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The reductive dissolution of MnO2 by Fe(II) under conditions simulating acid mine drainage (pH 3, 100 mM SO4(2-)) was investigated by utilizing a flow-through reaction cell and synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy. This configuration allows collection of in situ, real-time X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra and bulk solution samples. Analysis of the solution chemistry suggests that the reaction mechanism changed (decreased reaction rate) as MnO2 was reduced and Fe(III) precipitated, primarily as ferrihydrite. Simultaneously, we observed an additional phase, with the local structure of jacobsite (MnFe2O4), in the Mn XANES spectra of reactants and products. The X-ray absorbance of this intermediate phase increased during the experiment, implying an increase in concentration. The presence of this phase, which probably formed as a surface coating, helps to explain the reduced rate of dissolution of manganese(IV) oxide. In natural environments affected by acid mine drainage, the formation of complex intermediate solid phases on mineral surfaces undergoing reductive dissolution may likewise influence the rate of release of metals to solution.  相似文献   

Natural attenuation processes of chlorinated solvents in soils and groundwaters are increasingly considered as options to manage contaminated sites. Under anoxic conditions, reactions with ferrous iron sorbed at iron(hyro)xides may dominate the overall transformation of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and other chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons. We investigated mechanisms and product formation of CCl4 reduction by Fe(II) sorbed to goethite, which may lead to completely dehalogenated products or to chloroform (CHCl3), a toxic product which is fairly persistent under anoxic conditions. A simultaneous transfer of two electrons and cleavage of two C-Cl bonds of CCl4 would completely circumvent chloroform production. To distinguish between initial one- or two-bond cleavage, 13C-isotope fractionation of CCl4 was studied for reactions with Fe(II)/ goethite (isotopic enrichment factor epsilon = -26.5% percent per thousand) and with model systems for one C-Cl bond cleavage and either single-electron transfer (Fe(II) porphyrin, epsilon = -26.1 percent per thousand) or partial two-electron transfer (polysulfide, epsilon = -22.2 percent per thousand). These epsilon values differ significantlyfrom calculations for simultaneous cleavage of two C-Cl bonds (epsilon approximately equal to -50 percent per thousand), indicating that only one C-Cl bond is broken in the critical first step of the reaction. At pH 7, reduction of CCl4 by Fe(II)/ goethite produced approximately 33% CHCl3, 20% carbon monoxide (CO), and up to 40% formate (HCOO-). Addition of 2-propanol-d8 resulted in 33% CDCl3 and only 4% CO, indicating that both products were generated from trichloromethyl radicals (*CCl3), chloroform by reaction with hydrogen radical donors and CO by an alternative pathway likely to involve surface-bound intermediates. Hydrolysis of CO to HCOO-was surface-catalyzed by goethite butwastoo slow to account for the measured formate concentrations. Chloroform yields slightly increased with pH at constant Fe(II) sorption density, suggesting that pH-dependent surface processes direct product branching ratios. Surface-stabilized intermediates may thus facilitate abiotic mineralization of CCl4, whereas the presence of H radical donors, such as natural organic matter, enhances formation of toxic CHCl3.  相似文献   

Lead(IV) oxide (PbO(2)) is a corrosion product found in lead service lines used to convey drinking water. The presence of reductants can accelerate PbO(2) dissolution and enhance lead release to drinking water. The dissolution rate rather than the equilibrium solubility of PbO(2) can control the dissolved lead concentrations in water distributed through pipes containing PbO(2). Iodide, a known reductant for PbO(2), was selected as a model reductant for investigating the kinetics and mechanisms of the reductive dissolution of PbO(2). The dissolution rate of plattnerite (β-PbO(2)) was determined as a function of pH, iodide concentration, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration using continuously stirred tank reactors. The dissolution rate of plattnerite increased with decreasing pH and increasing iodide concentrations. The presence of 10 mg C/L DIC accelerated plattnerite dissolution, but further increases in DIC concentration did not affect the dissolution rate. The reductive dissolution of PbO(2) can be interpreted as a coupled process involving chemical reduction of Pb(IV) to Pb(II) at the PbO(2) surface followed by detachment of Pb(II) to solution. The data suggest that chemical reduction is the rate-limiting step for PbO(2) dissolution in the presence of iodide.  相似文献   

