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Secondary airborne particulate matter formed from gas-phase pollutants contributes significantly to the most severe particulate air quality events that occur in the United States each year. In this study, a mechanistic air quality model is demonstrated that can predict source contributions to the size distribution of secondary airborne particulate matter. Calculations performed for a typical air quality episode in Southern California show that NOx released from diesel engines and catalyst-equipped gasoline engines account for the majority of the secondary particulate nitrate aerosol measured at inland locations. NH3 released from catalyst-equipped gasoline engines, farm animals, and residential sources account for the majority of the secondary particulate ammonium ion at inland locations in the region. When both tailpipe and road dust emissions are considered, transportation sources dominate the size distribution of total (primary plus secondary) airborne particulate matter in the South Coast Air Basin during the episode studied. These findings suggest that the public health risk associated with air pollution released from transportation sources is significant relative to other public health threats such as traffic accidents.  相似文献   

We model intraurban intake fraction (iF) values for distributed ground-level emissions in all 3646 global cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, encompassing a total population of 2.0 billion. For conserved primary pollutants, population-weighted median, mean, and interquartile range iF values are 26, 39, and 14-52 ppm, respectively, where 1 ppm signifies 1 g inhaled/t emitted. The global mean urban iF reported here is roughly twice as large as previous estimates for cities in the United States and Europe. Intake fractions vary among cities owing to differences in population size, population density, and meteorology. Sorting by size, population-weighted mean iF values are 65, 35, and 15 ppm, respectively, for cities with populations larger than 3, 0.6-3, and 0.1-0.6 million. The 20 worldwide megacities (each >10 million people) have a population-weighted mean iF of 83 ppm. Mean intraurban iF values are greatest in Asia and lowest in land-rich high-income regions. Country-average iF values vary by a factor of 3 among the 10 nations with the largest urban populations.  相似文献   

Gaseous and particulate emissions from prescribed burning in Georgia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prescribed burning is a significant source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the southeastern United States. However, limited data exist on the emission characteristics from this source. Various organic and inorganic compounds both in the gas and particle phase were measured in the emissions of prescribed burnings conducted at two pine-dominated forest areas in Georgia. The measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and PM2.5 allowed the determination of emission factors for the flaming and smoldering stages of prescribed burnings. The VOC emission factors from smoldering were distinctly higher than those from flaming except for ethene, ethyne, and organic nitrate compounds. VOC emission factors show that emissions of certain aromatic compounds and terpenes such as alpha and beta-pinenes, which are important precursors for secondary organic aerosol (SOA), are much higher from active prescribed burnings than from fireplace wood and laboratory open burning studies. Levoglucosan is the major particulate organic compound (POC) emitted for all these studies, though its emission relative to total organic carbon (mg/g OC) differs significantly. Furthermore, cholesterol, an important fingerprint for meat cooking, was observed only in our in situ study indicating a significant release from the soil and soil organisms during open burning. Source apportionment of ambient primary fine particulate OC measured at two urban receptor locations 20-25 km downwind yields 74 +/- 11% during and immediately after the burns using our new in situ profile. In comparison with the previous source profile from laboratory simulations, however, this OC contribution is on average 27 +/- 5% lower.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated (equivalent to ambient PM2.5 and PM10) local soil, plant, and spore samples were collected in the Sonoran Desert near Phoenix, AZ and measured for saccharide content with the goal of characterizing ambient particulate matter sources including soil and primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) from plants and fungi. Different saccharide compositions were observed among soil, plant, and spore samples and between PM2.5 and PM10 fractions. The total measured nonlevoglucosan saccharide content relative to PM mass in ambient aerosols collected in a Phoenix suburb (Higley) was much higher compared to the local soil samples but much lower compared to the PBAP. The enrichment of saccharides from two saccharide-dominated PM source factors resolved by a positive matrix factorization model is also higher than the saccharide content in the size-fractionated local soil samples, but lower than that measured in the size-segregated PBAP samples. This indicates that ambient concentration of particulate saccharides at Higley was dominated by contributions from PBAPs directly injected into the atmosphere from plants and spores rather than from soil and associated biota. Our results also suggest the contribution to the fine size fraction of ambient PM from the primary biologically derived sources may be greater than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

