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据美国《Metall Trans》A集1989年,第1期报道钢中VC、V(C,N)、AlN第二相粒子对奥氏体晶粒粗化行为的影响不尽一致。 1 引言具有铁素体一珠光体组织的高强度低合金钢和采用控轧控冷工艺的微合金化钢的强韧性同铁素体晶粒尺寸紧密相关。细化铁素体晶粒对强度和韧性两者都有利,而其它的强化方法往往使韧性受损。铁素体晶粒细化的先决条件是原始奥氏体晶粒也小,因为铁 相似文献
文章总结了用第二相粒子细化晶粒的理论。比较了各种第二相粒子细化晶粒的效果,提出使用SiO2粒子细化HSLA钢晶粒的可能性。理论分析表明,在凝固过程中有可能获得较高的SiO2粒子体积分数。此外,还进行了实验室研究,得到了较小尺寸的SiO2粒子。 相似文献
再加热温度对含Nb,Ti钢第二相粒子固溶及晶粒长大的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过热力学计算和萃取复型分析技术,对高Ti含Nb钢中第二相粒子在不同加热温度下的固溶情况和奥氏体晶粒的长大规律进行了研究。结果表明:再加热温度低于1 180 ℃时,钢中Nb、Ti含量随温度升高显著增加。Nb、Ti固溶量分别在1 210 ℃和1 180 ℃以上趋于稳定;再加热温度在800~1 100 ℃时,以尺寸小于30 nm、分布较均匀的小粒子为主,呈球形,奥氏体晶粒尺寸在30 μm以下。再加热温度在1 180~1 210 ℃时,第二相粒子数量减少,尺寸多在100~200 nm之间,形态多为立方形和球形,奥氏体晶粒尺寸略微增加。随着再加热温度的进一步升高,析出粒子数量迅速下降,尺寸多为大于200 nm的方形粒子,此时奥氏体晶粒迅速长大至100 μm以上;析出粒子组成均为Nb、Ti复合的碳氮化物,其Nb/Ti原子比随温度升高而降低;试验钢的晶粒粗化温度为1 210 ℃,确定实际加热温度为1 180~1 210 ℃。 相似文献
Two types of stress relaxation tests were carried out to investigate the incubation time for incipient precipitation of Ti(C,N) in deformed austenite and (Ti,Mo)C in ferrite of ferritic Ti-Mo microalloyed steel. The size distribution, amount and chemical composition of precipitates were obtained by using physicochemical phase analysis, and calculated according to thermodynamics and kinetics. The experimental results demonstrated that the incubation time was reduced with increasing Ti content, and prolonged with the addition of Mo. After 30% deformation at 850 ℃, the nucleation of strain-induced Ti(C,N) was a relatively slow process. On the other hand, the temperature where the nucleation rate of (Ti,Mo)C in ferrite was the highest descended first and then ascended with increasing Ti content, and so did the temperature where the incubation time was the shortest. The key point is that the temperature of steel containing about 0. 09% Ti is the lowest. The mass fraction of MC-type particles with size smaller than 10 nm in steel containing 0. 09% Ti and 0. 2% Mo reached 73. 7%. The size distributions of precipitates in steel containing 0. 09% Ti were relatively concentrated compared with that in steel containing 0. 07% Ti. 相似文献
以不同稀土含量的440 MPa高强IF钢为研究对象,在盐浴炉中模拟现场的连续退火,退火温度810℃,分别保温30 s、60 s,通过TEM与XRD对退火后的试样进行第二相分布、形状及成分分析,以研究稀土对高强IF钢第二相析出行为的影响。实验结果表明,保温时间基本不影响第二相的析出;不加稀土的高强IF钢析出的第二相呈弥散分布,且尺寸大小均匀,均在30 nm以下;加了稀土的高强IF钢析出的第二相分布在晶界处,并且伴随着团聚的现象,第二相尺寸不均匀,大颗粒在30 nm^100 nm之间;不加稀土的试验钢在810℃保温60 s下的析出相种类有FeTiP、TiC、TiN、NbN。实验结果为440 MPa高强IF钢在退火条件下第二相析出奠定了理论基础。 相似文献
Le-yu ZHOU Bo JIANG Tian-hao CUI Dan ZHANG Jian-zhong HE Ya-zheng LIU 《钢铁研究学报(英文版)》2014,21(12):1111-1115
Two kinds of C-Si-Mn-Cr series tested steels were designed to obtain dual phase microstructures of ferrite (F) +martcnsite (M) or ferrite (F)-bainite (B) with different mechanical properties. Effects of strengthening phase on yielding and fracture behaviours during uniaxial tension of dual phase steel were discussed. Compared with hot-rolled martensite dual phase steel, ferrite-bainite dual phase steel has high ratio of yield strength to tensile strength (YS/TS) and low elongation. During necking process of uniaxial tension, microvoids of ferrite-martensite steel are generated by fracture of ferrite/martensite boundary or martensite islands with irregular shape. But ferrite matrix elongated remarkably along deformation direction, and strengthening phase also coordinated with ferrite matrix. Compatible de formation between ferrite and bainite is distinct. Ferrite-bainite dual phase steel has fine and less microvoid, and phase boundary of ferrite and bainite is beneficial for restraining generation and extending of microvoid. 相似文献
钒氮微合金化高强度球扁钢的强韧化机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对球扁钢在孔型轧制时球头、腹板部位组织性能不均匀的问题,研究了钒氮微合金化技术改善高强度球扁钢截面均匀性的作用机制。采用ANSYS有限元模拟了球扁钢轧后冷却温度场的分布。结果表明,球扁钢轧后冷却过程中球头心部冷却较慢,腹板冷却较快。950℃终轧后冷却150S时,球头心部、腹板温度差异约为120℃;对比分析了钒和V—N微合金化球扁钢球头/腹板部位组织、性能的差异。和钒钢相比,V—N球扁钢屈服强度显著提高,球头心部、腹板强度差异约为5~10MPa。V—N设计细化了球扁钢的显微组织,球头心部、腹板平均铁素体晶粒尺寸仅相差1.24μm,低温韧性显著提高。球头心部较慢的冷却速度促进了钒的析出,细化了钒析出物的粒度,显著改善了球扁钢孔型轧制时不同部位冷却速度、变形量差异造成的截面不均匀性。 相似文献