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A new search method over (x,y,&thetas;), called position-orientation masking is introduced. It is applied to vertices that are allowed to be separated into different bands of acuteness. Position-orientation masking yields exactly one &thetas; value for each (x,y) that it considers to be the location of a possible occurrence of an object. Detailed matching of edge segments is performed at only these candidate (x,y,&thetas;) to determine if objects actually do occur there. Template matching is accelerated dramatically since the candidates comprise only a small fraction of all (x,y,&thetas;). Position-orientation masking eliminates the need for exhaustive search when deriving the candidate (x,y,&thetas;). Search is guided by correlations between template vertices and distance transforms of image vertices. When a poor correlation is encountered at a particular position and orientation, nearby positions at that orientation and nearby orientations at that position are masked out. Position and orientation traversal are by quadrant and binary decomposition  相似文献   

We describe an image representation that uniquely encodes the information in a gray-scale image, decouples the effects of illumination, reflectance, and angle of incidence, and is invariant, within a linear shift, to perspective, position, orientation, and size of arbitrary planar forms. Then we provide a theoretical basis for applying this representation to achieve invariant form recognition.  相似文献   

目的 在基于图像集的分类任务中,用SPD (symmetric positive definite)矩阵描述图像集,并考虑所得到的黎曼流形,已被证明对许多分类任务有较好的效果。但是,已有的经典分类算法大多应用于欧氏空间,无法直接应用于黎曼空间。为了将欧氏空间的分类方法应用于解决图像集的分类,综合考虑SPD流形的LEM (Log-Euclidean metric)度量和欧氏空间分类算法的特性,实现基于图像集的分类任务。方法 通过矩阵的对数映射将SPD流形上的样本点映射到切空间中,切空间中的样本点与图像集是一一对应的关系,此时,再将切空间中的样本点作为欧氏空间中稀疏表示分类算法的输入以实现图像集的分类任务。但是切空间样本的形式为对称矩阵,且维度较大,包含一定冗余信息,为了提高算法的性能和运行效率,使用NYSTRÖM METHOD和(2D)2PCA (two-directional two-dimensional PCA)两种方法来获得包含图像集的主要信息且维度更低的数据表示形式。结果 在实验中,对人脸、物体和病毒细胞3种不同的对象进行分类,并且与一些用于图像集分类的经典算法进行对比。实现结果表明,本文算法不仅具有较高的识别率,而且标准差也相对较小。在人脸数据集上,本文算法的识别率可以达到78.26%,比其他算法高出10%左右,同时,具有最小的标准差2.71。在病毒数细胞据集上,本文算法的识别率可以达到58.67%,在所有的方法中识别率最高。在物体识别的任务中,本文算法的识别率可以达到96.25%,标准差为2.12。结论 实验结果表明,与一些经典的基于图像集的分类算法对比,本文算法的识别率有较大的提高且具有较小的标准差,对多种数据集有较强的泛化能力,这充分说明了本文算法可以广泛应用于解决基于图像集的分类任务。但是,本文是通过(2D)2PCA和NYSTRÖM METHOD对切空间中样本进行降维来获得更低维度的样本,以提高算法的运行速度和性能。如何直接构建维度更低,且具有判别性的SPD流形将是下一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2003,4(2):75-85
Uncertainty representation is a major issue in pattern recognition. In many applications, the outputs of a classifier do not lead directly to a final decision, but are used in combination with other systems, or as input to an interactive decision process. In such contexts, it may be advantageous to resort to rich and flexible formalisms for representing and manipulating uncertain information. This paper addresses the issue of uncertainty representation in pattern classification, in the framework of the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence. It is shown that the quality and reliability of the outputs of a classifier may be improved using a variant of bagging, a resample-and-combine approach introduced by Breiman in a conventional statistical context. This technique is explained and studied experimentally on simulated data and on a character recognition application. In particular, results show that bagging improves classification accuracy and limits the influence of outliers and ambiguous training patterns.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a novel way for representing and computing image features encapsulated within different regions of scale-space. Employing a thermodynamical model for scale-space generation, the method derives features as those corresponding to “entropy rich” image regions where, within a given range of spatial scales, the entropy gradient remains constant. Different types of image features, defining regions of different information content, are accordingly encoded by such regions within different bands of spatial scale  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2003,4(3):235-236
This addendum contains experimental results that were meant to be added to the revised paper but were accidentally dropped from the published paper. This section should have appeared following Section 6 (Results with Learning). The corresponding author takes upon himself the full responsibility for this omission.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient method for the segmentation and representation of 3D rigid, solid objects from its range images using differential invariants derived from classical differential geometry. An efficient algorithm for derivation of surface curvatures, which are affine invariants, at smooth surface patches is proposed. The surface is approximated by Bezier and Beta-splines to compare qualitatively the proposed segmentation scheme. This scheme leads to derivation of surface features, which provides a very robust surface segmentation. An integrated approach represents the surface in terms of plane, quadric and superquadric surface.Experiments show excellent performance and together with the inherent parallelism make the scheme a promising one. Present experiments were conducted on some real range images where most of the parts of the object are planar.  相似文献   

