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T cell line-tropic (T-tropic) HIV type 1 strains enter cells by interacting with the cell-surface molecules CD4 and CXCR4. We have generated transgenic mice predominantly expressing human CD4 and CXCR4 on their CD4-positive T lymphocytes (CD4+ T cells). Their primary thymocytes are susceptible to T-tropic but not to macrophage-tropic HIV-1 infection in vitro, albeit with a viral antigen production less efficient than human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Interestingly, even without HIV infection, transgenic mice display a CD4+ T cell depletion profile of peripheral blood reminiscent of that seen in AIDS patients. We demonstrate that CD4+ T cell trafficking in transgenic mice is biased toward bone marrow essentially due to CXCR4 overexpression, resulting in the severe loss of CD4+ T cells from circulating blood. Our data suggest that CXCR4 plays an important role in lymphocyte trafficking through tissues, especially between peripheral blood and bone marrow, participating in the regulation of lymphocyte homeostasis in these compartments. Based on these findings, we propose a hypothetical model in which the dual function of CXCR4 in HIV-1 infection and in lymphocyte trafficking may cooperatively induce progressive HIV-1 infection and CD4+ T cell decline in patients.  相似文献   

Virus-specific CD4+ T helper lymphocytes are critical to the maintenance of effective immunity in a number of chronic viral infections, but are characteristically undetectable in chronic human immunodeficiency virus-type 1 (HIV-1) infection. In individuals who control viremia in the absence of antiviral therapy, polyclonal, persistent, and vigorous HIV-1-specific CD4+ T cell proliferative responses were present, resulting in the elaboration of interferon-gamma and antiviral beta chemokines. In persons with chronic infection, HIV-1-specific proliferative responses to p24 were inversely related to viral load. Strong HIV-1-specific proliferative responses were also detected following treatment of acutely infected persons with potent antiviral therapy. The HIV-1-specific helper cells are likely to be important in immunotherapeutic interventions and vaccine development.  相似文献   

Effective long-term antiviral immunity requires specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and CD4(+) T lymphocyte help. Failure of these helper responses can be a principle cause of viral persistence. We sought evidence that variation in HIV-1 CD4(+) T helper epitopes might contribute to this phenomenon. To determine this, we assayed fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 43 asymptomatic HIV-1(+) patients for proliferative responses to HIV-1 antigens. 12 (28%) showed a positive response, and we went on to map dominant epitopes in two individuals, to p24 Gag restricted by human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR1 and to p17 Gag restricted by HLA-DRB52c. Nine naturally occurring variants of the p24 Gag epitope were found in the proviral DNA of the individual in whom this response was detected. All variants bound to HLA-DR1, but three of these peptides failed to stimulate a CD4(+) T lymphocyte line which recognized the index sequence. Antigenic variation was also detected in the p17 Gag epitope; a dominant viral variant present in the patient was well recognized by a specific CD4(+) T lymphocyte line, whereas several natural mutants were not. Importantly, variants detected at both epitopes also failed to stimulate fresh uncultured cells while index peptide stimulated successfully. These results demonstrate that variant antigens arise in HIV-1(+) patients which fail to stimulate the T cell antigen receptor of HLA class II-restricted lymphocytes, although the peptide epitopes are capable of being presented on the cell surface. In HIV-1 infection, naturally occurring HLA class II-restricted altered peptide ligands that fail to stimulate the circulating T lymphocyte repertoire may curtail helper responses at sites where variant viruses predominate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether racial differences exist in the rate of CD4 lymphocyte decline in HIV-1-infected homosexual men. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. STUDY POPULATION: Non-Hispanic white (n = 321) and black (n = 102) HIV-1-seropositive homosexual and bisexual men were recruited from the Baltimore/Washington, DC metropolitan areas between 1984-1985 and 1987-1990, and evaluated semiannually. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Changes in CD4 lymphocyte count and CD4 percentage over time were analysed using linear regression methods for the 271 white and 69 black participants who had at least four semiannual CD4 lymphocyte measurements. RESULTS: Rate of decline in CD4 lymphocyte count over 6 months was much slower among black than white seroprevalent men at all levels of baseline CD4 count (baseline 201-400 x 10(6)/l: + 0.24 versus -17.7 x 10(6)/l; 401-600 x 10(6)/l: -11.3 versus -23.9 x 10(6)/l; 601-800 x 10(6)/l: -15.1 versus -35.2 x 10(6)/l; > 800 x 10(6)/l: -4.3 versus -42.7 x 10(6)/l for black versus white, respectively), although this was only statistically significant for the lowest and highest strata of baseline CD4 count. These racial differences persisted after adjustment for recruitment period (1984-1985 or 1987-1990), follow-up duration, age and zidovudine therapy or Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia prophylaxis. Similar findings were observed among the 70 white and 11 black seroconverters. Black participants were also less likely than a subgroup of white participants matched on baseline CD4 lymphocyte count to be HIV-1 p24 antigen-positive. However, after acid dissociation of samples initially p24 antigen-negative, there were no significant differences in the prevalence of p24 antigenemia at enrollment or after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggests a more gradual decline in CD4 lymphocyte count among black than white Americans. The clinical significance of and reasons for this are unclear, but the lower prevalence of p24 antigenemia due to immune complexing among black Americans suggests that racial differences in the immune response to HIV may exist. Additional studies are needed to validate these findings in a larger cohort of non-whites, and to assess their relationship with other measures of cell-mediated immune function.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that the pathogenesis of HIV-1 is different from that of HIV-2. Thus, we have measured, longitudinally at various times over a median follow-up of 2.1 years, the percentage CD4+ cells of 94 patients infected with HIV-1 and 164 patients infected with HIV-2. The pattern of decline of CD4% over time was linear for patients with either infection. Multilevel statistical modeling techniques showed that after stratifying for HIV status, the rate of decline of CD4% was faster among patients who died than among those who survived (difference in rate of decline = 2.34% CD4+ cells/year; p = 0.0002). After stratifying for survival status, the rate of decline was faster and less variable among patients infected with HIV-1 than among patients infected with HIV-2 (difference in rate of decline = 1.12% CD4+ cells/year; p = 0.05). The proportion of patients who showed no fall in CD4+ cells was higher in HIV-2 than in HIV-1 infection (p = 0.026). These data suggest fundamental differences between the two infections, with HIV-1 being more pathogenic resulting in a faster and more homogeneous rate of decline than HIV-2. In HIV-2 infection, disease in many patients progresses slowly, but in some the advance is just as fast as that in HIV-1 infection. The reasons for this marked heterogeneity need elucidation to understand the disease and to target therapeutic interventions against HIV-2 in those most at risk.  相似文献   

