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介绍了绿石泥的性质,并对绿石泥对传统洁面剂在清洁皮肤和护肤滋润方面的影响进行了人体研究。结果表明,绿石泥能有效提高传统洁面剂的清洁能力,并可以提高产品使用后的肤感。同时以皂类沽面剂为例,测试了绿石泥对沽面剂对皮肤刺激性的影响。结果表明,添加3%以下的绿石泥可以降低洁面剂对皮肤的刺激性,说明绿石泥是一种性价比高的洁肤用添加剂。  相似文献   

利用废茶制备洁面用品的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶叶中含有茶多酚、氨基酸、茶碱等护扶和洁肤成分,将茶提取液添加到洁面用品中,使洁面用品既具有洁肤效果,又有护肤作用,可改善洁面用品的使用感觉,提高洁面作品的品质,符合化妆品的发展方向。通过实验,成功研制了多种性能良好、价格较低的含茶提取液洁面用品,为我国废茶的综合利用提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

茶叶中含有茶多酚、氨基酸、茶碱等护肤和洁肤成分 ,将茶提取液添加到洁面用品中 ,使洁面用品既具有洁肤效果 ,又有护肤作用 ,可改善洁面用品的使用感觉 ,提高洁面用品的品质 ,符合化妆品的发展方向。通过实验 ,成功研制了多种性能良好、价格较低的含茶提取液洁面用品 ,为我国废茶的综合利用提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   

如果有一种产品将国际上的最新技术以及无污染的工艺流程运用到生产的全过程之中;将天然植物香薰概念运用在洁肤产品中;集洁面、沐浴、香体三种功效为一身,你是不是觉得神奇而遥远。现在,这种全新的清洁沐浴产品——由深圳盈嘉日用化工有限公司荣誉出品的香薰洁肤甘油晶就出现在了我们面前。  相似文献   

男性皮肤通常皮脂分泌旺盛、毛孔较粗、角质层较厚,护理肌肤应针对这些特点进行,关键在于均衡油脂分泌,清洁及收敛毛孔。双重洁面一是“油洗”:选择适合自己的油性洁肤霜,清洁时加入按摩方法,要以旋转的方法,由下而上,由内往外打螺旋,尤其在毛孔粗大的部位,做稍微深层一点的按摩,诱出油脂,清除脏皮屑,再用湿纸巾擦去,或用水清洗。二是“水洗”:洁面剂越温和越好,低刺激性、偏中性或弱酸性是最基本的条件,但要具有油性肌肤所需要的杀菌、消炎、收敛效果。  相似文献   

本发明公开了一种含有黄腐酸的洁肤组合物,其黄腐酸的有效含量为组合物总质量的0.5%~5%,且该黄腐酸成分以黄腐酸脂质体形式存在,该脂质体为以卵磷脂为壁材对黄腐酸进行脂质包埋的产物,黄腐酸与卵磷脂的质量比为1:3~5。用本发明的组合物可制成各类个人卫生用品,如浴剂、洗手液等,不仅具有清洁护肤、保健的功效,而且通过脂质体的形式实现了在黄腐酸的有效添加量下产品的外观色泽能为使用者所接受,从而使黄腐酸能够在洁肤用品行业中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

洁面是面部肌肤护理的重要环节之一。洁面产品是利用表面活性剂降低污垢的表面张力,通过润湿、分散、发泡、乳化等作用达到清洁的目的。洁面产品按剂型可分为膏霜剂、泡沫剂、凝胶剂、固体粉剂等。膏霜剂、凝胶剂、固体粉剂三种剂型使用时需要预先在手部揉搓至泡沫产生,泡沫剂的使用相对便利,避免了使用时局部表活浓度过高所带来的刺激,现在已获得越来越多消费者的认可。  相似文献   

<正>从成分和配方角度来说,氨基酸洁面产品是以酰基氨基酸盐作为主表面活性剂的清洁产品。近些年氨基酸概念的洁面产品炒得比较热,原因在于它在清洁力和安全性间达到比较好的平衡。一款洁面产品的评价标准是"净而不干",和脂肪酸盐成分(皂基)的洗面奶相比,氨基酸洁面产品清洁力虽略低一点,但温和性和刺激性远远优于皂基产品,可与专门针对敏感性肤质的温和洗面奶相媲美且清洁力更好。总而言之,氨基酸  相似文献   

中国专利   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红泥塑胶及其产品的制造方法一种红泥塑胶品的制造方法,它是将新的PVC塑胶粉与PVC废料与高岭土、红泥、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯或二次可塑剂与安定剂等按一定的配比进行预混合后再用高速搅拌机于80~110℃的温度下搅拌使其胶化;然后用塑胶制颗粒机在110~170℃温度下造粒;再经射压成型机将上述之颗粒于140~210℃温度下制成各  相似文献   

随着温度的升高,毛孔也逐渐显形。毛孔粗大的直接后果就是觉得面部粗糙,没过几年,她进入熟龄的干性肌肤就皱纹毕现,往日的平滑细致不复存在了。缩小毛孔刻不容缓,让我们学习一下如何让毛孔隐形吧。NO.1青春型毛孔*解决方法:对于这种毛孔来说.最重要的是清洁。用磨砂洁肤膏把毛孔深处的油脂和化妆品残留物轻轻地擦净.毛孔大的部位要更细心地擦拭。*毛孔护理TIPs:每次洁面后,将化妆棉在冰过的化妆水中沾湿,敷在脸颊两侧或鼻部毛孔粗大的地方,可以起到不错的收敛效果。也可以在晚上睡觉前,把干净的专用小毛巾放在冰箱里,洗完脸  相似文献   

