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Fluorochemicals are persistent contaminants that are globally distributed in air, water, sediments, and biota. Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play an important role in mitigating pollutant releases from municipalities to aquatic and terrestrial environments. However, because WWTPs are point sources of fluorochemicals, it is important to understand their contribution to fluorochemical burdens in the greater context of watersheds. To this end, over a 1 week period, the mass flows of 11 fluorochemicals from seven WWTPs that discharge effluent into the Glatt River in Switzerland were measured and compared to the measured mass flows within the Glatt River. Overall, the fluorochemicals were not removed efficiently during wastewater treatment. Effluents from WWTPs and Glatt River water were dominated by perfluorooctane sulfonate, which was detected in all samples, followed by perfluorohexane sulfonate and perfluorooctanoate. The mass flows of fluorochemicals emanating from WWTPs were found to be conserved within the 35 km Glatt River, which indicates that input from the WWTPs is additive and that removal within the Glatt River is not significant. Per capita discharges of fluorochemicals were calculated from the populations served by the WWTPs studied; the values determined also account for the fluorochemical content of Lake Greifen (Greifensee), which is a lake at the headwaters of the Glatt River that also receives treated wastewater.  相似文献   

A set of six benzothiazoles was determined in effluents of three municipal wastewater treatment plants. Total concentrations of benzothiazoles ranged from 1.9 to 6.7 microg/ L, with benzothiazole-2-sulfonate (BTSA) being most prominent (35 - 70%), followed by benzothiazole, 2-hydroxybenzothiazole, and 2-methylthi benzothiazole (MTBT). The removal of benzothiazoles in tertiary municipal wastewater treatment was investigated in more detail in one of the plants during two sampling periods of several weeks. Total benzothiazole concentration decreased by 5-28% only. This very limited removal was primarily due to BTSA and MTBT that were either hardly removed or even increased in concentration. In street runoff benzothiazoles exceeded the wastewater concentrations by 1 order of magnitude, showing that surface runoff can be a significant source of benzothiazole emission. In household wastewater total concentrations were in the range of 50-80% of that found in municipal wastewater. These investigations outline that benzothiazoles, a class of polar and biologically active industrial chemicals, are regularly released with treated municipal wastewater and exhibit a considerable lifetime in surface waters.  相似文献   

The mass flows of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents (FQs) were investigated in the aqueous compartments of the Glatt Valley Watershed, a densely populated region in Switzerland. The major human-use FQs consumed in Switzerland, ciprofloxacin (CIP) and norfloxacin (NOR), were determined in municipal wastewater effluents and in the receiving surface water, the Glatt River. Individual concentrations in raw sewage and in final wastewater effluents ranged from 255 to 568 ng/L and from 36 to 106 ng/L, respectively. In the Glatt River, the FQs were present at concentrations below 19 ng/L. The removal of FQs from the water stream during wastewater treatment was between 79 and 87%. During the studied summer period, FQs in the dissolved fraction were significantly reduced downstream in the Glatt River (15-20 h residence time) (66% for CIP and 48% for NOR). Thus, after wastewater treatment, transport in rivers causes an additional decrease of residual levels of FQs in the aquatic environment. Refined predicted environmental concentrations for the study area compare favorably with the measured environmental concentrations (MEC) obtained in the monitoring study. Total measured FQ concentrations occurring in the examined aquatic compartments of the Glatt Valley Watershed were related to acute ecotoxicity data from the literature. The risk quotients obtained (MEC/PNEC < 1) following the recommendations of the European guidelines or draft documents suggest a low probability for adverse effects of the occurring FQs, either on microbial activity in WWTPs or on algae, daphnia, and fish in surface waters.  相似文献   