Chloroacetates (CAAs) are ubiquitous in the environment. This study presents chloroacetates level in atmospheric particulate matter (APM) collected at Athens center. CAAs have been derivatized to their respective propyl esters and determined by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD). Monochloroacetate (MCA) was the most abundant, followed by dichloroacetate (DCA) and trichloroacetate (TCA). Concentration values range from 3.0 to 8240 ng g(-1) (0.6-2010 pg m(-3)). Correlations to meteorological and pollution parameters are discussed, indicating that car exhausts may be a direct or indirect source of MCA, but origin from natural marine sources may also be relevant.  相似文献   

Gravimetric analysis is the regulatory method for diesel particulate mass measurement. Because of issues such as adsorption/volatilization artifacts, it faces obstacles in measuring ultra low level emissions from modern diesel engines. Alternative methods of suspended particle mass measurement have been developed that show improvements in time resolution, sensitivity, and accuracy. Three size-resolved methods were considered here. Two methods rely on converting number size distributions obtained using a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Conversion techniques were based on effective density measurements and the Lall-Friedlander aggregate model. The third method employs the Universal Nanoparticle Analyzer (UNPA) to measure the aggregate size distribution from which mass is calculated. Results were compared with mass concentrations obtained using gravimetric analysis. The effective density conversion resulted in mass concentrations that were highly correlated (R(2) >0.99) with filter mass. The ratios to filter mass concentration were found to be 0.99 ± 0.04, 0.45 ± 0.03, and 0.45 ± 0.19 for the effective density conversion, the Lall-Friedlander conversion, and the UNPA, respectively, for a wide range of engine operating conditions. In addition, the diesel aerosol mass distributions measured by the online techniques are in agreement to within 15-20% with respect to the mass median diameter, while discrepancies were observed in the mass concentration.  相似文献   

A new continuous soluble particle collector (PC) that does not use steam is described. Preceded by a denuder and interfaced with an ion chromatograph, this compact collector (3 in. o.d., approximately 5 in. total height) permits collection and continuous extraction of soluble components in atmospheric particulate matter. The PC is mounted atop a parallel plate wetted denuder for removal of soluble gases. The soluble gas denuded air enters the PC through an inlet. One version of the PC contained an integral cyclone-like inlet. For this device, penetration of particles as a function of size was characterized. In the simpler design, the sampled air enters the PC through a nozzle, and deionized water flows through a capillary tube placed close to the exit side of the nozzle by Venturi action or is forcibly pumped. Some growth of the aerosol occurs in the highly humid mist-chamber environment, but the dominant aerosol capture mechanism involves capture by the water film that forms on the hydrophobic PTFE membrane filter that constitutes the top of the PC and the airflow exit. Water drops coalesce on the filter and fall below into a purpose-machined cavity equipped with a liquid sensor. The water and the dissolved constituents are aspirated by a pump onto serial cation and anion preconcentrator columns. NH4+ captured by the cation preconcentrator is eluted with NaOH and is passed across an asymmetric membrane device. NH3 diffuses from the alkaline donor stream into a deionized water flowing countercurrent; the conductivity of the latter provides a measure of ammonium. The anions on the anion preconcentrator column are eluted and measured by a fully automated ion chromatography system. The total system thus provides automated semicontinuous measurement of soluble anions and ammonium. With a 15 min analytical cycle and a sampling rate of 5 L/min, the limit of detection (LOD) for ammonium is 8 ng/m3 and those for sulfate, nitrate, and oxalate are < or = 0.1 ng/m3. The system has been extensively field tested.  相似文献   