Fe(II) present at surfaces of iron-containing minerals can play a significant role in the overall attenuation of reducible contaminants in the subsurface. As the chemical environment, i.e., the type and arrangement of ligands, strongly affects the redox potential of Fe(II), the presence of various mineral sorbents is expected to modulate the reactivity of surficial Fe(II)-species in aqueous systems. In a comparative study we evaluated the reactivity of ferrous iron in aqueous suspensions of siderite (FeCO3), nontronite (ferruginous smectite SWa-1), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3), lepidocrocite (gamma-FeOOH), goethite (alpha-FeOOH), magnetite (Fe3O4), sulfate green rust (Fe(II)4Fe(III)2(OH)12SO4 x 4H2O), pyrite (FeS2), and mackinawite (FeS) under similar conditions (pH 7.2, 25 m2 mineral/L, 1 mM Fe(II)aq, O2 (aq) < 0.1 g/L). Surface-area-normalized pseudo first-order rate constants are reported for the reduction of hexachloroethane and 4-chloronitrobenzene representing two classes of environmentally relevant transformation reactions of pollutants, i.e., dehalogenation and nitroaryl reduction. The reactivities of the different Fe(II) mineral systems varied greatly and systematically both within and between the two data sets obtained with the two probe compounds. As a general trend, surface-area-normalized reaction rates increased in the order Fe(II) + siderite < Fe(II) + iron oxides < Fe(II) + iron sulfides. 4-Chloronitrobenzene was transformed by mineral-bound Fe(II) much more rapidly than hexachloroethane, except for suspensions of hematite, pyrite, and nontronite. The results demonstrate that abiotic reactions with surface-bound Fe(II) may affect or even dominate the long-term behavior of reducible pollutants in the subsurface, particularly in the presence of Fe(III) bearing minerals. As such reactions can be dominated by specific interactions of the oxidant with the surface, care must be taken in extrapolating reactivity data of surface-bound Fe(II) between different compound classes.  相似文献   

The dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride (CT) by Fe(II) associated with goethite in the presence of transition metal ions was investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) were used to characterize the chemical states and crystal phases of transition metals on solid phases, respectively. CT was dechlorinated to chloroform (CF) by 3 mM Fe(II) in 10 mM goethite (25.6 m2 L(-1)) suspensions. The dechlorination followed pseudo-first-order kinetics, and a rate constant (k(obs)) of 0.036 h(-1) was observed. Transition metal ions have different effects on CT dechlorination. The addition of Ni(II), Co(II), and Zn(II) lowered the k(obs) for CT dechlorination, whereas the amendment of 0.5 mM Cu(II) into the Fe(II)-Fe(III) system significantly enhanced the efficiency and the rate of CT dechlorination. The k(obs) for CT dechlorination with 0.5 mM Cu(II) was 1.175 h(-1), which was 33 times greater than that without Cu(II). Also, the dechlorination of CT by surface-bound iron species is pH-dependent, and the rate constants increased from 0.008 h(-1) at pH 4.0 to 1.175 h(-1) at pH 7.0. When the solution contained Cu(II) and Fe(II) without goethite, a reddish-yellow precipitate was formed, and the concentration of Fe(ll) decreased with the increase in Cu(II) concentration. XPS and XRPD analyses suggested the possible presence of Cu2O and ferrihydrite in the precipitate. Small amounts of aqueous Cu(I) were also detected, reflecting the fact that Cu(II) was reduced to Cu(I) by Fe(II). A linear relationship between k(obs) for CT dechlorination and the concentration of Cu(II) was observed when the amended Cu(II) concentration was lower than 0.5 mM. Moreover, the k(obs) for CT dechlorination was dependent on the Fe(II) concentration in the 0.5 mM Cu(II)-amended goethite system and followed a Langmuir-Hinshelwood relationship. These results clearly indicate that Fe(II) serves as the bulk reductant to reduce both CT and Cu(II). The resulting Cull) can further act as a catalyst to enhance the dechlorination rate of chlorinated hydrocarbons in iron-reducing environments.  相似文献   

