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Since customer preferences change rapidly, there is a need for design processes with shorter product development cycles. Modularization plays a key role in achieving mass customization, which is crucial in today's competitive global market environments. Standardized interfaces among modularized parts have facilitated computational product design. To incorporate product size and weight constraints during computational design procedures, a mixed integer programming formulation is presented in this article. Product size and weight are two of the most important design parameters, as evidenced by recent smart-phone products. This article focuses on the integration of geometric, weight and interface constraints into the proposed mathematical formulation. The formulation generates the optimal selection of components for a target product, which satisfies geometric, weight and interface constraints. The formulation is verified through a case study and experiments are performed to demonstrate the performance of the formulation.  相似文献   

Supply chain network design aims at the integration of the different actors of a supply chain within a single framework in order to optimise the total profit of the system. In this paper, we consider the integration of line balancing issues within the tactical decisions of the supply chain, and we offer a novel model and a solution approach for the problem. The new approach decomposes the problem into multiple line balancing problems and a mixed integer linear model, which is easier to solve than the previously available non-linear mixed integer formulation. The results show that the new method is able to solve previously studied models within a fraction of the reported running times, and also allows us to solve larger instances than those reported in earlier works. Finally, we also provide some analysis on the influence of the cost structure, the demand and the structure of the assembly process on the final configuration of the assemblies and the distribution network.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to aid enterprises to redesign their existing product line from the standpoint of two critical competitive dimensions i.e. time to market (TTM) and market share. An integrative methodology for product line redesign is evolved that sews together aspects related to product functionality, modularity and competitive market segments. Firstly, the existing level functionality of a multi-modular product is established employing the functional analysis systems technique for the given manufacturer under consideration and other market players. Thereafter, product premium and TTM functions for respective modules in terms of the linear relationships are established. Further, a detailed mathematical model is evolved where the two objective functions related to minimisation of TTM and maximisation of the product premium are formulated. The constraints in the devised optimisation model pertain to market segment, product profile, engineering design and non-negativity and integrality considerations. Finally, employing the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), the devised model is solved that yields a number of Pareto-optimal redesigned products for the three market segments under consideration. Analysis of the results yields several managerial insights that are discussed. The devised framework is illustrated employing a real-life case of Black and Decker’s power tool product line.  相似文献   

Product design is increasingly becoming a critical function in many organisations having significant impact on their performance. It aims at the selection of a near-optimal mix of products and attribute-levels to offer in the target market. The standard product portfolio planning approach has focused on selecting optimum product profiles based on part-worth utility data. However, given that product development happens in multiple stages, combining the product definition decisions with the product development feasibility will provide organisations with a more inclusive and global solution. This paper considers a resource-constrained environment with a multi-stage product development cycle and presents an approach for helping an organisation to select the definitions of products for its product portfolio and the feasible launch timings. The proposed framework will aid product managers and researchers to identify and evaluate alternative product definitions using a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model in order to determine the alternatives which best balance product features and product development.  相似文献   

Affective design is an important aspect of new product development, especially for consumer products, to achieve a competitive edge in the marketplace. It can help companies to develop new products that can better satisfy the emotional needs of customers. However, product designers usually encounter difficulties in determining the optimal settings of the design attributes for affective design. In this article, a novel guided search genetic algorithm (GA) approach is proposed to determine the optimal design attribute settings for affective design. The optimization model formulated based on the proposed approach applied constraints and guided search operators, which were formulated based on mined rules, to guide the GA search and to achieve desirable solutions. A case study on the affective design of mobile phones was conducted to illustrate the proposed approach and validate its effectiveness. Validation tests were conducted, and the results show that the guided search GA approach outperforms the GA approach without the guided search strategy in terms of GA convergence and computational time. In addition, the guided search optimization model is capable of improving GA to generate good solutions for affective design.  相似文献   

With a highly fragmented market and increased competition, platform-based product family design is recognised as an effective method for constructing a product line that satisfies diverse customer demand while keeping design and production cost- and time-effective. Recognising the need for modularity and commonality in platform development, this paper presents a systematic framework to assist in implementing top-down platform and product family design, which aims to achieve system-level modularity for variety generation, and rationalise the commonality configuration for module instantiation. In the first phase of platform development, a robust and flexible product family architecture is constructed to accommodate variations by analysing the external varieties of the generic product architecture, and provide a modularity design space, wherein the design tasks are further decomposed into module instantiation. The second phase of detailed platform development aims to enhance commonality in terms of engineering efficiency by coordinating with the back-end product realisation stage. A tractable optimisation method is used to capture and resolve the trade-off between commonality configuration and individual product performance. A family of power tool designs is used to demonstrate the potential and feasibility of the proposed framework at the system level and detailed design stages.  相似文献   

