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Formation mechanism of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with high glass-forming ability (GFA) has been a long-standing subject in the field of solid state physics. To highlight the GFA-associated local atomic structure, element-specific positron annihilation spectroscopy was conducted for recently discovered ternary Ce70GaxCu30-x (x = 6–13; at.%) BMGs. We succeeded in identifying the packing structure under the condition of ambient pressure, in which Ce atoms are concentrated more than that in Ce crystal. This anomalous glassy state is most efficiently formed at the Ga concentration of ∼10%, where the best glass-forming ability (GFA) is experimentally observed. First-principles computer simulation results suggest that this anomalous packing structure is associated with Ce-4f electron delocalization in the Ce-Ga-Cu BMGs. The findings provide unambiguous evidence for the relationship between the packing-efficient local structure and the GFA. 相似文献
Daniel B. Miracle 《Acta Materialia》2013,61(9):3157-3171
The present work develops a physical model of metallic glass structure that gives a reasonable estimate of density. The efficient cluster-packing model is used as a starting point, and is refined by a high-fidelity estimate of the size of structure-forming clusters and cluster–cluster separations. These are predicted as continuous functions of composition and relative atom radii. Predicted densities are all are within ±10% of measured densities for 200 binary metallic glasses, representing a precision in cluster–cluster separations of ±3%. New structural insights from this work include the importance of acknowledging the unique cluster topologies to estimate cluster–cluster separations; an improved ability to estimate the higher packing efficiency of unlike atoms in the first coordination shell of atomic clusters; and an improved estimate of metalloid–metalloid separations. The unusual, bilinear influence of composition on density in Fe–B glasses is explained by considering the sizes of β and γ sites in different metallic glass structures. Global atom packing fractions derived from measured densities range from about 0.62 to 0.76, and the most stable binary glasses all have packing fractions in excess of 0.70, supporting the idea that atom packing efficiency influences glass stability. 相似文献
Ran Li Qing Yang Shujie Pang Chaoli Ma Tao Zhang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,450(1-2):181-184
In this paper, a glass-forming range of metallic glasses based on Ce-rich misch metal (Mm) was pinpointed in Mm-Al-Co composition map by melt spinning. The thermal analysis indicated that the wide supercooled liquid region (above 60 K) can be found out in a large composition range in Mm-Al-Co system. The investigation of the glass-forming ability (GFA) in this system indicated a glassy composition with a larger supercooled liquid region wouldn’t be the glassy former with higher GFA. The reduced glass transition temperature is a better indicator to explore metallic glasses with high GFA. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of Mm65Al10Co25 bulk glassy samples were evaluated in a compressive measurement. The obvious advantages of the Mm-based BMGs with high GFA, good mechanical properties and low material cost make these BMGs hopeful to be applied in the future. 相似文献
The effects of normal stress/superimposed pressure on the flow/fracture of two different zirconium-based glasses and a hafnium-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) tested at Case Western Reserve University is presented. These results are compared with the pressure sensitivity of the bulk modulus and shear modulus of amorphous metals in the manner previously conducted by Spitzig and Richmond for crystalline metals. Although few experimental results of this nature exist, the data obtained to date reveal minimal normal stress/pressure sensitivity for the BMG examined in this study, consistent with the small pressure dependence of the shear modulus. Comparison with various yield/fracture criteria is also provided. 相似文献
Tin was selected as a modifying element in low-gold-content (50 at.%) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) aiming at developing alloys
with cost-effective performance. New gold-based Au–Sn–Cu–Si alloys were fabricated by injection-casting into a copper mold.
The as-cast BMG Au50Sn6Cu26Si18 with 18.6-karat gold and a diameter of 1 mm possessed a lower glass transition temperature (T
g) of 82°C (355 K), a lower liquid temperature of 330°C (603 K), and a super-cooled liquid region of 31°C. The viscosity range
of this BMG Au50Sn6Cu26Si18 was from 108 to 109 Pa s measured at a low applied stress of 13 kPa. To compare the viscosity with different applied stresses, its viscosity
clearly increased with applied stress below T
g but not so obvious above T
g. The low viscosity of this BMG Au50Sn6Cu26Si18 at around 102°C, which is very close to the boiling temperature of water (100°C), rendered easy thermal–mechanical deformation
in a boiling water-bath by hand-pressing and tweezers-bending. Such a deformation capability in boiling water is beneficial
to the further applications in various fields. 相似文献
The recent research and development on metallic glasses in Taiwan over the past decade is reviewed in this paper. The major focus was to develop tougher bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), bulk metallic glass composites (BMGCs), and thin film metallic glasses (TFMGs), mostly in Zr and Mg based systems. Due to the Taiwan industry characteristics, metallic glasses are favored in the application for micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), including micro- or nano-imprinting for optoelectronic devices and hologram patterns. 相似文献
Compositional inhomogeneity induced by the Soret effect was studied in two Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs): Zr50Cu50 and Zr50Cu40Al10 (at%), and one Cu-based BMG: Cu60Zr30Ti10 (at%), all of which were prepared by rapid solidification. The concentration of Cu increases from the surface to the interior, while the concentrations of Zr, Ti and Al decrease. The magnitude of the Soret effect is found to be highly dependent on the sample size and interactions between the diffusing atoms in bulk metallic glasses. For the Zr50Cu50 alloy, a large sample size favors the Soret effect, because of the longer diffusion time it affords compared to a small sample. Further, the additions of Al and Ti in the Zr–Cu BMGs reduce the magnitude of the Soret effect by the formation of short-range order and/or inter-atomic clusters. 相似文献
