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Sorption of oxytetracycline to iron oxides and iron oxide-rich soils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sorption interactions of oxytetracycline with goethite, hematite, and two iron oxide-rich soils were investigated using batch sorption experiments. Oxytetracycline sorption coefficients for goethite and hematite increased with pH to maximum values at pH approximately 8. The sorption edge shape and desorption treatments were consistent with a surface complexation mechanism and could be described by the interaction of divalent anion species with the oxide surface. Oxytetracycline sorption to Georgeville and Orangeburg Ultisol soils decreased with pH. Chemical digestion treatments were used to deduce that soil sorption occurred by complexation to oxide coatings on clay and quartz grains. These results indicate that sorption models must consider the interaction of oxytetracycline, and other similar ionogenic compounds, with soil oxide components in addition to clays and organic matter when predicting sorption in whole soils.  相似文献   

Interaction of tetracycline with aluminum and iron hydrous oxides   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effect of solution chemistry (pH, sorbate-to-sorbent ratio, ionic strength (/)) and reaction time on the sorption of tetracycline to the hydrous oxides of Al (HAO) and Fe (HFO) was examined. Sorption to HAO increased with increasing pH upto pH 7 (no such trend for HFO) above which it decreased at higher pH values for both the hydrous oxides. Experimental results indicate that ligand-promoted dissolution is occurring during tetracycline sorption to these hydrous oxides. Ligand-promoted dissolution was more significantfor HAO than HFO attributable to the difference in labile surface sites between these two sorbents. The ability of tetracycline to form strong complexes with Al and Fe will increase the solubility of these minerals. Sorption of tetracycline was quite rapid and equilibrium was achieved after 8 h. However, soluble metal (Me: Al or Fe) concentrations attained equilibrium only after 24 h. Ligand-promoted dissolution appears to be a two-step process; initially, 1:1 Me-tetracycline soluble complexes are formed and as the reaction progresses 2:1 complexes existed. Increasing / (from 0.01 to 0.5 M) decreased the sorption extent only at higher sorbate-to-sorbent ratios suggesting the dominance of inner-sphere type complexes at low equilibrium tetracycline concentrations. Spectroscopic evidence indicates that tricarbonylamide and carbonyl functional groups of tetracycline could be responsible for sorption to mineral surfaces. Our research findings will increase understanding of the environmental occurrence, fate, and transport characteristics of antibiotics, which are considered as emerging organic contaminants.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of selenate adsorption on iron oxides and hydroxides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Selenate (SeO4(2-)) is an oxyanion of environmental importance because of its toxicity to animals and its mobility in the soil environment. It is known that iron(III) oxides and hydroxides are important sorbents for SeO4(2-) in soils and sediments, but the mechanism of selenate adsorption on iron oxides has been the subject of intense debate. Our research employed Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies to determine SeO4(2-) bonding mechanisms on hematite, goethite, and hydrous ferric oxide (HFO). It was learned that selenate forms only inner-sphere surface complexes on hematite but forms a mixture of outer- and inner-sphere surface complexes on goethite and HFO. This continuum of adsorption mechanisms is strongly affected by both pH and ionic strength. These results suggest that adsorption experiments should be conducted on several different iron oxides and over a wide range of reaction conditions to accurately assess the reactivity of oxyanions on iron oxides.  相似文献   

