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攻击机动目标的最优导引规律研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对纵轴方向没有轨控发动机的KKV,建立空间拦载的线性运动学模型,通过采用新的剩余时间计算方法,提出了拦截任意机动目标的最优导引规律,最后,分别采用最优制导律和比例导引,对平面拦截过程进行计算机仿真。仿真结果表明,最优制导律和比例导引相比更能有效地拦截机动目标。  相似文献   

为了满足拦截高速大机动目标、高精度制导的需要,将制导律设计问题转化为反馈控制问题,基于模糊控制理论,提出了一种解析描述模糊控制规则的新型自适应模糊导引律.该模糊控制器将比例制导律指令及其微分作为模糊控制的输入量,模糊控制规则及模糊推理用解析式表达,易于计算、调整,适合实时在线控制.该导引律能够根据目标加速度和目标速度的变化自适应地改变模糊控制规则,因此具有较强的鲁棒性.对拦截高速大机动目标的大量仿真结果表明,所提出的导引律在脱靶量、拦截时间等指标方面显著优于传统的比例导引律.  相似文献   

Time-to-go weighted optimal trajectory shaping guidance law   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For maneuvering target,the optimal trajectory shaping guidance law which can simultaneously achieve the designed specifications on miss distance and final impact angle was deduced using optimal control theory based on the time-to-go weighted function.Based on the same cost function,the closed-form solutions of the guidance law were derived when the initial displacement of missile,final impact angle,heading error and target maneuver was introduced into the lag-free guidance system.To validate the closed-form solutions,the simulation of the lag-free system was done and the simulation results exactly matched the closed-form solutions and only when the exponent is greater than zero,the final acceleration approaches to zero.  相似文献   

研究了异面低地轨道(LFO-LEO)变轨过程中,气动辅助轨道转移飞行器(简称AOTV)在大气内飞行的量优闭环导引律的一种设计方法,对气动辅助道转移飞行器大气内飞行的动力学模型进行合理的简化和近似,将AOTV燃料最省的指标转化为大气出口速度极大条件的性能指标,然后应用最优控制理论,经数学推导得到了控制变量与飞行器状态的解析关系,即AOTV近最优导引律,数学仿真验证了所设计的导引律是正确可行的。  相似文献   

为了提高机动目标的逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)成像质量,提出了基于LWVD(L-Wigner-Ville分布)的机动目标ISAR成像新方法,通过计算回波数据不同距离单元的LWVD,得到不同时刻目标的瞬态ISAR像.与已有的时频分布相比,LWVD的时频聚集性进一步提高,而且对于多分量信号不存在交叉项干扰,计算简单,仿真数据结果验证了本文方法的有效性.  相似文献   

一种高度机动目标的"当前"统计Jerk模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
讨论了Kishore Mehrotra等提出的高度机动目标模型-Jerk模型,应用古典控制论方法分析了该模型的局限性,提出了一种新的“当前”统计J erk模型,即CS-Jerk模型,该模型假设目标的机动加速度变化率为非零均值指数相关的随机过程,仿真结果表明CS-Jerk模型及其滤波算法在跟踪高度机动目标时性能优于Jerk模型。  相似文献   

Trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal impact angle constraint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to strike hard targets underground or warships and tanks with expected impact angle by missiles or guided bombs,trajectory shaping guidance law with terminal position and impact angle constraints is derived based on linear quadratic optimal control theory.The required acceleration expressed by impact angle and heading error is obtained in lag-free guidance system in order to find the optimal relationship of those angles in terminal phase.The adjoint systems of miss distance and impact angle error of first-order guidance system are established based on statistical linearization adjoint method(SLAM)in order to study the impact performances of the guidance law.Simulation results show that the miss distance and impact angle error of trajectory shaping guidance law are both according with the impact position and angle constraint and the required acceleration at impact can be decreased by an optimal relationship of impact angle and heading error.  相似文献   