We developed a decision support framework for a global manufacturer of specialty chemicals to study the relative impact of demand, supply and lead-time uncertainties on cost and customer service performance. Our approach combines optimisation and simulation methodologies as follows: mathematical models provide optimal plans via a novel approach to the supply chain planning mechanism of the Company. Simulation models execute the supply chain plans so as to allow the examination of the outcomes under the various sources of uncertainty. The iterative use of optimisation and simulation methodologies allows the user the benefit of obtaining optimal solutions while revealing the impact of uncertainties on system performance. Our results indicate that demand uncertainty has the greatest negative impact on performance for the supply chain that we modelled in this study, emphasising the importance of effective forecasting. The relative importance of supply and lead-time uncertainties varies according to the performance measures. While our results are valid for the specific supply chain and the operating environment we modelled, our study emphasises the importance of the ability to model supply chains realistically to obtain valid and useful results.  相似文献   

This article contributes an original integrated model of an open-pit coal mine for supporting energy-efficient decisions. Mixed integer linear programming is used to formulate a general integrated model of the operational energy consumption of four common open-pit coal mining subsystems: excavation and haulage, stockpiles, processing plants and belt conveyors. Mines are represented as connected instances of the four subsystems, in a flow sheet manner, which are then fitted to data provided by the mine operators. Solving the integrated model ensures the subsystems’ operations are synchronised and whole-of-mine energy efficiency is encouraged. An investigation on a case study of an open-pit coal mine is conducted to validate the proposed methodology. Opportunities are presented for using the model to aid energy-efficient decision-making at various levels of a mine, and future work to improve the approach is described.  相似文献   

We propose a new approach for the facility process-layout design problem, and introduce new mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for solving the problem. In this approach, we consider simultaneously, in a process-layout setting, the shape and location of the departments within the facility as well as the internal arrangement of the machines within the departments. Two models are suggested, the first assumes a rectangular shape of the departments and the second allows non-rectangular departments defined by an L/T shape. For the latter model, new constraints are developed to assure a correct design of the L/T shapes and to avoid irregular department shapes, and cuts are added to shorten the solution time. Finally, we conduct an extensive numerical study, in which we show the capabilities of both formulations in solving problems of medium size, and the superiority of the L/T department shape solutions over the rectangular department solutions.  相似文献   

The design of new innovative products is the result of an accurate and precise management of knowledge sources all over its life cycle, such as technology, market, competitors and suppliers. The work contributes with a framework that shows how the knowledge sources influence in the state-of-the-art and market needs so that they become opportunities for innovating products addressing the whole product life cycle. It provides a systematic path from the early generation of ideas to the production of a new product proposal. Through a deep analysis of previous research works of new product innovation life cycle development frameworks and linking it with knowledge management, strategic planning and scorecards, we came out with a structured contribution. The result considers the concurrent activities and its relationships all the way through the product life cycle that can help in creativity and innovation, combined with a process management proposal. Managing the sources of knowledge in highly dynamic markets and technologies is one of the major difficulties involved in innovative products design and development. The emerging knowledge from external sources is confronted with organisation internal knowledge and experience in order to achieve the first product correct.  相似文献   

This article presents a mixed integer programming model for the design of global multi-echelon supply chains while considering lead time constraints. Indeed, we impose that the delivery lead time that can be promised by the company must be smaller than the lead time required by the customer. The delivery lead time is calculated based on the lead times of purchasing, manufacturing and transportation that are triggered by the customer order while considering the stock levels of purchased, intermediate and final products that must be kept at the different facilities. Computational studies are conducted in order to analyse the impacts of including lead times on the supply chain design decisions and to prove the solvability of the model.  相似文献   

The optimisation problems related to the assignment of tasks to workstations in assembly and disassembly lines have been largely discussed in the literature. They are known, respectively, as Assembly Line Balancing and Disassembly Line Balancing Problems. In this study, both types of task performed on the identical product are integrated in a common hybrid production system. Therefore, the logistic process is simplified and disassembly tasks can supply easier the assembly tasks with the required components. The considered production system has the layout of two parallel lines with common workstations. The product flow is conventional in the assembly line and reverse in the disassembly line. The paper provides a new mathematical model for designing such a hybrid system and an approximate approach based on ant colony optimisation for solving large-scale instances. The solution method is tested in a case study. The obtained results are compared with the solution provided by the design of two independent lines. The analysis of the results highlights the potential benefits of the hybrid production system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive model that captures significant strategic decisions involved in designing or redesigning high-performance supply chains from the perspective of the manufacturer. The problem considers deterministic demand by multiple clients, for multiple products, over the periods of a long-term horizon. The design decisions involve selection of suppliers, establishment or resizing of production facilities and distribution centres, possible subcontracting of related activities, and selection of transportation modes and routes. The problem is formulated by a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model. Its objective is to minimise the overall costs associated with procurement, production, inventory, warehousing, and transportation over the design horizon. Appropriate constraints model the complex relationships among the links of the supply chain. The proposed model has been applied to a large case study of a global manufacturing firm, providing valuable insights into the transformation of the firm’s current supply chain network, as well as into the potential of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The scheduling literature is extensive, but much of this work is theoretical and does not capture the complexity of real world systems. Capital goods companies produce products with deep and complex product structures, each of which requires the coordination of jobbing, batch, flow and assembly processes. Many components require numerous operations on multiple machines. Integrated scheduling problems simultaneously consider two or more simultaneous decisions. Previous production scheduling research in the capital goods industry has neglected maintenance scheduling and used metaheuristics with stochastic search that cannot guarantee an optimal solution. This paper presents a novel mixed integer linear programming model for simultaneously solving the integrated production and preventive maintenance scheduling problem in the capital goods industry, which was tested using data from a collaborating company. The objective was to minimise total costs including: tardiness and earliness penalty costs; component and assembly holding costs; preventive maintenance costs; and set-up, production, transfer and production idle time costs. Thus, the objective function and problem formulation were more extensive than previous research. The tool was successfully tested using data obtained from a collaborating company. It was found that the company’s total cost could be reduced by up to 63.5%.  相似文献   