Onsite wastewater treatment systems serve approximately 25% of the U.S. population. However, little is known regarding the occurrence and fate of organic wastewater contaminants (OWCs), including endocrine disrupting compounds, during onsite treatment. A range of OWCs including surfactant metabolites, steroids, stimulants, metal-chelating agents, disinfectants, antimicrobial agents, and pharmaceutical compounds was quantified in wastewater from 30 onsite treatment systems in Summit and Jefferson Counties, CO. The onsite systems represent a range of residential and nonresidential sources. Eighty eight percent of the 24 target compounds were detected in one or more samples, and several compounds were detected in every wastewater sampled. The wastewater matrices were complex and showed unique differences between source types due to differences in water and consumer product use. Nonresidential sources generally had more OWCs at higher concentrations than residential sources. Additional aerobic biofilter-based treatment beyond the traditional anaerobic tank-based treatment enhanced removal for many OWCs. Removal mechanisms included volatilization, biotransformation, and sorption with efficiencies from <1% to >99% depending on treatment type and physicochemical properties of the compound. Even with high removal rates during confined unit onsite treatment, OWCs are discharged to soil dispersal units at loadings up to 20 mg/m2/d, emphasizing the importance of understanding removal mechanisms and efficiencies in onsite treatment systems that discharge to the soil and water environments.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment plants have recently been identified as a significant pathway for the introduction of perfluoroalkyl surfactants (PASs) to natural waters. In this study, we measured concentrations and fate of several PASs in six wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in New York State. We also monitored and measured matrix effects (ionization suppression and enhancement) by postcolumn infusion and standard additions. Concentrations of perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) in effluents of the six WWTPs ranged from 58 to 1050 ng/L. Perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) was also ubiquitous in effluents of these WWTPs, albeit at much lower concentrations (3-68 ng/L). Two of these WWTPs employed identical treatment processes, with similar hydraulic retentions, but differed only in that Plant B treated domestic and commercial waste, whereas Plant A had an additional industrial influence. We found that this industrial influence resulted in significantly greater mass flows of all of the PASs analyzed. Primary treatment was found to have no effect on the mass flows of PASs. Secondary treatment by activated sludge in Plant A significantly increased (p < 0.05) the mass flows of PFOS, PFOA, perfluorononanoate (PFNA), perfluorodecanoate (PFDA), and perfluoroundecanoate (PFUnDA). However, in Plant B, only the mass flow of PFOA was significantly increased. The observed increase in mass flow of several PASs may have resulted from biodegradation of precursor compounds such as fluorotelomer alcohols, which is supported by significant correlations in the mass flow of PFOA/PFNA and PFDA/PFUnDA. Furthermore, the masses of PFDA and PFUnDA were significantly correlated only after the secondary treatment. In Plant A, concentrations of odd-number PFCAs were greater than those of even-number PFCAs, and concentration decreased with increasing chain length (from C8 to C12). A different pattern was observed in sludge samples, in which the dominance of PFOA decreased, and PFDA and PFUnDA increased, suggesting preferential partitioning of longer-chain PFCAs to sludge.  相似文献   

The potent carcinogen, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), is produced during disinfection of municipal wastewater effluent from the reaction of monochloramine and organic nitrogen-containing precursors. To delineate the sources and fate of NDMA precursors during municipal wastewater treatment, NDMA formation was measured after extended chloramination of both model precursors and samples from conventional and advanced wastewater treatment plants. Of the model precursors, only dimethylamine, tertiary amines with dimethylamine functional groups, and dimethylamides formed significant NDMA concentrations upon chloramination. In samples from municipal wastewater treatment plants, dissolved NDMA precursors always were present in primary and secondary effluents. Biological treatment effectively removed the known NDMA precursor dimethylamine, lowering its concentration to levels that could not produce significant quantities of NDMA upon chlorine disinfection. However, biological treatment was less effective at removing other dissolved NDMA precursors, even after extended biological treatment. Significant concentrations of particle-associated NDMA precursors only were detected in secondary effluent at treatment plants that recycled water from sludge thickening operations in which dimethylamine-based synthetic polymers were used. Effective strategies for the prevention of NDMA formation during wastewater chlorination include ammonia removal by nitrification to preclude chloramine formation during chlorine disinfection, elimination of dimethylamine-based polymers, and use of filtration and reverse osmosis to remove particle-associated precursors and dissolved precursors, respectively.  相似文献   

