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An intercomparison of aerosol backscatter lidar algorithms was performed in 2001 within the framework of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology (EARLINET). The objective of this research was to test the correctness of the algorithms and the influence of the lidar ratio used by the various lidar teams involved in the EARLINET for calculation of backscatter-coefficient profiles from the lidar signals. The exercise consisted of processing synthetic lidar signals of various degrees of difficulty. One of these profiles contained height-dependent lidar ratios to test the vertical influence of those profiles on the various retrieval algorithms. Furthermore, a realistic incomplete overlap of laser beam and receiver field of view was introduced to remind the teams to take great care in the nearest range to the lidar. The intercomparison was performed in three stages with increasing knowledge on the input parameters. First, only the lidar signals were distributed; this is the most realistic stage. Afterward the lidar ratio profiles and the reference values at calibration height were provided. The unknown height-dependent lidar ratio had the largest influence on the retrieval, whereas the unknown reference value was of minor importance. These results show the necessity of making additional independent measurements, which can provide us with a suitable approximation of the lidar ratio. The final stage proves in general, that the data evaluation schemes of the different groups of lidar systems work well.  相似文献   

An intercomparison of the algorithms used to retrieve aerosol extinction and backscatter starting from Raman lidar signals has been performed by 11 groups of lidar scientists involved in the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET). This intercomparison is part of an extended quality assurance program performed on aerosol lidars in the EARLINET. Lidar instruments and aerosol backscatter algorithms were tested separately. The Raman lidar algorithms were tested by use of synthetic lidar data, simulated at 355, 532, 386, and 607 nm, with realistic experimental and atmospheric conditions taken into account. The intercomparison demonstrates that the data-handling procedures used by all the lidar groups provide satisfactory results. Extinction profiles show mean deviations from the correct solution within 10% in the planetary boundary layer (PBL), and backscatter profiles, retrieved by use of algorithms based on the combined Raman elastic-backscatter lidar technique, show mean deviations from solutions within 20% up to 2 km. The intercomparison was also carried out for the lidar ratio and produced profiles that show a mean deviation from the solution within 20% in the PBL. The mean value of this parameter was also calculated within a lofted aerosol layer at higher altitudes that is representative of typical layers related to special events such as Saharan dust outbreaks, forest fires, and volcanic eruptions. Here deviations were within 15%.  相似文献   

Aerosol observations by lidar in the nocturnal boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aerosol observations by lidar in the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL) were performed in Potenza, Southern Italy, from 20 January to 20 February 1997. Measurements during nine winter nights were considered, covering a variety of boundary-layer conditions. The vertical profiles of the aerosol backscattering coefficient at 355 and 723.37 nm were determined through a Klett-modified iterative procedure, assuming the extinction-to-backscattering ratio within the NBL has a constant value. Aerosol average size characteristics were retrieved from almost simultaneous profiles of the aerosol backscattering coefficient at 355 and 723.37 nm, the measurements being consistent with an accumulation mode radius not exceeding 0.4 mum. Similar results in terms of aerosol sizes were obtained from measurements of the extinction-to-backscattering ratio profile at 355 nm performed on six nights during the measurement campaign. Backscattering profiles at 723.37 nm were also converted into profiles of aerosol liquid water content.  相似文献   

Whiteman DN 《Applied optics》2003,42(15):2571-2592
The essential information required for the analysis of Raman lidar water vapor and aerosol data acquired by use of a single laser wavelength is compiled here and in a companion paper [Appl. Opt. 42, 2593 (2003)]. Various details concerning the evaluation of the lidar equations when Raman scattering is measured are covered. These details include the influence of the temperature dependence of both pure rotational and vibrational-rotational Raman scattering on the lidar profile. The full temperature dependence of the Rayleigh-Mie and Raman lidar equations are evaluated by use of a new form of the lidar equation where all the temperature dependence is carried in a single term. The results indicate that, for the range of temperatures encountered in the troposphere, the magnitude of the temperature-dependent effect can reach 10% or more for narrowband Raman water-vapor measurements. Also, the calculation of atmospheric transmission, including the effects of depolarization, is examined carefully. Various formulations of Rayleigh cross-section determination commonly used in the lidar field are compared and reveal differences of as much as 5% among the formulations. The influence of multiple scattering on the measurement of aerosol extinction with the Raman lidar technique is considered, as are several photon pulse pileup-correction techniques.  相似文献   

Gobbi GP 《Applied optics》1998,37(24):5505-5508
Relationships for the interpretation of polarization lidar observations of aerosols and thin clouds are presented. They allow for the separation of contributions to backscatter from solid and liquid phases by the use of either the classical backscatter and depolarization ratio parameters or the particulate cross-polarized backscatter cross sections. It is shown that different aerosol phases can be better separated by use of the latter coordinates. Emphasis is placed on the study of composition and phase properties of polar stratospheric aerosols.  相似文献   

