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Guoqiang Gao Ruixuan Li Kunmei Wen Xiwu Gu 《Journal of Network and Computer Applications》2012,35(1):85-96
Unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks have become a very popular architecture for content distribution in large-scale and dynamic environments. The search efficiency problem in unstructured P2P networks has not been adequately addressed so far, especially concerning search for rare objects. In this paper, we propose a proactive replication strategy to improve search efficiency for rare objects. It uses an object-probing technique for peers to decide whether or not to establish replications for their objects when they join the network. This strategy can effectively increase the popularity of rare objects in order to enhance search efficiency. We also present a rare object search algorithm to reduce the overhead caused by the replication strategy. When a peer forwards a search request, the forward probability is calculated according to its neighbors' degrees and the number of neighbors' objects. Therefore, the search request is forwarded to the peers more likely containing target objects. Simulations show that our proactive replication strategy greatly improves search efficiency for rare objects with moderate communication overhead. The rare object search algorithm not only improves search efficiency for rare objects, but also achieves load balance in search. 相似文献
The decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) technique has been widely used to implement scalable file sharing systems. It organizes nodes in a system into a structured or unstructured network. The advantages of the unstructured P2P systems are that they have lower maintenance complexity and can better adapt to node heterogeneity as well as network dynamics. However, the search process in unstructured systems is not as efficient as in structured P2P systems because the same search message may go through a node multiple times. To facilitate the complex search and improve the search efficiency, we propose a novel approach of assigning identifications to nodes in an unstructured system. Our method can prevent a node from receiving duplicate search messages and retain the low maintenance overhead for the system. The performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed approach can improve the search efficiency of unstructured P2P systems while keeping the maintenance overhead at a comparable or even lower level, compared with the traditional unstructured systems. 相似文献
PatchPeer: A scalable video-on-demand streaming system in hybrid wireless mobile peer-to-peer networks 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Tai T. Do Kien A. Hua Ning Jiang Fuyu Liu 《Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications》2009,2(3):182-201
Video-on-demand service in wireless networks is one important step to achieving the goal of providing video services anywhere
anytime. Typically, carrier mobile networks are used to deliver videos wirelessly. Since every video stream comes from the
base station, regardless of what bandwidth sharing techniques are being utilized, the media stream system is still limited
by the network capacity of the base station. The key to overcome the scalability issue is to exploit resources available at
mobile clients in a peer-to-peer setting. We observe that it is common to have a carrier mobile network and a mobile peer-to-peer
network co-exist in a wireless environment. A feature of such hybrid environment is that the former offers high availability
assurance, while the latter presents an opportunistic use of resources available at mobile clients. Our proposed video-on-demand
technique, PatchPeer, leverages this network characteristic to allow the video-on-demand system scale beyond the bandwidth
capacity of the server. Mobile clients in PatchPeer are no longer passive receivers, but also active senders of video streams
to other mobile clients. Our extensive performance study shows that PatchPeer can accept more clients than the current state-of-the-art
technique, while maintaining the same Quality-of-Service to clients.
Tai T. Do is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Central Florida, working in the Data Systems Laboratory. He received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 2001. His main research interests are Distributed Systems and Databases (Peer-to-Peer Systems, Distributed Monitoring Queries), Communications and Networking (Video Delivery Techniques, Wireless Communication Protocols), Decision Support Systems (Real-time Route Diversion Systems), and Security and Privacy (Anonymity for Location-based Services). Tai T. Do is a recipient of the UCF Order of Pegasus, i.e. UCF Best Student Award, class of 2008. Kien A. Hua received the B.S. degree in Computer Science, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering, all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 1982, 1984, and 1987, respectively. Form 1987 to 1990 he was with IBM Corporation. He joined the University of Central Florida in 1990, and is currently a professor in the School of Computer Science. Dr. Hua has published widely including several papers recognized as best papers at various international conferences. He has served as Conference Chair, Vice-Chair, Associate Chair, Demo Chair, and Program Committee Member for numerous ACM and IEEE conferences. Currently, he is on the editorial boards of Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications and International Journal of Advanced Information Technology. Dr. Hua is an IEEE Fellow. Ning Jiang received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida. Currently, he is working at the Office Lab at Microsoft Corp. His main research interests are Mobile computing, Data mining, and Network security. Fuyu Liu is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Central Florida, working in the Data Systems Laboratory. His main research interests are Distributed Systems and Databases (Distributed Monitoring Queries, Mobile COmputing), and Security and Privacy (Anonymity for Location-based Services). 相似文献