gamma-Sarcoglycan is a transmembrane, dystrophin-associated protein expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscle. The murine gamma-sarcoglycan gene was disrupted using homologous recombination. Mice lacking gamma-sarcoglycan showed pronounced dystrophic muscle changes in early life. By 20 wk of age, these mice developed cardiomyopathy and died prematurely. The loss of gamma-sarcoglycan produced secondary reduction of beta- and delta-sarcoglycan with partial retention of alpha- and epsilon-sarcoglycan, suggesting that beta-, gamma-, and delta-sarcoglycan function as a unit. Importantly, mice lacking gamma-sarco- glycan showed normal dystrophin content and local- ization, demonstrating that myofiber degeneration occurred independently of dystrophin alteration. Furthermore, beta-dystroglycan and laminin were left intact, implying that the dystrophin-dystroglycan-laminin mechanical link was unaffected by sarcoglycan deficiency. Apoptotic myonuclei were abundant in skeletal muscle lacking gamma-sarcoglycan, suggesting that programmed cell death contributes to myofiber degeneration. Vital staining with Evans blue dye revealed that muscle lacking gamma-sarcoglycan developed membrane disruptions like those seen in dystrophin-deficient muscle. Our data demonstrate that sarcoglycan loss was sufficient, and that dystrophin loss was not necessary to cause membrane defects and apoptosis. As a common molecular feature in a variety of muscular dystrophies, sarcoglycan loss is a likely mediator of pathology.  相似文献   

Potent combinations of antiretroviral drugs diminish the turnover of CD4+ T lymphocytes productively infected with HIV-1 and reduce the large pool of virions deposited in lymphoid tissue (LT). To determine to what extent suppression of viral replication and reduction in viral antigens in LT might lead correspondingly to repopulation of the immune system, we characterized CD4+ T lymphocyte populations in LT in which we previously had quantitated viral load and turnover of infected cells before and after treatment. We directly measured by quantitative image analysis changes in total CD4+ T cell counts, the CD45RA+ subset, and fractions of proliferating or apoptotic CD4+ T cells. Compared with normal controls, we documented decreased numbers of CD4+ T cells and increased proliferation and apoptosis. After treatment, proliferation returned to normal levels, and total CD4+ T and CD45RA+ cells increased. We discuss the effects of HIV-1 on this subset based on the concept that renewal mechanisms in the adult are operating at full capacity before infection and cannot meet the additional demand imposed by the loss of productively infected cells. The slow increases in the CD45RA+ CD4+ T cells are consistent with the optimistic conclusions that (i) renewal mechanisms have not been damaged irreparably even at relatively advanced stages of infection and (ii) CD4+ T cell populations can be partially restored by control of active replication without eradication of HIV-1.  相似文献   

