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Research on green supply chain management (GSCM) or sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) has attracted increased attention in recent years. Although GSCM/SSCM has been studied for developed and developing countries, there has been little information about the adoption of GSCM/SSCM practices in India. This article presents one of the earliest surveys on GSCM practices in Indian manufacturing firms. The items for the survey were developed based on the extant literature and feedback from corporates. Some of the major findings of the survey are as follows. We found that the state of adoption of GSCM practices by Indian firms was still in its infancy, the awareness of environmental sustainability was quite low among consumers, and the regulatory framework was also lacking in terms of promoting environmental sustainability. Results of data analysis showed that supplier collaboration for environmental sustainability had a positive impact on environmentally sustainable product design and logistics, which in turn was positively related to competitiveness and economic performance of the firm. We compared the results with the observations made by other researchers for developed and developing countries and provided managerial implications for the government and manufacturers as to what steps need to be taken to generate awareness towards environmental sustainability and facilitate the adoption of GSCM practices among Indian firms to a greater extent. We conclude the paper by indicating directions for future research on GSCM/SSCM.  相似文献   

Solid-waste management, and in particular the disposal of used packaging, is currently the subject of much topical debate. This is driven by both consumer and legislative pressures. Consumers see used packaging as a highly visible element of municipal solid waste, complaining of excessive packaging and low levels of recycling. Legislators, perhaps in pandering to the views expressed by consumer bodies, have been active within the CEC and individual Member States by introducing (or proposing) legislation or similar regulatory tools and targets to facilitate a greater diversion of used packaging from disposal by landfill to alternative solid-waste management practices, in particular recycling, which are widely accepted to have a lower impact on the environment. In this paper the relative environmental profiles of pursuing alternative solid-waste management practices to disposal by landfill are explored, focusing not just on solid waste per se but also on associated considerations of energy consumption and emissions, which are invariably overlooked as factors contributing to the environmental impact of solid-waste management practices.  相似文献   

Mobile supply chain management (SCM) is gaining recognition as a major source of cost reduction and supply chain performance improvement. The current literature related to mobile SCM needs to be extended further in order to provide insights into how manufacturing firms can implement mobile SCM successfully. Specifically, there is a need to provide empirical and systematic analysis of the variables that can explain the various stages of mobile SCM diffusion. A review of recent literature suggests that existing e-supply chain technology adoption literature is not strongly grounded in theory. A theoretical model with six hypotheses was proposed based on the technology–organisation–environment (TOE) framework and innovation diffusion theory (IDT). This study draws its survey responses from a group of manufacturing firms in order to investigate the factors that affect the diffusion of mobile SCM. The results show that the variables derived from TOE and IDT can explain mobile SCM diffusion well. However, interorganisational relationships (IORs) play a crucial role in determining the success of mobile SCM routinisation. This is one of the first known empirical studies on the factors influencing the diffusion of mobile SCM. The results of this study will help decision makers better understand the implementation process of mobile SCM and formulate strategies for successful diffusion of mobile SCM.  相似文献   

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) due to its ability of being flexible in nature is concerned with automatic production of different parts in medium range. In short, it can be regarded as an automated manufacturing system. In this paper, an insight on previous work in the area of FMS modelling has been provided with an overview of research and development for better understanding of FMS. It serves as a medium for investigation of work that are accomplished by using different modelling techniques in FMS like mathematical, artificial intelligence, hierarchical, multi criteria decision-making method, Petri Nets and simulation. This paper will help researchers who are keen to do research in the area of FMS modelling, by highlighting contribution of available techniques in the field of FMS. It will also help them in deciding which modelling techniques can be used for a given problem. At last, comparison of different parameters considered in the recent papers of modelling FMS has been provided in the form of Table, along with a clear vision related to those works that still need to be investigated.  相似文献   

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the circulatory and immune systems, and plays an important role in homeostasis by controlling extracellular fluid volume and in combating infection. Nevertheless, there is a notable disparity in terms of research effort expended in relation to the treatment of lymphatic diseases in contrast to the cardiovascular system. While similarities to the cardiovascular system exist, there are considerable differences in their anatomy and physiology. This review outlines some of the challenges and opportunities for those engaged in modelling biological systems. The study of the lymphatic system is still in its infancy, the vast majority of the models presented in the literature to date having been developed since 2003. The number of distinct models and their variants are few in number, and only one effort has been made thus far to study the entire lymphatic network; elements of the lymphatic system such as the nodes, which act as pumps and reservoirs, have not been addressed by mathematical models. Clearly, more work will be necessary in combination with experimental verification in order to progress and update the knowledge on the function of the lymphatic system. As our knowledge and understanding of its function increase, new and more effective treatments of lymphatic diseases are bound to emerge.  相似文献   