Fuyu LiuEmail: |
Tai T. Do is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Central Florida, working in the Data Systems Laboratory. He received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 2001. His main research interests are Distributed Systems and Databases (Peer-to-Peer Systems, Distributed Monitoring Queries), Communications and Networking (Video Delivery Techniques, Wireless Communication Protocols), Decision Support Systems (Real-time Route Diversion Systems), and Security and Privacy (Anonymity for Location-based Services). Tai T. Do is a recipient of the UCF Order of Pegasus, i.e. UCF Best Student Award, class of 2008. Kien A. Hua received the B.S. degree in Computer Science, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering, all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in 1982, 1984, and 1987, respectively. Form 1987 to 1990 he was with IBM Corporation. He joined the University of Central Florida in 1990, and is currently a professor in the School of Computer Science. Dr. Hua has published widely including several papers recognized as best papers at various international conferences. He has served as Conference Chair, Vice-Chair, Associate Chair, Demo Chair, and Program Committee Member for numerous ACM and IEEE conferences. Currently, he is on the editorial boards of Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications and International Journal of Advanced Information Technology. Dr. Hua is an IEEE Fellow. Ning Jiang received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Central Florida. Currently, he is working at the Office Lab at Microsoft Corp. His main research interests are Mobile computing, Data mining, and Network security. Fuyu Liu is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Central Florida, working in the Data Systems Laboratory. His main research interests are Distributed Systems and Databases (Distributed Monitoring Queries, Mobile COmputing), and Security and Privacy (Anonymity for Location-based Services). 相似文献
Mobile computing is a revolutionary technology, born as a result of remarkable advance in the development of computer hardware and wireless communication. It enables us to access information anytime and anywhere even in the absence of physical network connection. More recently, there has been increasing interest in introducing ad hoc network into mobile computing, resulting in a new distributed computing style known as peer-to-peer (P2P) computing. In this paper, we discuss the data management issues in mobile and P2P environments. The use of wireless communication makes the data availability the most important problem here, so we focus on the problem of data availability and provide detailed discussion about replicating mobile databases. Not only that, we extend our discussion to mobile–P2P environment. At the end, we discuss the general data management issues in P2P environment. 相似文献
We address the problem of maximizing the lifetime of a wireless sensor network with energy-constrained sensors and a mobile sink. The sink travels among discrete locations to gather information from all the sensors. Data can be relayed among sensors and then to the sink location, as long as the sensors and the sink are within a certain threshold distance of each other. However, sending information along a data link consumes energy at both the sender and the receiver nodes. A vital problem that arises is to prescribe sink stop durations and data flow patterns that maximally prolong the life of the network, defined as the amount of time until any node exhausts its energy. We describe linear programming and column generation approaches for this problem, and also for a version in which data can be delayed in its transmission to the sink. Our column generation approach exploits special structures of the linear programming formulations so that all subproblems are shortest path problems with non-negative costs. Computational results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms. 相似文献
Farida Chowdhury Jamie Furness Mario Kolberg 《International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems》2017,32(5):522-548
Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based Peer-to-Peer (P2P) overlays have been widely researched and deployed in many applications such as file sharing, IP telephony, content distribution and media streaming applications. However, their deployment has largely been restricted to fixed, wired networks. This is due to the fact that supporting P2P overlays on wireless networks such as the public mobile data network is more challenging due to constraints in terms of data transmissions on cellular networks, limited battery power of the handsets and increased levels of node churn. However, the proliferation of smartphones makes the use of P2P applications on mobile handsets very desirable. In this article, we have analysed and evaluated the performance and efficiency of five popular DHT based structured P2P overlays (Chord, Pastry, Kademlia, Broose and EpiChord) under conditions as commonly experienced in public mobile data networks. Our results show that the conditions in mobile networks, including a high churn rate and the relatively low bandwidth availability is best matched by Kademlia and EpiChord. These overlays exhibit a high lookup success ratio and low hop count while consuming a moderate amount of bandwidth. These characteristics make these two overlays suitable candidates for use in mobile networks. 相似文献
Mobile sinks can be used to balance energy consumption for sensor nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Mobile sinks are
required to inform sensor nodes about their new location information whenever necessary. However, frequent location updates
from mobile sinks can lead to both rapid energy consumption of sensor nodes and increased collisions in wireless transmissions.
