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A flexible job-shop-scheduling problem is an extension of classical job-shop problems that permit an operation of each job to be processed by more than one machine. The research methodology is to assign operations to machines (assignment) and determine the processing order of jobs on machines (sequencing) such that the system objectives can be optimized. This problem can explore very well the common nature of many real manufacturing environments under resource constraints. A genetic algorithm-based approach is developed to solve the problem. Using the proposed approach, a resource-constrained operations–machines assignment problem and flexible job-shop scheduling problem can be solved iteratively. In this connection, the flexibility embedded in the flexible shop floor, which is important to today's manufacturers, can be quantified under different levels of resource availability.  相似文献   

This article studies the quay crane scheduling problem with non-crossing constraints, which is an operational problem that arises in container terminals. An enhancement to a mixed integer programming model for the problem is proposed and a new class of valid inequalities is introduced. Computational results show the effectiveness of these enhancements in solving the problem to optimality.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce a Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem with Resource Recovery Constraints (FRRC). In the FRRC, besides the constraints of the classical Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem (FJSP), operations may require resources to be processed. The resources are available in batches and a recovery time is required between each batch. This problem is inspired by a real situation faced by a brewing company where different yeasts are available in a limited quantity and are recovered only once they have been completely used. The objective is to schedule the operations such that the makespan is minimised. A mathematical model and a metaheuristic based on a General Variable Neighborhood Search is proposed for the solution of the FRRC. Computational results over a large set of instances, adapted from the FJSP literature, are presented.  相似文献   

Warehousing is one of the main components of the supply chain and its optimisation is crucial to achieve global efficiency. Warehouse operations involve receiving, shipping, storing and order picking, among other things, and the coordinated optimisation of all these different operations is highly complex. This paper examines a real selection and scheduling problem that arises in an automatic storage/retrieval warehouse system involving the scheduling of forklift pickup operations. The objective is to minimise the total loading time of the vehicles performing transportation, while respecting their departure due dates. This complex problem is approached via a two-phase decomposition method, combining both exact and heuristic procedures. The performance of the proposed solution method is evaluated using extensive computational results from several scenarios from a real case study using data from a real mattress warehouse.  相似文献   

A greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is an iterative multi-start metaheuristic for difficult combinatorial optimisation. The GRASP iteration consists of two phases: a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is found and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighbourhood of the constructed solution is sought. In this paper, a GRASP algorithm is presented to solve the flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) with limited resource constraints. The main constraint of this scheduling problem is that each operation of a job must follow an appointed process order and each operation must be processed on an appointed machine. These constraints are used to balance between the resource limitation and machine flexibility. The model objectives are the minimisation of makespan, maximum workload and total workload. Representative benchmark problems are solved in order to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the GRASP algorithm. The computational result shows that the proposed algorithm produced better results than other authors’ algorithms.  相似文献   

Seamless steel tubes often have various categories and specifications, which further require complicated operations in production, especially in the cold treating process (CTP). This paper investigates the scheduling problem using the seamless tube plant of Baoshan Iron and Steel Complex as a study background. By considering the practical production constraints such as sequence-dependent setup times, maintenance schedule, intermediate material buffers, job-machine matches, we formulate the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with a non-linear mixed integer programming model (NMIP). In addition, our model provides a flexibility to remove the permutation assumption, which is often a limitation in early studies. In order to obtain the solution of the above NMIP problem, a two-stage heuristic algorithm is proposed and it combines a modified genetic algorithm and a local search method. With real production instances, our computation experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm is efficient and it outperforms several other approaches. Industrial implementation also shows that such a scheduling tool brings a cost saving of more than 10% and it substantially reduces the computation time. Our study also illustrates the need of relaxing permutation assumption in such a scheduling problem with complicated operation sequences.  相似文献   

The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is one of the most intractable combinatorial optimisation problems that combines a set of constraints and objectives met in a vast variety of applications and industries. Its solution raises major theoretical challenges due to its complexity, yet presenting numerous practical dimensions. Adaptive memory programming (AMP) is one of the most successful frameworks for solving hard combinatorial optimisation problems (e.g. vehicle routing and scheduling). Its success stems from the use of learning mechanisms that capture favourable solution elements found in high-quality solutions. This paper challenges the efficiency of AMP for solving the RCPSP, to our knowledge, for the first time in the literature. Computational experiments on well-known benchmark RCPSP instances show that the proposed AMP consistently produces high-quality solutions in reasonable computational times.  相似文献   