Subterranean environments are potential sources for the isolation of novel microorganisms. Water and soil samples were collected at depths ranging from 10 to 1800 meters below the surface, and screening was carried out with aerobic rich and anaerobic minimal media. Two psychrotrophic and three chemoautotrophic strains were isolated. One of the psychrotrophic isolates, designated SN16A, grew at temperatures between -5 and 37 degrees C with optimal growth between 25 and 30 degrees C. The other psychrotroph, designated KB700A, grew between -10 and 30 degrees C. Little difference in growth rate could be observed between 20 and 30 degrees C; however, this strain did not grow at 37 degrees C. KB700A utilized CO2 chemoautotrophically at 30 degrees C, using hydrogen as an energy source. Both strains were characterized biochemically. The complete 16S rRNA sequence of KB700A was 98.7% homologous with that of Pseudomonas marginalis. However, the 16S rRNA of SN16A showed only 95.4% identity at maximum-with the corresponding gene of Arthrobacter globiformis-suggesting that this strain may belong to a novel genus. Both strains exhibited the ability to produce hydrolytic enzymes on plate assays. Our results suggest that subterranean environments are promising sources for the isolation of psychrotrophic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that gas-phase H2S can immobilize certain redox-sensitive contaminants (e.g., Cr, U, Tc) in vadose zone environments. A key issue for effective and efficient delivery of H2S in these environments is the reactivity of the gas with indigenous iron oxides. To elucidate the factors that control the transport of H2S in the vadose zone, laboratory column experiments were conducted to identify reaction mechanisms and measure rates of H2S oxidation by iron oxide-coated sands using several carrier gas compositions (N2, air, and O2) and flow rates. Most experiments were conducted using ferrihydrite-coated sand. Additional studies were conducted with goethite- and hematite-coated sand and a natural sediment. Selective extractions were conducted at the end of each column experiment to determine the mass balance of the reaction products. XPS was used to confirm the presence of the reaction products. For column experiments in which ferrihydrite-coated sand was the substrate and N2 was the carrier gas, the major H2S oxidation products were FeS and elemental sulfur (mostly S8(0), represented as S(0) for simplicity) at ratios that were consistent with the stoichiometry of the postulated reactions. When air or O2 were used as the carrier gas, S(0) became the dominant reaction product along with FeS2 and smaller amounts of FeS, sulfate, and thiosulfate. A mathematical model of reactive transport was used to test the hypothesis that S(0) forming on the iron oxide surfaces reduces access of H2S to the reactive surface. Several conceptual models were assessed in the context of the postulated reactions with the final model based on a linear surface poisoning model and fitted reaction rates. These results indicate that carrier gas selection is a critical consideration with significant tradeoffs for remediation objectives.  相似文献   

Atomistic simulations were carried out to characterize the coordination environments of U incorporated in three Fe-(hydr)oxide minerals: goethite, magnetite, and hematite. The simulations provided information on U-O and U-Fe distances, coordination numbers, and lattice distortion for U incorporated in different sites (e.g., unoccupied versus occupied sites, octahedral versus tetrahedral) as a function of the oxidation state of U and charge compensation mechanisms (i.e., deprotonation, vacancy formation, or reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II)). For goethite, deprotonation of first shell hydroxyls enables substitution of U for Fe(III) with a minimal amount of lattice distortion, whereas substitution in unoccupied octahedral sites induced appreciable distortion to 7-fold coordination regardless of U oxidation states and charge compensation mechanisms. Importantly, U-Fe distances of ~3.6 ? were associated with structural incorporation of U and cannot be considered diagnostic of simple adsorption to goethite surfaces. For magnetite, the octahedral site accommodates U(V) or U(VI) with little lattice distortion. U substituted for Fe(III) in hematite maintained octahedral coordination in most cases. In general, comparison of the simulations with available experimental data provides further evidence for the structural incorporation of U in iron (hydr)oxide minerals.  相似文献   