We propose a new solution with adaptive location updates for mobile sinks to resolve this problem. When a sink moves, it only
needs to broadcast its location information within a local area other than among the entire network. Both theoretical analysis
and simulation studies show that this solution consumes less energy in each sensor node and also decreases collisions in wireless
transmissions, which can be used in large-scale WSNs.
Jie LiEmail: |
Adding a few mobile nodes into the conventional wireless sensor networks can greatly improve the sensing and control capabilities of the networks and can help researchers solve many challenges such as network deployment and repair. This paper presents an enhanced node architecture for adding controlled mobility to wireless sensor networks. The structural model, the power model and the networking model of the proposed mobile node have been built respectively for better node control. And it provides a novel robotic platform for experimental research in hybrid sensor networks or other distributed measurement and control systems. A testbed has finally been created for validating the basic functions of the proposed mobile sensor node. The results of a coverage experiment show that the mobile node can provide additional support for network coverage and can ensure that the sensor network will work properly in undesirable environments. 相似文献
韦文代 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(1):92-95
描述了一个基于非结构化对等网络、可以共享网络上空闲资源的JVMs虚拟机的桌面网格平台UDDG(unstructureddecentralized desktop grid)。提出了对等实体的最小活跃邻居节点数、更新时间域值等概念,每个对等实体维护了一个最小活跃邻居数的列表,结合非结构化对等网络的网络跳数的机制,通过广播查找消息来寻找资源的虚拟机。通过构建评测环境,运行并行案例程序计算结果表明,UDDG提供了一种构建高性能的桌面网格平台的新思路。 相似文献
This paper presents a novel multihop routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor networks called PHASeR (Proactive Highly Ambulatory Sensor Routing). The proposed protocol uses a simple hop-count metric to enable the dynamic and robust routing of data towards the sink in mobile environments. It is motivated by the application of radiation mapping by unmanned vehicles, which requires the reliable and timely delivery of regular measurements to the sink. PHASeR maintains a gradient metric in mobile environments by using a global TDMA MAC layer. It also uses the technique of blind forwarding to pass messages through the network in a multipath manner. PHASeR is analysed mathematically based on packet delivery ratio, average packet delay, throughput and overhead. It is then simulated with varying mobility, scalability and traffic loads. The protocol gives good results over all measures, which suggests that it may also be suitable for a wider array of emerging applications. 相似文献
M. EsnaashariAuthor Vitae M.R. Meybodi Author Vitae 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2011,71(7):988-1001
One important problem which may arise in designing a deployment strategy for a wireless sensor network is how to deploy a specific number of sensor nodes throughout an unknown network area so that the covered section of the area is maximized. In a mobile sensor network, this problem can be addressed by first deploying sensor nodes randomly in some initial positions within the area of the network, and then letting sensor nodes to move around and find their best positions according to the positions of their neighboring nodes. The problem becomes more complicated if sensor nodes have no information about their positions or even their relative distances to each other. In this paper, we propose a cellular learning automata-based deployment strategy which guides the movements of sensor nodes within the area of the network without any sensor to know its position or its relative distance to other sensors. In the proposed algorithm, the learning automaton in each node in cooperation with the learning automata in the neighboring nodes controls the movements of the node in order to attain high coverage. Experimental results have shown that in noise-free environments, the proposed algorithm can compete with the existing algorithms such as PF, DSSA, IDCA, and VEC in terms of network coverage. It has also been shown that in noisy environments, where utilized location estimation techniques such as GPS-based devices and localization algorithms experience inaccuracies in their measurements, or the movements of sensor nodes are not perfect and follow a probabilistic motion model, the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of network coverage. 相似文献
Allowing truly spontaneous and infrastructureless networking, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are the future of wireless networks. However, most autoconfiguration proposals for MANETs lack privacy support, namely anonymity or pseudonymity and unlinkability aspects, which has become important considerations in many practical applications. This paper presents a novel privacy extension approach (PEA) for MANETs, which prevents eavesdroppers from identifying a particular mobile node by its address. In addition to privacy concerns, our scheme also brings some performance benefits, e.g., reducing the possibility of address conflict when the merging of separately configured networks occurs. 相似文献
Sunggeun Park Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2009,82(12):2012-2022
