数据变量类型进行恢复,具有较高的准确性.  相似文献   

基于类型注解的认证编译器设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于类型注解的认证编译器是安全策略系统的核心部件,它不仅能够用C语言的类型安全子集编写的程序编译成优化的Intel x86/linux汇编语言程序,而且还可以根据类型安全策略的要求产生带注解的汇编程序.实验结果表明,新设计的认证编译器可实现:①类型安全的C语言子集的编译;②许多标准的局部优化;③可以对数组运行时越界操作进行检查.由于安全策略系统的证明是建立在含注解的代码基础之上的,因此,该认证编译器在移动代码安全检查中非常有用。  相似文献   

反汇编技术是二进制代码分析的基础,传统的静态反汇编方法存在着数据代码混编和间接跳转指令等带来的反汇编困难.为此,本文提出了一种动静结合的代码反汇编框架DTBC.在DTBC中,静态反汇编引擎根据传统反汇编算法实现代码的静态反汇编,通过代码分析技术标记程序中的敏感指令;符号执行引擎利用混合符号执行技术和约束求解器生成可达敏感指令的程序输入;动态仿真引擎模拟不同输入条件下的程序执行过程,通过监控代码的执行路径达到反汇编求精的目的.实验模拟的结果表明,DTBC能够有效提高代码反汇编的准确性和覆盖率.  相似文献   

李沁  袁志祥 《计算机科学》2014,41(3):163-168
提出了一种针对多线程程序的内部时间信息流的宽容的类型系统。在隐藏竞争变量集合的基础上定义了非干扰属性的形式化规范;在类型系统中区分了隐藏线程,细化了对内部时间信息流发生场景的分析。相对于已有的基于类型理论的方法,本类型系统可以允许更多实质上安全的代码通过类型检查。另外,类型系统的可靠性是在独立于调度模型的情况下证明的。  相似文献   

推理部件IU是并行推理系统NDPIS中动态运行部分KLND-ENGINE的重要组成部分。它完成了KLND基指令目标代码的解释执行,并支持了KLND级的动态调试。本文分析了IU的运行过程并给出了实现途径。  相似文献   

顾慧翔  俞勇 《计算机工程》2004,30(3):74-75,146
提出了在实现基于WAM(Warrens Abstract Machine)架构的C-Prolog推理引擎过程中所遇到的问题,以及相应的解决方法和策略。在实现过程中,严格遵循了WAM体系架构中所提出的指令规范。为了提高系统运行时的效率,在指令预处理方面做了大量的工作,利用回填技术生成更快速的WAM代码。而其实现语言C使得该系统易于维护和改善,并与外部的应用程序的接口更方便灵活。  相似文献   

针对传统的基于垃圾指令插入的花指令技术在软件保护应用中的不足,提出了一种基于自封闭代码块的软件反静态分析和动态调试的软件保护技术。重点介绍了自封闭代码块的相关概念,阐述了自封闭代码块的自动生成技术,包括基于指令编码表的随机指令序列生成技术和基于指令逆向思想的逆指令序列生成技术,并给出了相关算法和实例分析。  相似文献   

基于自封闭代码块的软件保护技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的基于垃圾指令插入的花指令技术在软件保护应用中的不足,提出了一种基于自封闭代码块的软件反静态分析和动态调试的软件保护技术.重点介绍了自封闭代码块的相关概念,阐述了自封闭代码块的自动生成技术,包括基于指令编码表的随机指令序列生成技术和基于指令逆向思想的逆指令序列生成技术,并给出了相关算法和实例分析.  相似文献   

钟文康  葛季栋  陈翔  李传艺  唐泽  骆斌 《软件学报》2021,32(4):1051-1066
机器翻译是利用计算机将一种自然语言转换成另一种自然语言的任务,是人工智能领域研究的热点问题之一.近年来,随着深度学习的发展,基于序列到序列结构的神经机器翻译模型在多种语言对的翻译任务上都取得了超过统计机器翻译模型的效果,并被广泛应用于商用翻译系统中.虽然商用翻译系统的实际应用效果直观表明了神经机器翻译模型性能有很大的提...  相似文献   

Control code is a concept that is closely related to a frequently occurring practitioner’s view on what is a program: code that is capable of controlling the behaviour of some machine. We present a logical approach to explain issues concerning control codes that are independent of the details of the behaviours that are controlled. Using this approach, such issues can be explained at a very abstract level. We illustrate this among other things by means of an example about the production of a new compiler from an existing one. The approach is based on abstract machine models, called machine structures. We introduce a model of systems that provide execution environments for the executable codes of machine structures and use it to go into portability of control codes.  相似文献   