Solution chemistry (pH, ionic strength (I), and sorbate-to-sorbent ratio) effects on ciprofloxacin sorption to hydrous oxides of Al (HAO) and Fe (HFO) were investigated using macroscopic and spectroscopic analyses. Sorption to both HAO and HFO showed a strong pH-dependent behavior, following the fraction of zwitterionic species over the entire pH range studied. Increase in I from 0.01 to 0.5 M had an insignificant effect on the extent of ciprofloxacin sorption, and isotherms were well-described by the Langmuir model. HFO possessed a higher sorption capacity (0.066 mmol kg(-1)) than HAO (0.041 mmol kg(-1)). Ligand-promoted dissolution of hydrous oxides, more pronounced for HAO, was observed in the presence of ciprofloxacin, but at a fairly high initial concentration (0.5 mM). Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis indicated that different types of ciprofloxacin surface complexes are formed with HAO and HFO; while a monodentate mononuclear complex (with -COO-) appears likely between ciprofloxacin and HAO, keto O and one O from COO- seem to be involved in the formation of a six-membered ring with Fe on the HFO surface. The study results are expected to increase our understanding of the environmental reactivity of fluoroquinolones, an important class of antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   

Decontamination of metal surfaces contaminated with low levels of radionuclides is a major concern at Department of Energy facilities. The development of an environmentally friendly and cost-effective decontamination process requires an understanding of their association with the corroding surfaces. We investigated the association of uranium with the amorphous and crystalline forms of iron oxides commonly formed on corroding steel surfaces. Uranium was incorporated with the oxide by addition during the formation of ferrihydrite, goethite, green rust II, lepidocrocite, maghemite, and magnetite. X-ray diffraction confirmed the mineralogical form of the oxide. EXAFS analysis at the U L(III) edge showed that uranium was present in hexavalent form as a uranyl oxyhydroxide species with goethite, maghemite, and magnetite and as a bidentate inner-sphere complex with ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite. Iron was present in the ferric form with ferrihydrite, goethite, lepidocrocite, and maghemite; whereas with magnetite and green rust II, both ferrous and ferric forms were present with characteristic ferrous:total iron ratios of 0.65 and 0.73, respectively. In the presence of the uranyl ion, green rust II was converted to magnetite with concomitantreduction of uranium to its tetravalent form. The rate and extent of uranium dissolution in dilute HCl depended on its association with the oxide: uranium present as oxyhydroxide species underwent rapid dissolution followed by a slow dissolution of iron; whereas uranium present as an inner-sphere complex with iron resulted in concomitant dissolution of the uranium and iron.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine if Fe(II)-bearing iron oxides generate ferric hydroxides at sufficient rates for removing low levels of arsenic in packed-bed reactors, while at the same time avoiding excessive oxide production that contributes to bed clogging in oxygenated waters. Column experiments were performed to determine the effectiveness of three media for arsenic removal over a range in empty bed contact times, influent arsenic concentrations, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, and solution pH values. Corrosion rates of the media as a function of the water composition were determined using batch and electrochemical methods. Rates of arsenic removal were first order in the As(V) concentration and were greater for media with higher corrosion rates. As(V) removal increased with increasing DO levels primarily due to faster oxidation of the Fe2+ released by media corrosion. To obtain measurable amounts of arsenic removal in 15 mM NaCl electrolyte solutions containing 50 microg/L As(V), the rate of Fe2+ released by the media needed to be at least 15 times greater than the As(V) feed rate into the column. In waters containing 30 mg/L of silica and 50 microg/L of As(V), measurable amounts of arsenic removal were obtained only for Fe2+ release rates that were at least 200 times greater than the As(V) feed rate. Although all columns showed losses in hydraulic conductivity overthe course of 90 days of operation, the conductivity values remained high, and the losses could be reversed by backwashing the media. The reaction products produced by the media in domestic tap water had average As-to-Fe ratios that were approximately 25% higher than those for a commercially available adsorbent.  相似文献   

