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This paper considers a single-vendor and single-buyer production system in which the lead-time is controllable with an extra investment under a long-term agreement between the two trading partners. The vendor produces at a finite rate, ships the outputs in lots of equal size within a production cycle, and delays those shipments for a certain period when the buyer’s inventory approaches the capacity limits. Therefore, the arrival of these shipments does not lead to an increase in the buyer’s inventory. Meanwhile, the buyer holds the payment until the complete consumption of the products. The holding cost consists of a storage component and a financial component. A joint EOQ/EPQ model is then established under cases where the buyer’s unit storage holding cost might be greater or less than that of the vendor to jointly determine the number of shipments, the size of each shipment, the number of delayed shipments, and the lead time that minimise the yearly joint total expected cost (JTEC) of the system. An efficient solution procedure is provided to solve the non-linear integer optimisation model that defined the system under consideration. A method to determine the integer global optima from the real global optima is also presented. Two numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the procedure and the results show that considering the combined effect of adopting a consignment stock policy and lead time crashing opportunities may lead to a better result than any of these two policies considered separately.  相似文献   

Supply chain management operates at three levels, strategic, tactical and operational. While the strategic approach generally pertains to the optimisation of network resources such as designing networks, location and determination of the number of facilities, etc., tactical decisions deal with the mid-term, including production levels at all plants, assembly policy, inventory levels and lot sizes, and operational decisions are related to how to make the tactical decisions happen in the short term, such as production planning and scheduling. This paper mainly discusses and explores how to realise the optimisation of strategic and tactical decisions together in the supply chain. Thus, a supply chain network (SCN) design problem is considered as a strategic decision and the assembly line balancing problem is handled as a tactical decision. The aim of this study is to optimise and design the SCN, including manufacturers, assemblers and customers, that minimises the transportation costs for determined periods while balancing the assembly lines in assemblers, which minimises the total fixed costs of stations, simultaneously. A nonlinear mixed-integer model is developed to minimise the total costs and the number of assembly stations while minimising the total fixed costs. For illustrative purposes, a numerical example is given, the results and the scenarios that are obtained under various conditions are discussed, and a sensitivity analysis is performed based on performance measures of the system, such as total cost, number of stations, cycle times and distribution amounts.  相似文献   

This article presents a mixed integer programming model for the design of global multi-echelon supply chains while considering lead time constraints. Indeed, we impose that the delivery lead time that can be promised by the company must be smaller than the lead time required by the customer. The delivery lead time is calculated based on the lead times of purchasing, manufacturing and transportation that are triggered by the customer order while considering the stock levels of purchased, intermediate and final products that must be kept at the different facilities. Computational studies are conducted in order to analyse the impacts of including lead times on the supply chain design decisions and to prove the solvability of the model.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of variable lead time, learning in production and screening errors in a vendor–buyer supply chain with defective items. The vendor–buyer supply chain is modelled for supplying a single item considering that the lots from vendor may contain some defective items. It is assumed that demand during lead time follows a normal distribution. Moreover, the production time at vendor’s facility is assumed to follow learning whereas buyer’s screening for defective items is prone to errors as well. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the impact of different variables in the model. The analysis shows that delay in transportation lead time forces the buyer to carry more inventories to avoid shortages. Further, Type I error has a major impact on this cost. It was found that learning in production keeps on reducing the total cost of the supply chain up to a threshold.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive model that captures significant strategic decisions involved in designing or redesigning high-performance supply chains from the perspective of the manufacturer. The problem considers deterministic demand by multiple clients, for multiple products, over the periods of a long-term horizon. The design decisions involve selection of suppliers, establishment or resizing of production facilities and distribution centres, possible subcontracting of related activities, and selection of transportation modes and routes. The problem is formulated by a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model. Its objective is to minimise the overall costs associated with procurement, production, inventory, warehousing, and transportation over the design horizon. Appropriate constraints model the complex relationships among the links of the supply chain. The proposed model has been applied to a large case study of a global manufacturing firm, providing valuable insights into the transformation of the firm’s current supply chain network, as well as into the potential of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pricing strategies, inventory policies for a supply chain when Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is adopted to cope with inventory inaccuracy. The supply chain consists of one supplier and one retailer, in which the RFID tag price is shared between the supplier and the retailer. We present and compare the performance differences between a wholesale price contract and a consignment contract when the retailer is the Stackelberg leader and the supplier is the follower. Based on the optimal pricing and inventory decisions, an interesting observation of contract selection is that there are two critical values of inventory available rate such that when the inventory availability is less than the lower value, both the supplier and the retailer prefer a consignment contract; when the inventory availability is greater than the upper value, a wholesale price contract is their best choice; when the inventory availability is between the two values, the supplier prefers a wholesale price contract and the retailer prefers a consignment contract. Additionally, there exist threshold values of RFID tag price and sharing rate to determine the contract preference for the retailer. Furthermore, the profits of both the supplier and the retailer are independent of the RFID tag price sharing rate in a wholesale price contract, and the supplier has the incentive to invest in RFID tag cost in a consignment contract.  相似文献   