The reductive dissolution of poorly crystalline ferric oxides in the presence of cysteine was investigated to evaluate the potential of cysteine as a possible electron carrier to stimulate the reduction of iron(III) oxides by Geobacter sulfurreducens. The extent and rate of biotic and abiotic reduction of iron(III) oxides in the presence of cysteine at various concentrations were compared. Iron(III) oxides were reduced abiotically by cysteine. The initial rate and extent of iron(III) oxide reduction were correlated linearly with the cysteine concentration ranging from 0 to 6 mM. Also, addition of 0.5-2 mM cysteine significantly stimulated the rate and the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction in cultures of G. sulfurreducens. The cysteine concentration decreased in accordance with the increase of Fe(II) concentration and reached a nearly constant residual concentration. Cysteine depletion followed first-order kinetics and increased linearly with the cysteine concentration. An 8- to 11-fold increase in the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction relative to the abiotic system was observed. Comparison of sorbed and dissolved Fe(II) concentrations between cultures amended with cysteine and with other organic chelators showed that solubilization is not the main factor in cysteine-stimulated Fe(III) reduction. Addition of cystine could enhanced the extent of iron(III) oxide reduction, concomitant with the increase of the regenerated cysteine concentration and support the hypothesis that cysteine could serve as an electron carrier to transfer electrons from G. sulfurreducens to poorly crystalline iron(III) oxides.  相似文献   

Green rust (GR) as highly reactive iron mineral potentially plays a key role for the fate of (in)organic contaminants, such as chromium or arsenic, and nitroaromatic compounds functioning both as sorbent and reductant. GR forms as corrosion product of steel but is also naturally present in hydromorphic soils and sediments forming as metastable intermediate during microbial Fe(III) reduction. Although already suggested to form during microbial Fe(II) oxidation, clear evidence for GR formation during microbial Fe(II) oxidation was lacking. In the present study, powder XRD, synchrotron-based XAS, M?ssbauer spectroscopy, and TEM demonstrated unambiguously the formation of GR as an intermediate product during Fe(II) oxidation by the nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizer Acidovorax sp. strain BoFeN1. The spatial distribution and Fe redox-state of the precipitates associated with the cells were visualized by STXM. It showed the presence of extracellular Fe(III), which can be explained by Fe(III) export from the cells or extracellular Fe(II) oxidation by an oxidant diffusing from the cells. Moreover, GR can be oxidized by nitrate/nitrite and is known as a catalyst for oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) by nitrite/nitrate and may thus contribute to the production of extracellular Fe(III). As a result, strain BoFeN1 may contribute to Fe(II) oxidation and nitrate reduction both by an direct enzymatic pathway and an indirect GR-mediated process.  相似文献   

Bacterial dissimilatory iron reduction is self-inhibited by the production of ferrous [Fe(II)] iron resulting in diminished iron reduction as Fe(II) accumulates. Experiments were conducted to investigate the mechanisms of Fe(II) inhibition employing the dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens strain CN32 under nongrowth conditions in a system designed to minimize precipitation of ferrous iron minerals. After an initial period (ca. 1 day) of relatively rapid iron reduction, hematite reduction rates were controlled by mass transfer of Fe(II). Experiments in which hematite was equilibrated with Mn(II) prior to inoculation indicated that the observed inhibition was not due to Fe(II) sorption. At longer times, soluble Fe(II) accumulated such that the reaction was slowed due to a decreased thermodynamic driving force. The thermodynamic evaluation also supported the prior conclusion that hydrated hematite surface sites may yield substantially more energy during bioreduction than "bulk" hematite. For well-mixed conditions, the rates of hematite reduction were directly proportional to the biologically available reaction potential.  相似文献   