Text classification systems will help to solve the text clustering problem in the Azerbaijani language. There are some text-classification applications for foreign languages, but we tried to build a newly developed system to solve this problem for the Azerbaijani language. Firstly, we tried to find out potential practice areas. The system will be useful in a lot of areas. It will be mostly used in news feed categorization. News websites can automatically categorize news into classes such as sports, business, education, science, etc. The system is also used in sentiment analysis for product reviews. For example, the company shares a photo of a new product on Facebook and the company receives a thousand comments for new products. The systems classify comments like positive or negative. The system can also be applied in recommended systems, spam filtering, etc. Various machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayes, SVM, Multi-layer Perceptron have been devised to solve the text classification problem in Azerbaijani language.  相似文献   

给出了一种带类型注解的汇编器 TAAS的设计与实现 .TAAS分析带有类型注解的汇编代码 ,把类型注解映射进目标文件和可执行文件中 ,产生带有类型注解的二进制代码 ,同时不影响代码的执行语义 .TAAS分析 AT&T语法的汇编程序 ,产生 EL F格式的 x86机器代码 ,并且与 GNU as汇编器完全兼容  相似文献   

Hierarchical Timing Language (HTL) is a coordination language for distributed, hard real-time applications. HTL is a hierarchical extension of Giotto and, like its predecessor, based on the logical execution time (LET) paradigm of real-time programming. Giotto is compiled into code for a virtual machine, called the Embedded Machine (or E machine). If HTL is targeted to the E machine, then the hierarchical program structure needs to be flattened; the flattening makes separate compilation difficult, and may result in E machine code of exponential size. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the E machine, which supports a hierarchical program structure at runtime through real-time trigger mechanisms that are arranged in a tree. We present the generalized E machine, and a modular compiler for HTL that generates code of linear size. The compiler may generate code for any part of a given HTL program separately in any order.  相似文献   

嵌入式PLC根据编程指令的执行方式不同,分为解释型和编译型。解释型PLC在上位机生成中间代码,在执行时采用取指令、解释、执行的方式逐句执行;而编译型PLC在上位机完成指令的编译,下载到下位机的目标代码可直接运行。针对这两种不同的执行机制,从系统结构、编辑系统、运行系统等方面对它们进行了详细的对比分析,并通过测试实验,验证了编译型PLC具有更好的可靠性和高效性。  相似文献   

Because of the differences in the nature of rapid prototyping (RP) processes, there is no standard machine path code for them. Each RP process, based on its characteristics and requirements, uses the standard CAD file format to extract the required data for the process. Selective inhibition of sintering (SIS) is a new layered fabrication method based on powder sintering. Like other RP systems, SIS needs a specialized machine path generator to create an appropriate machine path file. Machine path (i.e., boundary path and hatch path) should produce the printing pattern that enables the SIS machine user to easily remove the fabricated part from the surrounding material. A new machine path algorithm, which generates appropriate boundary and hatch paths for the SIS process is proposed. The new machine path generator provides the ability to process CAD models of any size and complexity, the ability for machine path verification before sending the file to the SIS machine, and the ability to fix the possible STL files disconnection errors. In this system, very large STL files can be processed in a relatively small computer memory. The system has been successfully tested on STL files as large as 200 MB. The generated path files have been used in fabrication of several parts by the SIS process.  相似文献   

We classify a type of language called a reflectable language. We then develop a generic algorithm that can be used to list all strings of length n for any reflectable language in Gray code order. The algorithm generalizes Gray code algorithms developed independently for k-ary strings, restricted growth strings, and k-ary trees, as each of these objects can be represented by a reflectable language. Finally, we apply the algorithm to open meandric systems which can also be represented by a reflectable language.  相似文献   

POS机交易系统终端部分出入库的软件设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着POS机日益广泛,对其使用要求也大不相同,给出了一般支持POS系统终端部分的软件系统设计方法。针对POS机的一般应用进行了系统功能的需求分析,设计了系统软件的整体框架及业务流程,并用代码将之实现。实现后的POS机系统能够将存货跟踪信息与主机通信,完成仓储式跟踪管理。  相似文献   

周仕开  郑力新 《测控技术》2001,20(4):42-44,50
介绍一款用Visual Basic开发的新式数控线切割机控制软件,由于该软件采用了功能模块外挂、开放式文件代码、组态化编辑等技术,使其不仅在操作的易用性方面比同类软件有了较大进步,而且在控制能力上延伸到了线切割机以外的领域,因此可以灵活、低价、高质、高效的方式构成小型的DCS系统,进一步推动国内小型机床加工控制与工业过程控制的自动化。  相似文献   

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