Measurements of nitrogen oxides from a variety of commercial aircraft engines as part of the JETS-APEX2 and APEX3 campaigns show that NOx (NOx [triple bond] NO + NO2) is emitted primarily in the form of NO2 at idle thrust and NO at high thrust. A chemical kinetics combustion model reproduces the observed NO2 and NOx trends with engine power and sheds light on the relevant chemical mechanisms. Experimental evidence is presented of rapid conversion of NO to NO2 in the exhaust plume from engines at low thrust. The rapid conversion and the high NO2/NOx emission ratios observed are unrelated to ozone chemistry. NO2 emissions from a CFM56-3B1 engine account for approximately 25% of the NOx emitted below 3000 feet (916 m) and 50% of NOx emitted below 500 feet (153 m) during a standard ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) landing-takeoff cycle. Nitrous acid (HONO) accounts for 0.5% to 7% of NOy emissions from aircraft exhaust depending on thrust and engine type. Implications for photochemistry near airports resulting from aircraft emissions are discussed.  相似文献   

The reductive dissolution of poorly crystalline ferric oxides in the presence of cysteine was investigated to evaluate the potential of cysteine as a possible electron carrier to stimulate the reduction of iron(III) oxides by Geobacter sulfurreducens. The extent and rate of biotic and abiotic reduction of iron(III) oxides in the presence of cysteine at various concentrations were compared. Iron(III) oxides were reduced abiotically by cysteine. The initial rate and extent of iron(III) oxide reduction were correlated linearly with the cysteine concentration ranging from 0 to 6 mM. Also, addition of 0.5-2 mM cysteine significantly stimulated the rate and the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction in cultures of G. sulfurreducens. The cysteine concentration decreased in accordance with the increase of Fe(II) concentration and reached a nearly constant residual concentration. Cysteine depletion followed first-order kinetics and increased linearly with the cysteine concentration. An 8- to 11-fold increase in the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction relative to the abiotic system was observed. Comparison of sorbed and dissolved Fe(II) concentrations between cultures amended with cysteine and with other organic chelators showed that solubilization is not the main factor in cysteine-stimulated Fe(III) reduction. Addition of cystine could enhanced the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction, concomitant with the increase of the regenerated cysteine concentration and support the hypothesis that cysteine could serve as an electron carrier to transfer electrons from G. sulfurreducens to poorly crystalline iron(III) oxides.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from nitrifying ecosystems are a serious threat to the environment. The factors influencing the emission and the responsible microorganisms and pathways were studied using a laboratory-scale nitrifying reactor system. The nitrifying culture was established at growth rates relevant to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). During stable ammonia oxidation, 0.03% of ammonium was emitted as NO and 2.8% was emitted as N2O. Although mixed cultures were used, clear responses in emission of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) could be detected and it was concluded that the denitrification pathway of AOB was the main source of the emissions. Emissions of nitrogen oxides in the system were strongly influenced by oxygen, nitrite, and ammonium concentrations. Steady state emission levels greatly underestimate the total emission, because changes in oxygen, nitrite, and ammonium concentrations induced a dramatic rise in NO and N2O emission. The data presented can be used as an indication for NO and N2O emission by AOB in plug-flow activated sludge systems, which is highly relevant because of the atmospheric impact and potential health risk of these compounds.  相似文献   

The organoarsenical p-arsanilic acid (p-AsA) is used in the U.S. poultry industry as a feed additive and its structure resembles one of the stable biodegradation products of Roxarsone (ROX) in anaerobic environments. With the implementation of recent EPA MCL of total arsenic in drinking water (10 ppb), thereareconcernsaboutthefate of organoarsenicals introduced to the environment through the application of arsenic-contaminated manure. We report herein, for the first time, the thermodynamics of p-AsA binding to Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides using ATR-FTIR. ATR-FTIR spectra were used to quantify surface coverage of p-AsA, p-AsA(ads), by analyzing the broadband assigned to v(As-O) at 837 cm(-1). Adsorption isotherms were measured in situ at 298 K and pH 7 in the concentration range 1 microM to 40 mM. Values of Keq were obtained from Langmuir model fits and they range from 1411 to 3228 M(-1). We also determined the maximum adsorption capacities of Fe-(oxyhydr)oxides to p-AsA, and they range from 1.9 x 10(13) to 2.6 x 10(13) molecules/cm2. Our results suggest that p-AsA is more mobile than methylated and inorganic forms of arsenic and that the transport of nanoparticles with p-AsA(ads) might play a role in its mobility in geochemical environments.  相似文献   

