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随着风力发电机叶片的大型化,将智能材料粘贴在叶片表面或嵌入叶片内部形成新的结构,智能材料作为传感器和作动器。设计了小型风力发电机叶片及其智能夹层结构,用有限元分析软件Algor分析埋入的压电材料逆压电效应下的应力、位移,并与气动力作用下的叶片流体计算结果进行对比。分析实现叶片振动主动控制的可行性,以防止叶片这一弹性体发生颤振。  相似文献   

复合材料气瓶的有限元建模与屈曲分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
复合材料气瓶在空间系统中逐渐取代全金属气瓶而得到越来越广泛的应用.利用ANSYS大型有限元程序建立复合材料气瓶及其内衬的有限元模型,建模中将纤维缠绕层作为复合材料层合板处理,考虑了封头处缠绕层厚度及缠绕角沿子午线不断变化的情况.建立了气瓶整体结构的特征值屈曲分析与非线性屈曲分析有限元方程,并分别进行了气瓶整体结构和内衬的外压失稳(屈曲)分析计算,得出了气瓶整体结构及内衬的屈曲模态形状和临界外压.  相似文献   

程玉胜  高鑫  刘虎 《声学技术》2010,29(2):228-231
针对在舰船辐射噪声DEMON线谱信噪比低时,传统使用的基于模型或专家系统的叶片数识别方法存在错误率高且识别结果不稳定的问题,提出了一种基于模板匹配的螺旋桨叶片数识别方法。该方法建立了不依赖于样本的模板库,设计了模板匹配算法和识别结果置信度算法,较好地解决了传统的叶片数识别技术所存在的数学模型失配或规则不全、样本不完善性等问题。对实测数据的分析表明,该方法明显降低了叶片数识别的错误率,使目标类型识别结果趋于稳定。  相似文献   

吴思远  黎胜 《振动与冲击》2014,33(12):207-210
螺旋桨噪声是舰船水下噪声的重要组成部分,它会影响舰船的隐身性能。螺旋桨水下噪声可分为流体动力噪声和叶片振动辐射噪声。本文计算研究了螺旋桨叶片振动辐射噪声,首先采用CFD方法对螺旋桨敞水特征进行模拟,提取螺旋桨表面的压力波动作为外部载荷;再利用有限元方法对螺旋桨进行振动响应分析;最后以振动响应作为声辐射边界条件,利用边界元方法计算了螺旋桨的振动辐射噪声。  相似文献   

为了研究具有三维复杂构形的复合材料风机叶片的逐次破坏过程和极限承载能力, 将复合材料细观力学非线性本构理论桥联模型与有限元软件ABAQUS通过用户子程序UGENS结合起来对风力发电机叶片结构进行极限强度分析。只需提供纤维和基体的材料性能参数、 纤维体积含量以及蒙皮和增强筋的铺层数据包括铺设角、 层厚和铺层数, 就可预报出复合材料复杂叶片结构的整体承载能力以及叶片破坏所处的位置, 为正确评估和合理设计风机叶片结构提供了一种简便有效的分析方法。以一种20kW风机叶片为例, 用此方法实现了新型复合材料叶片结构的极限分析和合理设计, 提高了叶片的强度和刚度, 有效降低了叶片的重量。本文中的方法同样适用于其它复合材料复杂结构的极限分析与强度设计。   相似文献   

为了从整体上获取胶印机的性能数据,以某型单张纸四色胶印机的印刷单元为研究对象,综合运用多种有限元建模技术,建立了胶印机单色组整机有限元模型。在整体建模的基础上,对胶印机有限元模型进行了静力分析、模态分析和谐响应分析,获得了胶印机的静态、动态综合性能数据。分析结果表明,该型胶印机整体动态性能欠佳,有必要进行胶印机结构的动态优化。  相似文献   

利用有限元方法对一种特殊形状的复合材料旋转壳在轴压工况和内压工况下的强度进行了计算分析,揭示了应力分布特点, 确定了破坏区域和方式, 预报了模型的破坏载荷值。同时对其在轴压、外压和轴/外压工况下的稳定性也进行了分析计算。对内压、轴压下的强度和轴/外压下的稳定性进行了实验研究。   相似文献   

