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In a fixed charge transportation problem, each route is associated with a fixed charge (or a fixed cost) and a transportation cost per unit transported. The presence of the fixed cost makes the problem difficult to solve, thereby requiring the use of heuristic methods. In this paper, an algorithm based on ant colony optimisation is proposed to solve the distribution-allocation problem in a two-stage supply chain with a fixed transportation cost for a route. A numerical study on benchmark problem instances has been carried out. The results obtained for the proposed algorithm have been compared with that for the genetic algorithm-based heuristic currently available in the literature. It is statistically confirmed that the proposed algorithm provides significantly better solutions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on supply chain scheduling from the perspective of networked manufacturing (NM). According to feature analysis of supply chain scheduling based on NM, we comprehensively consider the combined benefits of cost, time, and satisfaction level for customised services. In order to derive a scheduling strategy among supply chain members based on NM, we formulate a three-tier supply chain scheduling model composed of manufacturer, collaborative design enterprise and customer. Three objective functions – time function, cost function and delay punishment function – are employed for model development. We also take into account multi-objective optimisation under the constraint of product capacity. By using an improved ant colony optimisation algorithm, we add different pheromone concentrations to selected nodes that are obtained from feasible solutions and we confine pheromone concentrations τ within the minimum value τ min and the maximum value τ max, thus obtaining optimal results. The results obtained by applying the proposed algorithm to a real-life example show that the presented scheduling optimisation algorithm has better convergence, efficiency, and stability than conventional ant colony optimisation. In addition, by comparing with other methods, the output results indicate that the proposed algorithm also has better solutions.  相似文献   

Under the computer-aided design (CAD) software architecture, this study aims to develop navigation processes for plastic injection mould manufacturing scheduling optimisation. Mould manufacturing is a job-shop scheduling problem, with components processing sequence under limited conditions. This study uses the search capabilities of the ant colony system (ACS) to determine a set of optimal schedules, under the condition of not violating the processing sequences, in order to minimise the total processing time and realise makespan minimisation. As the test results suggest, it can save up to 52% of manufacturing time, and also substantially shorten the processing time of the production plan. This study completes the algorithm steps and manufacturing process time estimation by operations on the navigation interface, and uses mould manufacturing scheduling to make optimised arrangements of finished components. The method can comply with the on-site manufacturing processes, improve scheduling prediction accuracy and consistently and efficiently integrate the optimisation scheduling system and mould manufacturing system. Visualised information of the scheduling results can be provided, thus allowing production management personnel to ensure smooth scheduling.  相似文献   

Supplier selection is deemed as a crucial strategic decision-making activity in building a competitive edge. Firms prefer to operate with a few trusted suppliers, selected from a bigger pool of vendors. The chosen suppliers are the ones whose commitments are best oriented in realising the business goals of the company. At the same time enterprise targets cannot be achieved in the absence of cost-effective inventory management policies. This has created the inevitable need for aggregate production and distribution planning. Even more competitive strategy would be integrating procurement planning with production-distribution scheduling. We address the problem of integrated procurement, production and shipment planning for a supply chain, spanning over three echelons. Supplier order scheduling is combined with a production-shipment planning process to realise a minimum cost operations policy. Two recently developed swarm heuristics are employed to search for the near optimal solution of the mathematical model, which is developed to capture the aggregate planning problem.  相似文献   

As a reaction to the volatile market demands with regards to the number and variants of products offered, ever more complex procedures for manufacturing control are being developed. Most recently, self-organising procedures, which often mimic the behaviour of natural systems, have arisen. The method of ant colony optimisation (ACO), which was inspired by ants, can provide the necessary fundamentals in order to realise self-organising manufacturing control. In this context, the ifab-Institute has developed the AntControl tool for self-organising manufacturing control based on ACO. In order to investigate the potential of ACO, several concepts have been developed and integrated into the existing OSim simulation tool to create the new OSim-Ant tool. An exemplary simulation study within a manufacturing system has been carried out to evaluate the behaviour of AntControl. This paper presents this tool as well as the results of the simulation study.  相似文献   

