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A new synthesizing method for producing submicron TiC powders was studied by using TiH2 and carbon black powders. It is well known that hydrogen absorption transforms titanium from metal (h.c.p.) to brittle hydride (f.c.c.) powders by ball-milling. This research focused on obtaining submicron-sized TiC powders from the ball-milled mixture of TiH2 and carbon black by thermal treatment. The hydrogen, carbon, iron, and oxygen composition changes in the mixed powders were analyzed. Thereafter, a differential thermal analysis (DTA) test was performed to observe change of phase with ball-milling time. The TiC powders were obtained by heat treating the powders milled for 5h at various temperatures (600–1200°C). The phase microstructure was investigated via DTA, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The mixture milled for 2h had an f.c.t. structure containing 66.73 at. %H transformed to f.c.c. by milling for 4h. After 5h of ball-milling, submicron-sized particles of 273 nm were obtained. At the isothermal heat-treating temperature of 500°C, the Ti single phase was formed completely, and the TiC phase of lattice parameter 0.310 nm was completely formed over the temperature of 1000°C.  相似文献   

化学法制备Al2O3包覆TiH2颗粒发泡剂   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用非均匀成核法 ,以 pH缓冲溶液作沉淀剂 ,研究了Al2 O3 包覆TiH2 粉末的包裹技术。结果表明 ,Al3 浓度对包覆层显微结构有影响 ,当Al3 浓度为 0 .0 5mol/L ,pH值为 4.5时 ,可以获得好的氧化铝前驱体包覆TiH2 颗粒 ,经 35 0℃煅烧可得到均匀、致密的Al2 O3 /TiH2 包覆颗粒。当包覆层厚大于 1.42 μm时 ,Al2 O3 /TiH2 包覆颗粒释放氢气过程被显著地延迟 ,这种延迟效应对泡沫铝制备具有重要的实用价值。采用Al2 O3 /TiH2包覆粉体作为发泡剂 ,成功制备出多孔泡沫铝材料。  相似文献   

An anodized Al2O3 (AAO) membrane with apertures about 72 nm in diameter was prepared by two-step anodic oxidation. The appearance and pore arrangement of the AAO membrane were characterized by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. It was confirmed that the pores with high pore aspect ratio were parallel, well-ordered, and uniform. The kinetics of pores growth in the AAO membrane was derived, and the kinetic models showed that pores stopped developing when the pressure (??) trended to equal the surface tension at the end of anodic oxidation. During pore expansion, the effects of the oxalic acid concentration and expansion time on the pore size were investigated, and the kinetic behaviors were explained with two kinetic models derived in this study. They showed that the pore size increased with extended time (r=G·t+G??), but decreased with increased concentration (r = ?K·lnc-K??) through the derived mathematic formula. Also, the values of G, G??, K, and K?? were derived from our experimental data.  相似文献   

利用氢化钛的氢脆性,在室温下通过高能球磨制备超细氢化钛粉。研究不同球磨条件对粉末粒度和形貌的影响,并对制备的粉末进行了扫描电镜分析。结果表明,球磨时间对粉末粒度的影响很大,粉末粒度在球磨初期迅速减小,球磨2min粉末迅速细化,粒度约为5μm~10μm。粒度为40μm的氢化钛粉,用庚烷保护湿磨30min时粒度达到1μm以下,球磨60min即可制得粒度为0.1μm的超细氢化钛粉。  相似文献   

泡沫铝用SiO2/TiH2包覆型发泡剂的制备   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以硅酸钠(NaSiO3*9H2O)和盐酸(HCl)为原料,采用非均匀形核法,通过控制反应条件可以在氢化钛(TiH2)表面均匀地包覆一层SiO2,作为发泡剂用于泡沫铝的制备.实验结果表明,经过包覆的发泡剂释氢时间可延迟60 s以上.用这种SiO2/TiH2包覆型发泡剂能制备出孔洞均匀的泡沫铝制品.  相似文献   

多层片式PTCR热敏陶瓷注凝成型工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了用注凝成型工艺制备片式PTCR热敏陶瓷.采用PMAA-NH4为分散剂,丙三醇为增塑剂,并加入适量的有机单体AM制备了高固相含量、低粘度的BaTiO3半导瓷浆料,研究了浆料粘度及坯体的性能与浆料固相体积分数、有机单体含量及增塑剂含量之间的关系.研究表明:浆料固相体积分数对坯体的干燥及烧结行为有较大影响,当浆料固相体积分数在45%以上时,可有效避免制品干燥和烧结过程中收缩过大而产生的变形开裂缺陷;当有机单体的质量分数为2%~4%,丙三醇的体积分数为3%~6%时,可获得有一定强度和柔韧性的生坯;研究了注凝成型PTCR陶瓷的微观结构及陶瓷元件的PTCR性能,成功地制备了层数为5、室温电阻为0.8Ω、电阻温度系数为13.40%/℃、升阻比大于105的多层片式PTCR元件.  相似文献   