Broadcast is widely accepted as an efficient technique for disseminating data to a large number of mobile clients over a single or multiple channels. Due to the limited uplink bandwidth from mobile clients to server, conventional concurrency control methods cannot be directly applied. There has been many researches on concurrency control methods for wireless broadcast environments. However, they are mostly for read-only transactions or do not consider exploiting cache. They also suffer from the repetitive aborts and restarts of mobile transactions when the access patterns of mobile transactions are skewed. In this paper, we propose a new optimistic concurrency control method suitable for mobile broadcast environments. To prevent the repetitive aborts and restarts of mobile transactions, we propose a random back-off technique. To exploit the cache on mobile clients, our method keeps the read data set of mobile transactions and prefetches those data items when the mobile transactions are restarted. As other existing optimistic concurrency control methods for mobile broadcast environments does, it works for both read-only and update transactions. Read-only transactions are validated and locally committed without using any uplink bandwidth. Update transactions are validated with forward and backward validation, and committed after final validation consuming a small amount of uplink bandwidth. Our performance analysis shows that it significantly decreases uplink and downlink bandwidth usage compared to other existing methods. 相似文献
Abbas NayebiAuthor Vitae Hamid Sarbazi-AzadAuthor Vitae 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2011,71(6):812-821
In many wireless sensor network applications, nodes are mobile, while many protocols proposed for these networks assume a static network. Thus, it is important to evaluate if a traditional protocol designed for a static network can tolerate different levels of mobility. This paper provides an analytic model to investigate the effect of mobility on a well-known cluster-based protocol, LEACH. The model evaluates data loss after construction of the clusters due to node mobility, which can be used to estimate a proper update interval to balance the energy and data loss ratio. Thus, the results can help the network designer to adjust the topology update interval given a value of acceptable data loss threshold. A practical approach to increase the mobility tolerance of the protocol is applying a buffer zone to the transmission ranges of the nodes. The model is extended in order to consider the effect of buffer zone. To validate the analytic evaluations, extensive simulations are conducted and correctness of the evaluations is tightly verified. 相似文献
《Computer Languages, Systems and Structures》2014,40(3-4):112-136
The rise of mobile computing platforms has given rise to a new class of applications: mobile applications that interact with peer applications running on neighbouring phones. Developing such applications is challenging because of problems inherent to concurrent and distributed programming, and because of problems inherent to mobile networks, such as the fact that wireless network connectivity is often intermittent, and the lack of centralized infrastructure to coordinate the peers.We present AmbientTalk, a distributed programming language designed specifically to develop mobile peer-to-peer applications. AmbientTalk aims to make it easy to develop mobile applications that are resilient to network failures by design. We describe the language׳s concurrency and distribution model in detail, as it lies at the heart of AmbientTalk׳s support for responsive, resilient application development. The model is based on communicating event loops, itself a descendant of the actor model. We contribute a small-step operational semantics for this model and use it to establish data race and deadlock freedom. 相似文献
SungJin Choi MaengSoon Baik JoonMin Gil SoonYoung Jung ChongSun Hwang 《Applied Intelligence》2006,25(2):199-221
Peer-to-peer grid computing is an attractive computing paradigm for high throughput applications. However, both volatility
due to the autonomy of volunteers (i.e., resource providers) and the heterogeneous properties of volunteers are challenging
problems in the scheduling procedure. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a scheduling mechanism that adapts to a dynamic
peer-to-peer grid computing environment. In this paper, we propose a Mobile Agent based Adaptive Group Scheduling Mechanism
(MAAGSM). The MAAGSM classifies and constructs volunteer groups to perform a scheduling mechanism according to the properties
of volunteers such as volunteer autonomy failures, volunteer availability, and volunteering service time. In addition, the
MAAGSM exploits a mobile agent technology to adaptively conduct various scheduling, fault tolerance, and replication algorithms
suitable for each volunteer group. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the MAAGSM improves performance by evaluating the scheduling
mechanism in Korea@Home.
SungJin Choi is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University. His research interests include
mobile agent, peer-to-peer computing, grid computing, and distributed systems.
Mr. Choi received a M.S. in computer science from Korea University. He is a student member of the IEEE.
MaengSoon Baik is a senior research member at the SAMSUNG SDS Research & Develop Center. His research interests include mobile agent, grid
computing, server virtualization, storage virtualization, and utility computing.
Dr. Baik received a Ph.D. in computer science from Korea University.
JoonMin Gil is a professor in the Department of Computer Science Education at Catholic University of Daegu, Korea. His recent research
interests include grid computing, distributed and parallel computing, Internet computing, P2P networks, and wireless networks.
Dr. Gil received his Ph.D. in computer science from Korea University. He is a member of the IEEE and the IEICE.