Modern business organisations recognise agility in supply chains to be a vital strategy for survival in a competitive scenario. The assessment of agility in supply chains is quite important as it is an indicator of strategic agile position. There exists a need for evaluating agility in supply chains for the case organisation. This study begins by developing a conceptual model for evaluation. This is followed by gathering single factor assessment vector and weights by experts. Then multi-grade fuzzy approach has been used for the evaluation of agility in the supply chain. The evaluation exercise indicated that the case organisation is agile; but still there exist chances for improving the agility level. Then the weaker areas have been identified and the improvement proposals have been implemented. The implementation result indicated that there is a significant improvement in the agility level of the case organisation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a closed-loop supply chain network configuration model and a solution methodology that aim to address several research gaps in the literature. The proposed solution methodology employs a novel metaheuristic algorithm, along with the popular gradient descent search method, to aid location-allocation and pricing-inventory decisions in a two-stage process. In the first stage, we use an improved version of the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, which we call improved PSO (IPSO), to solve the location-allocation problem (LAP). The IPSO algorithm is developed by introducing mutation to avoid premature convergence and embedding an evolutionary game-based procedure known as replicator dynamics to increase the rate of convergence. The results obtained through the application of IPSO are used as input in the second stage to solve the inventory-pricing problem. In this stage, we use the gradient descent search method to determine the selling price of new products and the buy-back price of returned products, as well as inventory cycle times for both product types. Numerical evaluations undertaken using problem instances of different scales confirm that the proposed IPSO algorithm performs better than the comparable traditional PSO, simulated annealing (SA) and genetic algorithm (GA) methods.  相似文献   

The flow shop scheduling problem with blocking has important applications in a variety of industrial systems but is under-represented in the research literature. In this paper, a modified fruit fly optimisation (MFFO) algorithm is proposed to solve the above scheduling problem for makespan minimisation. The MFFO algorithm mainly contains three key operators. One is related to the initialisation scheme in which a problem-specific heuristic is adopted to generate an initial fruit fly swarm location with high quality. The second is concerned with the smell-based search in which a neighbourhood strategy is designed to generate a new location. To further enhance the exploitation of the proposed algorithm considered, a speed-up insert-neighbourhood-based local search is applied with a probability. Finally, the last is for the vision-based search in which an update criterion is proposed to induce the fruit fly into a better searching space. The simulation experimental results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, in spite of its simple structure, in comparison with a state-of-the-art algorithm. Moreover, new best solutions for Taillard’s instances are reported for this problem, which can be used as a basis of comparison in future studies.  相似文献   

The increasing demands for environmental resource protection and sustainable development have been forcing enterprises to put sustainable supply chain management on their agendas in recent years. At the same time, intense global competition requires organisations to adopt practices that enable them to provide high-quality products and services. In this paper, we consider the problem of comprehensively evaluating the production system in closed-loop supply chains. We first propose an evaluation framework that consists of economic evaluation, product quality evaluation and ecological evaluation modules. Based on mathematical probability theory and the dynamic characteristics of reverse supply chain logistics, we then focus on the evolution dynamics in the quality evaluation dimension, where the concept of product quality, which builds on the reliability and the time-utility value of a product, is proposed. The basic production evaluation model is then extended to incorporate different sustainable procurement strategies, which take into consideration the trade-offs among cost, environment and quality. An outline and corresponding flow chart of corporate procurement strategy optimisation are provided which allow the proposed evaluation model to be implemented in computer-aided decision-making, further providing decision support for production system and supply chain management. Simulation and case studies are presented to promote a better understanding of the model approach and its managerial implications. Results also suggest that quality characteristics of components and sustainable procurement strategies are two important factors that determine the final production performance and should be paid special attention in closed-loop supply chain practice.  相似文献   

改进蚁群算法在物流配送路径中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对物流配送路径优化问题的特点,分析了基本蚁群算法的不足之处,并对原有蚁群算法进行改进.同时引入"扰动因子"和"奖惩"机制,建立数学模型,进而对物流配送车辆路径问题进行了实验仿真.结果表明,改进后的蚁群算法提高了全局寻优能力与收敛速度,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