Under oxic conditions, Tc exists as the soluble, weakly sorbing pertechnetate [TcO4-] anion. The reduced form of technetium, Tc(IV), is stable in anoxic environments and is sparingly soluble as TcO2 x nH2O(s). Here we investigate the heterogeneous reduction of Tc(VII) by Fe(II) adsorbed on Al (hydr)oxides [diaspore (alpha-AlOOH) and corundum (alpha-Al2O3)]. Experiments were performed to study the kinetics of Tc(VII) reduction, examine changes in Fe surface speciation during Tc(VII) reduction (M?ssbauer spectroscopy), and identify the nature of Tc(IV)-containing reaction products (X-ray absorption spectroscopy). We found that Tc(VII) was completely reduced by adsorbed Fe(II) within 11 (diaspore suspension) and 4 days (corundum suspension). M?ssbauer measurements revealed thatthe Fe(II) signal became less intense with Tc(VII) reduction and was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the Fe(III) doublet and magnetically ordered Fe(III) sextet signals. Tc-EXAFS spectroscopy revealed that the final heterogeneous redox product on corundum was similar to Tc(IV) oxyhydroxide, TcO2 x nH2O.  相似文献   

本文研究不同浓度的Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)对菠萝蛋白酶活性和60℃下酶稳定性的影响,以及通过圆二色谱检测Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)对酶构象的变化,并初步探究EDTA-2Na结合超滤膜法在菠萝蛋白酶制备工艺中清除铁离子的应用效果。结果表明:Fe~(2+)浓度在0~0.75 mmol/L范围内,对菠萝蛋白酶活性有促进作用,以0.5 mmol/L促进效果最佳,但浓度大于0.75 mmol/L时,抑制酶活,且随浓度增加,抑制程度增强。Fe~(3+)对菠萝蛋白酶只有抑制作用,抑制程度与Fe~(3+)浓度成正比,且Fe~(3+)对酶的抑制作用强于Fe~(2+)。60℃下,Fe~(2+)在浓度为0.5 mmol/L对菠萝蛋白酶的稳定性表现出促进作用,延长了酶的半衰期。Fe~(3+)对酶的稳定性呈现抑制作用。Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)浓度大于0.5mmol/L时,随离子浓度的升高,对酶稳定性的抑制作用增强。采用圆二色谱检测酶的二级结构表明:Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)对酶抑制作用表现为α-螺旋含量下降,β-折叠和β-转角含量稍下降,无规卷曲含量明显提高。EDTA-2Na结合超滤膜法除铁的效果很明显,铁含量(干重)从291.63 mg/kg降低到142.99 mg/kg,铁离子去除率达50.97%,其酶活也由597.27 U/mg上升到808.52 U/mg,酶活提高了26.13%。  相似文献   

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) are ubiquitous and highly toxic environmental contaminants found in surface and subsurface soils and in clay deposits. Interestingly, the congener profiles of such PCDDs are inexplicably dissimilar to those of known anthropogenic (e.g., pesticide manufacture, waste incineration) or natural (e.g., forest fire) sources. Characteristic features of soil or clay-associated PCDDs are the dominance of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) as the most abundant congener and very low levels of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). These propensities led to the hypothesis of in situ PCDD formation in soils and geologic clay deposits. In this study, we demonstrate the formation of OCDD on the naturally occurring and widely distributed clay mineral montmorillonite under environmentally relevant conditions. When pentachlorophenol (PCP)was mixed with Fe(III)-montmorillonite, significant amounts of OCDD were rapidly (minutes to days) formed (approximately 5 mg OCDD/kg clay) at ambient temperature in the presence of water. This reaction is initiated by single electron transfer from PCP to Fe(III)-montmorillonite thereby forming the PCP radical cation. Subsequent dimerization, dechlorination, and ring closure reactions result in formation of OCDD. This study provides the first direct evidence for clay-catalyzed formation of OCDD supporting the plausibility of its in situ formation in soils.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》2001,73(3):381-384
The effect of Fe(II), Fe(III) and Zn(II) addition on the in vitro digestibility of casein was examined using trypsin as the proteolytic enzyme. The in vitro digestibility was determined by change in trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solubility of casein and by potentiometric titration. The effect of all three metal ions was also examined on the digestion of casein heated at 80°C for 15 min prior to the enzymic hydrolysis. Heat treatments did not cause significant changes in the proteolysis of casein. The addition of Fe(II) and Fe(III) clearly slowed the proteolysis in both heated and unheated casein. The decrease in rate of proteolysis was in a direct linear relationship with the amount of Fe(II) and Fe(III) addition. The inhibitory effect of Fe(III) was more pronounced as compared to Fe(II). The addition of Zn(II) did not affect the proteolytic activity in both heated and unheated casein.  相似文献   