为明确烟草类型及贮藏环境对烟叶氮氧化物形成的影响,利用真空干燥器设置了密闭的环境,检测和分析了不同烟叶类型、贮藏温度和时间及含水率条件下环境中气态NOx(Nitrogen oxides)含量的差异。结果表明:贮藏过程中烟叶形成的氮氧化物以NO为主。相同的贮藏条件下,白肋烟产生的NOx浓度高出烤烟约9倍。当贮藏温度从10℃提高到50℃,处理48 h后白肋烟样品产生的NO和NO2浓度逐渐升高。白肋烟经过50℃贮藏2 h后,即可检测出NOx,且随着处理时间的延长NOx的浓度不断增加。相同贮藏温度下,含水率高于18%的烟叶产生的NO和NOx浓度与含水率11.03%和12.29%相比显著降低;烟叶隔离加入活性炭后,烟叶贮藏环境中的NOx浓度显著降低。研究表明,贮藏环境控制可以抑制和减少烟叶本身氮氧化物的产生,从而减少贮藏过程中烟叶TSNA的形成。   相似文献   

Two extremely thermophilic alkane-degrading bacterial strains, B23 and H41, were respectively isolated from deep subterranean petroleum reservoirs in the Minami-aga (Niigata) and Yabase (Akita) oil fields. Both strains were able to grow at temperatures ranging from 50 to 80 degrees C, with optimal growth at 70 degrees C for B23 and 65 degrees C for H41. From 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis and physiological characterization, both strains were identified as Bacillus thermoleovorans (identities of 99.5% and 99.6% to strain DSM 5366, and 98.3% and 98.7% to the type strain LEH-1(TS), respectively). Strains B23 and H41 effectively (60%) degraded n-alkanes longer than C12 and C15, respectively, at 70 degrees C, while strain LEH-1(TS) degraded undecane (C11) most effectively. When B23 and H41 were cultivated in the presence of heptadecane, heptadecanoate and pentadecanoate were specifically accumulated in the cells. These results strongly suggest that the two strains degraded n-alkanes by a terminal oxidation pathway, followed by a beta-oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

