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Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit dem Tragverhalten von Flachdecken aus Stahlfaserbeton im negativen Momentenbereich. Zugkräfte werden allein von den in der Betonmatrix eingebetteten Stahlfasern aufgenommen, letztere ermöglichen in einer Dosierung von 100 kg/m3 (1.3 % des Volumens) eine hohe Rotationsfähigkeit bei gleichzeitig hoher Tragfähigkeit. In einer ersten Phase kann anhand von Laborversuchen an Deckenausschnitten gezeigt werden, dass bei Flachdecken mit reiner Faserbewehrung und unter rotationssymetrischer Belastung kein Durchstanzen auftritt und sich ein Biegeversagen mit deutlicher Bruchlinienbildung einstellt. Neben den erhaltenen Informationen über Versagensart und ‐last konnte ebenfalls eine abfallende Faserwirksamkeit mit steigender Plattendicke festgestellt werden. Kombiniert mit den experimentellen Untersuchungen kann anhand nicht‐linearer FE‐Simulationen der Einfluss von Aussparungen bei lokalem Plattenversagen im Stützenbereich auf die Traglast beschrieben werden. Anhand der Festigkeitsstreuungen und einem semi‐probabilistischen Sicherheitskonzept wird ein Sicherheitsfaktor hergeleitet, welcher es ermöglicht, einen Bemessungswert der Querschnittstragfähigkeit zu berechnen. Wegen dem experimentell festgestellten Biegeversagen wird die Bruchlinientheorie als Rechenmodell angewendet. Bearing Capacity of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) Flat Slabs in the Negative Bending Moment Area and Design Model for the Complete System The present paper deals with the bearing behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) flat slabs in the negative bending moment area. Tensile forces are carried only by steel fibers. The latter allow, due to a dosage of 100 kg/m3 (1.3% in volume), a high rotation capacity with simultaneously high bearing capacities. In a first step experimental analysis showed that under symmetrical loading no punching shear failure occurred. A bending behaviour with creation of yield lines was observed for all test specimens. Furthermore, a decreasing fibre orientation with growing plate height could be noticed. The effect of openings in the column area on the bearing capacity loss in a local failure were evaluated with the use of non‐linear finite element software. Scatter in bending tensile strengths was used to calculate a safety factor by the means of a semi‐probabilistic safety concept. Eventually, slab design is performed by using yield line theory.  相似文献   

Composite Floors made of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete and Timber For many years the timber‐concrete composite construction is known and approved particularly with regard to the revaluation and strengthening of timber beam ceilings. The benefits are an obvious increase of the load bearing capacity, a reduction of the deflection, a better vibration behaviour of the ceiling and an improvement of building physical properties like sound insulation and fire resistance. The reinforcement of the concrete slab is necessary, but leads to a large slab thickness in connection with the necessity of a sufficient concrete cover and to disadvantages during the execution of construction work. Therefore it is reasonable to replace the conventional reinforcement by steel fibres. This paper reports on two building projects and their associated experimental pre‐tests, in which steel fibre reinforced concrete was applied for the strengthening of timber beam ceilings.  相似文献   

Prognosis of the Deflection of Reinforced Slabs of Steel Fibre Concrete As a basis for comparative investigations to the deformation behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs and reinforced slabs of steel fibre concrete four attempt elements were exposed to (in October, 2003) a mechanical long‐term load and the deformation behaviour for a period of 41 months was observed. The existing load was reduced in two load steps. Through this the influence of the back‐deformation was gathered. The attempted results are demonstrated and compared to the results of theoretical investigations.  相似文献   