The occurrence and transport of 12 antibiotics (from the tetracycline, sulfonamide, quinolone, and macrolide families) was studied in a 72-km stretch of the Haihe River, China, and in six of its tributaries. Aqueous and sediment samples were analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS. Sulfonamides were detected at the highest concentrations (24-385 ng/L) and highest frequencies (76-100%). Eight of the 12 antibiotics likely originated from veterinary applications in swine farms and fishponds, and concentrations at these sources (0.12-47 μg/L) were 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than in the effluent of local wastewater treatment plants. Sulfachloropyridazine (SCP) was detected in all swine farm and fishpond samples (maximum concentration 47 μg/L), which suggests its potential usefulness to indicate livestock source pollution in the Haihe River basin. Hydrological and chemical factors that may influence antibiotic distribution in the Haihe River were considered by multiple regression analysis. River flow rate exerted the most significant effect on the first-order attenuation coefficient (K) for sulfonamides, quinolones, and macrolides, with higher flow rates resulting in higher K, probably due to dilution. For tetracyclines, sediment total organic matter and cation exchange capacity exerted a greater impact on K than flow rate, indicating that adsorption to sediments plays an important role in attenuating tetracycline migration. Overall, the predominance of sulfonamides in the Haihe River underscores the need to consider regulating their veterinary use and improving the management and treatment of associated releases.  相似文献   

The two oxazaphosphorine compounds cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide are important cytostatic drugs used in the chemotherapy of cancer and in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Their mechanism of action, involving metabolic activation and unspecific alkylation of nucleophilic compounds, accounts for genotoxic effects described in the literature and is reason for environmental concern. The occurrence and fate of cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide were studied in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and surface waters in Switzerland, using a highly sensitive analytical method based on solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. The compounds were detected in untreated and treated wastewater at concentrations of <0.3-11 ng/L, which corresponded well with concentrations predicted from consumption data and typical renal excretion rates. Weekly loads determined in influent and effluent wastewater were comparable and suggested a high persistence in WWTPs. Furthermore, no degradation was observed in activated sludge incubation experiments within 24 h at concentrations of approximately 100 ng/L. Processes that may be relevant for elimination in natural waterbodies were studied with a set of incubation experiments in the laboratory. After extrapolation to natural conditions in surface waters, a slow dark-chemical degradation (half-lives on the order of years) is the most important transformation process. Degradation by photochemically formed HO* radicals may be of some relevance only in shallow, clear, and nitrate-rich waterbodies but could be further exploited for elimination of these compounds by advanced oxidation processes, i.e., in a treatment of hospital wastewater. In surface waters, concentrations ranged from < or =50 to 170 pg/L and were thus several orders of magnitude lower than the levels at which acute ecotoxicological effects have been reported in the literature (mg/L range). However, due to a lack of studies on chronic effects on aquatic organisms and data on occurrence and effects of metabolites, a final risk assessment cannot be made.  相似文献   

Antibiotic residues in milk can cause serious problems for consumers and the dairy industry. Heat treatment of milk may diminish the antimicrobial activity of these antibiotic residues. This study analyzed the effect of milk processing (60 °C for 30 min, 120 °C for 20 min, and 140 °C for 10 s) on the antimicrobial activity of milk samples fortified with three concentrations of three macrolides (erythromycin: 20, 40 and 80 μg/liter; spiramycin: 100, 200, and 400 μg/liter; and tylosin: 500, 1,000, and 2,000 μg/liter) and one lincosamide (lincomycin: 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 μg/liter). To measure the loss of antimicrobial activity, a bioassay based on the growth inhibition of Micrococcus luteus was done. The data were analyzed using a multiple linear regression model. The results indicate that treatment at 120 °C for 20 min produces inactivation percentages of 93% (erythromycin), 64% (spiramycin), 51% (tylosin), and 5% (lincomycin), while treatment at 140 °C for 10 s results in generally lower percentages (30% erythromycin, 35% spiramycin, 12% tylosin, and 5% lincomycin). The lowest loss or lowest reduction of antimicrobial activity (21% erythromycin and 13% spiramycin) was obtained by treatment at 60 °C for 30 min.  相似文献   