In this paper, a genetic algorithm (GA) with local search is proposed for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with the objective of minimising the maximum completion time (makespan). We propose a simple chromosome structure consisting of random key numbers in a hybrid genetic-local search algorithm. Random key numbers are frequently used in GAs but create additional difficulties when hybrid factors are implemented in a local search. The best chromosome of each generation is improved using a local search during the algorithm, but the better job sequence (which might appear during the local search operation) must be adapted to the chromosome that will be used in each successive generation. Determining the genes (and the data in the genes) that would be exchanged is the challenge of using random numbers. We have developed an algorithm that satisfies the adaptation of local search results into the GAs with a minimum relocation operation of the genes’ random key numbers – this is the main contribution of the paper. A new hybrid approach is tested on a set of problems taken from the literature, and the computational results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This study addresses the operational fixed job scheduling problem under spread time constraints. The problem is to select a subset of jobs having fixed ready times and deadlines for processing on identical parallel machines such that total weight of the selected jobs is maximised. We first give a mathematical formulation of the problem and then reformulate it using Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. We propose a branch-and-price algorithm that works on the reformulation of the problem. Computational results show that our algorithm is far superior to its competitor in the literature. It solves instances that could not be solved in one hour CPU time in less than a second and is able to solve large-scale instances in reasonable times which make it a computationally viable tool for decision-making.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the multi-degree cyclic single-hoist scheduling problem with time window constraints, in which multiple identical parts enter and leave the system during each cycle. We propose an analytical mathematical model and a branch-and-bound algorithm so as to find a cyclic sequence of hoist moves that maximises the throughput. The branch-and-bound algorithm implicitly enumerates the sequence of hoist moves and requires the solution of a specific set of linear programming problems (LPPs). Computational results on benchmark instances and randomly generated test instances are presented.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an equipment maintenance scheduling problem in a coal production system which includes three consecutive stages: the coal mining stage, the coal washing stage and the coal loading stage. Each stage is composed of different equipment that needs maintenance each day. There exists intermediate storage with finite capacities and the finished products are transported by train. Moreover, some equipment has a different preference for (aversion to) the start time of maintenance (STOM). The objective is to minimise the weighted sum of aversion about STOM, changeover times and train waiting time. We first formulate this problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model, then a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) is proposed to solve it. The proposed method has been tested on a practical coal enterprise in China and some randomly generated instances. Computational results indicate that our algorithm can produce near-optimal solutions efficiently.  相似文献   

Multi-factory production networks have increased in recent years. With the factories located in different geographic areas, companies can benefit from various advantages, such as closeness to their customers, and can respond faster to market changes. Products (jobs) in the network can usually be produced in more than one factory. However, each factory has its operations efficiency, capacity, and utilization level. Allocation of jobs inappropriately in a factory will produce high cost, long lead time, overloading or idling resources, etc. This makes distributed scheduling more complicated than classical production scheduling problems because it has to determine how to allocate the jobs into suitable factories, and simultaneously determine the production scheduling in each factory as well. The problem is even more complicated when alternative production routing is allowed in the factories. This paper proposed a genetic algorithm with dominant genes to deal with distributed scheduling problems, especially in a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) environment. The idea of dominant genes is to identify and record the critical genes in the chromosome and to enhance the performance of genetic search. To testify and benchmark the optimization reliability, the proposed algorithm has been compared with other approaches on several distributed scheduling problems. These comparisons demonstrate the importance of distributed scheduling and indicate the optimization reliability of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Biogeography-based optimisation (BBO) algorithm is a new evolutionary optimisation algorithm based on geographic distribution of biological organisms. With probabilistic operators, this algorithm is able to share more information from good solutions to poor ones. BBO prevents the good solutions to be demolished during the evolution. This feature leads to find the better solutions in a short time rather than other metaheuristics. This paper provides a mathematical model which integrates machine loading, part routing, sequencing and scheduling decision in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). Moreover, it tackles the scheduling problem when various constraints are imposed on the system. Since this problem is considered to be NP-hard, BBO algorithm is developed to find the optimum /near optimum solution based on various constraints. In the proposed algorithm, different types of mutation operators are employed to enhance the diversity among the population. The proposed BBO has been applied to the instances with different size and degrees of complexity of problem adopted from the FMS literature. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm to find optimum /near optimum solutions within reasonable time. Therefore, BBO algorithm can be used as a useful solution for optimisation in various industrial applications within a reasonable computation time.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on cell loading and family scheduling in a cellular manufacturing environment. The performance measure is minimising the maximum tardiness of jobs. What separates this study from others is the presence of individual due dates for every job in a family and also allowing family splitting among cells. Three methods are examined in order to solve this problem, namely mathematical modelling, genetic algorithms (GA) and heuristics. The results showed that GA is capable of finding the optimal solution with varying frequency of 60–100% and it is efficient as compared to the mathematical modelling especially for larger problems in terms of execution times. The heuristics, on the other hand, were easy to implement but they could not find the optimal solution. The results of experimentation also showed that family splitting was observed in all multi-cell optimal solutions and therefore it can be concluded that family splitting is a good strategy for the problem considered in this paper.  相似文献   