Das Tragverhalten von Platten aus Stahlfaserbeton ist von starker Nichtlinearität durch Rissbildung und großen traglaststeigernden Umlagerungen geprägt. Für ihre Berechnung und Bemessung wird ein nichtlineares Verfahren vorgestellt. Es basiert auf einer elasto‐plastischen Schädigungsbeschreibung des Faserbetons mit eingebetteter Betonstahlbewehrung und einer Finite Elemente Diskretisierung des Stabstahls und der Platte mit regularisierter Verschmierung der Rissbildung im Elementnetz. Das Verfahren wird an einer punktgestützen Stahlfaserbetonplatte eines Großversuchs angewendet und verglichen mit anderen gängigen Methoden, nämlich einer linear‐elastischen Schnittgrößenermittlung bzw. der Bruchlinientheorie. Zur Bemessung erweist es sich als sehr geeignet, allerdings – ähnlich den beiden anderen Verfahren – abhängig von der angenommen Rissbildung, der Nachrisszugfestigkeit und geometrischen Größen. Redistribution Effects of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs Numerical Computation and Design The bearing behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) slabs is mainly affected by nonlinearity due to cracking and redistribution effects leading to an increased bearing capacity. A nonlinear approach for structural analysis and design of such structures is presented. It is based on an elasto‐plastic damage theory to model material behaviour of SFRC and allows for additional embedded rebars. By adopting a finite element discretisation of the slab structure a regulated smeared modelling of cracking is achieved. Further the nonlinear model is applied to a full scale test of a SFRC flat slab structure and results are compared to alternative already well established methods, namely a linear elastic analysis and the yield line theory. The proposed method is proven to be very suitable for design but – alike the alternatives – depends on assumed crack patterns, residual tensile strength of the SFRC and geometrical parameters.  相似文献   

Prestressing with Unbonded Tendons and Flat Slabs Made of Steel Fibre Concrete. Practical Report – New Secondary School Building at Kösching, Rural District of Eichstätt This work report resumes the subject of the publication of the authors in the journal “Beton‐ und Stahlbetonbau”, no. 4, 2004 and demonstrates the new opportunities in the field of reinforced concrete engineering including the prestressed steel fibre slab as well as estimates in comparison with conventional embodiments under competitive conditions. Meanwhile, various technical journals published articles dealing with “Prestressing with Unbonded Tendons”, which are focussed more on the theoretical bases.This report is to complete these publications by practical experience.  相似文献   

Mit der zu erwartenden Einführung der Richtlinie “Stahlfaserbeton” des Deutschen Ausschuss für Stahlbeton (DAfStb) entsteht für den Verbundwerkstoff Stahlfaserbeton ein neues, breites Spektrum an zusätzlichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Durch die Wirkung der Fasern im Beton können nach Überschreitung der Betonzugfestigkeit nennenswerte Kräfte zwischen den Rissufern übertragen und bei der rechnerischen Erfassung des Tragverhaltens berücksichtigt werden. Im Aufsatz werden Vorgehensweisen, Hilfsmittel und ein auf Tabellenkalkulationen und Optimierungsmethoden basierendes Programm zur Biegebemessung und Verformungsabschätzung von Querschnitten und Systemen aus Stahlfaserbeton und stahlfaserverstärktem Stahlbeton entwickelt. Grundlage sind die bekannten Bemessungsansätze und ‐hilfsmittel für Stahlbetonquerschnitte. Die Anwendung der Hilfsmittel – auch für Verformungsabschätzungen auf Basis nichtlinearer Verfahren – zeigen zwei Beispiele. Structural Elements of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete with or without Bar Reinforcement Tools for Design and Deflection Estimations according to the Guideline “Stahlfaserbeton” by DAfStb The expected release of the guideline “Stahlfaserbeton” by ‘German Committee for Reinforced Concrete’ (DAfStb) offers a wide application range for the composite material steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC). Due to additional steel fibres in concrete considerable tension forces can be transferred between crack edges after reaching plain concrete's tensile strength. These forces can be accounted for in calculation of load bearing capacity. Adapted from common design methods and tools for plain reinforced concrete new procedures, tools and a computer application – based on spreadsheet analysis and optimisation methods – for SFRC are presented in this article. These allow for both bending design as well as deflection estimation of crosssections and structural systems made of SFRC with and without additional rebars. Their application – also in case of deflection estimation using non‐linear methods – is demonstrated in two elaborated examples.  相似文献   

