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On the influence of the analysis tool on the modeling – Structural analysis of the Wiegmann‐Polonceau girder in the second half of the 19th century. Motivated by the recent re‐erection of the Schrannenhalle (grain market), Munich (originally built 1851–53), we study the process of mechanical modeling of the Polonceau girder in its relation to the development of structural mechanics and computation 1850–1900.  相似文献   

On the relationship between construction engineering and strength of materials in Gerstner's “Handbook of Mechanics”. Commemorating Franz Joseph Ritter von Gerstner's 250th birthday. Like nobody else before him Gerstner based the theory of material strength in his “Handbook of Mechanics” on experiments. To this end he discussed the classic experimental stress analyses undertaken by Musschenbroek, Rondelet, Eytelwein, Rennie, Telford, Brown, Brunel, Barlow, Tredgold, Navier and Dufour. He also carried out extensive test series himself, for which he designed his own devices for determining tensile and bending strength. Gerstner's experiments on the tensile strength of wrought iron and steel, for example, set standards in terms of precision, methodology and application. As part of the design work for a chain suspension bridge in Prague he developed a polynomial formula for the stress‐strain diagram of steel and wrought iron, the parameters for which he determined himself through experiments. Gerstner clearly differentiated between a linear region (“perfect elasticity”) and a nonlinear region (“imperfect elasticity”) and warned against exceedance of the proportionality limit, particularly for chain suspension bridges. He also dealt extensively with the bending strength of timber and iron structures. With his empirically accentuated theory of material strength Gerstner established the basic principles of a physically substantiated theory of proportions for structural and machine engineers, which formed the historical‐logical transition to structural theory and classic dimensioning theory.  相似文献   

Die Dachkonstruktion des als Experimentalbau errichteten Heidebroek‐Baus ist ein Faltwerk, das aus zusammengespannten Stahlbetonfertigteilsegmenten besteht. Aufgrund von Unzulänglichkeiten in der konstruktiven Durchbildung und jahrelanger, durch eine desolate Abdichtung verursachte Durchfeuchtung des Faltwerks musste von einer bereits eingetretenen Korrosion der Spannglieder ausgegangen werden, so dass die Standsicherheit des Dachs in Frage stand. Zunächst durch temporäre Gerüsttürme als Hilfsunterstützung gesichert, wurde die Dachkonstruktion schließlich ertüchtigt und instandgesetzt. Dabei erfolgten die Baumaßnahmen bei laufendem Betrieb in der von der TU Dresden genutzten Versuchshalle. Zur Sicherstellung der ausreichenden Tragfähigkeit im Fall des Versagens einzelner Spannglieder sowie zur Verhinderung eines plötzlichen Gesamtversagens des Faltwerks durch progressiven Kollaps wurden Stahllamellen auf der Dachinnenfläche aufgeklebt und an den Stirnseiten der Falten endverankert. Die Bemessung der Lamellen einschließlich ihrer Verankerung und der Nachweis der vorhandenen Dachkonstruktion erfolgten unter Berücksichtigung der gemäß den gültigen Normen anzusetzenden Einwirkungen. Dieser Beitrag geht auf die Konzeption der Tragwerksertüchtigung sowie auf die diesbezüglichen, nach vier hauptsächlichen Grenzzuständen differenzierten Standsicherheitsnachweise ein und fasst die wesentlichen Aspekte der Ausschreibung, Vergabe und Ausführung der Sanierungsarbeiten sowie der Überwachung der Ertüchtigungs‐ und Instandsetzungsmaßnahmen zusammen. Heidebroek‐Bau at the Dresden University of Technology – Improvement and repair of the prestressed folded‐plate roof. The roof construction of the Heidebroek‐Bau, erected as an experimental building, is a folded‐plate construction comprising tied precast segments of reinforced concrete. Given the inadequacies in the design and the dampness which had penetrated the structure over a period of many years as a result of the desolate condition of the seals, it was to be assumed that the prestressing members already displayed corrosion and that the structural safety of the roof was thus to be questioned. Initially secured by way of temporary staging towers as auxiliary support, the roof construction was subsequently strengthened and repaired. The building work was accomplished without interrupting the use of the research hall by the Dresden University of Technology. To ensure a sufficient load‐bearing strength should individual prestressing members fail, and to eliminate the risk of a sudden total failure with progressive collapse of the folded‐plate construction, steel lamellae were attached to the inner surface of the roof and anchored at the ends of the folds. The dimensioning of the lamellae, including their anchoring and verification of the existing roof construction, took into account all potential influences specified by the applicable technical standards. This paper discusses the concept for improvement of the supporting structure and the corresponding differentiated verification of stability on the basis of four essential critical states, and provides an overview of key aspects of the tender process, execution of the improvement work and monitoring of the implemented strengthening and repair measures.  相似文献   

Cracking of steels during hot dip galvanizing – causes and proposals for solution. For almost a century, the application of hot‐dipped zinc coatings has been a standard method of corrosion protection of steel. But in the past decade, sporadic reports of cracks in steel after hot dip galvanizing have occurred when high residual stress caused by flame‐cutting, welding and/or sharply cold forming while the manufacture of big scale steel structures. This report describes the various causes in the formation of crack especially considering the interaction between material, design/manufacture and the hot dip galvanizing process by evaluation of the national and international specialised literature and also by private experience. Recommendations are giving for reduction or avoiding cracks.  相似文献   

Seit der Urzeit sind Menschen bestrebt, in allen Bereichen ihres Lebens ein möglichst großes Maß an Sicherheit zu erreichen. Für das Bauwesen gilt das in ganz besonderer Weise, denn das Versagen von Bauwerken ist in der Gesellschaft viel weniger akzeptiert, als zum Beispiel das Versagen von Kraftfahrzeugen oder elektronischen Geräten. Speziell empfinden wir das Gefühl von Sicherheit, wenn wir “wissen“ oder “sehen“, dass Bauteile den entsprechenden Lasten standhalten. Deshalb stellten Probebelastungen bis ins 19. und 20. Jahrhundert den ultimativen Nachweis der Tragsicherheit für Bauteile und Bauwerke dar. Besonders die Stahlbetonbauweise konnte sich in ihren Anfangsjahren nur deshalb durchsetzen, weil ihre Leistungsfähigkeit durch vielfältige Belastungsproben gegenüber einer großen Öffentlichkeit wirkungsvoll bewiesen wurde. Historical development and current practise of load tests in situ — part 1: historical development in the 19th and at the begin of the 20th century. Since prehistoric times people are striving to achieve the largest possible range of safety in all areas of their lives. For the construction industry this is important in a very special way, because the failure of structures is much less accepted in society, as for example the failure of motor vehicles or electronic devices. We especially feel a sense of security if we really “know“ or “see“ that components can withstand the appropriate loads. Therefore, load tests represented the ultimate proof of the safety of components and structures during the 19th and 20th Century. Especially, reinforced concrete could prevail in its early years only because its performance has been proven effective by a multitude of load tests to a wide public.  相似文献   

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