The ability to quickly locate one or more instances of a model in a grey scale image is of importance to industry. The recognition/localization must be fast and accurate. In this paper we present an algorithm which incorporates normalized correlation into a pyramid image representation structure to perform fast recognition and localization. The algorithm employs an estimate of the gradient of the correlation surface to perform a steepest descent search. Test results are given detailing search time by target size, effect of rotation and scale changes on performance, and accuracy of the subpixel localization algorithm used in the algorithm. Finally, results are given for searches on real images with perspective distortion and the addition of Gaussian noise.  相似文献   

In this paper, the first stage of studies concerning the computer analysis of hand X-ray digital images is described. The images are preprocessed and then skeletization of the fingers is carried out. Then, the interphapangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints are detected and contoured. Joint widths are also measured. The obtained results largely concur with those obtained by other authors—see Beier et al. [Segmentation of medical images combining local, regional, global, and hierarchical distances into a bottom-up region merging scheme, Proc. SPIE 5747 (2005) 546-555], Klooster et al. [Automatic quantification of osteoarthritis in hand radiographs: validation of a new method to measure joint space width, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 16 (1) (2008) 18-25], Ogiela et al. [Image languages in intelligent radiological palm diagnostics, Pattern Recognition 39 (2006) 2157-2165] and Ogiela and Tadeusiewicz [Picture languages in automatic radiological palm interpretation, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 15 (2) (2005) 305-312].  相似文献   

A new approach for the template image matching is being presented. The method first converts the image into edges, then, the vital information of these edges has been presented as a set of vectors in a four dimensional hyper-space. A modified Radon Transform has been proposed to facilitate this vectorization process. All the above processing is being done offline for the main image of the area. The template image has also been vectorized in a same fashion in real time which is to be matched with the main image. A vector matching algorithm has been proposed to deliver match location with a very low computational cost. It works for a wide range of template scaling and noise conditions which were not there in the previous algorithms found in the literature.  相似文献   

In image analysis, the concept of similarity has been widely explored and various measures of similarity, or of distance, have been proposed that yield a quantitative evaluation. There are cases, however, in which the evaluation of similarity should reproduce the judgment of a human observer based mainly on qualitative and, possibly, subjective appraisal of perceptual features. This process is best modeled as a cognitive process based on knowledge structures and inference strategies, able to incorporate the human reasoning mechanisms and to handle their inherent uncertainties. This articlea proposes a general strategy for similarity evaluation in image analysis considered as a cognitive process. A salient aspect is the use of fuzzy logic propositions to represent knowledge structures, and fuzzy reasoning to model inference mechanisms. Specific similarity evaluation procedures are presented that demonstrate how the same general strategy can be applied to different image analysis problems. © 1993 John Wily & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Degraded image analysis: an invariant approach   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Analysis and interpretation of an image which was acquired by a nonideal imaging system is the key problem in many application areas. The observed image is usually corrupted by blurring, spatial degradations, and random noise. Classical methods like blind deconvolution try to estimate the blur parameters and to restore the image. We propose an alternative approach. We derive the features for image representation which are invariant with respect to blur regardless of the degradation PSF provided that it is centrally symmetric. As we prove in the paper, there exist two classes of such features: the first one in the spatial domain and the second one in the frequency domain. We also derive so-called combined invariants, which are invariant to composite geometric and blur degradations. Knowing these features, we can recognize objects in the degraded scene without any restoration  相似文献   

A new approach to image segmentation is presented using a variation framework. Regarding the edge points as interpolating points and minimizing an energy functional to interpolate a smooth threshold surface it carries out the image segmentation. In order to preserve the edge information of the original image in the threshold surface, without unduly sharping the edge of the image, a non-convex energy functional is adopted. A relaxation algorithm with the property of global convergence, for solving the optimization problem, is proposed by introducing a binary energy. As a result the non-convex optimization problem is transformed into a series of convex optimization problems, and the problem of slow convergence or nonconvergence is solved. The presented method is also tested experimentally. Finally the method of determining the parameters in optimizing is also explored.  相似文献   

Fast and accurate analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images for signal counting will depend mainly upon two components: a classifier to discriminate between artifacts and valid signals of several fluorophores (colors), and well discriminating features to represent the signals. Our previous work (2001) has focused on the first component. To investigate the second component, we evaluate candidate feature sets by illustrating the probability density functions and scatter plots for the features. The analysis provides first insight into dependencies between features, indicates the relative importance of members of a feature set, and helps in identifying sources of potential classification errors. Class separability yielded by different feature subsets is evaluated using the accuracy of several neural network-based classification strategies, some of them hierarchical, as well as using a feature selection technique making use of a scatter criterion. Although applied to cytogenetics, the paper presents a comprehensive, unifying methodology of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of pattern feature representation essential for accurate image classification. This methodology is applicable to many other real-world pattern recognition problems  相似文献   

Dornaika  F.  Khoder  A.  Moujahid  A.  Khoder  W. 《Neural computing & applications》2022,34(19):16879-16895
Neural Computing and Applications - The performance of machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms generally depends on data representation. That is why, much of the current effort in...  相似文献   

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