Bulk metallic glasses for biomedical applications 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jan Schroers Golden Kumar Thomas M. Hodges Stephen Chan Themis R. Kyriakides 《JOM Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society》2009,61(9):21-29
The selection criteria for biomaterials include the material’s properties and biocompatibility, and the ability to fabricate the desired shapes. Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are relative newcomers in the field of biomaterials but they exhibit an excellent combination of properties and processing capabilities desired for versatile implant applications. To further evaluate the suitability of BMGs for biomedical applications, we analyzed the biological responses they elicited in vitro and in vivo. The BMGs promoted cell adhesion and growth in vitro and induced improved foreign body responses in vivo suggesting their potential use as biomaterials. Because of the BMGs’ flexible chemistry, atomic structure, and surface topography, they offer a unique opportunity to fabricate complex implants and devices with a desirable biological response from a material with superior properties over currently used metallic biomaterials. 相似文献
Recently we developed a family of Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glasses in the Zr–Cu–Fe–Al system. X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analysis measurements demonstrate its good glass-forming ability, and amorphous rods of up to 13 mm in diameter can be produced for the alloy Zr58Cu22Fe8Al12. This new glassy system is potentially very interesting for biomedical applications. Thus we have investigated the effect of surface modification (treatment with nitric acid and oxygen plasma) on the alloy's cytotoxicity and compared it with the results for a Ni-bearing Zr-based bulk metallic glass. The surfaces were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and cytotoxicity was tested by measuring the viability and metabolic activity of mouse fibroblasts. Our results show that the surfaces of the as-cast glasses consist almost exclusively of zirconium oxide, which yields good biocompatibility. With nitric acid treatment this oxide layer can be stabilized further, to the extent that the cytotoxicity becomes as good as that of the non-toxic negative control (polystyrene). 相似文献
Embrittlement of Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 and Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) is studied after annealing at temperatures below and above the glass transition temperature Tg for time scales comparable with structural relaxation and crystallization. The effect of annealing on the bending ductility, the isoconfigurational elastic constants, the structure and the thermal stability is examined. The embrittlement during sub-Tg annealing originates from structural relaxation and can be reversed by subsequently annealing for a short duration above Tg. The embrittlement kinetics correlate with the structural relaxation. However, only a fraction of relaxation time at a given temperature (<Tg) is sufficient to embrittle the BMG significantly. Above Tg, plasticity is retained for annealing far beyond the relaxation time but, instead, embrittlement is caused by crystallization. The magnitude of the decrease in Poisson’s ratio is insufficient to explain the severe embrittlement within the framework of a critical value as previously suggested. 相似文献
The current majority view on the phenomenon of mechanical failure in metallic glasses appears to be that it is caused by the activity of some structural defects, such as free-volumes or shear transformation zones, and the concentration of such defects is small, only of the order of 1%. However, the recent results compel us to revise this view. Through molecular dynamics simulation it has been shown that mechanical failure is the stress-induced glass transition. According to our theory the concentration of the liquid-like sites (defects) is well over 20% at the glass transition. We suggest that the defect concentration in metallic glasses is actually very high, and percolation of such defects causes atomic avalanche and mechanical failure. In this article we discuss the glass transition, mechanical failure and viscosity from such a point of view. 相似文献
Francesco Delogu 《Intermetallics》2011,19(1):86-92
The atomistic behaviour of elastically deformed Ni50Zr50 metallic glasses obtained at different quenching rates was studied by molecular dynamics. Deformation induces the irreversible rearrangement of atomic clusters of various chemical composition. The relative amount of Ni and Zr atoms participating in irreversible rearrangements depends on the quenching rate. The rearrangements are related to the potential energy difference between initial and final cluster configurations, connected in turn with volume effects. The role of local structures was investigated by focusing the attention on icosahedral coordination. The numerical findings indicate that icosahedral clusters become involved in rearrangements only after the average strain has overcome a certain value. Therefore, at small elastic strain only small atomic clusters with spatial organization different from the icosahedral one rearrange. The different involvement in rearrangements of different local structures is tentatively related to apparent local strain. 相似文献
Under stress, bulk metallic glasses irreversibly deform through shear banding processes that manifest as serrated flow behavior. These serration events exhibit a shock-and-aftershock, earthquake-like behavior. Statistical analysis shows that the shear avalanches can self-organize to a critical state (SOC). In analogy to the smooth macroscopic-scale crystalline plasticity that arises from the spatio-temporal averages of disruptive earthquake-like events at the nanometer scale, shear avalanches in glassy metals are another model system that can be used to study SOC behavior. With our understanding of SOC behavior, we further demonstrate how to enhance the plasticity of glassy (brittle) materials. It is expected that the findings can be extended to other glassy or brittle materials. 相似文献