In this study we consider the operational fixed job scheduling problem under working time limitations. The problem has several practical implications in both production and service operations; however the relevant research is scarce. We analyse pre-emptive and non pre-emptive versions of the problem and its special cases. We provide polynomial-time algorithms for some special cases. We show that the non pre-emptive jobs problem is strongly NP-hard, and propose a branch-and-bound algorithm that employs efficient bounding procedures and dominance properties. We conduct a numerical experiment to observe the effects of parameters on the quality of the solution. The results of our computational tests for the branch-and-bound algorithm reveal that our algorithm can solve the instances with up to 100 jobs in reasonable times. To the best of our knowledge our branch-and-bound algorithm is the first optimisation attempt to solve the problem.  相似文献   

In this work, an approach for solving the job shop scheduling problem using a cultural algorithm is proposed. Cultural algorithms are evolutionary computation methods that extract domain knowledge during the evolutionary process. Additional to this extracted knowledge, the proposed approach also uses domain knowledge given a priori (based on specific domain knowledge available for the job shop scheduling problem). The proposed approach is compared with respect to a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), a Parallel GRASP, a Genetic Algorithm, a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, and a deterministic method called shifting bottleneck. The cultural algorithm proposed in this article is able to produce competitive results with respect to the two approaches previously indicated at a significantly lower computational cost than at least one of them and without using any sort of parallel processing.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose the GAPN (genetic algorithms and Petri nets) approach, which combines the modelling power of Petri nets with the optimisation capability of genetic algorithms (GAs) for manufacturing systems scheduling. This approach uses both Petri nets to formulate the scheduling problem and GAs for scheduling. Its primary advantage is its ability to model a wide variety of manufacturing systems with no modifications either in the net structure or in the chromosomal representation. In this paper we tested the performance on both classical scheduling problems and on a real life setting of a manufacturer of car seat covers. In particular, such a manufacturing system involves features such as complex project-like routings, assembly operations, and workstations with unrelated parallel machines. The implementation of the algorithm at the company is also discussed. Experiments show the validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Flow-shop sequence-dependent group scheduling (FSDGS) problem has been extensively investigated in the literature also due to many manufacturers who implemented the concept of group technology to reduce set-up costs, lead times, work-in-process inventory costs, and material handling costs. On the other hand, skilled workforce assignment (SWA) to machines of a given shop floor may represent a key issue for enhancing the performance of a manufacturing system. As the body of literature addressing the group scheduling problems ignored up to now the effect of human factor on the performance of serial manufacturing systems, the present paper moves in that direction. In particular, an M-machine flow-shop group scheduling problem with sequence-dependent set-up times integrated with the worker allocation issue has been studied with reference to the makespan minimization objective. First, a Mixed Integer Linear Programming model of the proposed problem is reported. Then, a well-known benchmark arisen from the literature is adopted to carry out an extensive comparison campaign among three properly developed metaheuristics based on a genetic algorithm framework. Once the best procedure among those tested is selected, it is compared with an effective optimization procedure recently proposed in the field of FSDGS problems, being this latter properly adapted to run the SWA issue. Finally, a further analysis dealing with the trade-off between manpower cost and makespan improvement is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified harmony search optimisation algorithm (MHSO), specifically designed to solve two- and three-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problems, with due dates. To assess its capability, five sets of scheduling problems have been used to compare the MHSO with a known and highly efficient genetic algorithm (GA) chosen as the benchmark. Obtained results show that the new procedure is successful in exploring large regions of the solution space and in finding a significant number of Pareto non-dominated solutions. For those cases where the exhaustive evaluation of sequences can be applied the algorithm is able to find the whole non-dominated Pareto border, along with a considerable number of solutions that share the same optimal values for the considered optimisation parameters. To validate the algorithm, five sets of scheduling problems are investigated in-depth in comparison with the GA. Results obtained by both methods (exhaustive solutions have been provided as well for small sized problems) are fully described and discussed.  相似文献   

This study considers the identical parallel machines operational fixed job scheduling problem with machine-dependent job weights. A job is either processed in a fixed interval or is not processed at all. Our aim is to maximise the total weight of the processed jobs. We show that the problem with machine eligibility constraints resides as a special case of this problem. We identify some special polynomially solvable cases and propose a branch-and-bound (BB) algorithm that employs efficient bounding schemes and dominance conditions. Computational experience on large-sized problem examples reveals the satisfactory performance of the BB algorithm.  相似文献   

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