The reductive dissolution of hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) was investigated in a flow-through system using AH2DS, a reduced form of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), which is often used as a model electron shuttling compound in studies of dissimilatory microbial reduction of iron oxides. Influent flow rate, pH, and Fe(II) and phosphate concentrations were varied to investigate the redox kinetics in a flow-through reactor. The hematite reduction rates decreased with increasing pH from 4.5 to 7.6 and decreased with decreasing flow rate. The rates also decreased with increasing influent concentration of Fe(II) or phosphate that formed surface complexes at the experimental pH. Mineral surface properties, Fe(II) complexation reactions, and ADDS sorption on hematite surfaces were independently investigated for interpreting hematite reduction kinetics. AH2DS sorption to hematite was inferred from the parallel measurements of AQDS and AH2DS sorption to alpha-Al2O3, a redox stable analog of alpha-Fe2O3. Decreasing Fe(ll) and increasing AH2DS sorption by controlling flow rate, influent pH, and Fe(II) and phosphate concentrations increased the rates of reductive dissolution. The rates were also affected by the redox reaction free energy when reductive dissolution approached equilibrium. This study demonstrated the importance of the geochemical variables for the reductive dissolution kinetics of iron oxides.  相似文献   

The reactivity of aqueous Fe(II) with aluminum oxide in anoxic solutions was investigated with batch kinetic experiments combined with Fe K edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements to characterize Fe(II) sorption products. Formation of Fe(II)-Al(III)-layered double hydroxides with an octahedral sheet structure similar to nikischerite (NaFe(II)(6) Al(3)(SO(4))(2)(OH)(18) (H(2)O)(12)) was observed within a few hours during sorption at pH 7.5 and aqueous Fe(II) concentrations of 1-3 mM. These Fe(II) phases are composed of brucite-like Fe(II)(OH)(2) sheets with partial substitution of Al(III) for Fe(II), charge balanced by anions coordinated along the basal planes. Their fast rate of formation suggests that these previously unrecognized Fe(II) phases, which are structurally and compositionally similar to green rust, may be an important sink of Fe(II) in suboxic and anoxic geochemical environments, and impact the fate of structurally compatible trace metals, such as Co(II), Ni(II), and Zn(II), as well as redox-reactive species including Cr(VI) and U(VI). Further studies are required to assess the thermodynamics, formation kinetics, and stability of these Fe(II) minerals under field conditions.  相似文献   

Abiotic reduction of 0.1 mM U(VI) by Fe(II) in the presence of synthetic iron oxides (biogenic magnetite, goethite, and hematite) and natural Fe(III) oxide-containing solids was investigated in pH 6.8 artificial groundwater containing 10 mM NaHCO3. In most experiments, more than 95% of added U(VI) was sorbed to solids. U(VI) was rapidly and extensively (> or = 80%) reduced in the presence of synthetic Fe(III) oxides and highly Fe(II) oxide-enriched (18-35 wt % Fe) Atlantic coastal plain sediments. In contrast, long-term (20-60 d) U(VI) reduction was less than 30% in suspensions of six other natural solids with relatively low Fe(III) oxide content (1-5 wt % Fe). Fe(II) sorption site density was severalfold lower on these natural solids (0.2-1.1 Fe(II) nm(-2)) compared tothe synthetic Fe(lII) oxides (1.6-3.2 Fe(II) nm(-2)), which may explain the poor U(VI) reduction in the natural solid-containing systems. Addition of the reduced form of the electron shuttling compound anthrahydroquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AH2DS; final concentration 2.5 mM) to the natural solid suspensions enhanced the rate and extent of U(VI) reduction, suggesting that AH2DS reduced U(VI) at surface sites where reaction of U(VI) with sorbed Fe(II) was limited. This study demonstrates that abiotic, Fe(II)-driven U(VI) reduction is likely to be less efficient in natural soils and sediments than would be inferred from studies with synthetic Fe(III) oxides.  相似文献   

