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我国工程管理学科现状及发展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提升工程项目的管理效率需要大量工程管理专业人才,现有的工程管理培养体系与我国经济与社会发展需要仍存在一定距离。基于国内各院校的调研分析了我国工程管理学科的现状,探讨了工程管理学科特征;基于调研与分析结果研究了我国工程管理学科教育的发展问题,指出可以从以下五方面来提升工程管理教育:充分发挥各院校优势,准确合理定位、各自办出特色;调整与优化工程管理学科的知识体系;加强与企业的联系、提升工程管理专业人才的实践能力;完善工程管理学科的办学层次,明确各层次的培养目标;改革工程管理教学方法和手段。  相似文献   

Different developed countries have differences in regulations for engineering management systems. The related education modes and their curriculum arrangement in universities in the US, UK, and Germany show their specializations. Through comparative research into engineering management systems and professional education modes between China and these developed countries, the paper proposes suggestions for improving the education of engineering management majors in China, which could speed up development of Chinese engineering general contracting enterprises and engineering project management enterprises.  相似文献   

A large number of engineering management professionals are required to promote engineering management efficiency, but the existing engineering management training system has some gaps with economical and social development in China. Development of engineering management discipline has very important strategic significance in China. This paper explores the disciplinary characteristics of engineering management, and analyzes the developmental issues about education of engineering management discipline. Meanwhile, the paper also proposes that the construction for development strategy of China’s engineering management discipline should be accelerated in the following aspects: Theoretical system of engineering management must be built and methodology of engineering management needs to be explored and perfected; advantages of various universities should be fully expressed, to show their own characteristics with accurate and reasonable positioning; knowledge system of engineering management discipline must be organized and integrated; practical ability of engineering management professionals needs to be promoted; education level of engineering management discipline should be perfected and training objectives at various levels must be clarified; teaching methods and means have to be reformed.  相似文献   

《画法几何及制图科学论文选编》一书,于1965年由湖北省科学技术协会、湖北省制图学会、湖北省科学技术情报研究所编辑出版,至今已有50年的历史。这本论文选编是我国第一部有关图学的论文集,代表了20世纪60年代中国图学研究的最高科学成就,展示了当代中国图学的学科建设的历程。本文介绍了其产生的历史背景、主要内容、科学价值以及老一辈图学工作者对学科发展的贡献和影响。  相似文献   

管理科学与工程学科概念及其体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从管理科学与工程学科产生与发展的影响因素入手,考证学科形成与发展的历史轨迹,尝试建立现代管理科学与工程学科的概念定位及其完整的学科体系,并确立学科在现代科学系统中的地位.  相似文献   

中国高校材料教育现状与面临的挑战   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对中国高校材料教育的发展状况进行调研和分析,结合国外材料教育的发展情况,提出了加快我国材料教育改革的建议.  相似文献   

我国工业工程专业教育研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵涛  牛旭东  路琨 《工业工程》2004,7(1):61-64
介绍了工业工程(IE)专业在我国的办学现状,讨论了与IE专业教育紧密相关的3个学科特点:交叉性,拓展性、综合优化性,结合IE专业教育的比较分析,指出了我国IE专业教育在课程设置、教育方法和手段、实践环节等方面存在的问题,最后提出了推进我国IE专业教育发展的几点意见。  相似文献   

Engineering project management is the whole process of project construction management activities up to the point of achieving the goals of engineering construction, which adopts the means of planning, organizing,leading, and controlling. In addition, engineering project management modes are the works of project management and the technical guarantee of project success. For the quality and efficient transformation demands of the Chinese construction industry in the process of marketization, internationalization and informatization, based on the connotation and development path of engineering project management modes, the 16 main and new kinds of project management modes both domestically and abroad are divided into trading mode, financing mode and management mode. These have led to comparative analysis and brief commentary. Finally, it will be pointed out that the engineering project management modes move throughout the whole management process, the combined model and the expansion development of financing model. This work will provide reference for project participants to choose the appropriate project management modes and better understand building company transformation.  相似文献   

论新时期工业工程学科发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在简要回顾工业工程发展历史基础上,得出若干启示;分析了工业工程面临的机遇和挑战,提出工业工程学科十个方面的变革切入点;从传统工业工程学科内容、技术与工具和应用对象3个维度提出了工业工程学科内容拓扑结构,据此可以组合与交叉形成新的不同的工业工程学科内容或方向。  相似文献   

工业工程高等教育发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国工业工程高度教育的发展严重迟缓于国民经济的发展速度,无法满足市场对既懂技术又懂管理的复合型人才的需求。因此,针对我国工业工程高等教育中的课程体系设计、实验与仿真课程的设计和软件的开发、招生规模的扩大和工业工程在企业界推广应用等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

分析了科学技术和社会的发展、人才的培养和发展对工程图学教育的要求。分析了在知识经济时代,创新人才对于增强国际竞争力的重要性。以学生的全面发展为本,提出了创新人才培养的工程图学教育理念和环境,它强调学生的全面和可持续发展、个性化教育、创新能力和综合素质的培养。介绍了工程图学教学改革在大连理工大学的实践情况。  相似文献   