The human chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 have emerged as the predominant cofactors, along with CD4, for cellular entry of HIV-1 in vivo whereas the contribution of other chemokine receptors to HIV disease has not been yet determined. CCR5-specific (R5) viruses predominate during primary HIV-1 infection whereas viruses with specificity for CXCR4 (R5/X4 or X4 viruses) often emerge in late stages of HIV disease. The evolution of X4 viruses is associated with a rapid decline in CD4+ T cells, although a causative relationship between viral tropism and CD4+ T cell depletion has not yet been proven. To rigorously test this relationship, we assessed CD4+ T cell depletion in suspensions of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in explants of human lymphoid tissue on exposure to paired viruses that are genetically identical (isogenic) except for select envelope determinants specifying reciprocal tropism for CXCR4 or CCR5. In both systems, X4 HIV-1 massively depleted CD4+ lymphocytes whereas matched R5 viruses depleted such cells only mildly despite comparable viral replication kinetics. These findings demonstrate that the coreceptor specificities of HIV-1 are a causal factor in CD4+ T cell depletion ex vivo and strongly support the hypothesis that the evolution of viral envelope leading to usage of CXCR4 in vivo accelerates loss of CD4+ T cells, causing immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

We previously constructed a simian immunodeficiency virus+human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) chimeric virus, NM-3rN to generate a pathogenic HIV-1 in macaque monkeys. During the in vivo passage of this virus in several monkeys, a viral strain, R43-56 was obtained which acquired a better replication ability in vivo. MM121, one of the three monkeys inoculated with the R43-56, showed weight loss, diarrhea and a rapid and continuous decrease in CD4+ lymphocytes at the moribund stage. An autopsy revealed generalized lymphadenopathy, dehydration, and ileocecal intussusception. In situ hybridization showed that the virus infection was in systemic lymphoid organs. We are presently monitoring the survivors to obtain candidates for a more virulent virus. R43-56 may be a better challenge virus and useful tool for human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome research.  相似文献   

Lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells are capable of killing not only malignant cells but also hyphal form of Candida albicans in vitro. When peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from normal healthy donors were cultured for 72-96 hrs with 1,500 international unit (IU)/ml interleukin-2 (IL-2), marked LAK activity was induced. However, even prior to IL-2 activation, PBMC isolated from some normal subjects and those from almost all individuals who are infected by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) exhibited significant levels of anti-fungal activity. Such pre-activation ("in situ") antifungal activity of PBMC decreased during the initial 48 hrs of IL-2 activation. PBMC from HIV-1 seropositive subjects showed higher levels of "in situ" anti-fungal activity than normal PBMC did. After a decline of "in situ" activity during the initial 48 hours, LAK activity gradually increased and reached near maximal levels by day 4 and remained more or less constant until day 6. No significant difference was observed between the LAK activity of normal and HIV-1(+) PBMCs on days 4-6. In IL-2 activated normal and HIV-1(+) PBMC cultures, both CD4 and CD8 T cells produced IL-2, INF-gamma as well as TNF-alpha. Production of IL-2 by both CD4 and CD8 T cells was suppressed in HIV-1(+) PBMC cultures, but no significant suppression of INF-gamma production was noted. Meanwhile, TNF-alpha production by CD4 was very much suppressed but no significant changes in TNF-alpha production by CD8 T cells was noted in HIV-1(+) PBMC cultures.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which HIV-1 induces CD4(+) T cell death is not known. A fundamental issue is whether HIV-1 primarily induces direct killing of infected cells or indirectly causes death of uninfected bystander cells. This question was studied using a reporter virus system in which infected cells are marked with the cell surface protein placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP). Infection by HIV-PLAP of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and T cell lines leads to rapid depletion of CD4(+) T cells and induction of apoptosis. The great majority of HIV-induced T cell death in vitro involves direct loss of infected cells rather than indirect effects on uninfected bystander cells. Because of its proposed role in HIV-induced cell death, we also examined the Fas (CD95/Apo1) pathway in killing of T cells by HIV-1. Infected PBMCs or CEM cells display no increase in surface Fas relative to uninfected cells. In addition, HIV-1 kills CEM and Jurkat T cells in the presence of a caspase inhibitor that completely blocks Fas-mediated apoptosis. HIV-1 also depletes CD4+ T cells in PBMCs from patients who have a genetically defective Fas pathway. These results suggest that HIV-1 induces direct apoptosis of infected cells and kills T cells by a Fas-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The vast majority of in vitro experiments testing the cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) activity in HIV infection has been performed with target cells consisting of autologous EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCLs) expressing Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) proteins. However data concerning the lysis of primary CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing HIV-1 antigens by CTLs is still lacking. To study the CTL activity against such primary targets, we used a system involving PBMCs of an HIV+ asymptomatic patient (PT) as effector cells and the CD4+ lymphocytes or B-LCLs of his healthy HLA-identical twin brother (HTW) as target cells. These syngeneic targets were either infected with recombinant vaccinia virus containing HIV-1 gag gene (gag-vac), or coated with HIV-1 gag peptides. We demonstrate in this study that PT CTLs (which were CD3+, CD4-, CD8+, TCRalphabeta+, TCRgammadelta-, CD56-) specifically lysed both types of syngeneic target cells expressing gag-vac; however, CD4+ T cells expressing HIV gag proteins were lysed less efficiently than B-LCLs expressing the same HIV epitopes. On the other hand, no specific lysis was detected when the target cells were uninfected or infected by wild-type vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