SoonYoung Jung is a professor in the Department of Computer Science Education at Korea University. His research interests include grid computing,
web-based education systems, database systems, knowledge management systems, and mobile computing.
Dr. Jung received his Ph.D. in computer science from Korea University.
ChongSun Hwang is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Korea University. His research interests include
distributed systems, distributed algorithms, and mobile computing.
Dr. Hwang received a Ph.D. in statistics and computer science from the University of Georgia. 相似文献
《Computers & Electrical Engineering》2014,40(7):2089-2100
Mobile sink trajectory plays a pivotal role for network coverage, data collection and data dissemination in wireless sensor networks. Considering this, we propose a novel approach for mobile sink trajectory in wireless sensor networks. Our proposed approach is based on Hilbert Space Filling Curve, however, the proposed approach is different from the previous work in a sense that the curve order changes according to node density. In this paper, we investigate the mobile sink trajectory based on Hilbert Curve Order which depends upon the size of the network. Second, we calculate the Hilbert Curve Order based on node density to re-dimension the mobile sink trajectory. Finally, we perform extensive simulations to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed approach in terms of network coverage and scalability. Simulation results confirm that our proposed approach outperforms with size based Hilbert Curve in terms of network coverage, packet delivery ratio and average energy consumption. 相似文献
Doina BeinAuthor VitaeYicheng WenAuthor Vitae Shashi PhohaAuthor Vitae Bharat B. MadanAuthor VitaeAsok RayAuthor Vitae 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2011,71(3):460-470
A sensor network operates on an infrastructure of sensing, computation, and communication, through which it perceives the evolution of events it observes. We propose a fusion-driven distributed dynamic network controller, called MDSTC, for a multi-modal sensor network that incorporates distributed computation for in-situ assessment, prognosis, and optimal reorganization of constrained resources to achieve high quality multi-modal data fusion. For arbitrarily deployed sensors, a certain level of data quality cannot be guaranteed in sparse regions. MDSTC reallocates resources to sparse regions; reallocation of network resources in this manner is motivated by the fact that an increased density of sensor nodes in a region of interest leads to better quality data and enriches the network resilience. Simulation results in NS-2 show the effectiveness of the proposed MDSTC. 1 相似文献
In wireless sensor networks, poor performance or unexpected behavior may be experienced for several reasons, such as trivial deterioration of sensing hardware, unsatisfactory implementation of application logic, or mutated network conditions. This leads to the necessity of changing the application behavior after the network has been deployed. Such flexibility is still an open issue as it can be achieved either at the expense of significant energy consumption or through software complexity. This paper describes an approach to adapt the behavior of running applications by intercepting the calls made to the operating system services and changing their effects at run-time. Customization is obtained through small fragments of interpreted bytecode, called adaptlets, injected into the network by the base station. Differently from other approaches, where the entire application is interpreted, adaptlets are tied only to specific services, while the bulk of the application is still written in native code. This makes our system able to preserve the compactness and efficiency of native code and to have little impact on the overall application performance. Also, applications must not be rewritten because the operating system interfaces are unaffected. The adaptation layer has been implemented in the context of TinyOS using an instruction set inspired to the Java bytecode. Examples that illustrate the programming of the adaptation layer are presented together with their experimental validation. 相似文献
Adaptive per-user per-object cache consistency management for mobile data access in wireless mesh networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yinan LiAuthor Vitae Ing-Ray Chen Author Vitae 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2011,71(7):1034-1046
We propose and analyze an adaptive per-user per-object cache consistency management (APPCCM) scheme for mobile data access in wireless mesh networks. APPCCM supports strong data consistency semantics through integrated cache consistency and mobility management. The objective of APPCCM is to minimize the overall network cost incurred due to data query/update processing, cache consistency management, and mobility management. In APPCCM, data objects can be adaptively cached at the mesh clients directly or at mesh routers dynamically selected by APPCCM. APPCCM is adaptive, per-user and per-object as the decision regarding where to cache a data object accessed by a mesh client is made dynamically, depending on the mesh client’s mobility and data query/update characteristics, and the network’s conditions. We develop analytical models for evaluating the performance of APPCCM and devise a computational procedure for dynamically calculating the overall network cost incurred. We demonstrate via both model-based analysis and simulation validation that APPCCM outperforms non-adaptive cache consistency management schemes that always cache data objects at the mesh client, or at the mesh client’s current serving mesh router for mobile data access in wireless mesh networks. 相似文献