Design for manufacturing (DFM), especially the use of manufacturing knowledge to support design decisions, has received attention in the academic domain. However, industry practice has not been studied enough to provide solutions that are mature for industry. The current state of the art for DFM is often rule-based functionality within computer-aided design (CAD) systems that enforce specific design requirements. That rule-based functionality may or may not dynamically affect geometry definition. And, if rule-based functionality exists in the CAD system, it is typically a customisation on a case-by-case basis. Manufacturing knowledge is a phrase with vast meanings, which may include knowledge on the effects of material properties decisions, machine and process capabilities or understanding the unintended consequences of design decisions on manufacturing. One of the DFM questions to answer is: How can manufacturing knowledge, depending on its definition, be used earlier in the product life cycle to enable a more collaborative development environment? This paper will discuss the results of a workshop on manufacturing knowledge that highlights several research questions needing more study. This paper proposes recommendations for investigating the relationship of manufacturing knowledge with shape, behaviour and context characteristics of a product to produce a better understanding of what knowledge is most important. In addition, the proposal includes recommendations for investigating the system-level barriers to reusing manufacturing knowledge and how model-based manufacturing may ease the burden of knowledge sharing. Lastly, the proposal addresses the direction of future research for holistic solutions of using manufacturing knowledge earlier in the product life cycle.  相似文献   

Increasing global competition has forced high-tech companies to focus on their core competences and outsource other activities to maintain their competitive advantages in the supply chains. While most companies rely on domain experts to coordinate strategic outsourcing decisions among a number of qualified vendors with different capabilities, the present problem can be formulated into a complex nonlinear, multi-dimensional, multi-objective combinatorial optimisation problem. Focused on real settings, this study aims to fill the gap via developing a bi-objective genetic algorithm (boGA) for determining the outsourcing order allocation with nonlinear cost structure, while minimising both the total alignment gap and the total allocation cost. The proposed boGA incorporates specific random key representation to facilitate encoding and decoding. This study also develops a bi-objective Pareto solution generation algorithm to enable efficient searching of Pareto solutions in multiple ranks and designs a composite Pareto ranking selection with uniform sum rank weighting for effective selection. To estimate its validity, the proposed boGA was validated with realistic cases from a leading semiconductor company in Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan. The optimal boGA parameters were tested using a set of experiments. Scenario analyses were conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm under different demand conditions using the metrics in the literature. The results have shown the practical viability of the proposed algorithm to solve the present problem of monthly outsourcing decisions for the case company in practicable computation time. This algorithm can determine the near-optimal Pareto front for decision makers to further incorporate with their preferences. This study concludes with discussion of future research directions.  相似文献   

The continuous evolution of manufacturing environments leads to a more efficient production process that controls an increasing number of parameters. Production resources usually represent an important constraint in a manufacturing activity, specially talking about the management of human resources and their skills. In order to study the impact of this subject, this paper considers an open shop scheduling problem based on a mechanical production workshop to minimise the total flow time including a multi-skill resource constraint. Then, we count with a number of workers that have a versatility to carry out different tasks, and according to their assignment a schedule is generated. In that way, we have formulated the problem as a linear as and a non-linear mathematical model which applies the classic scheduling constraints, adding some different resources constraints related to personnel staff competences and their availability to execute one task. In addition, we introduce a genetic algorithm and an ant colony optimisation (ACO) method to solve large size problems. Finally, the best method (ACO) has been used to solve a real industrial case that is presented at the end.  相似文献   

Optimised sequencing in the Mixed Model Assembly Line (MMAL) is a major factor to effectively balance the rate at which raw materials are used for production. In this paper we present an Ant Colony Optimisation with Elitist Ant (ACOEA) algorithm on the basis of the basic Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) algorithm. An ACOEA algorithm with the taboo search and elitist strategy is proposed to form an optimal sequence of multi-product models which can minimise deviation between the ideal material usage rate and the practical material usage rate. In this paper we compare applications of the ACOEA, ACO, and two other commonly applied algorithms (Genetic Algorithm and Goal Chasing Algorithm) to benchmark, stochastic problems and practical problems, and demonstrate that the use of the ACOEA algorithm minimised the deviation between the ideal material consumption rate and the practical material consumption rate under various critical parameters about multi-product models. We also demonstrate that the convergence rate for the ACOEA algorithm is significantly more than that for all the others considered.  相似文献   