Atrazine, simazine, and propazine and their major chlorinated degradates (deethylatrazine, deisopropylatrazine, and didealkylatrazine) are considered as a group to be endocrine-disrupting chemicals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. On this basis, regulatory action levels are currently under consideration for the total chloro-s-triazine (TCT) levels in drinking waters. To assess the concentrations of each of these species in drinking water and their treatability in conventional water treatment, a comprehensive, full-scale studywas conducted that included frequent monitoring at 33 and 47 water utilities during 2003 and 2004, respectively. Approximately 900 paired raw and treated water samples were analyzed using a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method with preconcentration using a mixed-mode, solid-phase extraction that allowed quantitation of each species including didealkylatrazine. The results showed that atrazine concentrations were generally well within the 3 microg/L maximum contaminant level (MCL) and that simazine and propazine concentrations were generally negligible. Ninety-fifth-percentile values for the ratio of TCT/atrazine were 4.8 and 4.7, respectively. Effectiveness of conventional treatment technologies, including carbon, was observed to vary significantly. Concerns that didealkyatrazine concentrations may be high and significantly elevate the TCT appear to be unfounded. In general, the results suggest that potential treatment requirements for TCT are not likely to be any more difficult for utilities to meet than the current requirements for atrazine.  相似文献   

Triclosan is used as an antimicrobial agent in a wide range of medical and consumer care products. To investigate the occurrence and fate of triclosan in the aquatic environment, analytical methods for the quantification of triclosan in surface water and wastewater, sludge, and sediment were developed. Furthermore, the fate of triclosan in a wastewater treatment plant (biological degradation, 79%; sorption to sludge, 15%; input into the receiving surface water, 6%) was measured during a field study. Despite the high overall removal rate, the concentration in the wastewater effluents were in the range of 42-213 ng/L leading to concentrations of 11-98 ng/L in the receiving rivers. Moreover, a high removal rate of 0.03 d(-1) for triclosan in the epilimnion of the lake Greifensee was observed. This is due to photochemical degradation. The measured vertical concentration profile of triclosan in a lake sediment core of lake Greifensee reflects its increased use over 30 years. As the measured concentrations in surface waters are in the range of the predicted no effect concentration of 50 ng/L, more measurements and a detailed investigation of the degradation processes are needed.  相似文献   

Occurrence and fate of barbiturates in the aquatic environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Barbiturates have been widely used as sedative hypnotics in the mid-1960s and since then mainly as veterinary drugs. To monitor their presence and fate in the aquatic environment, a method based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been developed to quantify butalbital, secobarbital, hexobarbital, aprobarbital, phenobarbital, and pentobarbital, all with a limit of detection (LOD) down to 1 ng/L. From the various investigated waste and surface water samples, barbiturates were only, but regularly detected in the Mulde, a tributary of the river Elbe in Germany at relevant concentrations up to several microg/L. Investigations of groundwater being affected with wastewater infiltration several decades ago also revealed a barbiturate pattern, indicating a strong recalcitrance of these drugs. To confirm this hypothesis, studies were carried out on biotic and abiotic degradation. Both, the biodegradability under aerobic conditions and hydrolysis did not show any degradation, implementing, that the investigated barbiturates, once released into the aquatic environment, show high stability over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Biofiltration, activated sludge diffusion, biotrickling filtration, chemical scrubbing, activated carbon adsorption, regenerative incineration, and a hybrid technology (biotrickling filtration coupled with carbon adsorption) are comparatively evaluated in terms of environmental performance, process economics, and social impact by using the IChemE Sustainability Metrics in the context of odor treatment from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This comparative analysis showed that physical/chemical technologies presented higher environmental impacts than their biological counterparts in terms of energy, material and reagents consumption, and hazardous-waste production. Among biological techniques, the main impact was caused by the high water consumption to maintain biological activity (although the use of secondary effluent water can reduce both this environmental impact and operating costs), biofiltration additionally exhibiting high land and material requirements. From a process economics viewpoint, technologies with the highest investments presented the lowest operating costs (biofiltration and biotrickling filtration), which suggested that the Net Present Value should be used as selection criterion. In addition, a significant effect of the economy of scale on the investment costs and odorant concentration on operating cost was observed. The social benefits derived from odor abatement were linked to nuisance reductions in the nearby population and improvements in occupational health within the WWTP, with the hybrid technology exhibiting the highest benefits. On the basis of their low environmental impact, high deodorization performance, and low Net Present Value, biotrickling filtration and AS diffusion emerged as the most promising technologies for odor treatment in WWTP.  相似文献   