Particulate matter (PM) from biomass burning and diesel exhaust has distinct X-ray spectroscopic, carbon specific signatures, which can be employed for source apportionment. Characterization of the functional groups of a wide selection of PM samples (woodsmoke, diesel soot, urban air PM) was carried out using the soft X-ray spectroscopy capabilities at the synchrotron radiation sources in Berkeley (ALS) and Brookhaven (NSLS). The spectra reveal that diesel exhaust particulate (DEP) matter is made up from a semigraphitic solid core and soluble organic matter, predominantly with carboxylic functional groups. Woodsmoke PM has no or a less prevalent, graphitic signature, instead it contains carbon-hydroxyl groups. Using these features to apportion the carbonaceous PM in ambient samples we estimate that the relative contribution of DEP to ambient PM in an urban area such as Lexington, KY and St. Louis, MO is 7% and 13.5%, respectively. These values are comparable to dispersion modeling data from nonurban and urban areas in California, and with elemental carbon measurements in urban locations such as Boston, MA, Rochester, NY, and Washington, DC.  相似文献   

We investigated the most relevant variables for estimating pasture intake and total dry matter (DM) intake in grazing dairy cows using 27 previously published studies. Variables compared were pasture allowance, days in milk, amount of forage, amount of concentrate and total supplementation, pasture allowance and supplementation interaction, fat-corrected milk, body weight (BW), metabolic BW, daily change in BW, percentage of legumes in pasture, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents of pasture, and NDF in pasture selected. The variables were selected using stepwise regression analysis for total DM intake and pasture DM intake. Variables selected in the total DM intake regression equation (R2 = 0.95) were pasture allowance, total supplementation, interaction of pasture allowance and supplementation, fat-corrected milk, BW, daily change in BW, percentage of legumes and pasture NDF content. Pasture DM intake regression equation (R2 = 0.90) was similar to total DM intake equation, but supplementation coefficient was negative, showing substitution effect in supplementing grazing cows. The intake of NDF as a percentage of BW was higher than 1.3% when considering NDF content of the pasture allowance. Low pasture allowance groups had values higher than 1.3%.  相似文献   

The project SAMPLE evaluated methods for measuring particle properties in the exhaust of aircraft engines with respect to the development of standardized operation procedures for particulate matter measurement in aviation industry. Filter-based off-line mass methods included gravimetry and chemical analysis of carbonaceous species by combustion methods. Online mass methods were based on light absorption measurement or used size distribution measurements obtained from an electrical mobility analyzer approach. Number concentrations were determined using different condensation particle counters (CPC). Total mass from filter-based methods balanced gravimetric mass within 8% error. Carbonaceous matter accounted for 70% of gravimetric mass while the remaining 30% were attributed to hydrated sulfate and noncarbonaceous organic matter fractions. Online methods were closely correlated over the entire range of emission levels studied in the tests. Elemental carbon from combustion methods and black carbon from optical methods deviated by maximum 5% with respect to mass for low to medium emission levels, whereas for high emission levels a systematic deviation between online methods and filter based methods was found which is attributed to sampling effects. CPC based instruments proved highly reproducible for number concentration measurements with a maximum interinstrument standard deviation of 7.5%.  相似文献   