This paper reviews methodological approaches to the design (or redesign) of the supply chain (SC), including comprehensive approaches (proposals concerning the entire process of designing the SC) and those that deal with four specific aspects of the process (definition of the SC objectives, reverse SC, finance, and generation and use of scenarios) that have a decisive influence on the whole design of the SC. The comprehensive approaches include those based on typologies of products, markets and SCs and those that propose a succession of the stages to follow through the design process. The discussion shows that the use of typologies is not adequate to face SC design and that the methods proposing a succession of stages may suit, provided that they are developed and presented in a manner appropriate to their use for practitioners. The discussion leads also to suggest several research lines.  相似文献   

This paper is grounded on a discrete-event simulation model, reproducing a fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) supply chain, and aims at quantitatively assessing the effects of different supply configurations on the resulting total supply chain costs and bullwhip effect. Specifically, 30 supply chain configurations are examined, stemming from the combination of several supply chain design parameters, namely number of echelons (from 3 to 5), re-order and inventory management policies (EOQ vs. EOI), demand information sharing (absence vs. presence of information sharing mechanisms), demand value (absence vs. presence of demand ‘peak’), responsiveness of supply chain players. For each configuration, the total logistics costs and the resulting demand variance amplification are computed. A subsequent statistical analysis is performed on 20 representative supply chain configurations, with the aim to identify significant single and combined effects of the above parameters on the results observed. From effects analysis, bullwhip effect and costs outcomes, 11 key results are derived, which provide useful insights and suggestions to optimise supply chain design.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a hierarchy-based model for supply chain resilience (SCRES), explaining the dynamics between various enablers and validating the model empirically. Literature review and a survey identified the enablers. Interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is used to analyse the levels of relationships among enablers. Based on their driving power and dependence, these enablers are also classified into different categories. Structural equation modelling is used to validate the hierarchical SCRES model and test the path analytical model. The study provides empirical justification for a framework that identifies 13 key enablers of resilient supply chain practices and describes the relationship among them using ISM. It also classifies them using Matrix of Cross Impact Multiplications Applied to Classification analysis on the basis of their driver power and dependence. The key finding is that using the proposed model, organisations can enhance their resilience potential by modifying their strategic assets. The model was tested using rigorous statistical tests including convergent validity, discriminant validity and reliability. The holistic view offered by the proposed model depicts the relationship among enablers to achieve SCRES.  相似文献   

《IIE Transactions》2007,39(9):879-898
We study an inventory system that consists of two demand classes. The orders in the first class need to be satisfied immediately, whereas the orders in the second class are to be filled in a given demand lead time. The two classes are also of different criticality. For this system, we propose a policy that rations the non-critical orders. Under a one-for-one replenishment policy with backordering and for Poisson demand arrivals for both classes, we first derive expressions for the service levels of both classes. The service level for the critical class is an approximation, whereas the service level for the non-critical class is exact. We then conduct a computational study to show that our approximation works reasonably, the benefits of rationing can be substantial, and the incorporation of demand lead time provides more value when the demand class with demand lead time is the critical class. The research is motivated by the spare parts service system of a major capital equipment manufacturer that faces two types of demand. For this company, the critical down orders need to be satisfied immediately, while the less critical maintenance orders can be satisfied after a fixed demand lead time. We conduct a case study with 64 representative parts and show that significant savings (as much as 14% on inventory on hand) are possible through incorporation of demand lead times and rationing.  相似文献   