介绍了3种用于人体皮肤清洁用品的二氧化硅粒子。对二氧化硅粒子的控制分解技术及其性能与临床试验进行了介绍。指出控制二氧化硅粒子可以给皮肤提供洁净的功效,且尽可能减少摩擦,其洁净功能比其他普通的粒子材料更强,是一种极好的化妆品原料。  相似文献   

介绍了市场上的一些护肤品、卸妆油、凝胶和洗面奶等知名品牌,从产品的成分进行分析,为消费者提供一个选择性参考。同时,为了让更多的消费者深入了解这些品牌产品,从产品功效性、安全性以及产品附加值方面做了简要分析。  相似文献   

Surfactants are commonly used in personal-care products to increase cleansing performance and to create pleasing foam. However, surfactants can also damage the skin by removing skin lipids and causing corneocytes to swell, resulting in increased skin roughness and transepidermal water loss. Newly established methods help to quantify these effects in controlled consumer studies. In addition, in vitro experiments with skin cell cultures show the potential inflammatory action of surfactants, which in the in vivo situation may provoke skin irritation. These detrimental effects are even enhanced by frequent treatment with surfactant-based personal-care products. Together with the use of mild surfactant combinations, the addition of surfactant-compatible lipid compounds has proved a convenient way of not only counteracting the negative side effects of surfactants but also exerting positive skin effects. In a controlled consumer study, analysis of skin lipids after skin cleansing revealed the lipid-layer strengthening efficacy of lipid/surfactant mixtures that can be solubilized in the personal-care formulation or disperses as waxy particles. As a result, skin roughness after cleansing treatment, as measured by fast optical in vivo topometry of the skin, is improved, and consumers perceive that their skin is smooth and cared for.  相似文献   

The facial cleansing products segment has grown over the years and most surfactant-based systems do not retain many of the active ingredients on the skin. Development of a positively charged vesicle as the delivery vehicle for personal cleansing products is based on the negatively charged nature of the skin surface. Chitosan has the potential to be used as a vesicle to encapsulate active ingredients and can be used in facial formulations that are based on amphoteric surfactant with or without the addition of nonionic surfactant. This review briefly summarizes the potential of chitosan nanoparticles as the delivery system in facial cleansing formulations.  相似文献   

冯莉 《中国陶瓷》2007,43(8):66-67
将陶艺语言引进传统面具装饰。陶土和颜色釉的大胆运用,改变了传统面具的材料结构,拓宽了面具的表现形式。陶的粗犷朴实与色釉的细腻光泽质地所形成的对比,使陶艺面具既传统又现代;面具的文化内涵逐渐从宗教、祭祀向娱乐、世俗的方面变化,让古老的面具艺术充满活力,焕发青春。在表现手法上,在使用陶土、颜色釉制作面具的同时,引进了陶艺创作中的"综合装饰"手法,运用刻划、施釉、肌理等语汇,相互结合,综合装饰,作品引人注目,别具一格。  相似文献   

Secondary Alkanesulfonate – Properties and Applications in Cosmetic Preparation Large amounts of secondary alkanesulfonate are used since several years in the production of cleansing and washing agents. Laboratory and practical tests have shown that this new surfactant, produced commercially, can be used in cosmetic preparations as well. Secondary alkanesulfonate in combination with other surfactants such as alkylethersulfates, exhibit special properties when used for the production of cleansing agents for hair and skin. Further interesting effects are achieved by incorporating secondary alkanesulfonate into soaps and emulsifier mixtures. The commercial production of secondary alkanesulfonate by a continuous process is described briefly. A prognosis on the future market for cosmetic body cleansing agents is given.  相似文献   

针对口腔疾病造成越来越多人嫩出现牙列不完整,佩戴活动义齿颗数逐渐增多,义齿清洁问题日益受到人们重视,成功研制了清洁活动义齿泡腾片。文中还详细了该清洁片剂的原料 组成、各原料的功能以及生产工艺简述等配方研究过程。半成品经过医院作临床试用试验,临床试验报告表明:使用一定量的研制产品,能够迅速清除活动义齿上的牙垢沉积物、茶渍烟渍,增加义齿表面光洁度,杀菌除味。  相似文献   

Adsorption of organic cations on several clay minerals is reviewed with an emphasis on the effect of ionic strength and modeling. The clay exchanged with suitable organic cations forms a basis for ecologically acceptable formulations of herbicides with reduced leaching, ground water contamination and enhanced weed control efficacy. Incomplete neutralization of the clay surface charge by an organic cation may be advantageous in achieving maximal adsorption of hydrophobic herbicides. One conclusion from these studies is that optimization of clay-based herbicide formulations requires a selection of structurally compatible organic cations preadsorbed on the clay at optimal coverage. New experimental results are presented for alachlor formulations, which significantly reduce herbicide leaching under conditions of heavy irrigation. We were able to demonstrate that organo-clay formulations of alachlor and metolachlor can increase crop yields in a 1-year field experiment. The photostabilization of pesticides is reviewed and improved organo-clay formulations of the herbicides trifluralin and norflurazon are described. A pillared clay, nanocomposite micro- and/or meso porous material, was effective in reducing leaching and in conferring photostabilization, without added organic cations.  相似文献   

指出了新的聚合物和聚合系统继续引导着皮肤护理技术的革新,综述了一些诸如自动加热配方、硅对皮肤的感觉、增稠剂、流变改性剂、清洁剂、擦拭剂、洗面奶、保湿霜、防腐配方、聚合抗菌剂和紫外吸收聚合物等化妆品配方师感兴趣的配方组分。  相似文献   

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