Combustion of wood and other biomass fuels produces source-specific organic compounds arising from pyrolysis of lignin, including substantial amounts of 4-substituted methoxylated phenolic compounds (methoxyphenols). These compounds have been used as atmospheric markers to determine the contribution of wood smoke to ambient atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM). However, reliable quantification of methoxyphenols represents an analytical challenge because these compounds are polar, semi-volatile, and somewhat reactive. We reportherein an improved gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric (GC/MS) method for the sensitive and reliable determination of methoxyphenols in low-volume ambient PM samples. Deuterated standard compounds are added to the environmental samples prior to extraction to determine analyte recoveries in each sample. Analytical figures of merit for the assay, as applied to ambient PM2.5 and PM10 samples are as follows: recovery = 63-100%; precision = 2-6%; analytical limit of detection (S/N 2) = 0.002 microg/mL; limit of quantitation = 0.07-0.45 ng/m3 (assuming a 14 m3 sample). The improved method was applied to ambient PM samples collected between 1999 and 2000 in Seattle, WA. Particle-bound methoxyphenol concentrations in the range <0.1 to 22 ng/m3 were observed and the methoxyphenols were present almost exclusively in the fine (PM2.5) size fraction. We also demonstrated that XRF analysis of samples of atmospheric PM collected on Teflon filters significantly reduced the levels of methoxyphenols measured in the PM samples in subsequent assay of the same filters. Therefore, XRF analysis of filters, commonly undertaken to obtain trace element concentrations for use in source apportionment analyses, would preclude the subsequent analysis of those filters for methoxyphenols and other similarly semivolatile or reactive organic chemicals.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: 1) to evaluate the National Research Council equation used to predict microbial N flow to the duodenum in lactating cows, and 2) to determine whether improved equations could be developed by using dietary parameters used in the field. Treatment means from 55 trials with lactating and nonlactating cattle with duodenal cannulas were subjected to the backward elimination procedure of multiple regression. Variation within and among trials was accounted for by weighting the observations and including trial effects in all models. The equations to predict microbial N flow based on net energy for lactation (NEL) intake were different from the equation based on NEL intake used by the dairy National Research Council. Dry matter intake (DMI) estimated microbial N flow as well as did NEL intake, indicating that DMI drives predictions based on NEL intake. When multiple dietary factors [i.e., DMI; dietary percentages of crude protein, forage, and neutral detergent fiber; and all two-way interactions] were included, the resulting equation [microbial N (grams per day) = 16.1 + 22.9 x DMI (kilograms per day) - 0.365 x DMI2 - 1.74 x dietary neutral detergent fiber (percentage of dry matter)] tended to fit the data better than the equations based on NEL intake but not better than the equation based on DMI alone. The multiple-factor equation appeared to be the best overall equation for prediction; in contrast to the equation based on DMI, this equation is sensitive to diet composition. An asymptotic multiple-factor equation was developed, which may be more appropriate when extrapolating beyond the data range.  相似文献   

The charring of organic materials during carbon analysis bythermal methods makes it difficult to differentiate elemental carbon (EC) from organic carbon (OC). Failure to correct for charring results in the overestimation of EC and the underestimation of OC. The charring characteristics andthermal behaviors of aerosol OC are studied by subjecting hexane and water extracts of ambient aerosols to various analysis conditions. The complete evolution of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) aerosol materials is found to require a temperature as high as 850 degrees C and the presence of oxygen. EC would be oxidized under these thermal conditions as well. As a result, thermal methods relying only on temperature for the differentiation of EC and OC would give unreliable OC and EC concentrations. Our investigation also reveals that WSOC accounts for a large fraction (13-66%) of charring, while hexane extractable organic compounds produce little charring. The extent of charring from WSOC, defined as the ratio between pyrolytically generated EC to the total WSOC, is found to increase with the WSOC loading in each analysis when the loadings are below a certain value. This ratio remains constant when the loadings are above this value. This may account for the high variability in the extent of charring among aerosol samples from different locations as well as among samples from a single location collected at different times. Charring is reduced if the residence time at each temperature step in a helium atmosphere is sufficiently long to allow for maximum C evolution at each step. Charring is also influenced by the presence of inorganic constituents such as ammonium bisulfate. For the few tested organic materials, it is observed that ammonium bisulfate enhances the charring of starch and cellulose but reduces the charring of levoglucosan.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate 6 different lactation curve models for daily water and dry matter intake. Data originated from the Futterkamp dairy research farm of the Chamber of Agriculture of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany. A data set of about 23,000 observations from 193 Holstein cows was used. Average daily water and dry matter intake were 82.3 and 19.8 kg, respectively. The basic linear mixed model included the fixed effects of parity and test-day within feeding group. Additionally, 6 different functions were tested for the fixed effect of lactation curve and the individual (random) effect of cow-lactation curve. Furthermore, the autocorrelation between repeated measures was modeled with the spatial (power) covariance structure. Model fit was evaluated by the likelihood ratio test, Akaike's and Bayesian information criteria, and the analysis of mean residual at different days in milk. The Ali and Schaeffer function was best suited for modeling the fixed lactation curve for both traits. A Legendre polynomial of order 4 delivered the best model fit for the random effect of cow-lactation. Applying the error covariance structure led to a significantly better model fit and indicated that repeated measures were autocorrelated. Generally, the best information criteria values were yielded by the most complex model using the Ali and Schaeffer function and Legendre polynomial of order 4 to model the average lactation and cow-specific lactation curves, respectively, with inclusion of the spatial (power) error covariance structure. This model is recommended for the analysis of water and dry matter intake including missing observations to obtain estimation of correct statistical inference and valid variance components.  相似文献   