Herman BR  Gross B  Moshary F  Ahmed S 《Applied optics》2005,44(30):6462-6473
In applying the graphical technique to the estimation of the particle size distribution (PSD) parameters, determination of proper bounds surrounding the solution space for a particular confidence level is essential to the consistent intercomparison of diverse multiwavelength lidar optical data sets. The graphical technique utilizes ratios of backscatter and/or extinction coefficients, and it is shown that if the correlation between ratios is not taken into account in calculating the error bounds, the solution space will be overestimated, resulting in relatively larger discrepancies for a larger number of optical coefficients. A method for correcting the bounds, to account for the correlation is developed for various numbers of wavelengths. These improved bounds are then applied, for the case of a monomodal lognormal PSD, with an assumed refractive index, to assess the role additional Raman extinction channels play in improving retrieval capability of a typical three-channel backscatter lidar (1064, 532, and 355 nm) under varying noise levels. Applying the same formalism to underlying bimodal distributions of coarse and fine particles can result in false monomodal solutions. However, when both Raman optical extinction channels are available, no solution is obtained. This can potentially serve as a quick and simple method, prior to a more complex regularization analysis, to differentiate between cases in which the fine mode is dominant versus the cases in which the contribution from the coarse mode is significant.  相似文献   

The ICCHIBAN-2 experiment, the first dedicated to the ground-based intercomparison of passive space dosemeters, was carried out between 23 May and 28 May 2002 at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba, Japan. The primary objective of the ICCHIBAN-2 experiment was to intercompare the response of passive dosemeters used in space crew dosimetry to monoenergetic heavy ions of charge and energy spanning a significant portion of the galactic cosmic ray (GCR) spectrum. During the ICCHIBAN-2 experiment, dosemeters from 12 different laboratories in 9 countries were irradiated under identical conditions to heavy ion beams of 150 MeV n(-1) (4)He, 400 MeV n(-1) (12)C, 490 MeV n(-1) (28)Si and 500 MeV n(-1) (56)Fe at the NIRS Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator.  相似文献   

The Institute for Radiological protection and Nuclear Safety was engaged in the EC funded EVIDOS project to provide reference spectrometry data using its Bonner sphere system. The data were processed by means of two unfolding codes, NUBAY and GRAVEL, both provided by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. The NUBAY program, based on Bayesian parameter estimation methods, assumes a parameterised spectrum and provides posterior probability distributions for the parameters. The code GRAVEL, an iterative algorithm based on SAND-II, was used with various default spectra, among them the NUBAY solution. The BS measurements were used to establish the neutron fluence energy distributions and reference values for the neutron ambient dose equivalent. As this quantity depends strongly on the high energy neutrons, a sensitivity analysis was done by unfolding the BS data with GRAVEL using the NUBAY solution spectrum as default with various changes in the parameters of the high energy peak. This new method of analysing Bonner sphere data allowed the determination of reliable neutron spectra, as well as a very good estimate of the corresponding integral quantities with small associated uncertainties.  相似文献   

Experimental determination of the lidar overlap profile with Raman lidar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The range-dependent overlap between the laser beam and the receiver field of view of a lidar can be determined experimentally if a pure molecular backscatter signal is measured in addition to the usually observed elastic backscatter signal, which consists of a molecular component and a particle component. Two methods, the direct determination of the overlap profile and an iterative approach, are presented and applied to a lidar measurement. The measured overlap profile accounts for actual system alignment and for all system parameters that are not explicitly known, such as actual laser beam divergence and spatial intensity distribution of the laser light.  相似文献   

The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is one of the most intractable combinatorial optimisation problems that combines a set of constraints and objectives met in a vast variety of applications and industries. Its solution raises major theoretical challenges due to its complexity, yet presenting numerous practical dimensions. Adaptive memory programming (AMP) is one of the most successful frameworks for solving hard combinatorial optimisation problems (e.g. vehicle routing and scheduling). Its success stems from the use of learning mechanisms that capture favourable solution elements found in high-quality solutions. This paper challenges the efficiency of AMP for solving the RCPSP, to our knowledge, for the first time in the literature. Computational experiments on well-known benchmark RCPSP instances show that the proposed AMP consistently produces high-quality solutions in reasonable computational times.  相似文献   