In rats, the septo-hippocampal system is important for memory encoding. Previous reports indicate that muscimol, a specific GABAergic agonist induces learning and memory deficits when infused into the medial septal area. The basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) modulates memory encoding in other brain areas, including the hippocampus. To explore the interactions between the septo-hippocampal system and amygdala in memory, we studied the effects of intra-medial septal infusions of muscimol in rats with BLA lesions. Animals received sham surgery or excitotoxic BLA lesions and were given infusions of either vehicle or muscimol (5 nmol) into the medial septal area 5 min prior to training sessions in inhibitory avoidance and water maze tasks. In the inhibitory avoidance task, muscimol-induced memory impairment was potentiated by BLA amygdala lesions. Additionally, in the water maze task, BLA-lesioned rats given muscimol infusions into the medial septal also showed memory impairment. These findings indicate that the MSA interacts with the BLA in the processing of memory storage.  相似文献   

We observed 36 HIV-infected patients to evaluate whether the presence of tandem 2-long terminal repeat circular unintegrated HIV-1 DNA (2-LTR) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) at baseline was associated with acceleration of HIV disease. Detection of 2-LTR at baseline correlated with high plasma HIV-1 RNA levels (p < .01), recovery of culturable HIV-1 from plasma (p = .02), and progression to AIDS during follow-up (p = .01). More patients with 2-LTR (68%) than without 2-LTR (31%) had a decline in CD4 levels of >50 cells/mm3 over the first 18 months of follow-up (p = .04), and the average annual CD4 decline was 35% in patients with 2-LTR compared with 16% in those without 2-LTR (p = 0.06). Detection of 2-LTR in PBMC at baseline was an independent predictor of high plasma HIV-1 RNA levels and subsequent CD4 cell decline in this cohort of patients with predominantly nonsyncytium-inducing (NSI) isolates at baseline. The presence of 2-LTR in PBMC appears to be reflective of ongoing HIV-1 replication, as measured by plasma HIV-1 RNA levels, and identifies persons at risk for immunologic and clinical decline.  相似文献   