为提高空地导弹碰撞角约束制导的精度和鲁棒性,增强其对防空系统的突防能力和对目标的打击效果,基于纯比例导引律(pure proportional navigation,PPN)拦截固定目标的解析解,提出了一种新的三维碰撞角约束制导律(three-dimensional PPN-based impact-angle-control guidance law,3D-PPNIACG)。首先,基于PPN拦截固定目标解析解,分析了基于PPN的二维碰撞角约束制导律(two-dimensional PPN-based impact angle constraint guidance law,2D-PPNIACG)的拦截制导性能,包括最大过载、能量消耗与捕获区域。其次,基于2D-PPNIACG和三维拦截制导的垂直分解方法,结合对空间几何关系的深入分析,提出了控制铅垂面内落角和水平面内碰撞角的三维碰撞角约束制导律(3D-PPNIACG),并对该制导律的实用性和鲁棒性进行了充分讨论。最后通过数值仿真,验证了3D-PPNIACG在碰撞角约束制导中的有效性和鲁棒性。研究和仿真结果表明,所提出的3D-PPNIACG结构简单、易于实现、鲁棒性好,在考虑测量误差、动力学响应延迟等现实因素的情况下,可有效实现水平面内的碰撞角约束制导和铅垂面内的落角约束制导,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为改善导弹受到干扰或加装被动捷联导引头仅能够完成视线角度或纯方位量测情况下的导弹制导信息估计性能,提出了一种适用于纯方位量测的微分对策制导律。首先,通过对范数型微分对策制导律对策空间的分析,明确了捕获区的制导特性可以用于改进纯方位测量情况下的可观测性的设计思路。其次,在完成纯方位估计器设计的基础上,利用估计均方误差反映估计器可观测性的特性,建立了导弹控制量和可观测性之间的关系。然后在微分对策空间的捕获区域内,进行制导控制指令的选取,保证脱靶量的同时,提升估计器的可观测性能。最后给出了所提出的增强可观测性的制导律的执行流程,并考虑控制系统延迟和外部其他不确定性因素的影响,以及脱靶量控制优先的原则,对零控脱靶量参数和剩余飞行时间参数进行了设计。制导律的设计方法超出了确定性等价原理的框架,实现了滤波和制导律的集成设计。非线性仿真对比表明,采用所提出的制导律,可以获得较好的目标信息估计性能,且具有较高的单发命中概率。  相似文献   

指向预测命中点的最短时间制导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拦截时间最短为指标函数的最优制导策略要求导弹沿命中点视线方向飞行,但制导指令形成方式并未得到有效解决。根据最短时间制导策略原理,以相对预测命中点的制导误差渐进收敛为条件设计了新的制导算法,解决了非线性拦截系统最短时间拦截制导策略的指令形成问题。针对末制导系统信息来源和拦截系统参数变化特点,提出了简化算法。新的制导算法能够保持最短时间拦截策略的最优性,适合大离轴角发射情况下对高机动目标的拦截。仿真结果表明新制导算法确实具有拦截时间短,脱靶量小的优点。  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimal guidance law for missiles with impact angle and miss distance constraints is proposed to achieve the maximal terminal velocity. The normal acceleration command that includes the time-varying coefficients is introduced to satisfy the desired impact angle as well as zero miss distance according to the geometric relation and relative motion parameters between missile and target. The problem is formulated as an optimal control problem by defining the angle of velocity error and flight-path angle as state variables and maximizing a performance index of the terminal velocity. The analytical form of the proposed guidance law is obtained as the solution of the optimal control problem combining optimal control theory and numerical value computation method. Nonlinear simulations of various situations demonstrate the performance and feasibility of the proposed optimal guidance law.  相似文献   

针对随机机动目标末端制导拦截问题,提出了一种快速有效的多模型自适应估计算法。该算法充分挖掘了单元滤波器组对应假设空间的特殊结构,引入聚合和剪裁手段简化了传统多模型自适应估计算法。为有效处理非线性,不敏卡尔曼滤波器被用于设计依赖假设的单元滤波器。为满足应用要求,给出了该算法的数值鲁棒实现方法。仿真结果验证了所提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   

To satisfy the terminal position and impact angel constraints, an optimal guidance problem was discussed for homing missiles. For a stationary or a slowly moving target on the ground, an extended trajectory shaping guidance law considering a first-order autopilot lag (ETSGL-CFAL) was proposed. To derive the ETSGL-CFAL, a time-to-go-nth power weighted objection function was adopted and three different derivation methods were demonstrated while the Schwartz inequality method was mainly demonstrated. The performance of the ETSGL-CFAL and the ETSGL guidance laws was compared through simulation. Simulation results show that although a first-order autopilot is introduced into the ETSGL-CFAL guidance system, the position miss distance and terminal impact angle error induced by the impact angle is zero for different guidance time.  相似文献   

为利用观测数据对执行追踪任务的非合作目标飞行器进行制导律识别,采用一种通用的隐式制导函数对制导行为进行统一描述,并且给出了一种采用时变制导系数的模型来逼进隐式制导函数.在此模型基础上,利用低通滤波与卡尔曼滤波相结合的频域分离自适应卡尔曼滤波方法对观测数据进行实时处理分析,最终得到目标飞行器的制导律识别结果.仿真结果表明,在目标飞行器采用比例导引律或Bang-Bang变结构制导律的情况下,识别算法能够从观测数据出发,对目标飞行器的制导律完成有效和快速识别.  相似文献   