Electrical communication between cardiomyocytes can be perturbed during arrhythmia, but these perturbations are not captured by conventional electrocardiographic metrics. We developed a theoretical framework to quantify electrical communication using information theory metrics in two-dimensional cell lattice models of cardiac excitation propagation. The time series generated by each cell was coarse-grained to 1 when excited or 0 when resting. The Shannon entropy for each cell was calculated from the time series during four clinically important heart rhythms: normal heartbeat, anatomical reentry, spiral reentry and multiple reentry. We also used mutual information to perform spatial profiling of communication during these cardiac arrhythmias. We found that information sharing between cells was spatially heterogeneous. In addition, cardiac arrhythmia significantly impacted information sharing within the heart. Entropy localized the path of the drifting core of spiral reentry, which could be an optimal target of therapeutic ablation. We conclude that information theory metrics can quantitatively assess electrical communication among cardiomyocytes. The traditional concept of the heart as a functional syncytium sharing electrical information cannot predict altered entropy and information sharing during complex arrhythmia. Information theory metrics may find clinical application in the identification of rhythm-specific treatments which are currently unmet by traditional electrocardiographic techniques.  相似文献   

A growing number of researchers are attracted by the domain of bioenergies, due to the problems induced by greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy demand. One possible way of producing biofuels in a renewable way is to use biomass, however the economic viability of a biorefinery system depends critically on the cost of its supplies. As biomass is not very expensive, logistics is responsible of an important fraction of this cost. Models and methods to optimise biomass supply chains are surveyed in this article, after introducing some technical terms and describing the main activities in these chains. This review aims to give a comprehensive overview of the research in this field with a focus on optimisation modelling issues and solution approaches. Recent advances in the current research and possible new directions are sketched.  相似文献   

目前,我国汽车产业正处在由大变强的关键阶段,而欧洲、美国、日本等汽车工业发达国家和地区已经形成较成熟的汽车管理体系,对我国建设和谐汽车社会和推动汽车强国建设具有重要的借鉴意义。通过对比我国与发达国家汽车产业管理体系,总结我国汽车产业管理体系存在的问题和缺陷,并借鉴发达国家经验提出包括改革车辆管理体制、推进法制化建设、发挥市场机制作用、加强战略引导、鼓励技术创新在内的优化调整建议。  相似文献   

Product design and fabrication constitute an important business activity in any manufacturing firm. Designing an optimized product fabrication process is an important problem in itself and is of significant practical and research interest. In this paper, we look into a printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication process and investigate ways in which the fabrication cycle time can be minimized. Single class queueing networks constitute the modelling framework for our study. The model developed in this paper and the analysis experiments carried out are based on extensive data collected on a PCB fabrication company located in Bangalore, India. This is a representative PCB fabrication company involving multiple, concurrent fabrication works with contention for human/technical resources. Our model seeks to capture faithfully the flow of the fabrication process in this company and such other organisations, using queueing networks. Using the model developed, we explore how the cycle times can be reduced using input control, load balancing, and variability reduction. The model presented is sufficiently generic and conceptual; its scope extends beyond that of a PCB fabrication organization.  相似文献   

针对超声波流量计在川气东送管道天然气计量中的应用,通过分析超声波流量计的工作原理,结合现场应用,对常见的超声波流量计故障及计量误差问题进行总结,指出在超声波流量计应用中应注意的维护工作要点,从而降低超声波流量计的测量误差,保证贸易计量的公平公正性。  相似文献   

The changes within a new product development (NPD) process are handled differently depending on the stage of the project. The changes during the initial stages of the project are addressed by design iterations, while the changes after the product design is complete are addressed using a formal engineering change management (ECM) process. The ECM process is a complex process, especially under a collaborative environment, where various independent entities work together for a common cause of product development. The interactions between the NPD and ECM processes have rarely been investigated in the research community. In this paper, we attempt to study the interactions between the various NPD and ECM process parameters by modelling the processes and simulated the model to understand the parameter interactions. The organisations in a supply chain have been characterised based on their interactions with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) during the NPD process. The organisation process templates representing the NPD and ECM processes of each type of organisation in the supply chain have been modelled. The templates have been used to develop a simulation model representing the NPD and ECM processes for a supply chain. The process variables, such as processing rates, resources, resource composition, resource allocation priority, processing quality and phase overlap, have been included in the model. The results indicate that most of the variables and interactions among the variables have a significant influence on the NPD lead time. By identifying the status of?the NPD process, the decision-makers can use these results to develop appropriate management policies to govern their product development projects.  相似文献   

根据成组技术的生产特点和6502厂的生产经营条件,本文阐述了6502厂成组生产管理系统的构成,行运和功能,提出了若干实施成组技术的生产管理思想。  相似文献   

Identifying and analysing key decision variables that an organisation can opt for in order to initiate resource recovery from return activities and improve overall performance is a challenge. Therefore, to assist organisations which are involved in or about to initiate an effective recovery process, this paper provides guidelines to establish flexible decision strategies using the interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach. This study has identified interrelationships between green variables such as supplier commitment, cost, regulations, etc. and has categorised relevant enablers. Further, variables such as capacity utilisation, customer satisfaction, energy consumption reduction, etc. are recognised as outcomes or results. After statistically verifying these variables, it has been inferred that driving enablers aid in promoting performance variables, while the result variables represent outcomes achieved via the driving variables. Further, using MICMAC analysis, a graphical categorisation of the variables is done on the basis of the impact on performance. Later prioritisation of variables having high driving power and low dependence is conducted. Inputs in the proposed model are taken through a case study conducted in the paper industry. The proposed model can be quite helpful and can act as a generic tool to achieve the desired performance improvement of green product recovery systems.  相似文献   