In the context of a dynamic and hypercompetitive business environment, effective supply chain design helps organisations to align resources for improved flow of products and services and satisfy customers’ diverse needs. Scholars have proposed several mutually exclusive supply chain designs such as efficient versus responsive, and lean versus agile. Quantitative testing has revealed that supply chain designs of many firms do not match with what was conceptually expected. To address this mismatch, in this study, a new approach to supply chain leagility is introduced and the impact of uncertainty as the key design driver of supply chains on leagility is investigated. The partial least squares (PLS) was employed to analyse data collected from 299 Australian firms by administering a structured questionnaire. Results indicate that higher performance is achievable on minimising the deviation from a balanced supply chain in which aspects of both leanness and agility are equally embedded. Further, the level of uncertainty directly and positively affects the Deviation from Leagility (DFL) index.  相似文献   

This research focuses on managing disruption risk in supply chains using inventory and reserve capacity under stochastic demand. While inventory can be considered as a speculative risk mitigation lever, reserve capacity can be used in a reactive fashion when a disruption occurs. We determine optimal inventory levels and reserve capacity production rates for a firm that is exposed to supply chain disruption risk. We fully characterise four main risk mitigation strategies: inventory strategy, reserve capacity strategy, mixed strategy and passive acceptance. We illustrate how the optimal risk mitigation strategy depends on product characteristics (functional versus innovative) and supply chain characteristics (agile versus efficient). This work is inspired from a risk management problem of a leading pharmaceutical company.  相似文献   

We investigate the existence and magnitude of stockout propagation and stockout amplification in the context of supply chain inventory systems. Stockout amplification is a stage-to-stage increase in overall stockout rates. Stockout propagation is the tendency for stockout at one node to instigate a stockout at a neighbouring node and is conceptually related to the idea of cascading failures in physical systems, such as electrical power grids. We study these concepts in both upstream (‘supply side’) and downstream (‘demand side’) directions in the context of normal operating conditions for an adaptive R, S (periodic, order-up-to) inventory policy. We build a simulation model of a 5-stage serial supply chain that experiences normally distributed customer demands and gamma distributed lead times. We find that stockout propagation exists, but contrary to conventional wisdom, it occurs in the upstream direction. There is little indication that stockout propagation is occurring to any significant degree in the downstream direction. We also find stockout amplification occurring in the upstream direction in scenarios where more aggressively adaptive inventory parameter updating is performed. We discuss implications of this work in the areas of supply chain inventory modelling, ordering decisions, safety stock determination, and the use of adaptive inventory policies.  相似文献   

This paper develops an integrated deteriorating production inventory model with green component design, remanufacturing and JIT deliveries. We provide a rigorous analysis to derive the number of deliveries, the optimal cycle time of deliveries, and the delivery sise for the integrated buyer-supplier inventory deteriorating model. Distinct from the former concept of average inventory level, our paper proposes a significantly different approach to deal with the first production batch and uses a revised method to approximate the relationship between the supplier's production and storage time. A manufacturing case example of Taiwan computer power-supply component producers is presented to illustrate the theory. It is shown that the parameters of component-value design and unit holding cost are the critical factors affecting the deteriorating inventory planning.  相似文献   

This article is based on a real-life problem of a global aluminium supply chain network driven by an aluminium smelter. At each echelon of the aluminium supply chain network, several members are involved which are scattered around the world. Producing aluminium begins with bauxite mining. Next, aluminium oxide is made from bauxite and finally aluminium is produced from aluminium oxide. A novel type of mixed-integer decision-making model, including a time-continuous representation of the planning period, is presented. The model enables coordination of production quantities and times of all supply chain members in order to minimise production and transportation costs of the whole supply chain minus bonus payments for early deliveries which are stipulated between the supply chain network and its customers. Material flows can take place with or without temporary storage of intermediate products at supplying and/or receiving sites. Furthermore, relax-and-fix heuristics are presented. A number of randomly generated scenarios are presented to demonstrate that the heuristics can find nearly optimal solutions along with drastically reduced computation times. The relax-and-fix heuristic enables iterative planning between centralised and decentralised decision makers.  相似文献   