Uptake of ferrous iron from aqueous solution by iron oxides results in the formation of a variety of reactive surface species capable of reducing polyhalogenated methanes (PHMs). Pseudo-first-order reaction rate constants, k(obs), of PHMs increased in the order CHBrCl2 < CHBr2Cl < CHBr3 < CCl4 < CFBr3 < CBrCl3 < CBr2Cl2. The k(obs) values increased with the exposure time, teq, of Fe(II) to suspended iron oxides which was attributed to the rearrangement of initially sorbed Fe(II) species to more reactive surface species with time. At pH 7.2, the k(obs) values of PHMs also increased with the concentration of surface-bound ferrous iron, Fe(II)sorb, particularly when Fe(II)tot was increased to concentrations where surface precipitation becomes likely. At fixed total Fe(II) concentrations, k(obs) values increased exponentially with pH. The highest reactivities were associated with pH conditions where surface precipitation of Fe(II) is expected. Fe(II)sorb and pH, however, had opposite effects on the product formation of PHMs. At pH 7.2, the formation of formate from CX4 (X = CI, Br) increased with Fe(II)sorb, whereas increasing pH favored the formation of CHX3. The ratio of halogenated products and formate formed is indicative of the relative importance of initial one- or two-electron-transfer processes, respectively, and was found to depend on the type of iron oxide mineral also. Our data form a basis to assess the importance of chemical reactions in natural attenuation processes of PHMs in environmental systems under iron-reducing conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of iron and manganese (hydr)oxide formation processes on the trace metal adsorption properties of these metal (hydr)oxides and their mixtures was investigated by measuring lead adsorption by iron and manganese (hydr)oxides prepared by a variety of methods. Amorphous iron (hydr)oxide formed by fast precipitation at pH 7.5 exhibited greater Pb adsorption (gamma(max) = 50 mmol of Pb/mol of Fe at pH 6.0) than iron (hydr)oxide formed by slow, diffusion-controlled oxidation of Fe(II) at pH 4.5-7.0 or goethite. Biogenic manganese(III/IV) (hydr)oxide prepared by enzymatic oxidation of Mn(II) by the bacterium Leptothrix discophora SS-1 adsorbed five times more Pb (per mole of Mn) than an abiotic manganese (hydr)oxide prepared by oxidation of Mn(II) with permanganate, and 500-5000 times more Pb than pyrolusite oxides (betaMnO2). X-ray crystallography indicated that biogenic manganese (hydr)oxide and iron (hydr)oxide were predominantly amorphous or poorly crystalline and their X-ray diffraction patterns were not significantly affected by the presence of the other (hydr)oxide during formation. When iron and manganese (hydr)oxides were mixed after formation, or for Mn biologically oxidized with iron(III) (hydr)oxide present, observed Pb adsorption was similar to that expected for the mixture based on Langmuir parameters for the individual (hydr)oxides. These results indicate that interactions in iron/manganese (hydr)oxide mixtures related to the formation process and sequence of formation such as site masking, alterations in specific surface area, or changes in crystalline structure either did not occur or had a negligible effect on Pb adsorption by the mixtures.  相似文献   

Uptake of Fe(II) onto hematite (alpha-Fe2O3), corundum (alpha-Al2O3), amorphous ferric oxide (AFO), and a mixture of hematite and AFO was measured. Uptake was operationally divided into adsorption (extractable by 0.5 N HCl within 20 h) and fixation (extractable by 3.0 N HCl within 7 d). For 0.25 mM Fe(II) onto 25 mM iron(III) hematite at pH 6.8: (i) 10% of Fe(II) was adsorbed within 1 min; (ii) 20% of Fe(II) was adsorbed within 1 d; (iii) uptake slowly increased to 24% of Fe(II) during the next 24 d, almost all adsorbed; (iv) at 30 d, the uptake increased to 28% of Fe(II) with 6% of total Fe(II) fixed; and (v) uptake slowly increased to 30% of Fe(II) by 45 d with 10% of total Fe(II) fixed. Similar results were observed for 0.125 mM Fe(II) onto 25 mM iron(III) hematite, except that percent of adsorption and fixation were increased. There was adsorption but no fixation for 0.25 mM Fe(II) onto corundum [196.2 mM Al(III)] at pH 6.8, for 0.125 mM Fe(II) onto 25 mM iron(III) hematite at pH 4.5, and for 0.25 mM Zn(II) onto 25 mM iron(III) hematite at pH 6.8. A small addition of AFO to the hematite suspension increased Fe(II) fixation when 0.25 mM Fe(II) was reacted with 25 mM iron(III) hematite and 0.025 mM Fe(III) AFO at pH 6.8. Reaction of 0.125 mM Fe(II) with 2.5 mM Fe(III) AFO resulted in rapid adsorption of 30% of added Fe(II), followed by conversion of AFO to goethite and a decrease in adsorption without Fe(II) fixation. The fixation of Fe(II) by hematite at pH 6.8 is consistent with interfacial electron transfer and the formation of new mineral phases. We propose that electron transfer from adsorbed Fe(II) to structural Fe(III) in hematite results in oxidation of Fe(II) to AFO on the surface of hematite and that solid-phase contact among hematite, AFO, and structural Fe(II) produces magnetite (Fe3O4). The unique interactions of Fe(II) with iron(III) oxides would be environmentally important to understand the fate of redox-sensitive chemicals.  相似文献   

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