Collaborative product development (CPD) processes are generally based on technological infrastructures. Various information technologies (IT) are proposed every day to facilitate collaboration, integration, co-design and co-development processes. In this highly uncertain environment, a systematic methodology is essential to plan the IT infrastructure needed to start and maintain a collaborative process. This study offers an integrated IT planning methodology combining fuzzy quality function deployment, fuzzy axiomatic design and fuzzy rule-based systems. The methodology is tested in a CPD case and the outcome presents an improvement path for IT for each of the collaborative parties.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to provide an application to a real-life supply-chain context (i.e. the Pirelli Tyre European logistics network) of an integrated logistics network design and optimisation model. Starting from the analysis of supply chain under study and of the configuration problem to be solved, we identified the most suitable approach: a mixed integer linear programming optimisation model endowed with a series of guidelines for gathering and processing all the data necessary to set-up and run the model. The application of the selected integrated design and optimisation model to the Pirelli Tyre case led to significant cost savings related to three different service-level scenarios. Thus, the applied model could be profitably implemented by supply chain and logistics managers for optimising various operating contexts. Moreover, the exemplified data-mapping section represents a useful guideline, which can be applied by practitioners to gather and handle the high volume of data necessary for running the model in a real-life context. In conclusion, since the current state of the art is particularly lacking exhaustive supply-chain design models, the implemented integrated approach represents a significant contribution to the existing body of knowledge on supply chain configuration.  相似文献   

In this paper, both unbalanced linguistic terms and a risk decision-making problem with developers’ bounded rationality are considered; an integrated approach of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) is proposed to help increase customer satisfaction and facilitate product concepts selection. Firstly, QFD is employed to provide a customer-driven tool for developers, which can be used to generate product concept alternatives. Subsequently, enhanced information entropy is utilised to prioritise competing Customer requirements (CRs) based on unbalanced linguistic terms. These terms can be directly processed without being translated into fuzzy numbers, where the risk of information loss in fuzzification can be minimised. Product concept alternatives can be generated based on the outcomes of the subsequent QFD process. Moreover, CPT can be considered as a novel method by incorporating the developers’ psychological characteristics under risk, which can help identify the most relevant product concepts. The cost prospect values of each alternative can be calculated by the function based on the cost reference point. The deficit and profit prospect values can be obtained by aggregating the values and weights of potential results, where functions from the enhanced CPT are used. The order of all alternatives can be ranked based on their overall prospect values. Finally, the proposed approach can be evaluated by a case study concerning the development of a new hydraulic breaker. The deliverables of this study are used to evaluate the relative advantages of the proposed approach over existing multi-attribute utility ones.  相似文献   

This paper presents an optimisation model for spawn purchase, fish culturing production process and harvested fish distribution in a fish supply chain. Due to the complexity and variety of real-world fish supply chains, the model is built based on a case study for a real trout fish farm to illustrate the methodology on how to incorporate influential factors from both warm chain and cold chain. Warm chain mainly considers the biological factors while fish is alive and cold chain mainly considers the economic factors after fish is ready for harvest, harvested, and processed. The model seeks to improve the trout farm production planning to help decision-making on spawn purchase quantity, the best time to harvest fish, and the farming periods. In addition, the model adopts a customer classification method in distribution planning that is able to prioritise the delivery of fresh fish to the most profitable customers. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model was developed to maximise the total profit. The experimental results demonstrate that farmers’ total profit can be increased after applying the proposed optimisation strategy, compared to the traditional farming strategy.  相似文献   

The issue of energy has emerged as one of the greatest challenges facing mankind. In an industrial perspective, the development of site utility systems (generally combined heat and power (CHP) systems) for the generation and management of utilities provides a great potential source for energy savings. However, in most industrial sites, a master–slave relationship usually governs this kind of system and limits the potential operating capacity of CHP. To improve the decision-making process, Agha et al. (2010. Integrated production and utility system approach for optimising industrial unit operation. Energy, 35, 611–627) have proposed an integrated approach that carries out simultaneous and consistent scheduling of batch production plants and site utility systems. The modelling of the problem relies on a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulation. Nevertheless, although it is a powerful mathematical tool, it still remains difficult to use for non-expert engineers. In this framework, a graphical formalism based on existing representations (STN, RTN) has been developed: the extended resource task network (ERTN). Combined with an efficient and generic MILP formulation, it permits various kinds of industrial problems, including production and consumption of utility flows to be modelled homogenously. This paper focuses on the semantic elements of the ERTN formalism and illustrates their use through representative examples.  相似文献   

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