This study analyses the impact of power structures and strategic inventory on the development-intensive and marginal-cost-intensive green product types under three procurement strategies. The results suggest that (i) in the manufacturer-Stackelberg game, the retailer retains strategic inventory to earn higher profits. The retailer's decision improves profit for the manufacturer and greening level of the product; (ii) for the marginal-cost-intensive green product, the power structures and procurement strategies cannot make any impact on the greening level and the retailer cannot build up strategic inventory under retailer-Stackelberg game; (iii) under the Nash game, the procurement decision creates conflict between the supply chain members for marginal-cost-intensive green products; (iv) if the retailer does not maintain strategic inventory or procures product in a single lot, then the manufacturer prefers to produce marginal-cost-intensive products and retailer prefers to sale development-intensive products to receive maximum profits under manufacturer-Stackelberg game. The optimal preferences are concurrent under retailer-Stackelberg game, but not under the Nash game; (v) single-period equilibrium solutions may exhibit sub-optimal characteristics, but two-period planning can lead to exemplary outcomes in the perspective of the greening level and profits of the supply chain members.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of sourcing strategies to achieve supply chain resilience under disruptions. The coping strategies considered are single and multiple sourcing, backup supplier contracts, spot purchasing, and collaboration and visibility. Collaboration and visibility, which affect suppliers’ recovery capabilities and a buyer’s warning capability, have not been similarly modelled in the past. A scenario-based mathematical model is developed such that it considers objectives under uncertainties including disruption risks and operational risks. A broad numerical study examines its output for various risk attitudes in a decision-maker, ranging from risk neutral to risk averse. The sensitivity of procurement strategies to other key parameters such as recovery and warning capabilities is examined. One of the major findings is that buyer’s warning capability plays a vital role in enhancing supply chain resilience. We seek to build on these efforts to further support disruption planning and mitigation and to obtain a deeper understanding of the relationship between supply chain characteristics and resilience.  相似文献   

This paper considers the integration between quality control and production inventory control in supply chain management. Specifically, we study the effect of inspection errors on the costs incurred in a supply chain system with a single vendor and multiple buyers. In this system, the vendor enters into a vendor-managed inventory (VMI) and a consignment stock (CS) partnership with several buyers. We assume that the items made by the vendor are not in perfect quality, but they contain a given proportion of defective units. We also assume that quality inspection of these items by the buyers is subject to sampling errors. Three cases indicating to different levels of supply integration are considered: VMI–CS system, traditional system and integrated system. For each case, a mathematical model is formulated, an optimum solution is developed, and a numerical example is solved.  相似文献   

When making sourcing decisions, many firms consider only the direct and most visible supply-chain costs, such as unit production costs and ocean-shipping costs. Often ignored are the hidden direct and indirect costs in long supply chains, and their impact on profitability. As supply chains lengthen, supply-chain disruptions undercut the ability of manufacturers and retailers to satisfy market demands. Supply-chain disruptions add costs by forcing companies to increase inventories, to juggle production and shipping schedules, to incur excessive backordering, and to airfreight or discount the prices of goods that were not in the right place at the right time. The question is, can higher incidence of supply-chain disruptions in intercontinental supply chains justify keeping the domestic suppliers? To address the question, this paper presents a hybrid continuous-review inventory model for dual intercontinental and domestic outsourcing. The conditions for domestic outsourcing only, for intercontinental outsourcing, and for dual outsourcing were established. The problem of minimising the long-run average cost of outsourcing was investigated, and mathematical optimisation was used to illustrate the model. It is shown that if the cost of service failure outweighs the cost differential between domestic and intercontinental outsourcing, keeping domestic suppliers may be a good option.  相似文献   

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