Innovative technology and deep uncertainty during the design and construction process of complex projects introduce great challenges to their organization and management. The traditional methods, represented in the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) guide, can solve systematic problems; however, they cannot solve complex problems. Based on the management practice implemented in the deck pavement project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), in this work, we propose a meta-synthesis management framework for a complex project from the perspective of the science of complexity. The method deems that the complexity of the project has the characteristic of being multi-scale both in the design phase and the construction phase. These problems can be classified into different categories, each of which requires a different strategy. As a result, it is first necessary to adopt the “exploration” strategy to reduce project complexity and to transform the deep uncertainty problems into systematic problems. Then, the “exploitation” strategy should be used to apply the PMBOK and other traditional methods to achieve the design and construction goals of the project and to improve its efficiency. More specifically, in the design phase of a complex project, the “innovative integration” process is used for the exploration of the new engineering technology and knowledge; then, the “functional integration” process is employed to define the system architecture, the interface relationship, the technical index, and other functions. In the construction phase, the “adaptive integration” process is used for the construction of the engineering organization system; next, the “efficient integration” process is employed to improve the actual construction performance. The meta-synthesis management framework proposed in this work reveals the multi-scale principle of solving complex problems in the management practice of a complex project, and develops the methodology of meta-synthesis.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an intercomparison for extremity dosemeters organised by the European radiation dosimetry group in 2009. In total, 59 systems were tested during this exercise including ring, stall and wrist dosemeters. A total of 1652 dosemeters were irradiated in the selected fields of photons and beta radiation qualities on appropriate phantoms (ISO finger and pillar phantom) in the dose quantity H(p)(0.07). All irradiations were carried out in selected accredited reference dosemetry laboratories (Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria and IRSN, France). The results show that, especially at low-energy beta radiations ((85)Kr) and for beta irradiations with large angles of incidence (60°), many tested systems show pronounced under responses. On the other hand, for photon irradiations down to energies of 16 keV most systems showed good results. A participants meeting was held at IM2010 with discussion on both general aspects of this intercomparison and specific problems.  相似文献   

Analysis of the receiver response in lidar measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on the calculation of the effective telescope area in lidar applications by a ray-tracing approach. This method allows one to consider the true experimental working conditions and hence to obtain accurate values of the effective telescope area as a function of the height. This in turn allows the retrieval of the signal from the ranges where the overlap function is not constant (e.g., lower ranges), thus increasing the useful range interval. Moreover, we show that the spherical mirrors are more appropriate than the parabolic ones for most of the lidar measurements, although a particular alignment procedure, such as the one we describe, must be used.  相似文献   

First intercomparison of Tn-Rn discriminative measurements in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intercomparison measurements with Tn-Rn discriminative monitor were conducted at the Radon Laboratory of Nanhua University. The intercomparison results indicates that the Tn-Rn discrimination of most monitors (including the solid-state nuclear track detector of participant A and participant B, continuous monitors of RAD7 and RTM2100) keeps well in a wide range of the ratio of Tn to Rn. There are great differences of Tn measurement results among RAD7, RTM2100 and reference instrument. The discussion on the reason of these differences reveals the necessity of improvement on monitor calibration, Tn source make and the necessity of more international intercomparisons.  相似文献   

Rayleigh-Mie lidar measurements of stratospheric temperature and aerosol profiles have been carried out at Reunion Island (southern tropics) since 1993. Since June 1998, an operational extension of the system is permitting additional measurements of tropospheric ozone to be made by differential absorption lidar. The emission wavelengths (289 and 316 nm) are obtained by stimulated Raman shifting of the fourth harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser in a high-pressure deuterium cell. A mosaic of four parabolic mirrors collects the backscattered signal, and the transmission is processed by the multiple fiber collector method. The altitude range of ozone profiles obtained with this system is 3?17 km. Technical details of this lidar system working in the southern tropics, comparisons of ozone lidar profiles with radiosondes, and scientific perspectives are presented. The significant lack of tropospheric ozone measurements in the tropical and equatorial regions, the particular scientific interest in these regions, and the altitude range of the ozone measurements to 16?17 km make this lidar supplement useful and its adaptation technically conceivable at many Rayleigh-Mie lidar stations.  相似文献   

The overlap profile, also known as crossover function or geometric form factor, is often a source of uncertainty for lidar measurements. This paper describes a method for measuring the overlap by presenting the lidar with a virtual cloud through the use of an imaging system. Results show good agreement with horizontal hard target lidar measurements and with geometric overlap calculated for the ideal aberration-free case.  相似文献   

Structures having a La3+ ion assigned to various sites in an idealized faujasite framework have been modeled using potentials developed from the study of oxides and successfully applied to zeolites. An initial structure is relaxed to minimum energy at constant pressure with all species free to move. The resulting lattice energy is used as a measure of the stability of the structure. On this basis, it is shown that distortion of the framework and the combined effect of many relatively long-range electrostatic interactions cause simple analyses based on high symmetry and short-range interactions to be unreliable. In particular, it is shown that the chance of an isolated La3+ ion's occupying an SI' site is comparable to that of its occupying an SI site, and, indeed, the SI' site can be the preferred location. This finding serves to clarify the interpretation of the X-ray diffraction data for single-crystal La-FAU. A further significant finding is that SII sites can be expected to have a higher population of La3+ ions in such structures than they have usually been thought to have.  相似文献   

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