对复合材料旋转壳的失稳问题进行了有限元推导, 建立了考虑横向剪切变形的旋转壳稳定性分析模型。在应变向量阵中引入了横向剪切应变, 从而考虑了剪切的影响。为了避免剪切自锁, 刚度的计算采用一点高斯积分法, 几何刚度的推导采用Stricklin 法。最终将稳定性问题归结为特征值问题。数值算例表明, 对于各向同性和复合材料旋转壳, 横向剪切变形均使其临界载荷降低。在稳定性分析中, 横向剪切变形对各向同性材料旋转壳的影响较小, 对复合材料的影响较大。   相似文献   

针对复杂非线性结构动力学系统提出了一种基于有限元与神经网络相结合的杂交建模方法。依据该方法,首先将系统中的线性结构部分采用有限元建模,非线性或难以机理建模的结构部件采用神经网络描述。其次,再通过力和位移边界联接条件将有限元模型部分和神经网络模型部分结合从而得到整个系统的杂交模型,且杂交模型的物理结构明确,精度较高,网络规模较小。在一非线性隔振系统的杂交建模算例仿真中,用所建杂交模型对正弦及宽带随机激励进行了预测检验分析,结果良好,该杂交建模方法为主体结构为线弹性结构而又包含有强非线性器件的非线性动力学系统提供了一种有效的建模途径。  相似文献   

首先对复合材料单向板进行拉伸损伤实验,采用声发射监测其损伤的分布规律和发展过程,然后采用逐步线性加载的方式对三维有限元单胞模型进行应力场数值模拟,通过对应力场分布的分析获取复合材料的损伤机理,并进一步验证声发射监测的准确性.研究结果表明,通过综合运用声发射损伤监测技术与单胞模型有限元应力场数值模拟,分析复合材料拉伸损伤过程的方法是可行的.  相似文献   

The s-version of the finite element method is developed for laminated plates and shells. By this technique the global domain is idealized using 2-D Equivalent Single Layer model. The regions where ESL model errs badly in capturing localized phenomena are superimposed by a stack of 3-D elements. Assumed strain formulation and selective polynomial order escalation in the two models, as well as fast iterative procedures, are employed to maintain a high level of computational efficiency.  相似文献   

A reformulated four-node shell element, based on the analysis of the moment redistribution mechanism development by C0 plate bending and shell elements, is presented. The moment redistribution mechanism of a finite shell element model is shown to be predominantly activated by the membrane flexural action of the shell. This action is triggered through the membrane strain components which participate in the moment equilibrium equations of the finite element assembly system. An equivalent elastic foundation action, along with the activation of the in-plane twisting stiffness of the shell, may also contribute to the moment redistribution mechanism of the finite shell element model. The proposed shell element formulation aims at retaining the non-spurious contribution of the transverse shear/membrane strain energy to the flexural behaviour of the shell, through the activation of the moment redistribution mechanism. Yet, any potentially spurious, whether locking or kinematic, mechanism is rejected. In warped configurations, the element activates appropriate coupling mechanisms of the bending terms to nodal translations. The so-obtained reformulated four-node shell element exhibits an excellent behaviour without experiencing any locking phenomena or zero-energy modes, while its formulation is kept simple, based on physical considerations. The proposed formulation performs equally well in flat as well as in warped shell element applications.  相似文献   