Uncertainty still exists regarding the role(s) of natural organic matter in the reduction of chemicals in anoxic environments. This work studied the effect of Suwannee river humic acid (SRHA) on the reduction of nitrobenzenes in goethite suspensions by Fe(II) species. The pseudo-first-order rate constant for the reduction of p-cyanonitrobenzene (k(CNNB)) was different for the first 3 half-lives in systems where Fe(II)aq and dissolved SRHA were equilibrated in reverse orders with goethite in suspensions. k(CNNB) and the reduction capacity of the system having SRHA added after Fe(II)aq was equilibrated with goethite was lower than that of the system for which the components were added in the reverse order. SRHA decreased the reduction capacity of the former system by oxidizing and/or complexing the surface-associated Fe(II), Fe(II)(surf), and/or hindering the access of CNNB to Fe(II)(surf). The log k(CNNB) increased linearlywith increasing concentrations of Fe(II)aq, which decreased as a result of increasing concentrations of SRHA in the system. Different k(CNNB)'s were observed for systems in which Fe(II)aq was equilibrated with goethite/SRHA suspensions for 24 and 48 h, suggesting sorbed SRHA oxidized and/or complexed Fe(II)aq. Findings suggest the concentration of Fe(II)aq and accessible Fe(ll)(surf) will influence the reduction rates of nitroaromatics in anoxic environments.  相似文献   

Oxidation of Fe(II) in rainwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photochemically produced Fe(II) is oxidized within hours under environmentally realistic conditions in rainwater. The diurnal variation between photochemical production and reoxidation of Fe(II) observed in our laboratory accurately mimics the behavior of ferrous iron observed in field studies where the highest concentrations of dissolved Fe(ll) occur in afternoon rain during the period of maximum sunlight intensity followed by gradually decreasing concentrations eventually returning to early morning pre-light values. The experimental work presented here, along with the results of kinetics studies done by others, suggests thatthe primary process responsible for the decline in photochemically produced Fe(II) concentrations is oxidation by hydrogen peroxide. This reaction is first order with respect to both the concentrations of Fe(II) and H2O2. The second-order rate constant determined for six different authentic rain samples varied over an order of magnitude and was always less than or equal to the rate constant determined for this reaction in simple acidic solutions. Oxidation of photochemically produced ferrous iron by other oxidants including molecular oxygen, ozone, hydroxyl radical, hydroperoxyl/superoxide radical, and hexavalent chromium were found to be insignificant under the conditions present in rainwater. This study shows that Fe(II) occurs as at least two different chemical species in rain; photochemically produced Fe(II) that is oxidized over time periods of hours, and a background Fe(II) that is protected against oxidation, perhaps by organic complexation, and is stable against oxidation for days. Because the rate of oxidation of photochemically produced Fe(II) does not increase with increasing rainwater pH, the speciation of this more labile form of Fe(II) is also not controlled by simple hydrolysis reactions.  相似文献   

The microbial reduction of Fe(III) and U(VI) was investigated in shallow aquifer sediments collected from subsurface flood deposits near the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River in Washington State. Increases in 0.5 N HCl-extractable Fe(II) were observed in incubated sediments and (57)Fe M?ssbauer spectroscopy revealed that Fe(III) associated with phyllosilicates and pyroxene was reduced to Fe(II). Aqueous uranium(VI) concentrations decreased in subsurface sediments incubated in sulfate-containing synthetic groundwater with the rate and extent being greater in sediment amended with organic carbon. X-ray absorption spectroscopy of bioreduced sediments indicated that 67-77% of the U signal was U(VI), probably as an adsorbed species associated with a new or modified reactive mineral phase. Phylotypes within the Deltaproteobacteria were more common in Hanford sediments incubated with U(VI) than without, and in U(VI)-free incubations, members of the Clostridiales were dominant with sulfate-reducing phylotypes more common in the sulfate-amended sediments. These results demonstrate the potential for anaerobic reduction of phyllosilicate Fe(III) and sulfate in Hanford unconfined aquifer sediments and biotransformations involving reduction and adsorption leading to decreased aqueous U concentrations.  相似文献   

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