For type-C and lentiviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the pathway of virus assembly remains poorly defined, and the assembly and budding of capsids are believed to occur simultaneously at the plasma membrane of the infected cell. We have now identified two putative HIV-1 assembly intermediate complexes in infected CD4+ T cells. The first of these intermediates, a detergent-resistant complex (DRC), was identified as a large oligomer that had a density of 1.10-1.13 g/ml and was primarily composed of Pr55Gag and Pr160Gag-Pol precursors. The other putative intermediate was a detergent-sensitive complex (DSC) with a density of 1.15-1.17 g/ml, which apparently represented the products of extensive proteolytic processing of both the Pr55Gag and Pr160Gag-Pol precursors. Both complexes could be distinguished from released mature virions as well as immature viral particles. Surprisingly, the formation of DRC was not dependent upon the myristylation at the N-terminus of the Gag proteins, a signal required for plasma membrane targeting and virus production. However, the myristic acid modification was essential for the formation of DSC. These data suggest that interactions between individual Gag molecules and between Gag and Gag-Pol precursors may occur before their targeting to the plasma membrane during HIV-1 assembly. However, formation of the late virus assembly complex and productive processing of Pr55Gag and Pr160Gag-Pol precursors apparently do not occur until these precursors are targeted to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The hepatic transport of the immunosuppressive Cyclosporin A (CyA) was studied using liposomal phospholipid membranes, freshly isolated rat hepatocytes and bile canalicular plasma membrane vesicles from rat liver. The Na(+)-dependent, saturable uptake of the bile acid 3H-taurocholate into isolated rat liver cells was apparently competitively inhibited by CyA. However, the uptake of CyA into the cells was neither saturable, nor temperature-dependent nor Na(+)-dependent, nor could it be inhibited by bile salts or CyA-derivatives, indicating passive diffusion. In steady state depolarization fluorescence studies, CyA caused a concentration-dependent decrease of anisotropy, indicating a membrane fluidizing effect. Ion flux experiments demonstrated that CyA dramatically increases the permeability of Na+ and Ca2+ across phospholipid membranes in a dose- and time-dependent manner, suggesting a iontophoretic activity that might have a direct impact on cellular ion homeostasis and regulation of bile acid uptake. Photoaffinity labeling with a [3H]-labeled photolabile CyA-derivative resulted in the predominant incorporation of radioactivity into a membrane polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 160,000 and a minor labeling of polypeptides with molecular weights of 85,000-90,000. In contrast, use of a photolabile bile acid resulted in the labeling of a membrane polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 110,000, representing the bile canalicular bile acid carrier. The photoaffinity labeling as well as CyA transport by canalicular membrane vesicles were inhibited by CyA and the p-glycoprotein substrates daunomycin and PSC-833, but not by taurocholate, indicating that CyA is excreted by p-glycoprotein. CyA uptake by bile canalicular membrane vesicles was ATP-dependent and could not be inhibited by taurocholate. CyA caused a decrease in the maximum amount of bile salt accumulated by the vesicles with time. However, initial rates of [3H]-taurocholate uptake within the first 2.5 min remained unchanged at increasing CyA concentrations. In summary, the data indicate that CyA does not directly interact with the hepatic bile acid transport systems. Its cholestatic action may rather be the result of alterations in membrane fluidity, intracellular effects and an interaction with p-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The mechanism of protective immunity and immunologic resistance against intracellular pathogens is believed to involve the activation of Ag-specific T cells. The T cells involved in protection/resistance to Leishmania can be studied using localized American cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) as a model, because the disease is often self-healing. Our study was undertaken to identify specific T cell populations that had accumulated in LCL lesions on the basis of TCR V beta gene usage. RNA was derived from skin lesions and blood of eight LCL patients, as well as from purified CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from the lesions and blood of three patients. After synthesis of cDNA, V beta gene usage was assessed by polymerase chain reaction. In all eight patients, several V beta gene families were overrepresented in lesions compared to blood. More importantly, the TCR V beta repertoires of both lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets were skewed compared to the repertoire of the respective subsets in the blood of the same donor. The overrepresented V beta s in the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from lesions were in most instances disparate, particularly with the V beta 6 TCR skewed in the lesional CD8+ subset. Not only were the TCR repertoires of the overrepresented V beta in the lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets generally distinct, but the cytokine mRNA expressed by these subsets were also discrete. Strikingly, the CD4+ subset was characterized by IFN-gamma mRNA expression and the CD8+ subset by IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA expression. These data indicate that the pathogenesis of human leishmaniasis may be explained by the balance of CD4+ type 1 and CD8+ type 2 T cells, which probably recognize distinct sets of Ag.  相似文献   

Here we report that synthetic HIV-1 Tat protein, immobilized on a solid substrate, up-regulates the surface expression of the CXC-chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), but not of the CC-chemokine receptor 5 in purified populations of primary resting CD4+ T cells. The Tat-mediated increase of CXCR4 occurred in a well-defined range of concentrations (1-10 nM of immobilized Tat) and time period (4-8 h postincubation). Moreover, the increase of CXCR4 was accompanied by an increased entry of the HXB2 T cell line-tropic (X4-tropic), but not of the BaL macrophage-tropic strain of HIV-1. The ability of Tat to up-regulate CXCR4 expression was abrogated by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, clearly indicating the requirement of de novo synthesis. As Tat protein is actively released by HIV-1 infected cells, our data indicate a potentially important role for extracellular Tat in rendering bystander CD4+ T cells more susceptible to infection with X4-tropic HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

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