In the present contribution we propose a so-called solid-shell concept which incorporates only displacement degrees of freedom. Thus, some major disadvantages of the usually used degenerated shell concept are overcome. These disadvantages are related to boundary conditions—the handling of soft and hard support, the need for special co-ordinate systems at boundaries, the connection with continuum elements—and, in geometrically non-linear analyses, to a complicated update of the rotation vector. First, the kinematics of the so-called solid-shell concept in analogy to the degenerated shell concept are introduced. Then several modifications of the solid-shell concept are proposed to obtain locking-free solid-shell elements, leading also to formulations which allow the use of general three-dimensional material laws and which are also able to represent the normal stresses and strains in thickness direction. Numerical analyses of geometrically linear and non-linear problems are finally performed using solely assumed natural shear strain elements with a linear approximation in in-plane direction. Although some considerations are needed to get comparable boundary conditions in the examples analysed, the solid-shell elements prove to work as good as the degenerated shell elements. The numerical examples show that neither thickness nor shear locking are present even for distorted element shapes. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A comparative theoretical and numerical study of the flow (rigid‐plastic) and solid (elasto‐plastic, in rate form) simulation approaches applied to the isothermal blade forging process for closing and opening of the dies is presented. In the rigid‐plastic approach the solution is followed by an elasto‐plastic solution in unloading (opening of the dies). The deformation of the billet, effective plastic strains and stresses were compared between the two solutions in the closing of the dies and when the dies were opened. Furthermore, the flow–solid approach was used in simulating the process and then the results, including the time–load and time–volume curves, were compared with previous results. The cost was lower and the efficiency was superior in the suggested flow–solid approach. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a geometrically non‐linear solid shell element to analyse piezoelectric structures. The finite element formulation is based on a variational principle of the Hu–Washizu type and includes six independent fields: displacements, electric potential, strains, electric field, mechanical stresses and dielectric displacements. The element has eight nodes with four nodal degrees of freedoms, three displacements and the electric potential. A bilinear distribution through the thickness of the independent electric field is assumed to fulfill the electric charge conservation law in bending dominated situations exactly. The presented finite shell element is able to model arbitrary curved shell structures and incorporates a 3D‐material law. A geometrically non‐linear theory allows large deformations and includes stability problems. Linear and non‐linear numerical examples demonstrate the ability of the proposed model to analyse piezoelectric devices. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A major challenge for crash failure analysis of laminated composites is to find a modelling approach, which is both sufficiently accurate, for example, able to capture delaminations, and computationally efficient to allow full‐scale vehicle crash simulations. Addressing this challenge, we propose a methodology based on an equivalent single‐layer shell formulation which is adaptively through‐the‐thickness refined to capture initiating and propagating delaminations. To be specific, single shell elements through the laminate thickness are locally and adaptively enriched using the extended finite element method such that delaminations can be explicitly modelled without having to be represented by separate elements. Furthermore, the shell formulation is combined with a stress recovery technique which increases the accuracy of predicting delamination initiations. The paper focuses on the parameters associated with identifying, introducing and extending the enrichment areas; especially on the impact of these parameters on the resulting structural deformation behaviour. We conclude that the delamination enrichment must be large enough to allow the fracture process to be accurately resolved, and we propose a suitable approach to achieve this. The proposed methodology for adaptive delamination modelling shows potential for being computationally efficient, and thereby, it has the potential to enable efficient and accurate full vehicle crash simulations of laminated composites. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simple triangular solid shell element formulation is developed for efficient analysis of plates and shells undergoing finite rotations. The kinematics of the present solid shell element formulation is purely vectorial with only three translational degrees of freedom per node. Accordingly, the kinematics of deformation is free of the limitation of small angle increments, and thus the formulation allows large load increments in the analysis of finite rotation. An assumed strain field is carefully selected to alleviate the locking effect without triggering undesirable spurious kinematic modes. In addition, the curved surface of shell structures is modeled with flat facet elements to obviate the membrane locking effect. Various numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the present element formulation for the analysis of plates and shells undergoing finite rotation. The present formulation is attractive in that only three points are needed for numerical integration over an element.  相似文献   

This paper presents the finite rotation exact geometry (EG) 12‐node solid‐shell element with 36 displacement degrees of freedom. The term ‘EG’ reflects the fact that coefficients of the first and second fundamental forms of the reference surface and Christoffel symbols are taken exactly at each element node. The finite element formulation developed is based on the 9‐parameter shell model by employing a new concept of sampling surfaces (S‐surfaces) inside the shell body. We introduce three S‐surfaces, namely, bottom, middle and top, and choose nine displacements of these surfaces as fundamental shell unknowns. Such choice allows one to represent the finite rotation higher order EG solid‐shell element formulation in a very compact form and to derive the strain–displacement relationships, which are objective, that is, invariant under arbitrarily large rigid‐body shell motions in convected curvilinear coordinates. The tangent stiffness matrix is evaluated by using 3D analytical integration and the explicit presentation of this matrix is given. The latter is unusual for the non‐linear EG shell element formulation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

复合材料单钉接头三维逐渐损伤破坏分析   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
针对纤维增强复合材料螺栓双盖板接头, 发展了面内静拉伸三维逐渐损伤模型。并对损伤累积过程中出现的四种基本损伤机理类型(纤维断裂、纤维-基体剪切、基体开裂、分层) 及其之间的相互关联性进行了分析模拟, 并能成功预测其接头层合板静拉伸强度、破坏模式及损伤与扩展的整个过程。同时用参数化设计方法, 对任意铺层、任意尺寸单钉接头进行建模, 使分析工作更加方便。用本模型计算的结果与文献[ 4 ]提供的9 种不同铺层尺寸接头实验结果进行了比较分析, 对比结果非常令人满意。   相似文献   

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