研究了一种中远程战术导弹的捷联复合制导系统最优末制导指令的设计,重点研究了增加速率陀螺和加速度计反馈时对系统的影响。基于最优控制理论的二次型性能指标,将弹体-自动驾驶仪惯性设计为三阶受控对象,导出了最优制导指令的解析表达式,数字仿真结果表明,所作分析与设计是有效的。  相似文献   

In view of the complexity of estimating the shape of the extended target and the low accuracy in multiple maneuvering extended targets tracking in the clutters, a multiple maneuvering extended targets tracking algorithm with Gaussian Process Regression is proposed. First, the extension of targets is modeled as a star-convex model. Then, the concept of weights used in the multiple targets tracking algorithm is introduced to the single maneuvering extended target tracking algorithm to realize multi-targets tracking. Finally, the Gaussian Process Regression is used to estimate the shape for the extended target. Simulation shows that the proposed algorithm is capable of tracking multiple maneuvering extended targets in the same scene with different shapes, and outperforms the traditional non-ellipsoidal extended target tracking algorithm in the estimation precision and computing speed.  相似文献   

A novel detection method for the high-speed maneuvering multi-target with a constant acceleration is proposed. Firstly, velocity searching and Second-order Keystone Transform (SKT) are jointly applied to correct the range migration (RM). After the RM correction, the azimuth echoes can be considered as a Linear Frequency Modulation (LFM) signal. Secondly, Lv's Transform (LVT) is performed on the azimuth echoes, target energy will be accumulated into a sole peak in the Centroid Frequency (CF)-Chirp Rate (CR) domain, and an estimated acceleration can be obtained in terms of the peak's location in the CR-axis. Finally, according to the estimated acceleration, a compensation function is constructed to compensate the Doppler Frequency Migration (DFM), after that, the FFT is applied to accomplish coherent integration, and then target detection is carried out, meanwhile, the target's radial velocity can be estimated. Compared with the Radon-Fractional Fourier Transform (RFRFT), the proposed algorithm possesses the advantages of lower computational complexity and better anti-noise performance. The results of simulation and real data demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

与齐齐哈尔市公安交通警察支队交通控制中心合作开发,并以齐齐哈尔市路况为实际进行凋研,将改进的人工鱼群算法应用于交通路径诱导系统数据库优化查淘中,算法提高了最优路径查询的效率。对人工鱼群算法进行了改进,引入贝叶斯变异算子和十字交叉变异算子,避免了算法局部寻优能力差和收敛速度慢等弊端。仿真实验表明算法是正确有效性的。  相似文献   

飞行时间约束下的再入制导律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为应对现代战场的信息化与集群化发展趋势,从多高超声速飞行器饱和打击任务需求出发,针对其中的再入飞行时间约束条件进行研究,提出一套基于Deep Q-learning Network(DQN)的时间可控再入制导律.该制导律工作流程为首先纵向轨迹预测-校正模块根据当前飞行状态和攻角-速度剖面规划出倾侧角幅值;然后在线约束强化管理模块对其进行安全限幅处理;最后倾侧角符号规划模块以调节再入飞行时间为目标,在对横向飞行状态进行马尔科夫决策过程建模的基础上,设计相应的深度神经网络进行离线训练以在线生成倾侧角符号,进而与幅值信息共同组成最终的倾侧角指令.多组仿真的对比分析结果表明:在标称环境下的多任务仿真中,时间可控再入制导律能够自主地进行倾侧角符号的在线规划,在不影响制导精度的前提下,对再入飞行时间进行调整以满足不同的任务需求;在参数拉偏的蒙特卡洛仿真中,其在保证再入飞行安全、稳定的同时,仍然能将时间误差控制在合理的范围之内.从而验证了相对于传统方法而言,本研究所设计的再入制导律在任务适应性、鲁棒性与时间可控性等方面均具有良好表现,能够有效地满足飞行时间约束下的再入任务需求.  相似文献   

An optimal burst height is required for the fly-over and shoot-down smart ammunition with an EFP warhead at the instant of explosion which brings a special requirement to the miss distance of the terminal guidance law.In this paper,aguidance law based on the virtual target scheme is proposed.First,the practical pursuit-evasion issue between the ammunition and the target with specific miss distance is transformed into a virtual pursuit-evasion problem with zero miss distance.Secondly,a complete three-dimensional pursuit-evasion kinematics model is established without any simplifications.And then,a suboptimal guidance law is designed based on theθ-D method which has constraints of the elevation and azimuth angular velocity of the virtual line of sight(LOS).Finally,in order to verify the performance of the proposed guidance law,three test cases are conducted.Numerical results show that under the proposed terminal guidance law,the smart ammunition not only can fly above the target with an optimal burst height but also have a smaller normal acceleration on the terminal trajectory.  相似文献   

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