This article analyses the recent progressive increase in resourcequantity and production quantity of unconventional natural gas in China, describes its natural properties and the concepts, strategies and approaches of its development, summarizes the special techniques, management concepts and development modes formed in the process of its development, and puts forward proposals to accelerate the development of unconventional natural gas of China. The technically recoverable reserve of unconventional natural gas is 1.7 times that of conventional natural gas and its output in 2012 accounted for 41.8% of the total output in China. Chinese tight gas development has gained success, coal-bed methane development and shale gas production pilots have made important progresses. As the key feature of unconventional natural gas is "low grade", for the effective scale development, developers must build up the engineering concept of low-grade resources development, adhere to the low cost strategy, take the development route of "a step backward and then a step forward", apply such ideas and methods of engineering management as low cost dualistic integrative innovation, full control network management, economic limit theory, integrated operation and "four orientations" engineering management, establish a "two lows" engineering management system, and take reference of the successful development mode of the tight gas in Sulige and the coal-bed methane in the Qinshui basin. In order to achieve the objective of rapid development of nonconventional natural gas in China and to accelerate the development pace, the government should continue to increase support, to speed up the reform of natural gas price adjustment, to set up national comprehensive development and utilization demonstration areas, to input in sustainable technological research and to promote engineering management innovation.?  相似文献   

文章阐述了加强土木工程专业工程教育的重要性,分析了目前在工程教育中主要存在的问题,并对如何加强土木工程专业工程教育提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

当代工程观反映了当代工程科学和工程技术与社会、经济、文化、生态交叉融合、协调构建的新趋势,对于开展工程教育和培养中国现代化建设的工程人才有重要意义。文章分析了在当代学科交叉渗透的趋势下当代工程观的基本内容;探讨了传统工程教育中的存在过分强调科学理性和技术理性的问题;提出了以综合理性为主导,融合当代工程观的当代工程教育理念。  相似文献   

A combination of publication analysis and faculty interviews was employed to study four NSF‐sponsored engineering education coalitions as a case study of the recent history of engineering education. Current calls within the engineering education community for increased rigor can be understood in terms of the ways similar disciplines have emerged. In science education, for example, time was needed to develop consensus on important research questions, accepted methods, and standards of rigor. The abstracts of 700 publications listed on active engineering education coalition Web sites were analyzed over time by type of intervention, population of focus, and product. A picture consistent with other reports of coalition contributions emerged. Early focus was on freshman courses and integrating across disciplines, with teamwork, design and other active learning activities. Students and course improvement remained the dominant focus, but efforts increased over time in assessment, faculty development, and research. Interviews with coalition leaders and leading authors supplement the publication analysis and describe how coalition work helped lay the foundation for more rigorous engineering education research.  相似文献   

工程哲学是新近发展起来的有别于传统科学技术哲学的新领域。文章结合机电工程教育实践,论述了工程哲学研究的一些最新理念和进展,分析了工程哲学对工程教育的价值意蕴,并提出了将工程哲学思想引入到工程教育中的现实途径。  相似文献   

大学扩招后如何在人力物力都较为紧张的情况下搞好实验教学,必须以实验室体制改革为核心。笔者结合教学体验,从实验层次的设置、购置实验设备时应重视的问题、实验教学管理体制改革、实验人员的管理使用等几方面分析目前存在的问题。根据实际情况,提出措施与建议。  相似文献   

当前,我国正处于经济建设快速发展时期,许多重大工程相继建成并投入使用,凸现工程活动的重要地位和工程管理的巨大作用,标志着我国已经进入工程时代。工程时代呼唤工程哲学,工程建设管理活动离不开哲学思想指导,大力开展工程哲学研究既是哲学发展的必然,又是时代的迫切要求。文章在分析工程哲学的形成、发展及主要研究内容的基础上,提出了工程的哲学内涵与本质:物质性、变化性和时空性,进而对工程管理的理念、价值观、方法论、组织与创新等方面的哲学内涵进行了探讨,以促进我国工程管理理论的发展和管理水平的提高。  相似文献   

论工程管理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
在不同的学科领域,“工程"被赋予了不同的含义,工程概念可以从多个不同角度去理解。然而,在工程管理学中,工程和工程管理具有特定的科学内涵。在研究国内外工程与工程管理现状的基础上,提出了工程与工程管理的定义,并分析了工程管理和工程管理学科的特点。  相似文献   

Trade around the world has become globally interconnected. Engineers play an integral role in designing products, managing supply chains, providing services, and increasing the quality of life for people and promoting sustainable development around the globe. Engineering managers make decisions every day that will have profound impacts on international suppliers, customers, partners, consumers, and the environment. Traditional education for engineering students focuses on the technical aspects and scientific principles. Education in some countries may focus exclusively on mathematics, science, and engineering topics. The North American model incorporates a general education component into the undergraduate program of study to give students a broad appreciation of ideas ranging from art to literature to the social sciences. This paper will investigate how undergraduate engineering management programs educate their students to be able to work in international settings or in the global workplace. This initial study will concentrate on the engineering management programs that are accredited by ABET, an international organization that accredits technical programs in higher education. ABET has accredited over 3,400 programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology in 28 countries. This study will access publicly available information to determine the breadth and depth of education related to helping prepare engineering management students to work in a global marketplace. These data will be collected from the programs accredited by ABET using the “Engineering Management” program criteria, due to the public availability of this information. Initial findings will be presented, and may serve to identify opportunities for cooperation and further work.  相似文献   

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