Influence of Fiber Orientation on the Design of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Members The provision of guidelines and codes is the condition to applications with enough margin of safety and spreading of steel fiber reinforced concrete. The knowledge of uneven fiber distribution and orientation didn't lead to consideration within the design until now. One reason may be that a consideration of the fiber distribution was not relevant for the most applications. But there is a change due to the advance of the use of steel fiber reinforced concrete for members and structures based on structural design. The effects of the concreting and the dimensions of a member on the fiber orientation and distribution are considerable and should be taken into account for the design.  相似文献   

Static Analysis and Verification of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Foundation Slabs according to the Austrian Guideline “Fibre reinforced concrete” and DBV (German Concrete Association) Recommendations “Steel fibre reinforced concrete” Steel fibre reinforced concrete is used for foundation slabs of housing structures since many years. The Austrian guideline [1] and the DBV recommendations [2] provide material properties and design values for calculation and verification of steel fibre reinforced concrete structural members. This paper provides a comparative study on foundation slabs taking both guidelines into account. A nonlinear finite element parameter study has been performed in order to verify a simplified static calculation and verification method. This calculation method is based on the yield line theory. This paper concludes with a sample calculation for steel fibre reinforced foundation slabs according to the Austrian and German design recommendations.  相似文献   

《Beton- und Stahlbetonbau》2010,105(12):820-820

Steel Fibre Concrete for Precast Tunnel Segments The aim of these studies was to evaluate on precast tunnel segments the possibility of partially or totally replacing the usual steel reinforcing bars with steel fibres in a complex static system. In a first step, tests were carried out on connecting joints between precast segments and in a second step on whole tunnel segments coming from the precasting site of the Oenzberg tunnel (Swiss Railways, Berne–Zurich). They are 5.42 m long, have a width of 0.85 m and are 0.30 m thick. The segments were placed horizontally under a double hydraulic jack testing installation in the EIA‐FR structure laboratory. The double hydraulic jack introduced vertical forces while normal forces were produced by two metal pull‐rods simulating an arch‐effect. These experimental studies on connecting joints and on precast tunnel segments show good behaviour on the part of steel fibre reinforced concrete under such combined loads. This study highlights the major impact of compression forces in the bent section. Therefore, fibre reinforced concrete appears particularly well‐adapted for precast tunnel segments subjected to high compression loads. However, these studies also indicate the inadvisability of totally renouncing the use of conventional reinforcement in case of large tunnel segments.  相似文献   

Wide spans due to Flat Slabs with Structural lightweight aggregate Concrete Structural lightweight aggregate concrete (SLWAC) shows a much more favourable ration of dead weight to strength than normal weight concrete. The present report indicates the possibilities resulting out of this for the optimisation of flat slabs in view of wider spans. Considering the specific material properties of SLWAC and their consequences on the load bearing system of flat slabs the solution of a hollow body slab is developed in which SLWAC and normal weight concrete are used combined. Those slab systems reach clearly wider spans than conventional nonprestressed normal weight concrete slabs.  相似文献   

Reinforced Concrete and Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Rafts Experimental tests on serviceability and ultimate loading performance Houses and residential buildings are increasingly built on rafts instead of strip foundations. The main advantages of rafts are more efficient excavation works and easy concreting of the rafts itself. The use of steel fibre reinforced concrete slabs offers economic advantages if there are no special requirements on service ability such as water tightness or crack limitations. At Aachen University of Applied Sciences a comparative experimental study on the load carrying behaviour of rafts made of concrete, reinforced concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete was carried out. The tests have proven steel fibre concrete as suitable material for rafts in case of sufficient stiffness of the subbase. In case of special requirements on service ability, reinforced concrete or combined fibre and bar reinforced concrete should be used. In that case stresses should be calculated based on the elastic theory.  相似文献   

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