运用热失重法(TGA)分析研究TiH2的热分解反应性能.在真空条件下,分别以不同的升温速率加热TiH2粉末使之发生热分解,失重开始的温度大致在550~580℃范围内,随升温速率的增加变化不大,略有升高;失重结束的温度,随着升温速率的增加而升高;TiH2的失氢率随升温速率的增加而增加;随着升温速率的增加,TiH2失重所需时间减少.  相似文献   

The wetting behavior of Al–Ge alloys on TiH2 substrates was investigated by an improved sessile drop method under high vacuum and in a temperature range of 773–818 K. Results indicate that the equilibrium contact angles of Al–Ge/TiH2 increase linearly with temperature according to the following formula: θ = 0.2882T ? 85.04, and decrease linearly as the Ge content increases from 25.2% to 36.2% according to the formula: θ = 214 ? 200Ge (wt.%). The worst wetting behavior was obtained for a pure Al/TiH2 system at its foaming temperature (973 K). TiH2 particles were prone to aggregate and were thus difficult to disperse. This could be one of the reasons for closed-cell aluminum foam products having non-uniform pores.  相似文献   

研究TiH 2粉末的高能行星球磨规律,然后使用制备出的球磨粉末开展压制?真空烧结,评价烧结样品的显微组织特征。结果表明,TiH 2粉末的高能球磨可划分为3个基本阶段:球磨初期粉末粒度迅速细化;球磨中期粉末粒度逐步趋向最小极限尺寸,同时粉末粒径的均匀性和分布集中程度明显改善;在球磨的后期,粉末粒径又会发生粗化现象。因此,TiH2粉末的高能行星球磨存在一组最佳的工艺参数。高能球磨会改变TiH2粉末的脱氢特征温度,且粉体的D 50越小,特征温度下降幅度越大,与原料粉末相比,最大差值达83℃。对烧结样品的显微组织分析显示,通过由球磨TiH 2粉末所获得的烧结钛合金的晶粒度得到了显著地细化;当采用优化的工艺开展球磨TiH 2粉末制备时,通过压制和真空烧结可获得平均晶粒度在5μm以下的超细晶钛。  相似文献   

以粒度6和300nm的高纯钨粉级配后与TiH2粉混匀,经冷等静压压制后采用液相烧结制备W-10Ti合金。通过测试合金致密度,利用XRD,SEM及TEM等测试手段,研究了不同钨粉粒度对W-10Ti合金显微组织和相组成的影响。结果表明:全部用6μm钨粉时,制备的W-10Ti合金致密度仅为85%;但组织中W和Ti分布比较均匀,形成相结构相对单一的富W固溶体。全部用300nm钨粉时,合金致密度可达到97%以上,但组织中有较多的富Ti固溶体。采取纳米与微米W粉级配时,级配比越小,W-10Ti合金中富W固溶体含量越多,但致密度越低。级配比为1:2时,致密度可达到95%,且形成相对单一的富W固溶体相。  相似文献   

应用激光引燃自蔓延高温合成技术制备添加TiH2及不添加TiH2的两种Al—Ti-B中间合金。采用X射线衍射仪、电子探针、扫描电镜和差热分析仪等检测两种中间合金的相组成、分布、组织形貌及自蔓延反应热分析过程。结果表明:在合成Al—Ti—B中间合金过程中,TiH2对自蔓延反应具有明显的促进作用,分析认为TiH2受热分解出高活性Ti原子及具有催化作用的H原子,从而降低了自蔓延的反应温度,并改变了TiAl3和TiB2的形态和分布(TiB2的平均直径小于0.5μm),减小了TiB2的聚集倾向。添加TiH2的中间合金组织构成及形貌更适合细化处理,因而其对工业纯铝的细化效果优于不添加TiH2的中间合金。  相似文献   

Porous Ti compacts with large size and complex shape for biomedical applications were fabricated in the porosity range from 40.5% to 53.8% by controlling gelcasting parameters and sintering conditions. The experimental results show that the total porosity and open porosity of porous titanium compacts gelcast from the Ti slurry with 34 vol.% solid loading and sintered at 1100℃ for 1.5 h are 46.5% and 40.7%, respectively, and the mechanical properties are as follows: compressive strength 158.6 MPa and Young's modulus 8.5 GPa, which are similar to those of human cortical bone and appropriate for implanting purpose.  相似文献   

加热氧化处理对TiH2释氢行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过直接集气法和X射线衍射分析,研究了TiH2在空气中加热氧化处理前后的释氢行为.结果表明:经高于450℃空气中加热处理后TiH2于Ar气氛中释氢,TiH1.97和TiH1.92向TiH1.5转变的相变开始温度有明显的升高趋势,表明氧化产物对TiH2有较好的缓释效果;氧化温度对TiH2缓释效果的影响程度明显大于保温时间的影响.TiH2在氧化过程中随温度和保温时间的变化有明显的颜色变化,呈灰色→金绿色→金黄色→紫色→蓝色的变化趋势;颜色的变化不仅表明了氧化产物厚度和相的变化,而且还表明氧化是一个渐进的过程.  相似文献   