UV filters are widely used compounds in many personal care products and cosmetics, such as sunscreens. After use, UV filters are washed off from skin and clothes and enter the aquatic environment. Recent studies indicate that some lipophilic UV filters do accumulate in biota and act as endocrine disruptors. In this study, concentrations of 4-MBC (4-methylbenzylidene camphor) and OC (octocrylene), two widely used UV filters, were determined in the muscle tissue of fish (brown trout, Salmo trutta fario) from seven small Swiss rivers, all receiving inputs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Lipid-weight based concentrations of up to 1800 (4-MBC) and 2400 ng g(-1) (OC) were found. These levels were distinctly higher than those previously observed in white fish (Coregonus sp.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus) from Swiss lakes with inputs from WWTPs. This suggests a higher availability of these contaminants for fish in rivers than in lakes and identifies WWTPs as a major source for UV filters in the aquatic environment. As compared to lake fish, individual fish from a river showed much greater variation in 4-MBC and OC concentrations, likely as a result of a wider range of exposure in rivers than in lakes. 4-MBC concentrations correlated reasonably well with concentrations of methyl triclosan, a chemical marker for lipophilic WWTP-derived contaminants. The ratio P/Q of population (P) in a watershed to water throughflow (Q) is considered to be a measure of the domestic burden from WWTPs. A correlation of methyl triclosan with P/Q was previously observed with lake fish. However, such a correlation could not be confirmed with river fish. The higher average concentrations of OC as compared to 4-MBC in river fish, and the fact that OC was mostly absent in lake fish, suggests differences in bioaccumulation and availability of these two UV filters.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the influence of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and solid retention time (SRT) on the removal of tetracycline in the activated sludge processes. Two lab-scale sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were operated to simulate the activated sludge process. One SBR was spiked with 250 microg/L tetracycline, while the other SBR was evaluated at tetracycline concentrations found in the influent of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where the activated sludge was obtained. The concentrations of tetracyclines in the influent of the WWTP ranged from 0.1 to 0.6 microg/L. Three different operating conditions were applied during the study (phase 1-HRT: 24 h and SRT: 10 days; phase 2-HRT: 7.4 h and SRT: 10 days; and phase 3-HRT: 7.4 h and SRT: 3 days). The removal efficiency of tetracycline in phase 3 (78.4 +/- 7.1%) was significantly lower than that observed in phase 1 (86.4 +/- 8.7%) and phase 2 (85.1 +/- 5.4%) at the 95% confidence level. The reduction of SRT in phase 3 while maintaining a constant HRT decreased tetracycline removal efficiency. Sorption kinetics reached equilibrium within 24 h. Batch equilibrium experiments yielded an adsorption coefficient (Kads) of 8400 +/- 500 mL/g and a desorption coefficient (Kdes) of 22 600 +/- 2200 mL/g. No evidence of biodegradation for tetracycline was observed during the biodegradability test, and sorption was found to be the principal removal mechanism of tetracycline in activated sludge.  相似文献   

利用水生植物处理染料废水的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杜亮  李子燕  宁平  杜谨宏  左奇丽  姜浩 《纺织学报》2012,33(11):146-152
 利用水生植物修复受污染水体是一种高效、简易、低耗的污水处理技术。本文从低等水生植物和大型水生植物两个方面综述了近年来国内外关于利用水生植物处理印染废水的研究及应用现状,并对其发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

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