The shuttle-based storage and retrieval system (SBS/RS) is a relatively new part-to-picker order picking system. We have developed a performance estimation and design algorithm for the SBS/RS. The performance estimation is based on a queuing model. The design algorithm aims to find the minimum cost configurations in terms of number of tiers, aisles, lifts and workstations with given throughput, tote capacity and order cycle time requirements. We used simulation driven by parameters abstracted from an actual SBS/RS to verify the performance estimation, and applied the design algorithm in the case study. The results indicate that: (1) compared to simulation results, the throughput of the performance estimation is nearly identical when the arrival rate is below the maximum capacity; (2) the design algorithm yields a configuration with 28.1% cost reduction in the current system. In addition, we also compared the shuttle system with the competing robotic order fulfilment system (robotic system in short) in terms of facility cost, building cost and order cycle time. We found that the shuttle system is a better choice if large storage capacity and high throughput are required whereas the robotic order fulfilment system performs better if small storage capacity and low throughput are required.  相似文献   

Manufacturing companies are increasingly shifting their value proposition from a product-centric perspective to Product-Service-System (PSS). This evolution allows companies to improve the customisation of their offer and to contribute to reduce material flows and consumption, thus enhancing sustainability. However, when companies introduce PSS offers, they have to face higher complexity and dynamism, as customer behaviours, process requirements and sustainability assessment must be considered during the design and the development of the new solutions. In this paper, after the identification of the main PSS dynamic features, the authors argue that business process simulation (BPS) could represent an effective tool to cope with the dynamics and the complexity entailed in a sustainable PSS. This paper analyses and compares existing BPS approaches identifying the hybrid simulation (HS) modelling as a promising approach. In fact, according to the critical PSS features, HS allows grasping PSS features and integrating customer, company and environmental sustainability perspectives into the model, thus, supporting effective PSS design and assessment. These findings have been validated in a test case where a hybrid model (integrating Discrete Event Simulation with Agent-Based Modelling) has been compared against a pure DES model. The results highlight the advantages of the hybrid modelling approach with respect to DES in supporting the engineering of a sustainable, customer-oriented PSS provision process.  相似文献   

The transformation of waste into a valuable resource is a key process towards sustainable development and green growth and therefore represents a major concern for policy-makers. Technological innovation plays a crucial role in waste management and therefore understanding the way in which regulation may spur innovation in this domain constitute is crucial. This article aims at testing the weak version of the Porter hypothesis in waste management, by analysing the dynamic relationship between the stringency of environmental regulation and innovation in a European cross-country setting. Results confirm that the stringency of regulation positively affects innovation, but the effect is non-linear, suggesting the existence of an optimal cap to the stringency of regulation. Furthermore, the overall environmental conditions of the country, as well as the presence of highly polluting sectors hinder the development of environmental innovations.  相似文献   

Despite changes in tools and practices, the conceptual foundations of performance measurement and management (PMM) are still predominantly rooted in control systems research. While PMM approaches have delivered significant organisational benefits, including creating alignment, supporting monitoring and control, and enabling prediction and optimisation of resource allocation, this paper argues that this paradigm is not capable of responding to increasingly complex and highly uncertain organisational environments. Drawing on ideas emerging in the literature on systems engineering and complex systems, we propose a novel perspective that considers PMM from a ‘system of systems’ (SoS) point of view, whose essential characteristics are autonomy, belonging, connectivity, diversity and emergence. After identifying the assumptions underpinning existing PMM approaches, we outline a SoS-based paradigm to PMM and conclude by articulating the main implications for the practice of PMM and setting out a research agenda.  相似文献   

In an effort to mainstream environmental sustainability in the national development agenda, the Government of Lebanon is among the pioneers in the Middle East to launch the development of a national strategic environmental assessment (SEA) system that caters to the particularities of the Lebanese planning, regulatory and institutional context. This paper provides a critical overview of the approach followed by the Ministry of Environment for the development of an SEA system and its regulation. It also makes recommendations for facilitating SEA implementation and presents some of the early outcomes resultingfrom awareness raising during consultation on the development of the proposed system  相似文献   

计量信息管理系统的开发与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严冬松 《工业计量》2005,15(5):20-21
根据现代计量管理方法和使用先进的计算机网络技术开发出计量信息管理系统,阐述了对计量工作实现计算机化管理的必要性、意义和作用,介绍了用于现代化企业的通用计量信息管理系统的结构、功能及应用情况.实践证明,计量工作的计算机管理减轻了计量部门对计量器具管理的劳动强度,实现了对全厂计量工作的优化管理.  相似文献   

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