Effective supplier selection and allocation of order quantity among multiple suppliers are indispensable to the success of a manufacturing company. While companies have begun to turn into a comprehensive multi-criteria approach, most buyers still consider purchasing cost to be their primary concern in selecting their suppliers. In this paper, we consider the concave cost supply problem where a manufacturer seeks to select the suppliers and simultaneously procure the quantity of material/component required for production at the minimum total cost during a standard production period. We provide and validate an effective and efficient branch-and-bound algorithm that is finite and that finds the global optimal solution of the problem without any restrictions on the cost functions or on the set of input parameters used in the problem. Numerical experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualises the integration of tangible and intangible factors into the design consideration of a resource assignment problem for a product-driven supply chain. The problem is formulated mathematically as a multi-objective optimisation model to maximise the broad objectives of profit, ahead of time of delivery, quality, and volume flexibility. Product characteristics are associated with the design requirements of a supply chain. Different types of resources are considered, each differing in its characteristics, thereby providing various alternatives during the design process. The aim is to design integrated supply chains that maximise the weighted sum of the objectives, the weights being decided by the desired product characteristics. The problem is solved through the proposed Taguchi-based DNA algorithm that draws its traits from random search optimisation and the statistical design of experiments. In order to minimise the effect of the causes of variations, the fundamental Taguchi method is integrated with the DNA-metaheuristic. The suggested methodology exhibits the global exploration capability to exploit the optimal or near-optimal DNA strands with a faster convergence rate. In order to authenticate the performance of the proposed solution methodology, a set of ten problem instances are considered and the results obtained are compared with that of the basic DNA, particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and its variant (PSO — time varying acceleration coefficients). The results demonstrate the benefits of the proposed algorithm for solving this type of problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents an ant colony optimisation (ACO)-based solution approach for a real-world two-crane routing problem, where a number of different load carriers must be moved within a given cycle time by two gantry cranes in a continuous production process for roof tiles. The cranes have to transport the roof-tile batches and to return the load carriers and intermediate pads for subsequent batches. A feasible solution has to observe workflow-, space-, collision-, and machine-cycle constraints. The objective is to find a feasible schedule that minimises the working time for both cranes. The authors compare different solution approaches in terms of learning – and visibility strategies based on ACO in extensive numerical studies. A visibility concept is used to both partition and balance workload between the cranes.  相似文献   

In this paper, a machine loading problem in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is discussed, with bi-criterion objectives of minimising system imbalance and maximising system throughput in the occurrence of technological constraints such as available machining time and tool slots. A mathematical model is used to select machines, assign operations and the required tools in order to minimise the system's imbalance while maximising the throughput. An efficient evolutionary algorithm by hybridising the genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) algorithm called GASA is proposed in this paper. The performance of the GASA is tested by using 10 sample dataset and the results are compared with the heuristics reported in the literature. The influence of genetic operators on the evolutionary search in GASA is studied and reported. Two machine selection heuristics are proposed and their influence on the quality of the solution is also studied. Extensive computational experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed evolutionary heuristics and the results are presented in tables and figures. The results clearly support the better performance of GASA over the algorithms reported in the literature.  相似文献   

We introduce a menu-driven user-friendly decision support system (DSS) for supply chain planning based on optimisation. The DSS is based on a multi-source (supplier), multi-destination (warehouse) network having multiple manufacturing facilities, with multiple materials and multiple storage areas. This integrated supply chain model performs multiple period planning. The use of this DSS requires little knowledge of management sciences tools. We discuss the need for an integrated approach towards supply chain modelling for the process industry. We present the integrated model in the form of a database structure. We validate the model with the real data of a zinc company and demonstrate the impact of optimisation in terms of percentage improvement. The result shows that it is possible to improve unit contribution to profit from 1.89 to 4.66%.  相似文献   

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