利用TiH_2、ZrH_2的脱氢特性,结合粉末冶金方法,将TiH_2、Nb和ZrH_2粉末经混合球磨、压制成形,真空烧制得到Ti-13Nb-13Zr合金,对样品进行金相显微镜、SEM、XRD分析,结果表明:烧结坯体相对密度达到92.2%,合金主要组织为α+β型片状魏氏组织,且在合金形成过程中β稳定元素的Nb发挥作用,使得钛的β相在降温完成后仍稳定存在;α-Ti及α-Zr为六方密排(hcp)结构,β-Ti、Nb及β-Zr同为体心立方(bcc)结构。  相似文献   

分别以海绵钛和电解钛为原材料熔炼TC4钛合金,将熔炼后的铸锭进行热轧,研究两种原材料熔炼的铸锭轧制为TC4轧板后的组织与性能。结果表明,海绵钛TC4热轧板材组织较电解钛晶粒粗大,组织不均匀,而电解钛TC4热轧板材组织为均匀细长、条状交错的α相,呈现出类似网篮组织结构。海绵钛TC4板材的抗拉强度和洛氏硬度明显高于电解钛TC4钛合金板材,而电解钛TC4板材的塑性更好。海绵钛TC4板材的断裂方式为准解理断裂与韧性断裂的复合断裂,而电解钛TC4板材的断裂方式为韧性断裂。  相似文献   

以钛酸四丁酯为原料,采用水解-沉淀法制备TiO2纳米粉体,利用BET、XRD、IR、SEM和激光粒度分析仪等测试手段对制备TiO2粉体晶粒大小、粉体的粒度分布情况等进行了研究,并讨论原料配比,烧成温度,pH值与晶粒大小,物相组成等之间的关系。结果表明:在600°C到800°C之间,TiO2粉体由锐态矿转变为金红石,经800°C加热2h的物相主要为金红石,粉体呈类球形;pH为3.03,n(H2O):n[Ti(C4H9O)4]=30,400°C热处理2h后制备的TiO2粉末晶粒平均尺寸为80nm,粉体的平均粒度为580nm,比表面积为117.2631m2/g。  相似文献   

The vesicant problem during the process of preparing closed-cell aluminum foam by molten body transitional foaming process was discussed and the effect of granularity and addition of TiH2 on porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam was investigated. The static compressive behavior of closed-cell aluminum foam and the influence of porosity on static compressive property of closed-cell aluminum foam were researched as well. The results show that with increasing granularity of TiH2, the porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam firstly increases and then decreases gradually, the granularity should be controlled in the range of 38-74μm which can result in higher porosity. The porosity of closed-cell aluminum foam increases with the increasing addition of TiH2, and the addition of TiH2 should be controlled fi'om 1.5% to 2.5% which can result in homogeneous cell and moderate strength of closed-cell aluminum foam. The compressive process of closed-cell aluminum foam obviously displays linear elastic phase, plastic collapse phase, and densification phase, and the compressive strength grows with decreasing porosity.  相似文献   

利用TiH2粉末膏剂涂覆和在真空下1000或1400℃保温20 min的预处理工艺对反应烧结SiC陶瓷柱进行了表面预处理,再将预处理好的SiC陶瓷柱固定在石墨板上,随后采用金属浇铸工艺制备了一种具有高度陶瓷增强体宏观均匀性、可靠性和可设计性的SiC陶瓷柱阵列增强高铬铸铁复合材料。陶瓷涂层和复合材料界面分析表明:1400℃为较优的SiC表面预处理温度,预处理后SiC表面形成一层可靠的金属性复合层。该复合层在高温浇注过程中不会被溶解,可有效抑制高铬铸铁与SiC陶瓷的界面反应,从而形成无脱层、优良的复合材料陶瓷/金属磨损界面。与该复合材料的金属基体相比,由于SiC陶瓷柱的有效添加,经表面处理后不同陶瓷含量的SiC/高铬铸铁复合材料的耐磨性能均显著提高。  相似文献   

在TA2工业纯钛表面通过搅拌摩擦加工,利用搅拌旋转产生的纯钛表面塑形变形过程使SiC粒子进入材料表面基体组织,实现改善工业纯钛表面硬度及其耐磨性的目的。文章研究了搅拌摩擦加工后TA2工业纯钛显微组织特征,对比分析了TA2工业纯钛加入SiC粒子的搅拌摩擦加工区与未加入SiC粒子的搅拌摩擦加工区摩擦磨损及电化学腐蚀性能。结果表明:TA2工业纯钛表面经加入SiC粒子的搅拌摩擦加工后,SiC粒子被成功加入材料表层基体组织,搅拌加工区晶粒发生了剧烈的塑性变形、破碎,实现加工区组织结构的致密化和细化;经加入SiC粒子的搅拌摩擦加工后TA2工业纯钛抗摩擦磨损性能明显提高,但电化学腐蚀性能有小幅下降。  相似文献   

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