Mishra S  Monro J 《Food chemistry》2012,135(3):1968-1974
Starchy foods of differing structure, including bakery products, breakfast cereals, pastas, and pulses were digested in vitro. Bakery products and processed breakfast cereals with little resilient structure yielded large amounts of rapidly available carbohydrate (RAC), less slowly digested starch (SDS) and little inaccessible digestible starch (IDS) (70:22:8%). Partially processed grains, such as rolled oats contained an increased proportion of SDS (55:38:7%). Pastas, being dense starch structures digested more gradually to completion by superficial erosion, yielding approximately equal proportions of RAC and SDS but little IDS (43:52:4%). Pulses, which retained their cellular morphology, digested more linearly yielding a lower proportion of RAC, a larger proportion of SDS and more IDS (9:69:22%). Preservation of native "primary" structure, and use of processing to create "secondary" structure, are both means by which wholeness, in the sense of intactness, can be used to influence carbohydrate digestion to make foods of lower glycaemic impact.  相似文献   

近红外光谱法预测烟气总粒相物中的烟碱含量   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用近红外(NIR)光谱技术直接扫描烟叶粉末,建立了预测烟气总粒相物中烟碱含量的数学模型。该模型的内部验证决定系数(R2)为86.57,均方差(RMSECV)为0.385;外部验证的决定系数(R2)为81.32,均方差(RMSEP)为0.398,近红外预测值与标准测定值的平均相对偏差为8.89%。通过配对t-检验,该方法与标准方法测定的效果无显著性差异。该方法精密度高,可用于烟气总粒相物中烟碱含量的快速预测。  相似文献   

Almost all cigarettes sold have a filter (United States, >98%; worldwide, >95%). In the last 25 years cigarette manufacturers have introduced diverse filters designed to reduce components in tobacco smoke. Today, there exists a need to establish assays to assess the efficacy of cigarette filters to retain total particulate matter (TPM), particularly unique filters of cigarettes that are being marketed as potential reduced exposure products (PREPs). We report the results of studies that were undertaken to test the hypothesis that a technique could be established for dissolving cigarette filters, and that the TPM in the fluid could be quantified by spectrofluorometry. Described here are procedures for assaying TPM on both Cambridge filter pads (glass fibres) of smoking machines and on cigarette filters (cellulose acetate fibres). The principle of the assays is based upon the observation that there exists a direct correlation between the amount of tobacco product emission TPM and fluorescence. In the absence of a tobacco tar or TPM standard, the fluorescent dye acridine orange was confirmed as a useful surrogate. Filters assayed included those of Kentucky reference cigarettes 2R4F and popular US brand cigarettes. The proposed assays are inexpensive, expedient, reproducible and amendable for large-scale studies.  相似文献   

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